27 research outputs found

    Radio jets in NGC 1068 with e-MERLIN and VLA: structure and morphology

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    We present new high-sensitivity e-MERLIN and VLA radio images of the prototypical Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068 at 5, 10 and 21 GHz. We image the radio jet, from the compact components NE, C, S1 and S2 to the faint double-lobed jet structure of the NE and SW jet lobes. Furthermore, we map the jet between by combining e-MERLIN and VLA data for the first time. Components NE, C and S2 have steep spectra indicative of optically-thin non-thermal emission domination between 5 and 21 GHz. Component S1, which is where the AGN resides, has a flat radio spectrum. We report a new component, S2a, a part of the southern jet. We compare these new data with the MERLIN and VLA data observed in 1983, 1992 and 1995 and report a flux decrease by a factor of 2 in component C, suggesting variability of this jet component. With the high angular resolution e-MERLIN maps, we detect the bow shocks in the NE jet lobe that coincide with the molecular gas outflows observed with ALMA. The NE jet lobe has enough radio power considered to be responsible for driving out the dense molecular gas observed with ALMA around the same region

    Depletion of Trypanosome CTR9 Leads to Gene Expression Defects

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    The Paf complex of Opisthokonts and plants contains at least five subunits: Paf1, Cdc73, Rtf1, Ctr9, and Leo1. Mutations in, or loss of Paf complex subunits have been shown to cause defects in histone modification, mRNA polyadenylation, and transcription by RNA polymerase I and RNA polymerase II. We here investigated trypanosome CTR9, which is essential for trypanosome survival. The results of tandem affinity purification suggested that trypanosome CTR9 associates with homologues of Leo1 and Cdc73; genes encoding homologues of Rtf1 and Paf1 were not found. RNAi targeting CTR9 resulted in at least ten-fold decreases in 131 essential mRNAs: they included several that are required for gene expression and its control, such as those encoding subunits of RNA polymerases, exoribonucleases that target mRNA, RNA helicases and RNA-binding proteins. Simultaneously, some genes from regions subject to chromatin silencing were derepressed, possibly as a secondary effect of the loss of two proteins that are required for silencing, ISWI and NLP1

    Transcriptomes of <i>Trypanosoma brucei</i> rhodesiense from sleeping sickness patients, rodents and culture:Effects of strain, growth conditions and RNA preparation methods

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    All of our current knowledge of African trypanosome metabolism is based on results from trypanosomes grown in culture or in rodents. Drugs against sleeping sickness must however treat trypanosomes in humans. We here compare the transcriptomes of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense from the blood and cerebrospinal fluid of human patients with those of trypanosomes from culture and rodents. The data were aligned and analysed using new user-friendly applications designed for Kinetoplastid RNA-Seq data. The transcriptomes of trypanosomes from human blood and cerebrospinal fluid did not predict major metabolic differences that might affect drug susceptibility. Usefully, there were relatively few differences between the transcriptomes of trypanosomes from patients and those of similar trypanosomes grown in rats. Transcriptomes of monomorphic laboratory-adapted parasites grown in in vitro culture closely resembled those of the human parasites, but some differences were seen. In poly(A)-selected mRNA transcriptomes, mRNAs encoding some protein kinases and RNA-binding proteins were under-represented relative to mRNA that had not been poly(A) selected; further investigation revealed that the selection tends to result in loss of longer mRNAs

    Diversity of Global Rice Markets and the Science Required for Consumer-Targeted Rice Breeding

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    With the ever-increasing global demand for high quality rice in both local production regions and with Western consumers, we have a strong desire to understand better the importance of the different traits that make up the quality of the rice grain and obtain a full picture of rice quality demographics. Rice is by no means a ‘one size fits all’ crop. Regional preferences are not only striking, they drive the market and hence are of major economic importance in any rice breeding / improvement strategy. In this analysis, we have engaged local experts across the world to perform a full assessment of all the major rice quality trait characteristics and importantly, to determine how these are combined in the most preferred varieties for each of their regions. Physical as well as biochemical characteristics have been monitored and this has resulted in the identification of no less than 18 quality trait combinations. This complexity immediately reveals the extent of the specificity of consumer preference. Nevertheless, further assessment of these combinations at the variety level reveals that several groups still comprise varieties which consumers can readily identify as being different. This emphasises the shortcomings in the current tools we have available to assess rice quality and raises the issue of how we might correct for this in the future. Only with additional tools and research will we be able to define directed strategies for rice breeding which are able to combine important agronomic features with the demands of local consumers for specific quality attributes and hence, design new, improved crop varieties which will be awarded success in the global market

    Serum biochemical parameters and cytokine profiles associated with natural African trypanosome infections in cattle.

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    BACKGROUND: Animal African trypanosomiasis (AAT) greatly affects livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. In Ghana prevalence of AAT is estimated to range between 5 and 50%. Studies have reported serum biochemical aberrations and variability in cytokine profiles in animals during infection. However, information regarding the biochemical parameters and cytokine profiles associated with natural infections are limited. This study was therefore aimed at investigating changes in the levels of serum biochemical parameters and inflammatory cytokines during a natural infection. METHODS: Nested internal transcribed spacer (ITS)-based PCR and sequencing were used to characterise trypanosome infection in cattle at two areas in Ghana (Adidome and Accra) of different endemicities. The cattle were sampled at four to five-week intervals over a period of six months. Levels of serum biochemical parameters, including creatinine, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), total bilirubin and total protein and cytokines (interleukin 10, interleukin 4, interleukin 12, interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha) were measured in serum samples and then compared between infected cattle and uninfected controls. RESULTS: The predominant trypanosome species detected in Accra (non-endemic) and Adidome (endemic) were Trypanosoma theileri and Trypanosoma vivax, respectively. Serum biochemical parameters were similar between infected and uninfected cattle in Accra. Infected cattle at Adidome however, had significantly higher levels of ALP, creatinine, total protein and total bilirubin (P < 0.05) and significantly lower levels of cholesterol (P < 0.05) at specific time points. At basal levels and during infection, significantly higher pro-inflammatory to anti-inflammatory (Th1/Th2) cytokine ratios were observed in cattle at Adidome compared to Accra (P < 0.05), indicating a shift towards Th1 immune response in Adidome. Levels of IL-10 were, however, significantly elevated in infected cattle in Accra (P < 0.05), suggesting high anti-inflammatory cytokine response in Accra. CONCLUSION: These results suggests that cattle in an endemic area repeatedly infected with trypanosomes of different species or different antigenic types demonstrate high pro-inflammatory (Th1) immune response and biochemical alterations whereas cattle in a non-endemic area with predominantly chronic T. theileri infections demonstrate high anti-inflammatory response and no biochemical alterations

    Quality evaluation of some rice cultivars grown in Ghana

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    Ten cultivars of locally grown rice were screened for yield and other desirable agronomic characteristics. Their milling characteristics were evaluated by dehusking in a Satake (THU-34A) Testing Rice Husker and polishing in a BSO8A Single Pass Rice Pearler. The physical quality and proximate composition of the cultivars were determined. Cooking characteristics and sensory evaluation were carried out on the samples. Varieties B-189 and IR-72 had the highest average yields. Variety IR-66 had the shortest growth duration with IR-72 recording the lowest plant height. Akpafu variety had good milling characteristics, that is, low level brokens with ITA-304 being most susceptible to breakage. Variaty TOX-3108 had the highest overall cooking and sensory acceptability rating with Akpafu being the least acceptable. The suitability of each variety for various local dishes was also evaluated. Whilst B-189 was good for all local dishes, Akpafu was found to be best (Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, 1996, 29(2): 53-58

    Effect of improved parboiling methods on the physical and cooked grain characteristics of rice varieties in Benin

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    The efficiency of traditional, intermediate and improved parboilers was compared through their effects on certain physical and cooking quality traits. Two varieties (NERICA 4 and Gambiaka) commonly cultivated and consumed in Benin were used. Results showed that the traditional parboiler had the highest level of heat-damaged grains (90%) with the improved equipment having the least (17%). The improved and intermediate parboiling technology produced grains of comparable hardness (4 kg and 6 kg, respectively, for Gambiaka and NERICA 4) while the traditional method resulted in a sample with the least hardness for both Gambiaka (4 kg) and NERICA 4 (3 kg). The improved method and the intermediate technology using wooden sticks at the bottom of the vessel had higher water uptake (2.97 ml/grain) and grain swelling ratios (5.41) as compared to the traditional and intermediate methods using a container with a perforated bottom