7 research outputs found

    Modelovanie mechanizmu s paralelnou kinematickou štruktúrou v softvéri Matlab/Simulink

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    The article deals with the preparation of simulation model of mechanism with parallel kinematic structure called hexapod as an electro-mechanical system in software MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation model is composed from functional blocks represented each part of mechanism’s kinematic structure with certain properties. The results should be used for further simulation of its behaviour as well as for generating of control algorithms for real functional prototype.Článok sa zaoberá modelovaním mechanizmu s paralelnou kinematickou štruktúrou nazývaného hexapod ako elektromechanického systému v prostredí softvéru MATLAB/Simulink. Simulačný model je zložený z funkčných blokov, ktoré predstavujú jednotlivé časti kinematickej štruktúry mechanizmu s určitými vlastnosťami. Výsledky môžu byť použité pre budúcu simuláciu jeho správanie, ako aj pre generovanie riadiacich algoritmov pre reálny funkčný prototyp

    Erstellung eines Systems zur zweidimensionalen Vermessung des Antennenfeldes einer im Fahrzeug verbauten 24 GHz Radarsensorik

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    Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der zweidimensionalen Vermessung einer im Fahrzeug verbauten 24 GHz Radarsensorik der Firma Hella KGaA Hueck & Co. Die Sensorik ist ein Fahrerassistenzsystem und wird als Spurwechselassistent bezeichnet. Dieser überwacht den hinteren Fahrzeugbereich und warnt den Fahrzeugführer über optische und akustische Signale, bei Entstehung von Gefahrensituationen. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Erstellung eines Messstandes zur Erfassung von Verfor-mungseffekten der Abstrahlleistungsverteilung der im Fahrzeug verbauten Radarsensorik. Sie ist besonders, durch im Nahfeld der Radarsensorik verbauter Autoteile, wie Stoßfänger, verformungsempfindlich

    The mould for production of plastic spout cap with internal thread by injection moulding

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    The main aim of this article is the mould design for production of plastic spout cap with inner thread by injection moulding technology. There are described the basic steps of whole design process with respect to fulfil all technology and functionality requirements. The application of hot runner system as well as hybrid ejection system based on rotary cores and stripper plate can be considered as the main innovative features of the designed mould. The mould flow analysis was carried out for the functionality demonstration

    Modelling and Simulation of Machine Tool Prototype with 6DOF Parallel Mechanism in Matlab / Simulink

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    The article deals with the preparation of simulation model of mechanism with parallel kinematic structure called hexapod as an electro-mechanical system in software MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation model is composed from functional blocks represented each part of mechanism’s kinematic structure with certain properties. The results should be used for further simulation of its behaviour as well as for generating of control algorithms for real functional prototype

    Modelling and Simulation of Machine Tool Prototype with 6DOF Parallel Mechanism in Matlab / Simulink

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    The article deals with the preparation of simulation model of mechanism with parallel kinematic structure called hexapod as an electro-mechanical system in software MATLAB/Simulink. The simulation model is composed from functional blocks represented each part of mechanism’s kinematic structure with certain properties. The results should be used for further simulation of its behaviour as well as for generating of control algorithms for real functional prototype

    The landscape of genomic alterations across childhood cancers

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