69 research outputs found

    Philosophie des HipHop: Performen, was an der Zeit ist

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    In Gesprächen, mit Texten, Songs, Kommentaren und durch spontane Assoziationen loten Philosoph*innen und Rapper*innen (Megaloh, Sookee, Spax u.a.) miteinander aus, was Philosophie des HipHop heißt. Dabei geht es um lebendiges Philosophieren. Philosophieren im Sinne des HipHop verlangt, sich selbst aktiv einzubringen. Eigene Gedanken blitzen auf in der Konfrontation mit den Gedanken anderer. Authentizität bzw. Realness und Kreativität: das sind die Leitwerte des HipHop. Philosophie des HipHop bedeutet nicht talking philosophy, sondern doing philosophy, und zwar in der Auseinandersetzung mit den Herausforderungen der Gegenwart. Philosophie des HipHop heißt: Performen, was an der Zeit ist

    Philosophie des HipHop

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    Philosophers and rappers jointly explore in discussions, texts, songs, comments and spontaneous associations what philosophy of hip-hop means, the focus being on living philosophyzing. Philosophyzing in the sense of hip-hop requires getting personally involved. What is dreaded is not amateurism but copying the thoughts of others. In the confrontation with the thoughts of others, your own thoughts flash through your head. Authenticity, respectively realness and creativity: These are the ethical values of hip-hop. The philosophy of hip-hop does not mean talking philosophy but doing philosophy – namely when facing the challenges of modern life. The philosophy of hip-hop means performing what's happening


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    FASHWAVE Fashwave / Jäger, Lukas (Rights reserved) ( -

    Antisemitismus in der Popkultur

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    ANTISEMITISMUS IN DER POPKULTUR Antisemitismus in der Popkultur / Kappl, Eva (Rights reserved) ( -

    Self-Rated Health Predicts Healthcare Utilization in Heart Failure

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    BACKGROUND: Heart failure (HF) patients experience impaired functional status, diminished quality of life, high utilization of healthcare resources, and poor survival. Yet, the identification of patient-centered factors that influence prognosis is lacking. METHODS AND RESULTS: We determined the association of 2 measures of self-rated health with healthcare utilization and skilled nursing facility (SNF) admission in a community cohort of 417 HF patients prospectively enrolled between October 2007 and December 2010 from Olmsted County, MN. Patients completed a 12-item Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). Low self-reported physical functioning was defined as a score ≤ 25 on the SF-12 physical component. The first question of the SF-12 was used as a measure of self-rated general health. After 2 years, 1033 hospitalizations, 1407 emergency department (ED) visits, and 19,780 outpatient office visits were observed; 87 patients were admitted to a SNF. After adjustment for confounding factors, an increased risk of hospitalizations (1.52 [1.17 to 1.99]) and ED visits (1.48 [1.04 to 2.11]) was observed for those with low versus moderate-high self-reported physical functioning. Patients with poor and fair self-rated general health also experienced an increased risk of hospitalizations (poor: 1.73 [1.29 to 2.32]; fair: 1.46 [1.14 to 1.87]) and ED visits (poor: 1.73 [1.16 to 2.56]; fair: 1.48 [1.13 to 1.93]) compared with good-excellent self-rated general health. No association between self-reported physical functioning or self-rated general health with outpatient visits and SNF admission was observed. CONCLUSION: In community HF patients, self-reported measures of physical functioning predict hospitalizations and ED visits, indicating that these patient-reported measures may be useful in risk stratification and management in HF

    Grip strength predicts cardiac adverse events in patients with cardiac disorders: an individual patient pooled meta-analysis

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    Objective: Grip strength is a well-characterised measure of weakness and of poor muscle performance, but there is a lack of consensus on its prognostic implications in terms of cardiac adverse events in patients with cardiac disorders. Methods: Articles were searched in PubMed, Cochrane Library, BioMed Central and EMBASE. The main inclusion criteria were patients with cardiac disorders (ischaemic heart disease, heart failure (HF), cardiomyopathies, valvulopathies, arrhythmias); evaluation of grip strength by handheld dynamometer; and relation between grip strength and outcomes. The endpoints of the study were cardiac death, all-cause mortality, hospital admission for HF, cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and myocardial infarction (MI). Data of interest were retrieved from the articles and after contact with authors, and then pooled in an individual patient meta-analysis. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression was performed to define predictors of outcomes. Results: Overall, 23 480 patients were included from 7 studies. The mean age was 62.3±6.9 years and 70% were male. The mean follow-up was 2.82±1.7 years. After multivariate analysis grip strength (difference of 5 kg, 5× kg) emerged as an independent predictor of cardiac death (OR 0.84, 95% CI 0.79 to 0.89, p<0.0001), all-cause death (OR 0.87, 95% CI 0.85 to 0.89, p<0.0001) and hospital admission for HF (OR 0.88, 95% CI 0.84 to 0.92, p<0.0001). On the contrary, we did not find any relationship between grip strength and occurrence of MI or CVA. Conclusion: In patients with cardiac disorders, grip strength predicted cardiac death, all-cause death and hospital admission for HF. Trial registration number: CRD42015025280

    Auditory temporal processing in healthy aging: a magnetoencephalographic study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Impaired speech perception is one of the major sequelae of aging. In addition to peripheral hearing loss, central deficits of auditory processing are supposed to contribute to the deterioration of speech perception in older individuals. To test the hypothesis that auditory temporal processing is compromised in aging, auditory evoked magnetic fields were recorded during stimulation with sequences of 4 rapidly recurring speech sounds in 28 healthy individuals aged 20 – 78 years.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The decrement of the N1m amplitude during rapid auditory stimulation was not significantly different between older and younger adults. The amplitudes of the middle-latency P1m wave and of the long-latency N1m, however, were significantly larger in older than in younger participants.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results of the present study do not provide evidence for the hypothesis that auditory temporal processing, as measured by the decrement (short-term habituation) of the major auditory evoked component, the N1m wave, is impaired in aging. The differences between these magnetoencephalographic findings and previously published behavioral data might be explained by differences in the experimental setting between the present study and previous behavioral studies, in terms of speech rate, attention, and masking noise. Significantly larger amplitudes of the P1m and N1m waves suggest that the cortical processing of individual sounds differs between younger and older individuals. This result adds to the growing evidence that brain functions, such as sensory processing, motor control and cognitive processing, can change during healthy aging, presumably due to experience-dependent neuroplastic mechanisms.</p

    VEGF und Flt-1 als Prognosefaktoren bei neoadjuvant behandelten, lokal fortgeschrittenen nicht-kleinzelligen Lungentumoren

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    VEGF u. Flt-1 wurden hinsichtlich ihrer therapeutischen und prognostischen Relevanz an Lungentumoren im Stadium III untersucht. Vor u. nach Therapie gewonnenes Gewebe von neoadjuvant behandelten Patienten mit einem nicht-kleinzelligen bösartigen Lungentumor wurde mittels poly- und monoklonaler Antikörper nach der APAAP-Methode auf ihre VEGF- u. Flt-1-Expression untersucht. Der Vergleich der VEGF-Expression unter dem monoklonalen Antikörper ergab bei den klinischen Parametern keinen signifikanten Unterschied. VEGF-negative Tumoren waren signifikant häufiger in der für das Überleben günstigeren Gruppe mit den Regressionsgraden IIb/III einzuordnen u. hatten signifikant längere Überlebenszeiten. Die geringe Spezifität des polyklonalen VEGF-Antikörpers erlaubte keine Auswertung. Die Auswertung der Flt-1-Expression ergab kein signifikantes Ergebnis. Die immunhistochemisch ermittelte VEGF-Expression konnte als möglicher Prognosefaktor für bessere Überlebenszeiten der Patienten ermittelt werden

    Hemisphärenunterschiede in der zeitlichen Auflösung der auditorischen Verarbeitung von Sprachstimuli bei Probanden mit typischer und atypischer Sprachdominanz:eine Studie mit Magnetoenzephalographie

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    Sprachverständnis setzt ein gutes auditorisches Diskriminationsvermögen voraus. Unterschiedliche Auflösungsfähigkeiten der auditorischen Kortizes könnten die Grundlage für die Variabilität der Sprachdominanz sein. Wir untersuchten mittels der Magnetoenzephalographie die Kurzzeitadaptation für Sprachstimuli von linkssprachdominanten Rechtshändern (LD), rechtssprachdominanten Probanden gemischter Händigkeit und an diese Gruppe angepasste gemischthändige linkssprachdominante Probanden. Die LD-Gruppe zeigte im auditorischen Kortex eine Dominanz der linken Hemisphäre, die übrigen Gruppen ein seitensymmetrisches Antwortverhalten. Rechtssprachdominante Probanden zeigten also kein gespiegeltes Antwortverhalten mit einer Dominanz des rechten auditorischen Kortex. Unabhängig von der Seite der Sprachdominanz unterschieden sich Links- von Rechtshändern. Die Händigkeit scheint also enger mit der neuronalen Organisation für die auditorische Verarbeitung gekoppelt zu sein als die Sprachdominanz
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