6 research outputs found

    Impact of non-adherence to radiotherapy on 1-year survival in cancer patients in Catalonia, Spain

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    Background: This study aims to assess the effects of non-adherence to external beam radiation therapy in cancer patients receiving treatment with a curative. Methods: This retrospective cohort study collected health records data for all cancer patients treated with external beam radiotherapy with curative intent in 2016 in Catalonia, Spain. Adherence was defined as having received at least 90% of the total dose prescribed. A logistic regression model was used to assess factors related to non-adherence, and its association with one-year survival was evaluated using Cox regression. Results: The final sample included 8721 patients (mean age 63.6 years): breast cancer was the most common tumour site (38.1%), followed by prostate and colon/rectum. Treatment interruptions prolonged the total duration of therapy in 70.7% of the patients, and 1.0% were non-adherent. Non-adherence was associated with advanced age, female gender, and some localization of primary tumour (head and neck, urinary bladder, and haematological cancers). The risk of death in non-adherent patients was higher than in adherent patients (hazard ratio [HR] 1.63, 95% confidence interval 0.97-2.74), after adjusting for the potential confounding effect of age, gender, tumour site and comorbidity. Conclusion: Non-adherence to radiotherapy, as measured by the received dose, is very low in our setting, and it may have an impact on one-year survival

    Intellectual disability, exercise and aging: the IDEA study: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: People with intellectual disabilities (ID) have low levels of physical activity (PA) together with accelerated aging profiles. Adherence to PA interventions for persons with ID is low based on barriers such as motivation. The IDEA study aims to determine the effect of two types of exercise programs, continuous aerobic (CAEP) vs sprint interval training (SIT), designed for seniors with ID on health-related physical fitness, cardiovascular parameters, quality of life (QoL), and emotional and cognitive function. Methods: In this trial, ninety seniors with ID between the ages of 40 and 75 yrs. from occupational health centers from the Autonomous Region of Catalonia (Spain) will be recruited. Participants will be randomly allocated to the CAEP, SIT, and control group. Both intervention groups will train 3 days/week, 1.5 h/day over 6 months. Outcome variables will be assessed at baseline, 6 months and 12 months. The outcome variables include weight, height, body composition, cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, balance, flexibility, cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, pulse-wave velocity, pulse-wave analysis), QoL and cognitive function. The intervention effect will be determined with mixed models with repeated measures to assess changes in the outcome variables over time (baseline to month 12) and between study arms. Relationship between variables will be analyzed with appropriate regression analyses. Discussion: Various studies reported on CAEP and SIT as exercise interventions for persons with ID with beneficial outcomes on body composition, fitness and blood pressure. To our knowledge, this is the first trial designed to analyse the positive changes on fitness, PA levels, cardiovascular, QoL and cognitive function promoted by CAEP training and SIT in seniors with ID. The findings of this study will assist in the development of more effective exercise interventions to ensure better compliance and adherence to exercise in seniors with ID

    Validity of the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire in European Older Adults using English, Spanish, German and Danish versions

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    The main aim of this study was to assess the criterion validity of the Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ) to measure SB in community-dwelling older adults using thigh-measured accelerometry as the criterion method. 801 participants (75.6 ± 6.1 years old, 57.6% females) provided valid thigh-based accelerometer data (activPAL/Axivity) and completed the SBQ. Criterion validity was assessed using Spearman’s Rho coefficients. Bland–Altman plots, including 95% limits of agreement and Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), were used to assess the agreement between self-report and device-measured daily SB time. Strength of the association was examined using multiple linear regression. There was a weak correlation (Rho = 0.25, p < .001) between self-reported and device-based SB measures. The SBQ under-estimated daily SB time compared to accelerometry. Our results highlighted an overall weak-to-moderate correlation between measures, with significant differences between each country’s version. Researchers should be cautious when using the SBQ to provide an estimation of SB time in older adults

    The Biological basis of the aging process

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    El procés biològic bàsic subjacent de l'envelliment va ésser avançat per la teoria de l'envelliment basada en els radicals lliures l'any 1954: la reacció dels radicals lliures actius, produïts fisiològicament en l'organisme, amb els constituents cel·lulars inicia els canvis associats a l'envelliment. La implicació dels radicals lliures en l'envelliment està relacionada amb el seu paper clau en l'origen i l'evolució de la vida. La informació disponible avui en dia ens mostra que la composició específica de les macromolècules cel·lulars (proteïnes, àcids nucleics, lípids i carbohidrats) en les espècies animals longeves tenen intrínsicament una resistència elevada a la modificació oxidativa, la qual cosa probablement contribueix a la longevitat superior d'aquestes espècies. Les espècies longeves també mostren unes taxes reduïdes de producció de radicals lliures i de lesió oxidativa. D'altra banda, la restricció dietària disminueix la producció de radicals lliures i la lesió molecular oxidativa. Aquests canvis estan directament associats a la reducció de la ingesta de proteïnes dels animals sotmesos a restricció, que alhora sembla que són deguts específicament a la reducció de la ingesta de metionina. En aquesta revisió s'emfatitza que una taxa baixa de generació de lesió endògena i una resistència intrínsecament elevada a la modificació de les macromolècules cel·lulars són trets clau de la longevitat de les espècies animals.The basic chemical process underlying aging was first put forward by the free radical theory of aging in 1956; the reaction of active free radicals (normally produced within an organism itself) with cellular constituents initiates the changes associated with aging. The involvement of free radicals in aging is related to their key role in the origin and evolution of life. The specific composition of tissue macromolecules (proteins, nucleic acids, lipids and carbohydrates) in long-lived animal species gives them an intrinsically high resistance to modification that probably contributes to the superior longevity of these species. Long-lived species also show low rates of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and oxidative damage to their mitochondria. Dietary restriction further decreases mitochondrial ROS production and oxidative molecular damage due to the decreased intake of dietary proteins. These effects of protein restriction seem to be specifically due to the lowered methionine intake of protein and dietary restricted animals. Both a low rate of generation of endogenous damage and an intrinsically high resistance to the modification of tissue macromolecules are key traits of animal longevity