691 research outputs found

    Small Universal Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections

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    In this paper, we present some results regarding the size complexity of Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections (ANEPFCs). We show that there are universal ANEPFCs of size 10, by devising a method for simulating 2-Tag Systems. This result significantly improves the known upper bound for the size of universal ANEPFCs which is 18. We also propose a new, computationally and descriptionally efficient simulation of nondeterministic Turing machines by ANEPFCs. More precisely, we describe (informally, due to space limitations) how ANEPFCs with 16 nodes can simulate in O(f(n)) time any nondeterministic Turing machine of time complexity f(n). Thus the known upper bound for the number of nodes in a network simulating an arbitrary Turing machine is decreased from 26 to 16

    Upper Bounds on the Length of Minimal Solutions to Certain Quadratic Word Equations

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    It is a long standing conjecture that the problem of deciding whether a quadratic word equation has a solution is in NP. It has also been conjectured that the length of a minimal solution to a quadratic equation is at most exponential in the length of the equation, with the latter conjecture implying the former. We show that both conjectures hold for some natural subclasses of quadratic equations, namely the classes of regular-reversed, k-ordered, and variable-sparse quadratic equations. We also discuss a connection of our techniques to the topic of unavoidable patterns, and the possibility of exploiting this connection to produce further similar results

    The Hardness of Solving Simple Word Equations

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    We investigate the class of regular-ordered word equations. In such equations, each variable occurs at most once in each side and the order of the variables occurring in both left and right hand sides is preserved (the variables can be, however, separated by potentially distinct constant factors). Surprisingly, we obtain that solving such simple equations, even when the sides contain exactly the same variables, is NP-hard. By considerations regarding the combinatorial structure of the minimal solutions of the more general quadratic equations we obtain that the satisfiability problem for regular-ordered equations is in NP. The complexity of solving such word equations under regular constraints is also settled. Finally, we show that a related class of simple word equations, that generalises one-variable equations, is in P

    Removal of turbidity and organic load from surface water by coagulation-flotation

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    The aim of this study is to monitor comparatively and operationally two drinking water treatment flows, a new based on flotation unit using prehydrolyzed aluminium coagulation agent in comparison with settling based on the conventional technological flow using aluminium sulphate coagulation agent. The new proposed and introduced flow exhibited greater drinking water treatment performance under the conditions of raw surface water characterized by low and medium loading in terms of turbidity and organic load. The new proposed technological flow allowed that all studied parameters characteristics to the drinking water for treated water to meet the requirements imposed by the legislative norms

    Unary patterns under permutations

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    Thue characterized completely the avoidability of unary patterns. Adding function variables gives a general setting capturing avoidance of powers, avoidance of patterns with palindromes, avoidance of powers under coding, and other questions of recent interest. Unary patterns with permutations have been previously analysed only for lengths up to 3. Consider a pattern p=πi1(x)…πir(x)p=\pi_{i_1}(x)\ldots \pi_{i_r}(x), with r≥4r\geq 4, xx a word variable over an alphabet Σ\Sigma and πij\pi_{i_j} function variables, to be replaced by morphic or antimorphic permutations of Σ\Sigma. If ∣Σ∣≥3|\Sigma|\ge 3, we show the existence of an infinite word avoiding all pattern instances having ∣x∣≥2|x|\geq 2. If ∣Σ∣=3|\Sigma|=3 and all πij\pi_{i_j} are powers of a single morphic or antimorphic π\pi, the length restriction is removed. For the case when π\pi is morphic, the length dependency can be removed also for ∣Σ∣=4|\Sigma|=4, but not for ∣Σ∣=5|\Sigma|=5, as the pattern xπ2(x)π56(x)π33(x)x\pi^2(x)\pi^{56}(x)\pi^{33}(x) becomes unavoidable. Thus, in general, the restriction on xx cannot be removed, even for powers of morphic permutations. Moreover, we show that for every positive integer nn there exists NN and a pattern πi1(x)…πin(x)\pi^{i_1}(x)\ldots \pi^{i_n}(x) which is unavoidable over all alphabets Σ\Sigma with at least NN letters and π\pi morphic or antimorphic permutation

    Local Patterns

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    A pattern is a word consisting of constants from an alphabet Sigma of terminal symbols and variables from a set X. Given a pattern alpha, the decision-problem whether a given word w may be obtained by substituting the variables in alpha for words over Sigma is called the matching problem. While this problem is, in general, NP-complete, several classes of patterns for which it can be efficiently solved are already known. We present two new classes of patterns, called k-local, and strongly-nested, and show that the respective matching problems, as well as membership can be solved efficiently for any fixed k

    Green and sustainable public procurement—an instrument for nudging consumer behavior. A case study on romanian green public agriculture across different sectors of activity

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    Green Public Procurement (GPP) became an efficient instrument to achieve the objectives of environmental policy expressed by the European Commission in its Communications. At the same time, it must be addressed by the public authorities as a complex process, in which all purchased goods and services must integrate perfectly into an entire puzzle-like system of legislation, the construction field, innovation, healthcare, food, and education. Scientific references published in the Web of Science (WoS) mainly between 2017 and 2020 were investigated, and they analyze the implications of green public procurement in various fields, as presented by scientific communities. This article brings as a novelty in this context the identification of some barriers in the adoption of these processes, so that they can be overcome. Based on good practices and international standards and trends, the article shows how aspects related to the implementation of green procurement in society can be taken into account. In the second stage, we added a case study on Romanian green agriculture and discussions regarding inter-correlation between different fields and GPP.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Subsequences with Gap Constraints: Complexity Bounds for Matching and Analysis Problems

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    Altercentric bias in preverbal infants memory

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    Human infants would seem to face a daunting challenge in selecting what they should attend, encode and remember. We investigated whether early in life, infants might use others’ attention as an exploitable source of information filtering, by prioritizing the encoding of events that are co-witnessed with someone else over events witnessed alone. In a series of studies (n=255), we show that infants who can otherwise remember an object’s location, misremembered the object where another agent had seen it, even if infants themselves had subsequently seen the object move somewhere else. With further exploratory analyses, we also found that infants’ attention to the agent rather than the object seems to drive their memory for the object’s location. This series points to an initial encoding bias that likely facilitates information selection but which can, under some circumstances, lead to predictable memory errors
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