172 research outputs found

    “A Proverb a Day Keeps Boredom Away.” Anti-Proverbs, Twisted Proverbs, Perverbs and Other Animals

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    What hides behind such mysterious terms as perverbs, anti-, quasi-, and twisted proverbs? What is their status in modern paremiology? Do bona fide proverbs influence their modified versions or vice versa? Do modified proverbs belong to the proverbial family or are they completely distinct linguistic formations? These are some of the many que,stions concerning perverbs, anti-, quasi- and twisted proverbs, ubiquitous nowadays in newspapers, advertisements, cartoons, or health campaigns. As an illustration, the present paper deals with such sayings as No body is perfect; An onion a day keeps everyone away; Man proposes, mother-in-law opposes; He who laughs last, thinks slowest; Where there is a will, there is a war and others. By providing a glimpse into the goldmine of stylistic and conceptual devices used in their creation, this paper attempts to unveil the mechanisms that contribute to the emergence of the novel meanings found in modified proverbs

    Why Money Cannot Buy Happiness. The Painful Truth about Traditional Proverbs and Their Modifications

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    Can one imagine language without proverbs? Do we really need these somewhat clichéd adages like An apple a day keeps a doctor away, Once bitten, twice shy, or Crime doesn’t pay? Are they still influential, or perhaps modern society should give them a new lease of life? This paper aims to reveal the “painful truth” behind traditional proverbs and especially their modified versions. Leading paremiologists (Wolfgang Mieder, Nihada Delibegović Džanic, Anna Litovkina) introduce a number of terms in reference to the latter, and so this study discusses the etymology and the semantic import of such labels as anti-proverbs, twisted proverbs, quasi-proverbs, and pseudo-proverbs. However, its basic aim is to propose a classification of modified proverbs based on a number of examples, such as Man proposes, mother-in-law opposes; A good beginning is half the bottle; Crime pays – be a lawyer; A new broom sweeps clean, but the old one knows the corners, and many others. Finally, based on Ronald Langacker’s conception of the profile-base distinction, deriving from the figure-ground alignment, this paper makes an attempt to prove the necessary link between traditional proverbs and their innovative modifications.


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    The present investigation examined whether children categorized as fast responders on a visual discrimination task, the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT; Kagan, Rosman, Day, Albert, & Phillips, 1964), show significant differences in various aspects of reading performance (i.e., speed, comprehension, accuracy, self-corrections) from children categorized as slow responders. Hypotheses were formulated from the research of Bakker (1973). Twenty male and twenty female children were selected from regular grades two, four, and six if their mean reaction time on the MFFT fell either above or below .5 S.D. of the means contained in the MFFT normative data (Salkind, 1978). Reading performance was assessed by the WRAT-\u2778, Durrell, and Slingerland measures. The covariate of intelligence was assessed by verbal and nonverbal subtests of the WISC. The results of the 2 x 2 x 3 (MFFT Speed x Sex x Grade) MANOVA design (N = 120, n = 10 per cell) indicated that only main effects for sex and grade were significant (p \u3c .05) for the overall dependent reading measures. A significant interaction effect for MFFT speed and sex allowed for the study of the simple effect for MFFT speed. The results of the ANCOVAs and further analyses supported the hypotheses that fast responders make more reading addition errors and reading omission errors than slow responders and that fast responders do not differ from slow responders in reading comprehension and word recognition proficiency scores. Differences in reading speed scores obtained from fast and slow responders were not supported. A study of developmental and sex differences indicated that: significant differences in reading performance between fast and slow responders were found only for the boys; where significant differences occurred, the boys whether fast or slow responders always obtained poorer reading scores than the girls; significant differences between fast boys, fast girls, slow boys, and slow girls were found mostly at the grade four level; fast responders make more addition errors than slow responders at grades four and six and more omission errors at grade six. The results were discussed within a neuropsychological perspective (Bakker, 1973) with reference made to sex differences and to the developmental nature of reading behaviour. Previous research findings on the MFFT were discussed in light of the present findings.Dept. of Psychology. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1981 .M253. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 42-10, Section: B, page: 4198. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1981

    Edgar Sukiennik, Jezuici w Świętej Lipce, Wydawnictwo Kontrast, Święta Lipka–Warszawa 2023, s. 272

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    Державний податковий менеджмент: теоретичний аспект

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    досліджено сутність та особливості визначення державного податкового менеджменту; визначено мету, об’єкт, предмет та суб’єктів державного податкового менеджменту; обґрунтовано перелік функцій державного податкового менеджментуНауковий керівник: доцент, к.е.н. Цимбалюк Ірина Олександрівн

    Indicator of microcrystallization of saliva in 7-12 years old children

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    Studying the mineralizing properties of the oral fluid is important, since the mineralizing ability of the oral fluid affects the condition of the hard tissues of the teeth, that is, the acid resistance of the enamel, the decrease of which leads to demineralization with further progression of the carious process

    Pojednanie polsko-niemieckie w wizji kardynała Bolesława Kominka

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    Celem opracowania jest przybliżenie postaci kardynała Bolesława Kominka, arcybiskupa-metropolity wrocławskiego, jako wielkiego orędownika pojednania polsko-niemieckiego. Jako duszpasterz górnośląski doskonale czuł dusze tak polskiego jak i niemieckiego narodu. Jako arcypasterz wrocławski konsekwentnie dążył do zbliżenia narodu polskiego i niemieckiego w duchu pojednania i chrześcijańskiego przebaczenia. Jego konsekwentna działalność doprowadziła do uznania granicy na Odrze i Nysie oraz uznania polskiej administracji kościelnej na Ziemiach Zachodnich i Północnych. Niewątpliwie był on jednam z głównych twórców idei zjednoczonej Europy