92,166 research outputs found

    Reviving a Culture of Life in America

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    Hukum Mandi Wiladah dan Keengganan Masyarakat Desa Gunung Manaon Kecamatan Barumun Tengah Kabupaten Padang Lawas (Analisis Mazhab Syafi’i)

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “HUKUM MANDI WILADAH DAN PEMAHAMAN MASYARAKAT DESA GUNUNG MANAON KECAMATAN BARUMUN TENGAH KABUPATEN PADANG LAWAS (ANALISIS MAZHAB SYAFI’I)”. Mandi wiladah adalah hal yang wajib dilaksanakan setiap wanita pasca melahirkan, walaupun yang dilahirkan itu hanya segumpal darah atau daging. Alasannya, karena setiap “anak” yang lahir merupakan sperma yang menggumpal. Menurut Imam Syafi’i wanita yang melahirkan anak atau keguguran ia wajib mandi. Ini karena dikiaskan kepada mani. Sementara itu Masyarakat Desa Gunung Manaon tidak pernah melaksanakan mandi wiladah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap tentang hukum mandi wiladah dan pemahaman masyarakat Desa Gunung Manaon. Dengan pendekatan konseptual sosiologi, skripsi ini menggambarkan beberapa data yang diperoleh dilapangan, baik dengan wawancar, observasi, maupun dokumentasi sebagai metode pengumpulan data. Kemudian dilanjutkan pada proses editing dan analisis. Selain itu proses analisis tersebut juga didukung dengan pendapat Mazhab Syafi’i sebagai referensi untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari lapangan. Sehingga dengan proses semacam itu, dapat diperoleh kesimpulan sebagai jawaban pertanyaan di atas. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Masyarakat Desa Gunung Manaon tidak pernah melaksanakan mandi wiladah, mereka hanya melaksanakan mandi biasa pasca melahirkan dan mandi nifas setelah darah nifas bersih. Dari dua belas (12) orang yang penuliswawancaraihanyasatu (1) orang yang melaksanakanmandiwiladah.Beliau beranggapan bahwa masyarakat lainnya sudah mengetahui tentang mandi wiladah ini, karena mandi wiladah adalah bagian dasar dalam thaharah, sehingga beliau tidak kefikiran untuk menyampaikan tentang mandi wiladah ini kepada masyarakat lainnya. Dari pandangan Mazhab Syafi’i yang menyatakan bahwa wajib melaksanakan mandi wiladah pasca melahirkan, maka Masyarakat Desa Gunung Manaon Kecamatan Barumun Tengah Kabupaten Padang Lawas sudah menyalahi hukum, karena tidak pernah melaksanakan mandi wiladah dan tidak mencari tau lebih dalam tentang mandi wiladah


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    Abstract Mandi merupakan aktivitas rutin yang memiliki arti penting didalam kehidupan. Selain membersihkan badan, mandi juga bertujuan untuk menghilangkan bau, debu, serta memelihara kesehatan. Jaman globalisasi seperti sekarang, masih bisa kita jumpai dibeberapa pedesaan, sungai sebagai tempat orang-orang untuk membersihkan badan. Selain airnya yang belum tercemar, mandi disungai memberikan nuansa yang berbeda dari beberapa tempat permandian yang ada. Melalui fenomena diatas penata mencoba mentranspormasikan suatu komposisi musik kontemporer dimana menitik beratkan pada permainan ritma, tempo, dan dinamika, yang tidak lepas juga dari unsur-unsur estetika (keindahan) yang memberikan pemahamaan tentang bagaimana cara mewujudkan suatu garapan yang bisa dinikmati oleh para pecinta musik kontemporer

    From critical to CALM: The development and implementation of a brief unified mindfulness workshop for college students

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    Dramatic rises in levels of anxiety, stress, and depression in college students have been observed over the past decade and is so pervasive that it has been deemed the College Student Mental Health Crisis (CSMHC). A number of experts have argued that much of this crisis can be attributed to students’ overall lack of basic knowledge of emotions and adaptive emotional processing. To address this problem, this study sought out to develop a brief mindfulness workshop as an intervention for college students to help increase student well-being, decrease anxious and depressive symptomology, and allow for material to be easily internalized. In this study, 67 total participants, all of whom were college students at James Madison University, completed a mindfulness workshop entitled, From Critical to CALM: A Guided Mindfulness Workshop. Stages of this study included the following: 1) Participant recruitment; 2) Conduct the pre-intervention assessment of participants using the Henriques-10 Well-Being Questionnaire (H10WB), the CORE Outcome Measure (CORE-OM), and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scale; 3) Conduct the workshop; 4) directly after each workshop, administer a brief “Quiz” to assess the knowledge participants obtained as well as a satisfaction survey; and 5) Conduct the post-intervention assessment of all remaining participants using the same pre-intervention measures along with one qualitative question asking participants to indicate what concept(s)/idea(s) from the workshop they remember learning. Students’ satisfaction of the workshop overall was high and the vast majority of them reported that they would likely use the workshop’s strategies in the future. Two to three weeks after the workshop, students also retained at least some of the key knowledge elements from the workshop. Test-retest results for this study found statistically signficant change in students’ well-being, as indicated by the H10WB. A positive trend on the GAD was also found, but there was no change found on the CORE-OM. Due to the limitations of this study, the results are not able to be effectively interpreted to determine causation. However, given the nature and brief time of the intervention, these results were deemed as encouraging. Further development of the workshop and adjustments to the study will need to be performed to determine if, indeed, the workshop may have succeeded in initiating improvement in well-being, potentially through facilitating mindful awareness of intrapsychic process


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    AbstractThe title of this research is "The Role of Community Figures in the Preservation of the Belulus Bathing Tradition in Tebas District, Sambas Regency". The general problem of this research is How the Role of Community Figures in the Preservation of Bathing Belulus Tradition in Tebas District, Sambas Regency ?. The sub-problem of this research is How do community leaders participate as motivators, guides, role models, and the procession of the Mandi Belulus tradition in preserving the Mandi Belulus tradition in Tebas District, Sambas Regency? This research method is a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The research informants were Ibu Kiah and Ibu Timah as the elders implementing the Mandi Belulus tradition. The results showed that the two informants as the elder implementing the Mandi Belulus tradition had carried out their role as motivators, where the two informants motivated the community by always telling and inviting the community to preserve the Mandi Belulus tradition, as guides, the two informants provided guidance by inviting the public to find out the ingredients. and the process of implementing Mandi Belulus, as examples of the two informants giving examples of the process of implementing the Mandi Belulus tradition in a directed manner, and the procession of the Mandi Belulus tradition from preparing the ingredients to the process being carried out in a way that has been passed down from generation to generation.Keywords: Role of Community Figures, Tradition Preservation, Mandi Belulu

    Differential response of primary alveolar type I and type II cells to LPS stimulation.

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    The alveolar epithelium serves as a barrier between organism and environment and functions as the first line of protection against potential respiratory pathogens. Alveolar type II (TII) cells have traditionally been considered the immune cells of the alveolar epithelium, as they possess immunomodulatory functions; however, the precise role of alveolar type I (TI) cells, which comprise ∼95% of the alveolar epithelial surface area, in lung immunity is not clear. We sought to determine if there was a difference in the response of TI and TII cells to lung injury and if TI cells could actively participate in the alveolar immune response. TI cells isolated via fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) from LPS-injured rats demonstrated greater fold-induction of multiple inflammatory mediators than TII cells isolated in the same manner from the same animals. Levels of the cytokines TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β from cultured primary rat TI cells after LPS stimulation were significantly increased compared to similarly studied primary rat TII cells. We found that contrary to published reports, cultured TII cells produce relatively small amounts of TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1β after LPS treatment; the higher levels of cytokine expression from cultured TII cells reported in the literature were likely from macrophage contamination due to traditional non-FACS TII cell isolation methods. Co-culture of TII cells with macrophages prior to LPS stimulation increased TNF-α and IL-6 production to levels reported by other investigators for TII cells, however, co-culture of TI cells and macrophages prior to LPS treatment resulted in marked increases in TNF-α and IL-6 production. Finally, exogenous surfactant blunted the IL-6 response to LPS in cultured TI cells. Taken together, these findings advocate a role for TI cells in the innate immune response and suggest that both TI and TII cells are active players in host defense mechanisms in the lung


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    Kebiasaan mandi merupakan salah satu faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian dermatitis. Mandi merupakan bagian yang penting dalam menjaga kebersihan diri. Mandi dapat menghilangkan bau, menghilangkan kotoran, merangsang peredaran darah, memberikan kesegaran pada tubuh. Sebaiknya mandi dua kali sehari, alasan utama ialah agar tubuh sehat dan segar bugar. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan kejadian penyakit kulit salah satunya adalah kebiasaan mandi. Air merupakan kebutuhan utama bagi proses kehidupan di bumi, sehingga tidak ada kehidupan seandainya tidak ada air di bumi. Namun, air dapat menjadi malapetaka jika tersedia dalam kondisi yang tidak benar, baik kualitas maupun kuantitas airnya. Air yang bersih sangat dibutuhkan manusia, baik untuk keperluan sehari-hari seperti untuk minum, mandi, mencuuci dan lain sebagainya. Desa binaan dalam revitilasi dengan tujuan meningkatan pengetahuan masyarakt  tentang penyebab penyakit dermatitis. Berdasarkan hasil wawancara dengan masyarakat desa limau manis yang menjadi permasalahan adalah rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penyebab penyakit dermatitis. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi yaitu penyuluhan untuk peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang penyebab penyakit Dermatis di Desa Limau mani