20 research outputs found

    Implementing Role Play in English for Business Class

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    This study is aimed at describing the implementation of role play technique in English for Business class. The participants of this study were 52 students majoring informatics system at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia who enrolled English for business I. Data were collected through observation and interview. Then, the data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The result of this study shows that the implementation of role play was done successfully. Students played their role well. They could use English based on its context. More exposure toward real situated activities is suggested to help students develop their English ability

    TEACHERS’ BELIEFS ON THE USE OF AUTHENTIC MATERIALS TO TEACH LISTENING (A Case Study at MAN 1 Surakarta in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)

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    This research is aimed at: (1) identifying teachers‟ beliefs on the use of authentic materials to teach listening; (2) identifying factors that affect teachers‟ beliefs on the use of authentic materials to teach listening; and (3) describing how authentic materials are implemented in teaching listening. This research is a qualitative case study conducted in islamic high school 1 Surakarta. The samples chosen through purposive sampling are two English teachers who teach listening skill for the tent grade. Data of the research were collected through questionnaire, observation, interview and teaching learning documents and were analyzed by using interactive model proposed by Miles and Huberman. Finding of this research are: 1. teachers believe that :a) authentic materials are materials produced by a native speaker of the target language not for a teaching purpose, b) authentic materials must introduce English in the real context used by the native speaker, improve students‟ knowledge, Improve students‟ English competence in both spoken and written, improve students‟ vocabulary, introduce the culture of native speaker, improve students‟ listening ability, motivate students to learn, motivate students to learn autonomously, c) authentic materials are important to use since it is motivating students and providing some aspect of English that students can learn, d) authentic materials are considered to be carefully selected before being taught to the students, e) song attracts students‟ interest; 2. factors that affect teachers‟ beliefs: the challenging point of authentic materials, easy access to authentic materials, the availability of the equipments, students interest, workshop/training and personal experience; 3. a) there is inconsistancy between teachers‟ beliefs and the practice in the classroom, b) authentic materials are implemented well in the classroom. The students are actively involved during teaching and learning process. Bottom-up processing is applied during listening activity. According to the findings of the research, it is noticed that teachers‟s beliefs strongly shape teachers‟ instructional practices and the selection of the materials that will be taught to the students. It is considered important to identify the beliefs of teachers since teachers‟ beliefs are the fundamental concepts to develop foreign language teaching. Keywords: Teachers’ beliefs, authentic materials, listening skil

    Powtoon: a Digital Medium to Optimize Students' Cultural Presentation in ELT Classroom

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    Facing industrial revolution 4.0 requires university students to provide themselves with a skill that they can use to compete with machines or computers. One of the skills is negotiation which involves mastering language, especially English as a means of International communication. However, learning English as a foreign language is not as easy as it seems. The students need to use a proper learning media which match their characteristics as digital native and motivate them in learning English such as multimedia. By using multimedia, the students will not only learn about language but also the skill about how to use the media or a computer to come up with industrial revolution 4.0. Thus, the researchers who are English lecturers aimed to encourage students in Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) to use more web-based medium as a medium in learning English in a class, exclusively Powtoon. This research used a qualitative method since it disclosed how UTI students use Powtoon in a class and what their opinion toward Powtoon for learning English. During the research, the students used Powtoon in a class as a presentation medium for a half-semester because after mid-test they were divided into 13 groups to present the topics given by the lecturer. For each meeting, there were 2-3 groups presentation. At the end of the semester, the students were given questionnaire related to multimedia usage and responded that they felt motivated in learning English by using technology especially Powtoon. As a result, using a web-based medium in learning English can increase not only student's ability to language but also technology

    Uncovering Students’ Attitude toward Vlogging Activities in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability

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    The objective of this study is to uncover the students’ attitude toward vlogging activities in improving students’ speaking ability. Participants of this study are 40 students majoring English Education who enrolled in transactional conversation subject at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. Research design used in this study is descriptive qualitative. Data were gained through questionnaire exposing students’ attitude toward the subject and students’ attitude toward using vlog to support learning process. There were 11 indicators with 32 questionnaire items. The results of this study reveal that Vlog helps students to understand the materials, improve students’ learning achievement, motivation, creativity, and engagement, provide interesting learning activities, efficient learning, effective learning, and lead students to be confident, independent and critical


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    Technology has growth rapidly from time to time and it has been in an era so-called industrial revolution 4.0. Its growth has impacted many aspects of human life including education. Thus, as lecturers whose students are mostly from millennial generation, we should also apply technology in a class to meet their characteristics which cannot be separated from it. Furthermore, the use of technology in a class can give some benefits, like motivating students and delivering the material in an attractive way. Additionally, to maximize this technology usage, the researchers implemented Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review (SQ3R) teaching strategy in reading class. It was expected to encourage students in reading and using technology in a reading class. This study is descriptive research and was aimed to describe the implementation of SQ3R in reading class and how the students present the result of their reading using a web-based medium, Powtoon. The research subjects were second semester of English Literature Students at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia (UTI) who took Basic Reading Class. At the end, the researchers found that the students responded positively by implementing SQ3R in reading class well. They also showed a great performance during their presentation of SQ3R implementation through a web-based medium, Powtoon. Keywords: SQ3R, reading class, web-based mediu


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    The development of technology has given a wide chance for students to find out thebest media in supporting them to learn English. One of the media that can be usedis Vlog. It is a tool that enable students to create an interesting learning processthrough video blog. This study is aimed at describing the process of implementingvlog in speaking skill. In addition, this study also investigates the significance oflearning English using Vlog. The participants of this study are the second semesterstudents of English Education Study Program in Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.Instrument used in this study includes interview. The result shows that some stageswere done to make learning process successfully achieved. Vlog benefits studentsin improving their English speaking ability.Keywords: Vlog, Speaking skill, learning proces


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     The advancement of technology has made a lot of changes especially in educational field. Online learning is one of teaching modes as the response to the educational changes. Moreover, during Covid-19 pandemic, online learning is not an alternative solution, but a compulsory one. In response to this, various kinds of online learning media do exist to use. This study aimed at exploring teachers’ beliefs toward digital media of English learning during Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses qualitative design with participants coming from teachers teaching English at vocational school. Observation and semi-structured interview are used to gain data about teachers’ beliefs. Data were collected and analyzed by descriptively. The result of this research shows that Google Classroom, Instagram, and WhatsApp are preferable for conducting online learning. It shows the common digital media are preferred used by the teachers in order to enable the students to easily engage in the English learning process since the media are reachable and easy to access


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    The development of technology has given a wide chance for students to find out thebest media in supporting them to learn English. One of the media that can be usedis Vlog. It is a tool that enable students to create an interesting learning processthrough video blog. This study is aimed at describing the process of implementingvlog in speaking skill. In addition, this study also investigates the significance oflearning English using Vlog. The participants of this study are the second semesterstudents of English Education Study Program in Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.Instrument used in this study includes interview. The result shows that some stageswere done to make learning process successfully achieved. Vlog benefits studentsin improving their English speaking ability.Keywords: Vlog, Speaking skill, learning proces

    Flipped Classroom Learning Model: Implementation and Its Impact on EFL Learners’ Satisfaction on Grammar Class

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    This study is aimed at describing the implementation of flipped classroom learning model and analyzing the impact of this learning model on students’ satisfaction on Grammar class. This study was conducted at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia. The participants of this study were 48 students of English Education study program who enroll Intermediate Class. The design of this research was descriptive qualitative. Data were obtained from observation, questionnaire and interview. Observation technique was used to gain information on how flipped classroom learning model implemented. Questionnaire consists of 13 statements an participants may respond on the level of strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree to gain information about impact of flipped classroom learning model toward students’ satisfaction. Interview was administered to strengthen the data of questionnaire. The results of this study were flipped classroom learning model has been well-implemented in teaching grammar. This learning mode broke the physical limitation between students and lecturers. Another result of this study was the students satisfy with the learning process carried out using flipped classroom. It was found that flipped classroom was easy to implement, promote self-directed learning and improve grammar knowledge. It can be suggested that flipped classroom learning model is an alternative mode incorporating education with technology advancement

    Implementing Role Play in English for Business Class

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    This study is aimed at describing the implementation of role play technique in English for Business class. The participants of this study were 52 students majoring informatics system at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia who enrolled English for business I. Data were collected through observation and interview. Then, the data were analyzed by using descriptive analysis. The result of this study shows that the implementation of role play was done successfully. Students played their role well. They could use English based on its context. More exposure toward real situated activities is suggested to help students develop their English ability