414 research outputs found

    Detection of changes through visual alerts and comparisons using a multi-layered display

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    The Multi-Layered Displays (MLD) comprise two LCD screens mounted one in front of the other, allowing the presentation of information on both screens. This physical separation produces depth without requiring glasses. This research evaluated the utility of the MLD for change detection tasks, particularly in operational environments. Change Blindness refers to the failure to detect changes when the change happens during a visual disruption. The literature equates these visual disruptions with the types of interruptions that occur regularly in work situations. Change blindness is more likely to occur when operators monitor dynamic situations spread over several screens, when there are popup messages, and when there are frequent interruptions which are likely to block the visual transients that signal a change. Four laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the utility of the MLD for change detection tasks. The results from the experiments revealed that, when depth is used as a visual cue, the depth of the MLD has a different effect on the detection of expected changes and unexpected events. When the depth of the MLD is used as a comparison tool, the detection of differences is limited to translation differences in simple stimuli with a white background. These results call into question previous claims made for the MLD regarding operational change detection. In addition, observations and interviews were used to explore whether change blindness occurred in an operational command room. The results suggested that operators develop strategies to recover from interruptions and multitasking. These results call into doubt the wisdom of applying change detection theories to real world operational settings. More importantly, the research serves as a reminder that cognitive limitations found in the laboratory are not always found in real world environments

    Detection of changes through visual alerts and comparisons using a multi-layered display.

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    The Multi-Layered Displays (MLD) comprise two LCD screens mounted one in front of the other, allowing the presentation of information on both screens. This physical separation produces depth without requiring glasses. This research evaluated the utility of the MLD for change detection tasks, particularly in operational environments. Change Blindness refers to the failure to detect changes when the change happens during a visual disruption. The literature equates these visual disruptions with the types of interruptions that occur regularly in work situations. Change blindness is more likely to occur when operators monitor dynamic situations spread over several screens, when there are popup messages, and when there are frequent interruptions which are likely to block the visual transients that signal a change. Four laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the utility of the MLD for change detection tasks. The results from the experiments revealed that, when depth is used as a visual cue, the depth of the MLD has a different effect on the detection of expected changes and unexpected events. When the depth of the MLD is used as a comparison tool, the detection of differences is limited to translation differences in simple stimuli with a white background. These results call into question previous claims made for the MLD regarding operational change detection. In addition, observations and interviews were used to explore whether change blindness occurred in an operational command room. The results suggested that operators develop strategies to recover from interruptions and multitasking. These results call into doubt the wisdom of applying change detection theories to real world operational settings. More importantly, the research serves as a reminder that cognitive limitations found in the laboratory are not always found in real world environments

    Entry, Cream Skimming, and Competition: Theory and Simulation for Chile's Local Telephony Market

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    After privatizing local exchange companies (LEX), many countries are introducing competition in local telephony in order to encourage both allocative and productive efficiency. However, enormous sunk costs, and scale, scope and network economies cannot guarantee perfect competition. This paper shows that depending upon characteristics of the market - such as market structure or demand - competition may be complete, partial, or even nonexistent. We use a game theoretical three-step model in which an entrant firm cream skims the market. We illustrate our results by using consistent Chilean data, and the model predicts that Chile's local telephony market will not become a deeply competitive market. This result is robust to changes in the model, in particular to price cap regulation. This model provides us with two interesting economic policy conclusions. First, cream skimming makes more profitable the entrance in the market, but this practice reduces the possibility of full competition in the market. Second, Santiago's local telephony market should not be fully liberalized in the near future and prices of the dominant firm should still be regulated.

    Estudio correlacional: estilos de enseñanza y estilos de aprendizaje en docentes y estudiantes de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo Correlational study: Teaching styles and learning styles teachers and students of the National University of Chimborazo

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    La investigación aborda la incidencia de los estilos de enseñanza de los docentes en los estilos de aprendizaje de los y las estudiantes de seis carreras de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo en las carreras de Educación Básica, Psicología Educativa, Idiomas, Ciencias Exactas, Informática Aplicada a la Educación y Mecánica Automotriz. El estudio cobra sentido dado los cambios y retos por los que atraviesa la educación superior en el Ecuador y proporciona importante información para describir, comprender e interpretar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, y así determinar que los y las docentes, de acuerdo a sus concepciones y prácticas en el aula, se adscriben en general, a cuatro modos de enseñanza: tradicional, espontaneísta, tecnológica y alternativa, mientras que los y las estudiantes a cuatro estilos de aprendizaje: teórico, reflexivo, pragmático y activo. Enlazar formas de enseñar con maneras de aprender supone para los docentes, una reflexión, un reto, una oportunidad y para los y las estudiantes, aprender a aprender.The research addresses the impact of teaching styles of teachers in the learning styles of the students of six races of the National University of Chimborazo in races of Basic Education, Educational Psychology, Languages, Sciences, Applied Computer Education and Mechanics Automotive. The study makes sense given the changes and challenges that beset higher education in Ecuador and provides important information to describe, understand and interpret the processes of teaching and learning, and determine that the teachers, according to their conceptions and classroom practices, generally ascribed to four teaching modes: traditional, spontaneist, technology and alternative, while the students four learning styles: theoretical, thoughtful, pragmatic and active. Linking ways of teaching with ways to learn means for teachers, a reflection, a challenge, an opportunity and for the students, learning to learn

    Derechos Sociales En Ecuador: Hacia Una Nueva Concepción En Su Tutela/Social Rights In Ecuador: New Concepción In Protección

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    La evolución de los derechos humanos y una característica importante de aquellos, en el sentido de que se encuentran en constante dinámica y movimiento, inacabados y en progresivo aparecimiento son elementos fundamentales para entender el planteamiento de una nueva visión de tutela de los denominados derechos sociales. Efectivamente los primeros derechos que fueron reconocidos como intrínsecos del ser humanos fueron los llamados Civiles y Políticos, que irrumpieron con la denominación de derechos de primera generación especialmente en la concepción europea, a los cuales en una primera fase de la evolución se los considero como las libertades públicas propiamente dichas, a ser protegidas y garantizadas por el Estado inclusive mediante acciones ante la Función Judicial. Posteriormente la realidad de la vida de los individuos en la sociedad, sus profundas injusticias materiales en cuando al goce y disfrute del trabajo, la educación, la salud, vivienda, alimentación, etc, ocasionaron que no solo la vida, libertad física, de pensamiento, opinión y otros deben ser garantizados, sino también otro aspectos de la vida material del ser humano de cuya realización depende en gran parte la dignidad de sus existencia. En este contexto es necesario plantear una nueva visión para la tutela de los denominados derechos sociales, para que sean considerados justiciables y de igual jerarquía en la práctica que los civiles y políticos, otorgándole los mismos mecanismos judiciales de protección. The evolution of human rights and an important characteristic of those, in the sense that they are in constant movement and dynamics, unfinished and in progressive appearance are fundamental elements to understand the approach of a new vision of protection of the so-called social rights. Indeed, the first rights that were recognized as intrinsic to human beings were the so-called Civil and Political, which broke with the denomination of first generation rights especially in the European conception, which in a first phase of evolution are considered as public liberties themselves, to be protected and guaranteed by the State, including through actions before the Judicial Branch. Subsequently the reality of the life of individuals in society, their profound material injustices in the enjoyment and enjoyment of work, education, health, housing, food, etc, caused that not only life, physical freedom, thinking, opinion and others must be guaranteed but also other aspects of the material life of the human being on whose realization the dignity of their existence depends to a large extent. In this context it is necessary to propose a new vision for the protection of the so-called social rights, so that they are considered justiciable and of equal hierarchy in practice than civil and political ones, granting them the same judicial protection mechanisms. Palabras clave: Tutela, Derechos Sociales, eficacia, rompimiento. Keywords: guardianship, Human rights, effectiveness, breach

    Testing BATNA Colombian government – FARC Peace Negotiations during Andrés Pastrana’s Administration

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    The Colombian government, led by President Juan Manuel Santos, has been engaged in a peace process with FARC since 2012. With the country now on an apparent path to peace, it is more relevant than ever to analyze why the previous peace processes failed and understand what mistakes were made. This article examines the peace talks between FARC and the Colombian government, led by President Andrés Pastrana, that took place between 1998 and 2002 using the concept of Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) as a theoretical framework to examine the power configuration at the negotiating table. The objective will be to analyze whether the concept of BATNA, proposed by Roger Fisher and William Ury, can explain why this peace process failed. For this purpose, the article will be divided in four sections, the first one examines literature about the success and failure of peace process. The second section describes the background of the conflict. The third section briefly explains the previous peace processes in Colombia, and the fourth section details the most important events that took place in Colombia between 1998 and 2002 applying the framework of BATNA’s and focusing on the reasons why the peace process failed. Finally, the conclusion suggests that the BATNA can be used as a valid variable that researchers in the international field should use to explain the failure of more negotiation processes, however, there are other variables of context that should be considered in each case.El gobierno colombiano, liderado por el presidente Juan Manuel Santos, ha sostenido un proceso de paz con las FARC desde el 2012. Aparentemente, Colombia se dirige hacia la paz, y por ello, es más relevante que nunca analizar por qué los procesos de paz previos han fracasado. Este artículo utilizará el concepto del BATNA (Mejor Alternativa a un Acuerdo Negociado) como un marco teórico para analizar la configuración de poder en el proceso de paz que se llevó a cabo del 1998 al 2002 entre las FARC y el gobierno colombiano, liderado por Andrés Pastrana. En este sentido, el objetivo es analizar cómo el principio del BATNA, propuesto por Roger Fisher y William Ury, puede explicar los motivos por los cuales el proceso de paz fracasó. El artículo está dividido en cuatro secciones, la primera examina literatura sobre los éxitos y fracasos de procesos de paz. La segunda sección explica brevemente el contexto histórico del conflicto. La tercera describe los procesos de paz previos a 1998, y la cuarta detalla los eventos más importantes que ocurrieron en Colombia entre 1998 y 2002 durante el proceso de paz, aplicando el marco teórico del BATNA y explorando los motivos que explican el fracaso del proceso de paz. Finalmente, la conclusión sugiere que el principio del BATNA es una variable válida que debería ser usada para explicar otros procesos de paz, sin embargo, sugiero que existen otras variables contextuales igualmente relevantes que deben ser consideradas en cada proceso de paz

    La política plebeya en las parroquias rurales de Cuenca, 1995-2005 (Debates)

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    This article examines the emergence of rural leaders in the parishes of the canton of Cuenca, called “cholos políticos” [indigenous peasant politicians] in the context of peasant politics. The testimonies of rural parish leaders are the key sources for the research. The article first provides a baseline situation of the subject in the literature on racial constructs and politics; afterwards, it reviews what has been called the process of establishing a “peasant citizenry”. To this end, it examines the demands made by parish leaders of the canton of Cuenca, a territory marked by rationalization and social discrimination because of its peasant origins.Este artículo examina la irrupción de los líderes rurales de las parroquias del cantón Cuenca, denominados “cholos políticos” en la arena de la política plebeya. Los testimonios de los líderes parroquiales rurales son el material fundamental de la investigación. En primer lugar, el artículo establece un estado de la cuestión en la literatura sobre construcciones raciales y política; luego se analiza lo que se ha denominado como proceso de conformación de “ciudadanía plebeya”. Con este propósito se estudian las demandas de los líderes parroquiales del cantón Cuenca, un espacio territorial marcado por procesos de racionalización y de discriminación social por su origen campesino

    Water flow in the inlets of the Marano-Grado lagoon system (NE Italy)

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    Water flow in the inlets of Grado and Lignano of the Marano- Grado Lagoon system was measured between July 2010 and September 2011, to study the water exchange between the lagoon and the Adriatic Sea. The average magnitude of the flow is about 500 mm/s in Grado and 400 mm/s in Lignano. The tidal forcing accounts for about 90% of the variability, with the semi-diurnal M2 and S2 contributing over 75%. They behave almost in phase with Lignano leading Grado by about 20 seconds. K1, the strongest diurnal constituent, contributes 7.4% to the energy, and shows a phase difference of about 10 minutes with the Grado response leading Lignano. Adriatic Seiches are found with periodicities of 21.14, 10.92, 7.04, 5.24, 4.29 and 3.59 hours, accounting for most of the non-tidal energy