89 research outputs found

    Differences between the east culture and the west culture

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    Nowadays no one is surprised to see foreigners in the streets of the city. But few people understand how to communicate with a representative of another country, came to a mutual understanding. The purpose of this study is to consider the main distinctions of culture of the East and West. Theoretical methods have been used to achieve this goal. The result of this research is more in-depth understanding of communication with representatives of the East and West cultures. В наши дни уже никто не удивляется, увидев на улицах своего города иностранцев. Но мало кто понимает, каким образом следует общаться с представителем другой страны, чтобы возникло взаимопонимание. Цель данного исследования заключается в том, чтобы изучить различия между западной и восточной культурами. Для достижения этой цели были использованы общетеоретические методы. Результатом данного исследования является более углубленное понимание особенностей общения с представителями западной и восточной культур

    Foreign Direct Investments in Armenia: Opening the Doors is Not Enough to Attract Investment

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    FDI continues to be an essential contributing factor to Armenia's economic development. The Government of Armenia, having recognized the importance of FDI in the economy, officially announced an "open-door policy" since its independence. While this policy was positively reflected in several global indicators assessed by international organizations, there had not been tangible outcomes related to foreign investments in the economy, a fact explained by several strong objective and subjective factors related to the current global economic situation. These trends will continue in the absence of proactive and aggressive FDI generation and export promotion policies in the country

    Documents of the Austrian State Archives as a historical source: the history of diplomatic relations between the Habsburgs and Russia (1682–1697)

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    Исследование посвящено изучению информационного потенциала документов одного из отделений Государственного архива Австрии как источников по истории дипломатических отношений Габсбургов с Россией в 1682–1697 гг. На основании анализа обширного массива документов автор приходит к выводу, что архивное наследие династии Габсбургов отражает многоаспектные взаимодействия Австрии и России в конце XVII в.The article is devoted to the study of the information potential of documents from one of the branches of the Austrian State Archives as sources on the history of diplomatic relations between the Habsburgs and Russia The article is devoted to the study of the information potential of documents from one of the branches of the Austrian State Archives as sources on the history of diplomatic relations between the Habsburgs and Russi

    Особенности Формирования И Развития Местного Самоуправления В Республике Армения (На Примере Муниципалитета Города Гавар Гехаркуникской Области)

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    New sovereign states appeared after the collapse of the USSR, which have to develop democratic society for a long time. With the development of public administration decentralization, a significant part of the obligations and powers to manage the property of cities and rural areas, health, education, culture, and sports was transferred to the localities. The process of the legal field of municipality development began, which has not been completed to this day. The optimization of municipality management in modern conditions will allow to achieve the highest possible results, enhance the involvement of the local population in the development of the city, to address the issues of local importance more effectively. The great difficulty in the study of modern problems of local self-government is conditioned by the presence of different points of view on the issue of its essence, the absence of a unified theory of local self-government and the existence of different models and forms of its organization. The absence of the established interaction practice between population, government and judicial structures, the underdevelopment of political culture, apathy and lack of confidence in the authority points to the insufficiency of control forms and responsibility specified in the law of the Republic of Armenia on local self-government. The article substantiates the need to increase the importance of local self-government in society, allows to realize the diversity of population interests, satisfy their socio-economic needs, act as the most important means of Armenia region stabilization and development and the state as a whole, the formation of civil society. The municipality must solve local problems with its own forces and means, and be responsible for its decisions. Local governments should own and manage municipal property, including local finances independently - these are the necessary economic conditions for the exercise of their authority.Nuevos estados soberanos aparecieron después del colapso de la URSS, que deben desarrollar una sociedad democrática durante mucho tiempo. Con el desarrollo de la descentralización de la administración pública, una parte significativa de las obligaciones y poderes para administrar la propiedad de las ciudades y las zonas rurales, la salud, la educación, la cultura y el deporte se transfirieron a las localidades. Comenzó el proceso del campo legal del desarrollo del municipio, que no se ha completado hasta el día de hoy. La optimización de la gestión municipal en condiciones modernas permitirá lograr los mejores resultados posibles, mejorar la participación de la población local en el desarrollo de la ciudad, para abordar los problemas de importancia local de manera más efectiva. La gran dificultad en el estudio de los problemas modernos del autogobierno local está condicionada por la presencia de diferentes puntos de vista sobre el tema de su esencia, la ausencia de una teoría unificada del autogobierno local y la existencia de diferentes modelos y formas de su organización. La ausencia de la práctica establecida de interacción entre la población, el gobierno y las estructuras judiciales, el subdesarrollo de la cultura política, la apatía y la falta de confianza en la autoridad apuntan a la insuficiencia de formas de control y responsabilidad especificadas en la ley de la República de Armenia sobre el gobierno local. El artículo confirma la necesidad de aumentar la importancia del autogobierno local en la sociedad, permite darse cuenta de la diversidad de intereses de la población, satisfacer sus necesidades socioeconómicas, actuar como el medio más importante de estabilización y desarrollo de la región de Armenia y el estado como un en conjunto, la formación de la sociedad civil. El municipio debe resolver los problemas locales con sus propias fuerzas y medios, y ser responsable de sus decisiones. Los gobiernos locales deben poseer y administrar la propiedad municipal, incluidas las finanzas locales de forma independiente; estas son las condiciones económicas necesarias para el ejercicio de su autoridad. После распада СССР появились новые суверенные государства, которым предстоит долгий путь по построению демократического общества. С развитием децентрализации государственного управления значительная часть обязательств и полномочий по управлению имуществом городов и сельской местности, здравоохранением, образованием, культурой, спортом была передана на места. Начался процесс формирования правового поля муниципалитетов, который не завершён и по сей день. Оптимизация управления муниципалитетами в современных условиях позволит достичь максимально возможных результатов, активизации вовлечения местного населения в процесс развития города, более эффективному решению вопросов местного значения. Большая сложность в исследовании современных проблем местного самоуправления заключается в наличии разных точек зрения по вопросу о его сущности, отсутствии единой теории местного самоуправления и существовании разных моделей и форм его организации. Отсутствие сложившейся практики взаимодействия населения, властных и судебных структур, неразвитость политической культуры, апатия и отсутствие доверия к органам власти указывает на недостаточность обозначенных в законе Республики Армения о местном самоуправлении форм контроля и ответственности. В статье обосновывается необходимость повышения значимости местного самоуправления в жизни общества, позволяющая реализовать многообразие интересов населения, удовлетворить их социально-экономические потребности, выступать в качестве важнейшего средства стабилизации и развития регионов Армении и государства в целом, формирования гражданского общества. Муниципальное образование должно решать местные проблемы своими силами и средствами, и нести ответственность за свои решения. Органы местного самоуправления должны владеть и управлять муниципальной собственностью, в том числе самостоятельно распоряжаться местными финансами - это необходимые экономические условия для осуществления их властных полномочий

    School-to-work transitions after two decades of post-communist transition: what’s new?

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    This paper uses evidence from a series of studies of young people in a total of 12 excommunist countries, but mainly from surveys in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia in 2007, and discusses changes and continuities since the early-1990s in typical labour market experiences. It is argued that the continuities outweigh the changes. In the early years of transition new career groups were created during the undermining of old types of employment and the emergence of new market-led employment opportunities. There have always been differences between countries, and between regions within countries, in the proportions of young people following different career routes. Similarly, there have been changes over time in some places in the proportions following the different career paths. Yet the evidence indicates that the career paths themselves have remained remarkably constant over time, and across different territories. The main career groups are: i. A small group who obtain jobs paying salaries that will support a western-type lifestyle. ii. Continuous regular private or public sector employment. iii. Business. iv. Under-employment. v. Unemployment. The paper discusses the processes that have created and which are maintaining the divisions between these group

    Documents of the Austrian State Archives about the History of Habsburg Diplomatic Relations with Russia: Research Potential

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    The article was submitted on 21.02.2021.Рассматривается история формирования фондовых коллекций документов по истории австро-российских отношений конца XVII в., находящихся в рамках одного из четырех отделений Государственного архива Австрии – Династического, придворного и государственного архива Габсбургов. Прослеживается, что фондовые коллекции, в рамках которых располагаются источники, использованные в статье, формировались на протяжении длительного времени параллельно развитию и деятельности самой архивной структуры. Источниками выступают документы четырех фондов Династического, государственного и придворного архива австрийских Габсбургов, посвященных внешнеполитическим контактам династии с Россией в конце XVII в. Основное внимание уделяется периоду, когда на фоне османской угрозы интенсифицировалось взаимодействие Вены и Москвы, что выражалось в активном обмене посольствами и корреспонденцией. Выявляется основной видовой состав, который содержится в обозначенных фондах. Коллекция содержит несколько видов источников, среди которых выделяются официальные письма (der Brief), инструкции для венских представителей, направляемых в Москву (die Instruktion), заверения (die Beglaubigung), указы, протоколы аудиенций, отчеты (der Gesandtenbericht) и доклады (der Bericht) венских посланников, находившихся в Москве. Характеристики фондового и видового состава документов демонстрируют глубокий исследовательский потенциал фондов. Прослеживается, что, несмотря на сложную длительную историю развития, многочисленные военные конфликты, которые повлияли на степень сохранности фондов, в наше время указанный архив стал крупнейшим учреждением наднационального значения, сконцентрировавшим историческое наследие не только Австрии, но в том числе и России. Архивное отделение содержит большой массив документов, проливающих свет на различные аспекты дипломатических отношений династий Вены и Москвы во второй половине XVII в., а также обеспечивающих возможность всестороннего изучения контактов Габсбургов с Россией на арене международных отношений, что выдвигает на первый план необходимость рассмотрения аспектов бытования и введения в оборот данных источников.This article considers the formation of archival funds about Austro-Russian relations in the late seventeenth century in one of the four departments of the Austrian State Archives (the Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv of the Habsburgs). The analysis demonstrates that the archival funds formed alongside the development of the archive’s structure. The sources referred to include documents dedicated to the foreign policy contacts of the Habsburg dynasty with Russia in the late seventeenth century. The authors focus on the period when, because of the Ottoman threat, interactions between Vienna and Moscow intensified, which manifested itself in the active exchange of embassies and correspondence. The authors reveal the main type of structure of the archival funds mentioned. The collection contains several types of historical sources, among which the authors single out official letters (der Brief), instructions (die Instruktion) for Viennese representatives sent to Moscow, authentications (die Beglaubigung), decrees, minutes of audiences, envoy accounts (der Gesandtenbericht), and reports (der Bericht) of the Viennese envoys in Moscow. The characterisation of archival documents by fund and type demonstrates the deep research potential of the sources. The authors reveal that despite the long development and numerous military conflicts that influenced the preservation of the funds, the Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchiv are an institution of supranational importance, accumulating the historical heritage of Austria and Russia. The archive department contains a large array of documents shedding light on various aspects of diplomatic relations between Vienna and Moscow in the second half of the seventeenth century, making possible a comprehensive study of Habsburg contacts with Russia. This makes it necessary to consider introducing the source base into scholarly circulation

    Assessment of Obstetric and Neonatal Health Services in Developing Country Health Facilities

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the staffing and availability of medical equipment and medications and the performance of procedures at health facilities providing maternal and neonatal care at African, Asian, and Latin American sites participating in a multicenter trial to improve emergency obstetric/neonatal care in communities with high maternal and perinatal mortality. STUDY DESIGN: In 2009, prior to intervention, we surveyed 136 hospitals and 228 clinics in 7 sites in Africa, Asia, and Latin America regarding staffing, availability of equipment/medications, and procedures including cesarean section. RESULTS: The coverage of physicians and nurses/midwives was poor in Africa and Latin America. In Africa, only 20% of hospitals had full-time physicians. Only 70% of hospitals in Africa and Asia had performed cesarean sections in the last 6 months. Oxygen was unavailable in 40% of African hospitals and 17% of Asian hospitals. Blood was unavailable in 80% of African and Asian hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: Assuming that adequate facility services are necessary to improve pregnancy outcomes, it is not surprising that maternal and perinatal mortality rates in the areas surveyed are high. The data presented emphasize that to reduce mortality in these areas, resources that result in improved staffing and sufficient equipment, supplies, and medication, along with training, are required.Fil: Manasyan, Albert. Centre for Infectious Disease Zambia; Zambia. University of Alabama at Birmingahm; Estados UnidosFil: Saleem, Sarah. Aga Khan University; PakistánFil: Koso Thomas, Marion. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Althabe, Fernando. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Política de Salud. Departamento de Investigación en Salud Madre e Infantil. Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Pasha, Omrana. Aga Khan University; PakistánFil: Chomba, Elwyn. Centre for Infectious Disease Zambia; Zambia. University of Alabama at Birmingahm; Estados Unidos. University of Zambia; ZambiaFil: Goudar, Shivaprasad S.. KLE; IndiaFil: Patel, Archana. Indira Gandhi Government Medical College; IndiaFil: Esamai, Fabian. Moi University; KeniaFil: Garces, Ana. Francisco Marroquin University; GuatemalaFil: Kodkany, Bhala. KLE; IndiaFil: Belizan, Jose. Instituto de Efectividad Clínica y Política de Salud. Departamento de Investigación en Salud Madre e Infantil. Buenos Aires; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: McClure, Elizabeth M.. Research Triangle Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Derman, Richard J.. Christiana Health Care; Estados UnidosFil: Hibberd, Patricia. Indiana University; Estados UnidosFil: Liechty, Edward A.. Massachusetts General Hospital for Children; Estados UnidosFil: Hambidge, K. Michael. State University of Colorado Boulder; Estados UnidosFil: Carlo, Waldemar A.. Centre for Infectious Disease Zambia; ZambiaFil: Buekens, Pierre. Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine; Estados UnidosFil: Moore, janet. Research Triangle Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Wright, Linda L.. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development; Estados UnidosFil: Goldenberg, Robert L.. Columbia University; Estados Unido

    Cervical cancer screening outcomes in Zambia, 2010-19: a cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND Globally, cervical cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer-related death among women. Poor uptake of screening services contributes to the high mortality. We aimed to examine screening frequency, predictors of screening results, and patterns of sensitisation strategies by age group in a large, programmatic cohort. METHODS We did a cohort study including 11 government health facilities in Lusaka, Zambia, in which we reviewed routine programmatic data collected through the Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in Zambia (CCPPZ). Participants who underwent cervical cancer screening in one of the participating study sites were considered for study inclusion if they had a screening result. Follow-up was accomplished per national guidelines. We did descriptive analyses and mixed-effects logistic regression for cervical cancer screening results allowing random effects at the individual and clinic level. FINDINGS Between Jan 1, 2010, and July 31, 2019, we included 183 165 women with 204 225 results for visual inspection with acetic acid and digital cervicography (VIAC) in the analysis. Of all those screened, 21 326 (10·4%) were VIAC-positive, of whom 16 244 (76·2%) received treatment. Of 204 225 screenings, 92 838 (45·5%) were in women who were HIV-negative, 76 607 (37·5%) were in women who were HIV-positive, and 34 780 (17·0%) had an unknown HIV status. Screening frequency increased 65·7% between 2010 and 2019 with most appointments being first-time screenings (n=158 940 [77·8%]). Women with HIV were more likely to test VIAC-positive than women who were HIV-negative (adjusted odds ratio 3·60, 95% CI 2·14-6·08). Younger women (≤29 years) with HIV had the highest predictive probability (18·6%, 95% CI 14·2-22·9) of screening positive. INTERPRETATION CCPPZ has effectively increased women's engagement in screening since its inception in 2006. Customised sensitisation strategies relevant to different age groups could increase uptake and adherence to screening. The high proportion of screen positivity in women younger than 20 years with HIV requires further consideration. Our data are not able to discern if women with HIV have earlier disease onset or whether this difference reflects misclassification of disease in an age group with a higher sexually transmitted infection prevalence. These data inform scale-up efforts required to achieve WHO elimination targets. FUNDING US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

    Time for global scale-up, not randomized trials, of uterine balloon tamponade for postpartum hemorrhage.

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    Maternal death is the greatest health disparity globally, with postpartum hemorrhage the most common cause. As senior leaders in obstetrics and maternal health from Bolivia, Canada, Colombia, Côte d'Ivoire, Honduras, India, Kenya, Nepal, Niger, Norway, Peru, Tanzania, the UK, the USA, and Zambia, we are deeply disturbed by recent calls for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of uterine balloon tamponade (UBT) in women with uncontrolled postpartum hemorrhage (PPH). Our collective experience, in combination with mounting evidence, unequivocally supports the effectiveness of commercial and condom UBTs in averting death and disability from PPH associated with atonic uterus. We believe it would be highly unethical to embark on an RCT of UBT, now or in the future, unless compared with a proven equivalent intervention. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    A Color-Coded Tape for Uterine Height Measurement: A Tool to Identify Preterm Pregnancies in Low Resource Settings

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    Introduction Neonatal mortality associated with preterm birth can be reduced with antenatal corticosteroids (ACS), yet <10% of eligible pregnant women in low-middle income countries. The inability to accurately determine gestational age (GA) leads to under-identification of high-risk women who could receive ACS or other interventions. To facilitate better identification in low-resource settings, we developed a color-coded tape for uterine height (UH) measurement and estimated its accuracy identifying preterm pregnancies. Methods We designed a series of colored-coded tapes with segments corresponding to UH measurements for 20–23.6 weeks, 24.0–35.6 weeks, and >36.0 weeks GA. In phase 1, UH measurements were collected prospectively in the Democratic Republic of Congo, India and Pakistan, using distinct tapes to address variation across regions and ethnicities. In phase 2, we tested accuracy in 250 pregnant women with known GA from early ultrasound enrolled at prenatal clinics in Argentina, India, Pakistan and Zambia. Providers masked to the ultrasound GA measured UH. Receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis was conducted. Results 1,029 pregnant women were enrolled. In all countries the tapes were most effective identifying pregnancies between 20.0–35.6 weeks, compared to the other GAs. The ROC areas under the curves and 95% confidence intervals were: Argentina 0.69 (0.63, 0.74); Zambia 0.72 (0.66, 0.78), India 0.84 (0.80, 0.89), and Pakistan 0.83 (0.78, 0.87). The sensitivity and specificity (and 95% confidence intervals) for identifying pregnancies between 20.0–35.6 weeks, respectively, were: Argentina 87% (82%–92%) and 51% (42%–61%); Zambia 91% (86%–95%) and 50% (40%–60%); India 78% (71%–85%) and 89% (83%–94%); Pakistan 63% (55%–70%) and 94% (89%–99%). Conclusions We observed moderate-good accuracy identifying pregnancies ≤35.6 weeks gestation, with potential usefulness at the community level in low-middle income countries to facilitate the preterm identification and interventions to reduce preterm neonatal mortality. Further research is needed to validate these findings on a population basis