227 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kompetensi sosial mahasiswa calon guru Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) secara umum dan secara terperinci yang mencakup setiap: indikator, kelompok keilmuan, tahun masuk, lingkungan sosial di kampus dan di masyarakat, keaktifan kegiatan di kampus dan di masysrakat, pekerjaan orangtua, dan pendidikan orangtua. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survey dengan tingkat eksplanasi deskriptif dan dengan data kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa UNY program S1 kependidikan jumlahnya sekitar 15000. Jumlah sampel ditentukan dengan tabel Krejcie-Morgan, diperoleh 378 sampel. Sedang teknik pengambilam sampel dilakukan dengan cara multi stage. Langkah pertama adalah mengambil sampel 2 program studi kependidikan secara purposive. Jumlah sampel setiap program studi dan setiap angkatan masuk diambil secara quota, dan selanjutnya sampel diambil secara random. Sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian ini, teknik analisis datanya adalah secara deskriptif dengan teknik Count-If dan Mean. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Secara keseluruhan kompetensi sosial mahasiswa UNY kategori baik (skor rerata 74,63, dalam skala 100). (2) Berdasarkan indikatornya, kompetensi sosial mahasiswa UNY dari yang tertinggi adalah rasa hormat/penghargaan, kategori baik (79,70), dan kerjasama dengan masyarakat dalam kategori cukup baik (62,38). (3) Menurut bidang keilmuan, mahasiswa kelompok ilmu pengetahuan sosial (IPS) skor rerata kompetensi sosialnya 75,60, kategori baik, dan mahasiswa kelompok ilmu eksakta (IPA) skor rerata kompetensi sosialnya 73,34. (4) Kompetensi sosial mahasiswa angkatan 2011 skor 73,60 (baik), angkatan 2012 skor 75,99 (baik), dan angkatan 2013 skor 74,30 (baik). (5) Mahasiswa dengan lingkungan sosial di kampus dan di masyarakat yang inspiratif cenderung memiliki kompetensi sosial lebih tinggi daripada lingkungan yang tidak inspiratif. (6) Mahasiswa yang aktif di kampus dan di masyarakat cenderung memiliki kompetensi sosial lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak aktif. (7) Status pekerjaan orangtua mahasiswa tidak memiliki kaitan yang jelas dengan kompetensi sosial anaknya. (8) Tingkat pendidikan orangtua mahasiswa juga tidak memiliki kaitan yang jelas dengan kompetensi sosial anaknya

    Komunikasi Orang Tua Dan Pembentukan Kepribadian Anak

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    Education is, essentially, a lifetime experience. Education begins as early as childhood, and family become an early place to start. Parent's communication plays important role in education, especially in shaping children's personality. The roles of parents their children education aren't only limited on providing material resources needed to pay education cost. Parents also have to add and keep updating their knowledge continuously. The other key to strengthening education is by providing a healthy, harmonious, and safe environment for their children growth. This should be parents' role, too, in shaping their children's personality

    Komunikasi Massa Dan Sosialisasi

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    The research on media impact has already been numerous and some theories of media impact overcome its doubt. Research on the media impact of socialization, however is rarely conducted since it is difficult to determine the parameters. The socializations itself is a time consuming process. The research is intended to describe behaviour pattern related to the programmes in the media namely news programme, that is to find out the response, to describe students behaviour in using the information from television, to know studens responses in waching news programme through socialization, to find out involvement (impact) of gender variable toward the habis in waching news programme. The research shows that: news programme plays a role as complementer information source for student to know politic about government board, like executive, legislative or yudicative board; students try to find information not only from one channel but also from other private –owned channels as alternative to get information; based on this research, parent friends and school environment will play important role on the level of knowledge realization about credible politic. The analisys shows that gender can influence response from students in waching news. Through students socialization, the impact of news programme, impact more to men than women. Before probing this research further, it should be noted that socialization values mentioned here are not a real political participation (for example by participating in one of the political party). The socialization is meant as an attempt to shape thought, attitude and behaviour orientations on certain values which later develop as internalization process


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    ABSTRAK   Semakin majunya zaman sekarang ini khususnya dibidang teknologi dalam dibidang ilmu kedokteran terakhir ini, muncul berbagai penemuan teknologi dibidang rekayasa genetik, dalam upaya membantu dan menolong suami istri yang tidak dapat hamil, rekayasa genetik tersebut diantaranya ditandai dengan munculnya program bayi tabung yang mana para ulama sepakat untuk memperbolehkan bayi tabung tersebut. Bayi tabung yang para ulama sepakati untuk memperbolehkan dengan syarat sperma dan ovum dari suami istri kemudian ditranplantasikan kedalam rahim istri (wanita pemilik ovum). Akan tetapi, seiring berjalannya waktu, praktek bayi tabung dan inseminasi buatan ini sudah berkembang kedalam bentuk-bentuk yang dilarang oleh agama yang salah satunya adalah bayi tabung atau inseminasi buatan yang menggunakan sperma dan ovum dari pasangan suami istri kemudian ditranspalansikan kedalam rahim wanita lain. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana nasab anak yang dilahirkan dalam praktik inseminasi ini, dan juga bagaimana status kewarisan anak tersebut. Tujuan penulis mengkaji permasalahan ini untuk mengetahui status nasab dan kewarisan anak dilahirkan melalui inseminasi ini. Dalam penulisan ini, penulis menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian studi kepustakaan (library research), yaitu mengumpulkan data atau karya tulis ilmiah yang bertujuan untuk pengumpulan data yang bersifat kepustakaan. Dengan metode penelitian ini, peneliti mencoba menelaah dan mengkaji tentang status anak yang dilahirkan dari hasil inseminasi. Kepada suatu peristiwa atau data tertentu yang berciri sama dengan fenomena yang bersangkutan, sedangkan bepikir induktif adalah proses logika yang bersangkutan dari data empirik lewat penelitian pustaka menuju kepada suatu teori. Dengan kata lain, induksi adalah proses mengorganisasikan fakta-fakta atauhasil-hasil pengamatan yang terpisah-pisah menjadi suatu rangkaian hubungan atau sesuatu generalisai. Peneliti menyimpulkan, nasab anak tersebut ikut kepada ibu yang mengandung dan melahirkannya. yaitu ibu titipan itu sendiri, dan anak yang terlahir dari ibu titipan tidak dapat dinisbatkan kepada orang yang memiliki embrio dari anak tersebut. Sedangkan dalam kewarisannya dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam hukum Islam, secara lahiriyah dan batiniyah anak yang lahir dari hasil memindahkan embrio ke rahim wanita lain, maka anak tersebut milik ibu yang melahirkannya, meskipun sel telur tersebut bukan darinya. Anak yang lahir dari proses ini dinasabkan kepada ibu yang mengandung dan melahirkannya. Anak yang terlahir dari proses sewa rahim (surrogate mother) tidak dapat dihubungkan atau dinisbatkan kepada wanita yang memiliki indung telur atau embrio dari anak tersebut, karena dalam hukum Islam sewa rahim (surrogate mother) itu tidak diperbolehkan atau haram

    Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di Sman 2 Bengkulu Selatan

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    The problems in the research are how are the roles of the Principal in Implementing of The Curriculum 2013, and the prospect In other Schools. Based on the data Analysis, It can be Summarized that the Preparation of the Curriculum 2013 Implementation of The Principal plays a very Important role as The principal\u27s main jobs, functions and roles as the school manager, by setting the plans of action programs, the personal organizing deciding the organizing staffs and calculating the budget; actuating the learning process, giving the guidance, coordinating all staffs , controling all programs, monitoring the implementation of the programs and presenting the report, making an innovation in doing the job and motivating the staffs, visiting the class, observing, and guiding, analysing all the constraints and deciding the next actions

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 18 Bengkulu Selatan

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    The objectives of this research was to determine the extent of the principal in carrying out the leaderships function, whether in academic or non academic, as an achievement which given from the principal of Junior Hight Schoul 18 South Bengkulu. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The techniques of collecting the data in this research were used interview, observation, and documentation. The data was analyzed by elaborating data, displaying data, and making conclusions. Based on this research known that the principal have a honest personality, confident, responsible, willing to take risks, has a stabile emotion and competent to be exemplary; the principal has the knowledge of the educator and education, capable in developing vision and mission of the school, capable in making internal and external decisions, has good communication, democratic act, and work to improve teaching and learning quality

    Hambatan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Bengkulu dalam Pengintegrasian Pengelolaan SMA dan Smk

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    The purpose of writing the article is to describe the barriers and solutions in the management of high school and vocational integration into the province of Bengkulu. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The subjects used in are: Head, Head, Head of Sector Dikmen, and Principal of SMA and SMK. The tools used in the collection of data is by using interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of the study are as follows: Readiness Education Department of Bengkulu province in carrying out the implementation of actional rule No. 23 of 2014, is now being preparing for the transition of authority from the district / city to the provinces to collect data on the number of high school teachers and vocational school, the school\u27s assets, the number of supervisors, as well as matters more about the switch. This data collection has been conducted from February to April 2016 yesterday, then on October 3, 2016 will be the handover of district / city government to the provinces

    Pengelolaan Sarana Dan Prasarana Praktik Pada Jurusan Tata Busana

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    The puspose of this research is to describe the management of infrastructure practice in the dressmaking departement at SMK Negeri 3 Bengkulu City” Consists of planning, procurement, inventory, storage, use, maintance and removal. This study used descriptive qualitative approach, and the respondents were the principle, vice principle of infrastructure affarirs, staf facilities and infrastructure, and productive teachers of dressmaking departement. The techniques of data collection used interview, observation and documentation. The result show the management of the practicing facilities of dressmaking departement of secondary at SMK Negeri 3 Bengkulu City was conducated in accordance with applicable regulatons, but there are some aspect of management that are not implemented

    Pengelolaan Diklatpim Tingkat IV pada Badan Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Kota Lubuklinggau

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    The objective of this study is to describe the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitatif. The technique of collecting the data through interview, observations and documentation. The result of the research show that the the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City implemented with the goal of building the civil servants' operational leadership competencies who will or who have occupied echelon IV. The capability is the ability to plan the agency's activities and lead the implementation of these activities. that the the management of forth level leadership training at Education and Training Center of Lubuklinggau City has managed by structural trainning sector and the division head of leadership training as a tecnical implementation of the activities

    Implementasi Supervisi Akademik di SMP

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    The purpose of this study are to describe about academic supervision program, the implementation of academic supervision, the evaluation through the process and result of academic supervision and the headmaster followed action in implementing the academic supervision in Junior High School 13 South Bengkulu. This study used a qualitative approach. Data was collected through interviews, observation and documentation. After the research we can conclude that the implementation of academic supervision had been done fit to common academic supervision principle. The continued action that is taken by the headmaster in implementing academic supervision were by re-observe the result of supervision, made some revision toward supervision program, and made some improvement to the teachers individually or group
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