134 research outputs found

    セイネンキ ノ ジコ チュウシンセイ : AES シャクド ニホンゴバン ト TST オ モチイテ

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    Previous studies have examined the relation egocentrismabuse and egocentrismsexual behavior. But there are many scales of egocentrism and its contents are varied. The purpose of this study is to examine the contents of egocentrism. The method is to assess the Japanese version of the Adolescent EgocentrismSociocentrism scale and Twenty Statements Test for students in adolescent. As for the result, significant differences appeared between the Japanese version of the A dolescent EgocentrismSociocentrism scale and Twenty Statements Test. The study revealed some different contents of egocentrism at these scales


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     東京都品川区荏原一丁目一―三・専修寺本尊阿弥陀如来および両脇侍像三軀は「木造阿弥陀三尊像」の名称で品川区指定有形文化財に指定されている。二〇一七年度の品川区文化財公開に関連して、二〇一七年八月に大学院思想文化専攻開講科目「美術史学演習Ⅲ」における演習の一環でこの三軀の調査を実施した。本稿では、調査の詳しい成果を報告し、あわせてこの一具の彫刻史上への正確な位置づけをおこなう。三軀は定印を結ぶ阿弥陀如来坐像に蓮華を捧げる左脇侍観音菩薩立像と合掌する勢至菩薩立像が随侍する来迎形の阿弥陀三尊像で、各像がヒノキ材の割矧ぎ造りの技法になる。阿弥陀如来像と左脇侍像のおだやかな姿は平安時代末期、十二世紀後半頃の製作とみられる。右脇侍像は少し作風が異なり、やや遅れる時期、鎌倉時代にはいってからの製作を思わせる。三尊は昭和二十二年(一九四七)に千葉県市原市の光明寺から移されたものであるが、阿弥陀如来像内の銘記によって、室町時代、永正五年(一五〇八)に上総国佐是郡池和田の正福寺の像として修理されたことが知られる。正福寺は昭和十五年に光明寺に合併された寺である。三尊の彫刻史上の問題としては、まず阿弥陀如来坐像の両脇に来迎形の両脇侍立像が随侍する形が平安時代最末期に特有のもので安元元年(一一七五)頃の製作とみられる神奈川・証菩提寺像と共通することがあげられる。また正福寺の寺名や修理関係者の名は、光明寺に現存し、やはりかつて池和田にあった東光寺本尊であったという薬師三尊像中尊の永正元年の銘記にもみえ、当時の池和田における修理や造像の活発な状況を想像することもできる。以上を総合して、この三尊が平安時代末期の時期の関東地方の造像の水準を示すものであると評価する。  Three images of Buddha, that is, Amida Nyorai (Amitabha Tathagata), the principal image, and two flanking attendants that are kept at Senshuji Temple, 1―13, Ebara, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo are designated as Tangible Cultural Properties in Sinagawa-ku. In connection with disclosure of Cultural Properties by Shinagawa-ku in the fiscal year of 2017, these three images were examined as a part of a seminar in the Seisen University graduate school in August, 2017. This paper reports detailed achievements of the examination and presents precise positioning of this set in the history of sculptures. The three images are Amida Sanzon (Amida Triad) in Raigo style, consisting of a seated statue of Amida Nyorai with Jo-in (Samadhi mudra) accompanied by a standing statue of the left flanking attendant, Kannon-Bosatsu, holding a lotus flower and a standing statue of the right flanking attendant, Seishi-Bosatsu, holding palms together, and each statue is made by Warihagi-zukuri (split-and-join method) of Japanese cypress trees. Gentle figures of the Amida Nyorai statue and the left flanking statue are assumed to have been produced in the end of the Heian period, the second half of the 12th century. The right flanking image has a style a little different from the other two and seems to have been made slightly later, that is, in the Kamakura Period. The Sanzon images were moved from Komyoji Temple in Ichihara City, Chiba Prefecture in the 22nd year of Showa (1947), but it is known from the inscription in the statue of Amida Nyorai that it was repaired as a statue of Shofukuji Temple in Ikewada, Saze-gun, Kazusa-no-kuni in the Muromachi period, the 5th year of Eisho (1508). Shofukuji Temple is a temple that merged into Komyoji Temple in the 15th year of Showa. A subject in the sculpture history raised by the Sanzon is that the Raigo style of both of the standing flanking attendants on the both sides of the seated statue of Amida Nyorai is unique to the very end of the Heian Period, and it is in common with the images in Shobodaiji Temple in Kanagawa Prefecture, assumed to have been produced around the first year of Angen (1175). The name of Shofukuji Temple and the names of those concerned in the repair remain in Komyoji Temple and they are also found in the inscription in the first year of Eisei in the central image of Yakushi Sanzon, which are said to be the principal images of Tokoji Temple, which also used to be in Ikewada, and active repair and production of images in Ikewada at that time can be imagined. From the above results, evaluation is made that these three images show the level of creating statues in the Kanto district at the end of the Heian period

    Gender-Dependent Characteristics of Serum 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D/25-Hydroxyvitamin D Ratio for the Assessment of Bone Metabolism

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    Y Objectives Vitamin D deficiency, which is common worldwide, increases the risks of falls and fractures and can lead to increased morbidity and mortality. However, the clinical utility and relevance of vitamin D activation remain unknown. The aim of the present study was to clarify the clinical usefulness of serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D (1,25D)/25-hydroxyvitamin D (25D) ratio for assessment of the extent of bone metabolism. Methods We retrospectively screened data for 87 patients whose serum 1,25D and 25D levels were measured. Eight patients who were taking vitamin D preparations were excluded, and data for 79 patients (33 males and 46 females) were analyzed. Since menopausal status can be associated with serum vitamin D level, we divided the patients by gender and divided the female patients into two groups at the age of 50 years. Results The median serum 1,25D/25D ratio was significantly lower in males than in females, with the most considerable difference in all males [4.1 (interquartile range: 2.3-5.8) x 10(-3)] versus elderly females (aged >= 50 years) [7.9 (3.3-10.1) x 10(-3)). Main disorders were endocrine (30.6%), inflammatory (18.5%), and bone related (16.7%) disorders. The ratios of serum 1,25D/25D had significant negative correlations with femoral dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry % young adult mean (DEXA %YAM) (R=-0.35) and lumbar DEXA %YAM (R=-0.32). Significant correlations were found between the 1,25D/25D ratio and serum levels of inorganic phosphate (iP), parathyroid hormone, and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The 1,25D/25D ratio had gender specific characteristics: the ratio was significantly correlated with age in males (R=-0.49), while it was significantly correlated with BMI in females (R=0.34). Conclusions The results of this study suggested that vitamin D activity is negatively correlated with bone mineral density, being reduced in aged males but enhanced in obese females

    RNA-binding protein ptbp1 regulates alternative splicing and transcriptome in spermatogonia and maintains spermatogenesis in concert with nanos3

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    Manami SENOO, Hiroshi HOZOJI, Yu ISHIKAWA-YAMAUCHI, Takashi TAKIJIRI, Sho OHTA, Tomoyo UKAI, Mio KABATA, Takuya YAMAMOTO, Yasuhiro YAMADA, Masahito IKAWA, Manabu OZAWA, RNA-binding protein Ptbp1 regulates alternative splicing and transcriptome in spermatogonia and maintains spermatogenesis in concert with Nanos3, Journal of Reproduction and Development, 2020, Volume 66, Issue 5, Pages 459-467, Released October 13, 2020, [Advance publication] Released July 06, 2020, Online ISSN 1348-4400, Print ISSN 0916-8818, https://doi.org/10.1262/jrd.2020-060, https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jrd/66/5/66_2020-060/_article/-char/e

    Characteristics of Persistent Symptoms Manifested after SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: An Observational Retrospective Study in a Specialized Clinic for Vaccination-Related Adverse Events

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    Background: Although many adverse reactions after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination have been reported, there have been few comprehensive studies on persistent symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. The aim of this study was to determine the clinical characteristics of patients with various persistent symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination. Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was performed for patients who visited a specialized clinic established at Okayama University Hospital to evaluate adverse events after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination during the period from April 2021 to March 2023. Results: Descriptive analysis was performed for 121 of 127 patients who visited the clinic during the study period, and separate analysis was performed for the other 6 patients who had serious complications, who required treatment with prednisolone, and who had persistent symptoms. The median [interquartile range] age of the patients was 48 years [31-64 years], and the patients included 44 males (36.4%) and 77 females (63.6%). The most frequent symptoms were sensory impairment (34 patients, 28.1%), general fatigue (30 patients, 24.8%), fever/low-grade fever (21 patients, 17.4%), and headache (21 patients, 17.4%). Serious complications included myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), sarcoidosis, aseptic meningitis, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSDs), tendon adhesions, and idiopathic thrombocytopenia. Conclusions: Although causal relationships were not determined, 15 persistent symptoms after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination were characterized. All of the symptoms had onset from 12 hours to one week after vaccination, with 10 symptoms persisting for 6 months or longer. The most frequent symptom was sensory impairment

    Generation of three induced pluripotent stem cell lines from postmortem tissue derived following sudden death of a young patient with STXBP1 mutation

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    We established three iPSC lines from postmortem-cultured fibroblasts derived following the sudden unexpected death of an 8-year-old girl with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, who turned out to have the R551H-mutant STXBP1 gene. These iPSC clones showed pluripotent characteristics while retaining the genotype and demonstrated trilineage differentiation capability, indicating their utility in disease-modeling studies, i.e., STXBP1-encephalopathy. This is the first report on the establishment of iPSCs from a sudden death child, suggesting the possible use of postmortem-iPSC technologies as an epoch-making approach for precise identification of the cause of sudden death


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    1週齢から5週齢BALB/cマウスの抗体遺伝子の転写を,胸腺と脾臓で比較した。調べた抗体のクラスのなかで,IgEの転写量に関しては,胸腺と脾臓で明瞭な差異が認められた。胸腺では,雌雄ともに,IgEは1週齢から転写されていた。脾臓では3週齢までは検出できなかった。雌では,3週齢から4週齢の間で,脾臓でもIgEの転写が検出され始めた。雄では,5週齢まででは,脾臓でIgEの転写は検出できなかった。IgEの転写に関して胸腺と脾臓で明瞭な差異が認められることから,胸腺で抗体遺伝子を転写している細胞は,胸腺内の血管内のBリンパ球ではなく,また,脾臓で分化したBリンパ球が流入したものでもなく,発生段階で流入した幹細胞から胸腺内で分化したリンパ球であると考えられる。Immunoglobulin heavy chain gene transcription was investigated by reverse transcription PCR both in the thymus and in the spleen of BALB/c mice of age 1 to 5 weeks old. A definitive difference in IgE transcriptions was found between in the thymus and in the spleen. IgE transcriptions were demonstrated clearly in the thymus of all mice, while, in the spleen, not detected in 1 to 3 weeks old. Therefore, the cells transcribing antibody genes in the thymus of mouse are neither B lymphocytes in blood vessels, nor invaded B lymphocytes after proliferation and development in the spleen. Those will be specific cells which proliferate and develop in the thymus from stem cells which immigrated at embryonic stage

    Support for UNRWA's survival

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    The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) provides life-saving humanitarian aid for 5·4 million Palestine refugees now entering their eighth decade of statelessness and conflict. About a third of Palestine refugees still live in 58 recognised camps. UNRWA operates 702 schools and 144 health centres, some of which are affected by the ongoing humanitarian disasters in Syria and the Gaza Strip. It has dramatically reduced the prevalence of infectious diseases, mortality, and illiteracy. Its social services include rebuilding infrastructure and homes that have been destroyed by conflict and providing cash assistance and micro-finance loans for Palestinians whose rights are curtailed and who are denied the right of return to their homeland