475 research outputs found

    ISB watermarking embedding: a block based model

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    Many watermarking methods have been developed with different methodological complexity levels. Each of these methods tries to reduce exposure in different attack. In this study, the ISB watermarking method was implemented based on average of block of pixels together in order to improve the watermarking method to be more resistant against attacks than a single pixel. The results show that the quality of the images is suitable for the application of the proposed method, based on any size of block. In additional to that the robustness has been improved by increasing the size of the block for all the attacks, including the geometric transform attacks, although they were not improved when the method was applied based on only one pixel

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Ruang Di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Bontoharu Kabupaten Kepulauan Salayar

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    Analisis Pemanfaatan Ruang Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Bontoharu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar adalah judul yang saya angkat dalam skripsi ini. Studi tentang pemanfaatan ruang berdasarkan potensi dan masalah di kawasan pesisir Kecamatan Bontoharu Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Pengembangan beberapa sektor yang merupakan potensi utama untuk dikembangkan, yaitu dari segi perikanan dan kelautan maupun pariwisata. Kajian ini meliputi pola pemanfaatan ruang. Dari hal tersebut dapat dilihat dimana yang termasuk kawasan budidaya atau non budidaya Kecamatan Bontoharu. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu jenis penelitian terapan dengan menggabungkan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Kegiatan pengelolaan wilayah pesisir menghadapi berbagai ancaman baik dari aspek ekologi yaitu terjadinya penurunan kualitas lingkungan, seperti pencemaran, Perusakan ekosistem dan penangkapan ikan yang berlebihan (overfishing) maupun dari aspek sosial yaitu rendahnya aksesibilitas dan kurangnya penerimaan masyarakat lokal. Sehingga di dalam mengantisipasi Perubahan-Perubahan dan ancaman-ancaman tersebut, pengelolaan wilayah pesisir harus dilakukan secara komprehensif dan terpadu dengan mengarahkan pemanfaatan ruangnya sesuai dengan potensi yang ada

    Model Simulation of Building Intensity on Optimization Roadway Level of Service Direction

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    The high volume of traffic movement in corridor artery road Jenderal Sudirman - Dr. Sam Ratulangi of the Makassar city, resulted from the intensity of land use for business activities, trade and services causing problems of transportation. This study aims to analyze the importance of the effect of building intensity in the road corridor and formulate the direction of building intensity to optimize the level of a service road. The variable test influence that contributes to trip attraction, including traffic volume, road capacity, a degree of saturation, ground floor coefficient and building floor. The direction approach of the intensity of people / building units is an example case to formulate the optimization of service level of the road network. The method of multiple linear regression analysis was used to describe a descriptive quantitative influence test. The results showed Level of Service road corridors including critical (D). The movement generated by land use amounted to 4,776 pcu/hour or 87% of total movement. Variables that affect the magnitude of the trip attractions are group changes of the recommended activities, such as Mother and Child Hospital, Horison Hotel, Wisma Kalla, Ratulangi Medical Center and School Foundation. For changes to the type of activity group that is prohibited, among others: PT. PLN, KFC, Mall Ratu Indah, and New Agung store. The results of a simulation model of influence of activity type on building and limit of the floor area of the building; and the number of people/buildings using DS = 0.74 with the trip ceiling of 3,207.94 pcu / hour, resulting in the maximum average floor area of the building varies

    Performance of modified non-linear shooting method for simulation of 2nd order two-point BVPS

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    In this research article, numerical solution of nonlinear 2nd order two-point boundary value problems (TPBVPs) is discussed by the help of nonlinear shooting method (NLSM), and through the modified nonlinear shooting method (MNLSM). In MNLSM, fourth order Runge-Kutta method for systems is replaced by Adams Bashforth Moulton method which is a predictor-corrector scheme. Results acquired numerically through NLSM and MNLSM of TPBVPs are discussed and analyzed. Results of the tested problems obtained numerically indicate that the performance of MNLSM is rapid and provided desirable results of TPBVPs, meanwhile MNLSM required less time to implement as comparable to the NLSM for the solution of TPBVPs

    A novel digital watermarking technique based on ISB (Intermediate Significant Bit)

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    Least Significant Bit (LSB) technique is the earliest developed technique in watermarking and it is also the most simple, direct and common technique. It essentially involves embedding the watermark by replacing the least significant bit of the image data with a bit of the watermark data. The disadvantage of LSB is that it is not robust against attacks. In this study intermediate significant bit (ISB) has been used in order to improve the robustness of the watermarking system. The aim of this model is to replace the watermarked image pixels by new pixels that can protect the watermark data against attacks and at the same time keeping the new pixels very close to the original pixels in order to protect the quality of watermarked image. The technique is based on testing the value of the watermark pixel according to the range of each bit-plane

    Oebobo Station Performance on the Pattern of Public Transport Movement in Kupang City

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    The development of Kupang City can be observed from the increase of activity or movement of society, so that city needs the existence of a system of transportation service and satisfied traffic. One of the facilities of urban transportation is a station that serves as a node point, can be considered as a tool to process loading and discharge passengers. Station has the complexity of the problem and affects the movement of public transport. The lack of public transportation operating at Oebobo Station is one of the phenomena in Kupang City. This research was conducted to examine the performance of the station to the movement pattern by reviewed at the location effectiveness, operational service, and transportation movement towards the pattern of public transportation movement in Kupang City. The purpose of research to see the effect of station performance on the pattern of movement and the influence of spatial structure on movement patterns by using quantitative approach. The data obtained through observation, survey and documentation are analyzed by using path analysis, and then tested simultaneously and partially. The results show that the performance of the station in supporting the movement of Kupang City is a sufficient. Location effectiveness, service operation, and transportation movement have significant effect simultaneously to movement pattern in Kupang City. Partially shows that the movement of transportation (destination, transportation route, and passenger safety) and the insufficiency of public transportation operating at Oebobo Station have an impact on the reduction of station performance grade

    The Conceptual Perspective of the Determinants of Government’s Information Technology Innovativeness

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    Government Information Technology Innovativeness defined as notion of openness to new information technology ideas in the government as an aspect of an organizational culture. In adopting the information technology innovativeness, management support, IT readiness and government strategy plays a crucial effect. Misunderstood organizational characteristics within information technology innovativeness may generate unrealistic or inaccurate outcomes. Unfortunately, the effect of organizational context is nearly ignored in information technology innovativeness literature. In response, using the Resources based view (RBV) and Diffusion-Innovation-Theory (DIT), this paper argues on the interaction between the influence of organizational characteristics (management support, information technology readiness, government strategy), so as to explain information technology innovativeness. This proposition could improve understanding the information technology innovativeness and help to resolve inconsistency of findings in the literature. Keywords: organizational characteristics; information technology innovativeness; Palestine, public secto

    Germination of Themeda triandra (Kangaroo grass) as affected by different environmental conditions and storage periods

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    Low rainfall in range areas restricts germination, growth and development of majority of range grasses. However, germination and establishment potential of forage grasses vary and depends on environmental conditions. Themeda triandra is an excellent known grass to grow under different environmental conditions. T. triandra naturally grows over an extensive geographical range on many soil types. Germination of T. triandra is the key factor in its establishment or re-establishment because its germination varies widely which is also affected by storage periods of seed. Germination response of Themeda to storage period was conducted in the laboratory. Four storage periods (Fresh seed, 6, 12 and 18 months old) seeds were sown in laboratory in germination trays placed in growth chamber in completely randomized design. Germination was counted till 40 days after sowing and percentage calculated thereafter. The 12 month old seeds gave the maximum 84% germination. On the basis of laboratory experiment, 12 months seeds were sown at 3 diverse locations (Rawalpindi, Jhelum and Talagang) with 4 spacing treatments (20, 30, 40 and Broadcast) in completely randomized block design. Germination was recorded for 40 days after sowing (DAS) and the maximum germination was observed in 25 - 30 DAS depending on the environmental conditions of experimental sites. Closer plant spacing (20 cm) gave the maximum (79%) germination at high rainfall area (Rawalpindi) while the least (52%) was recorded for the wider plant spacing at low rain fall area (Talagang)

    The Conceptual Perspective of the Moderating Role of Organizational Culture in the Information Technology Innovativeness and Adoption Decision

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    Government Information Technology Innovativeness defined as notion of openness to new information technology ideas in the government as an aspect of an organizational culture. In adopting the information technology innovativeness, organizational culture plays a crucial role. Misunderstood organizational culture within information technology innovativeness may generate unrealistic or inaccurate outcomes. Unfortunately, the role of organizational culture is nearly ignored in information technology innovativeness literature. In response, using the Resources based view (RBV), contingency and Diffusion-Innovation-Theory (DIT), this paper argues on the interaction between the influence of organizational characteristics (management support, information technology readiness, government strategy) and organizational culture, so as to explain information technology innovativeness. This proposition could improve understanding the information technology innovativeness and help to resolve inconsistency of findings in the literature. Keywords: organizational characteristics; information technology innovativeness; Palestine; organizational culture