405 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Curriculum Diversification of Madrasah Aliyah Darul Hikmah, Tulungagung, Indonesia

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    The objective of this present research is to explain: 1) reasons for the application of curriculum diversification; 2) the implementation of curriculum diversification management; and 3) implications of the curriculum diversification for an image. It is qualitative in nature with a multicase study. The data were collected through interviews, participative observations, and documentation. The data were then analysed using a case-qutain dialectic made during and after the data were collected. This data analysis followed a flow model consisting of data collection, reduction, presentation, verification and conclusion drawing. From the results of the analysis it is found out that the diversification of Madrasah Aliyah (MA) curriculum is made on the basis of the following considerations: 1) its students’ and alumni’s low competence on religion and general sciences; 2) responding to rapid globalization and development of science and technology; and 3) inadequate materials of the national curriculum of madrasah to reach the vision and missions. The implementation of the curriculum diversification of Madrasah Aliyah covers planning, organizing and directing and also controlling the diversification. This diversification implies for the improvement of the image of Madrasah Aliyah. It is concluded that MA Darul Hikmah Tulungagung, Indonesia applied an integrated curriculum model, namely integrating curriculum materials related to the needs of madrasah institution, students, stakeholders, or the society. Key words: curriculum diversification, implementatio

    A Statistical Study on Awareness and Attitude of Students of Assam, India towards HIV/AIDS

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    HIV/AIDS has become a serious problem in India with one of the highest rates of spread in the world. Program managers and policy makers have often recommended that School / College can act at the centre point for disseminating information and education on HIV/AIDS. This paper seeks to examine the existence of a relationship between various socio-economic, demographic factors and the level of awareness as well as the attitude and behavior of college students of Assam about HIV/AIDS. Total of 1650 students from 35 different colleges cutting across 15 different districts of the state of Assam were interviewed. Key Words: HIV/AIDS, Awareness, attitude, logistic regression, odds ratio

    Eternal Sunshine of the Mechanical Mind: The Irreconcilability of Machine Learning and the Right to be Forgotten

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    As we keep rapidly advancing toward an era where artificial intelligence is a constant and normative experience for most of us, we must also be aware of what this vision and this progress entail. By first approximating neural connections and activities in computer circuits and then creating more and more sophisticated versions of this crude approximation, we are now facing an age to come where modern deep learning-based artificial intelligence systems can rightly be called thinking machines, and they are sometimes even lauded for their emergent behavior and black-box approaches. But as we create more powerful electronic brains, with billions of neural connections and parameters, can we guarantee that these mammoths built of artificial neurons will be able to forget the data that we store in them? If they are at some level like a brain, can the right to be forgotten still be protected while dealing with these AIs? The essential gap between machine learning and the RTBF is explored in this article, with a premonition of far-reaching conclusions if the gap is not bridged or reconciled any time soon. The core argument is that deep learning models, due to their structure and size, cannot be expected to forget or delete a data as it would be expected from a tabular database, and they should be treated more like a mechanical brain, albeit still in development

    Evaluation of FRP composite panels manufactured by high temperature VARIM process

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    Design and manufacturing of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite panels using high temperature vacuum assisted resin infusion molding (HT-VARIM) and evaluation of their mechanical properties were carried out through this research effort. The two major process parameters, temperature and percentage of catalyst mixed with resin, were optimized to obtain superior quality composites through in-situ curing under vacuum pressure of 13 to 14 psi.;Initially, composite specimens with glass fabrics and vinyl ester resin were manufactured with 1.5% and 2% catalyst by weight and cured at four different curing temperatures: room temperature, 120°F, 150°F, and 200°F. The specimens were preliminarily tested under four point bending loads and examined under scanning electron microscope (SEM). HT-VARIM manufactured composites having vinyl ester resin with 1.5% catalyst and cured at 150°F temperatures provided the highest bending modulus, ultimate stress and lower percentage of air voids. Both design and manufacturing procedure of cellular FRP pavement panels with required fiber/fabric configuration were thus formalized based on data obtained from laboratory manufactured specimens. Later, test specimens and panels were manufactured at coupon and component level by HT-VARIM during different phases of this research. Finally, prototype FRP pavement panels were manufactured by Fiber-tech Inc. for field installation by West Virginia Department of Highways (WVDOH). These pavement panels are scheduled for field installation in early spring 2009 near Morgantown, West Virginia.;Tension, bending and short beam shear tests were conducted on coupon specimens cut from the HT-VARIM panels made in phases I and II, and also under mass-production schemes. Panels were tested under three point bending loads (corresponding to HS25 truck loading) and fatigue (3 Hz frequency) loading. Panel layout and connection drawings for field installation are provided in Appendix A. In addition, glass fabric based lightweight honeycomb panels were also manufactured by VARIM process and results of the tests carried out on those specimens are presented in Appendix B. A 3D stitching technique (provisional patent number: 60/918,398), developed as a part of this research work is provided in Appendix C including recommendations for further improvements in panel production process. Theoretical panel stiffness evaluations are provided in Appendix D


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    This report discusses the overview of the chosen project, which is an Educational Processor. The objective of this project is to develop a simple processor with TTL logic for educational purpose. This processor will be used as a learning tool for Computer System Architecture class. To complete this project, the scope of study will cover the computer system architecture and Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU datapath design and hardware circuit design is based on the MIPS single-cycle processor. The methodologies that will be involved in this project are design and validation phase, constructing the hardware and then interfacing phase through serial communication between CPU and a graphic user interface using microcontroller. The prototype would be used as a learning tool in Computer System Architecture class and to assist student in understanding the computer architecture

    Selenoxopropadienylidene (CCCSe) as a bridging ligand

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    The reaction of [W(≡CC≡CSiMe3)(CO)2(Tp*)] (Tp* = hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)borate) with [nBu4N]F and selenium in the presence of [RuCl(PPh3)2(η-C5H5)] affords a mixture of the tricarbido complex [WRu(μ-CCC)(CO)2(PPh3)2(η-C5H5)(Tp*)] and the selenoxopropadienylidene (C3Se) complex [WRu(μ-CCCSe)(CO)2(PPh3)2(η-C5H5)(Tp*)], both of which were structurally characterized. The formation of the bimetallic C3Se complex is consistent with the intermediacy of the salt [nBu4N] [W(≡CC≡CSe)(CO)2(Tp*)], which could be observed spectroscopically and computationally interrogated, but not yet isolated.This work was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP130102598 and DP110101611)

    Assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (City) in Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India

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    La qualitat de vida és un concepte multidimensional d’un individu o d’una societat. Ha estat influenciada per diferents factors com ara les condicions de l’habitatge, les condicions de salut, l’educació, els actius i altres serveis bàsics. Aquesta investigació tracta d’avaluar el nivell de qualitat de vida (QoL) de la llar de Berhampore Town (ciutat) al districte de Murshidabad a Bengala Occidental, Índia. La qualitat de vida de les llars es mesura a partir de vint indicadors. Aquests indicadors s’utilitzen com a dominis diferents com l’índex de capital humà, l’índex d’actius, l’índex de serveis bàsics i l’índex d’habitatge. La qualitat de les condicions de vida es determina a partir de puntuacions compostes. El resultat demostra que les condicions de vida difereixen en diferents punts d’aquesta població. Les condicions de vida de la part central són millors que les d’altres parts d’aquesta ciutat.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city.La calidad de vida es un concepto multidimensional de un individuo o una sociedad. Ha sido influenciado por diferentes factores, como las condiciones de vivienda, las condiciones de salud, la educación, los bienes y otras comodidades básicas. Esta investigación trata de evaluar el nivel de calidad de vida (QoL) de los hogares de Berhampore Town (ciudad) en el distrito de Murshidabad en Bengala Occidental, India. La Calidad de Vida de los Hogares se mide a partir de veinte indicadores. Estos indicadores se utilizan como diferentes dominios como el índice de capital humano, el índice de activos, el índice de servicios básicos y el índice de vivienda. La calidad de las condiciones de vida se determina en base a puntuaciones compuestas. El resultado muestra que las condiciones de vida difieren en diferentes partes de esta localidad. La condición de vida de la parte central es mejor que otras partes de esta ciudad.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city

    Moderating Effects of Board Equity Ownership on the Relationship between Enterprise Risk Management and Firms Performance: Data Screening and Measurement Model

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    The prime goal of this paper is to conduct a preliminary analysis on the data collected in respect of the effect of ERM practices in Nigerian financial industry for the purpose of structural equation modelling. For the purpose of this study, 231 questionnaires were distributed to various financial institutions in Nigeria out of which  163  questionnaires were retrieved and used for the analysis, making a total response rate of 70.56 percent. Non-response rate biase test, common method variance test, normality and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted to determine the fittness of the data for further multivariate analysis. Therefore, the findings revealed that the data is fit for structural equation modelling. Keywords: Keywords: Enterprise Risk Management, ERM Success Factors, Board Equity Ownership and Firm Performanc

    Pengaruh Kecerdasan Sosial Dan Keaktifan Pemuda Dalam Kegiatan Organisasi Karang Taruna Terhadap Kemampuan Me-Mecahkan Masalah Sosial Di Desa Sumberagung Kecamatan Rejotangan Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    Kemampuan seseorang dalam menyelesaikan masalah tidak cukup hanya ditentukan dengan tingkat kecerdasan sosial, melainkan juga keaktifan seseorang dalam pergaulan dengan lingkungannya baik lingkungan keluarga maupun masyarakat yang akan memberikan pengalaman beragam yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam menyelesaikan masalah-masalah sosial yang dihadapinya. Secara umum tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah sebagai berikut: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan sosial terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah sosial di De-sa Sumberagung Kecamatan Rejotangan Kabupaten Tulungagung. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh keaktifan pemuda dalam kegiatan karang taruna terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah so-sial di Desa Sumberagung Kecamatan Rejotangan Kabupaten Tulungagung. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan sosial dan keaktifan pemuda dalam kegiatan karang taruna terhadap ke-mampuan memecahkan masalah sosial di Desa Sumberagung Kecamatan Rejotangan Kabupaten Tulungagung. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif, Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan korelasional yang berarti mengkorelasikan antara berbagai variable. Dimana informasi dikumpulkan dari responden dengan menggunakan perangkat angket atau kuesioner.Hasil penelitian terdapat pengaruh signifikan secara parsial kecerdasan sosial terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah sosial. Terdapat pengaruh signifikan secara parsial keaktifan pemuda dalam kegiatan karang taruna terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah sosial. ter-dapat pengaruh signifikan secara simultan antara kecerdasan sosial dan keaktifan pemuda dalam kegiatan karang taruna terhadap kemampuan memecahkan masalah sosial di Desa Sumberagung Kecamatan Rejotangan Kabupaten Tulungagung. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian sebagaimana dijelaskan di atas, peneliti sangat menyadari bahwa masih terdapat banyak kekurangan dari penelitian yang dilakukannya. Oleh karena itu, masih perlu adanya penelitian lanjutan sehingga dapat melengkapi kekurangan dari penelitian ini. Bagi pemerintah Desa Sumberagung hendaknya terus mengadakan program-program maupun pelatihan-pelatihan yang mampu meningkatkan kreativitas pemuda yang ada di Desa Sumbera-gung, Bagi pemuda Karang Taruna hendaknya terus berinovasi dalam menjalan organisasi se-hingga mampu berkontribusi dalam progam-program pemerintah desa dalam rangka mense-jahterakan masyarakat


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    Kuatnya pluralitas dalam bangsa ini menuntut kita untuk bisa menerima akan keberagaman dalam masalah ide atau gagasan. Terkadang ide atau gagasan itu sejalan dengan kita dan terkadang sebaliknya berbeda jauh dengan kita. dari hal semacam itu terkadang menjadi pemicu akan percikan-percikan konflik yang terkadang sampai memicu suatu tindakan anarkis dan pengrusakan. Islam sendiri yang memiliki ajaran sebagai agama yang rahmatan lil alamin tidak menghendaki adanya suatu tindakan anarkisme ataupun kekerasan. Sebagai mana yang telah termanifestasi dalam universalisme ajaran Islam itu sendiri. Dimana Islam sangat menjaga 5 (lima) prinsip dasar dalam setiap ajarannya sebagai mana orang menyebutnya maqasid al-syari’ah . kelima tersebut adalah hifdzu al-nafs, hifdzu al-din, hifdzu an-nasl, hifdzu al-mal, dan hifdzu al-aqli. Jika kelima unsur itu tampil dalam suatu pandangan hidup yang bulat dan bisa dikelola oleh pemerintah dan mencoba dimanifestasikan dalam dunia pendidikan khususnya pendidikan Islam maka budaya toleransi tenggang rasa dan keterbukaan sikap dan kesadaran akan ketebelakangan kaum muslim belakangan ini. Gus Dur melalui gagasannya mencoba untuk membangun budaya Islam yang kosmopolitan dimana menurut Gus Dur hal itu sangatlah dibutuhkan ditengah kuatnya pluralitas khusunya Indonesia maka kita harus menghilangkan sekat-sekat yang ada baik itu etnis, suku, agama, tak lain dalam rangka membangun suatu budaya kosmopolitan. Untuk mencapai itu semua dapat dilakukan dengan proses dialog sehingga akan memperkaya suatu peradaban. Dalam pandangan keilmuan proses dialog ini akan memunulkan suatu antitesis terhadap tesis sebelumnya. Untuk mewujudkan hal itu diperluakan sikap dialogis serta inklusif hingga menghasilkan budaya Islam kosmopolitan