Assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (City) in Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India


La qualitat de vida és un concepte multidimensional d’un individu o d’una societat. Ha estat influenciada per diferents factors com ara les condicions de l’habitatge, les condicions de salut, l’educació, els actius i altres serveis bàsics. Aquesta investigació tracta d’avaluar el nivell de qualitat de vida (QoL) de la llar de Berhampore Town (ciutat) al districte de Murshidabad a Bengala Occidental, Índia. La qualitat de vida de les llars es mesura a partir de vint indicadors. Aquests indicadors s’utilitzen com a dominis diferents com l’índex de capital humà, l’índex d’actius, l’índex de serveis bàsics i l’índex d’habitatge. La qualitat de les condicions de vida es determina a partir de puntuacions compostes. El resultat demostra que les condicions de vida difereixen en diferents punts d’aquesta població. Les condicions de vida de la part central són millors que les d’altres parts d’aquesta ciutat.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city.La calidad de vida es un concepto multidimensional de un individuo o una sociedad. Ha sido influenciado por diferentes factores, como las condiciones de vivienda, las condiciones de salud, la educación, los bienes y otras comodidades básicas. Esta investigación trata de evaluar el nivel de calidad de vida (QoL) de los hogares de Berhampore Town (ciudad) en el distrito de Murshidabad en Bengala Occidental, India. La Calidad de Vida de los Hogares se mide a partir de veinte indicadores. Estos indicadores se utilizan como diferentes dominios como el índice de capital humano, el índice de activos, el índice de servicios básicos y el índice de vivienda. La calidad de las condiciones de vida se determina en base a puntuaciones compuestas. El resultado muestra que las condiciones de vida difieren en diferentes partes de esta localidad. La condición de vida de la parte central es mejor que otras partes de esta ciudad.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city.Quality of living is a multidimensional concept of an individual or a society. It has been influenced by different factors such as housing conditions, health conditions, education, assets, and other basic amenities. This research deals with assessing the level of household Quality of Living (QoL) of Berhampore Town (city) in Murshidabad district in West Bengal, India. Household Quality of Living is measured based on twenty indicators. These indicators are used as different domains like Human Capital Index, Assets Index, Basic Amenities Index, and Housing Index. Quality of living conditions is determined based on composite scores. The result shows that living conditions differ in different parts of this town. The living condition of the central part is better than other parts of this city

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