8 research outputs found

    Wrist arthroscopy

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    Artroskopija ručnog zgloba je minimalno invazivna endoskopska metoda koja omogućuje dijagnosticiranje i liječenje pojedinih bolesti i ozljeda ručnog zgloba (RZ), mediokarpalnog zgloba (MKZ) i distalnog radioulnarnog zgloba (DRUZ). Ovu minimalno invazivnu kiruršku metodu prvi je opisao Yung-Cheng Chen 1979., no njezina šira primjena u kliničkoj praksi počinje tek nakon 1986., kada je Terry Lane Whipple preporučio distrakciju RZ-a i precizne lokalizacije ulaznih mjesta (portala), kako bi se učinila pravilna i potpuna evaluacija RZ-a prilikom izvođenja artroskopije. Iako je prvotno artroskopija RZ-a bila samo dijagnostička metoda, tijekom vremena, zahvaljujući kontinuiranom napretku tehnologije i uvođenju inovacija u instrumentaciji i operativnoj tehnici, artroskopija RZ-a postaje i terapeutska metoda. Cilj ovog rada prikazati je osnove o artroskopiji RZ-a, a one uključuju: povijesni razvoj, indikacije i kontraindikacije, evaluaciju i probir bolesnika za artroskopiju RZ-a na temelju anamneze, fizikalnog pregleda i slikovne obrade, pripremu za artroskopiju RZ-a, potrebnu opremu, poznavanje izvanzglobne anatomije, portale (ulazna mjesta), poznavanje unutarzglobne anatomije, preduvjete, tehniku artroskopije RZ-a, prednosti i nedostatke ove operativne metode, komplikacije i zaključak.Wrist arthroscopy is minimally invasive endoscopic procedure which enables the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases and injuries of the wrist joint (WJ), midcarpal joints (MCJs) and distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ). This minimally invasive surgical procedure was first described by Yung-Cheng Chen in 1979. However, its widespread application in clinical practice began after 1986, when Terry Lane Whipple recommended wrist distraction and precise localization of portals to do proper and complete evaluation of the wrist when performing arthroscopy. Although initially wrist arthroscopy was only a diagnostic tool, during time due to the continuous advancement of technology and the introduction of innovations in instrumentation and surgical technique, wrist arthroscopy became a therapeutic method. The aim of this professional paper is to present the basics of wrist arthroscopy, which include: historical development, indications and contraindications, evaluation and selection of patients for wrist arthroscopy on the basis of history, physical examination and diagnostic imaging procedures, wrist arthroscopy setup, the necessary equipment, superficial anatomy, portals, intraarticular anatomy, preconditions, technique of wrist arthroscopy, the advantages and disadvantages of this surgical procedure, complications, and conclusion

    Wrist arthroscopy

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    Artroskopija ručnog zgloba je minimalno invazivna endoskopska metoda koja omogućuje dijagnosticiranje i liječenje pojedinih bolesti i ozljeda ručnog zgloba (RZ), mediokarpalnog zgloba (MKZ) i distalnog radioulnarnog zgloba (DRUZ). Ovu minimalno invazivnu kiruršku metodu prvi je opisao Yung-Cheng Chen 1979., no njezina šira primjena u kliničkoj praksi počinje tek nakon 1986., kada je Terry Lane Whipple preporučio distrakciju RZ-a i precizne lokalizacije ulaznih mjesta (portala), kako bi se učinila pravilna i potpuna evaluacija RZ-a prilikom izvođenja artroskopije. Iako je prvotno artroskopija RZ-a bila samo dijagnostička metoda, tijekom vremena, zahvaljujući kontinuiranom napretku tehnologije i uvođenju inovacija u instrumentaciji i operativnoj tehnici, artroskopija RZ-a postaje i terapeutska metoda. Cilj ovog rada prikazati je osnove o artroskopiji RZ-a, a one uključuju: povijesni razvoj, indikacije i kontraindikacije, evaluaciju i probir bolesnika za artroskopiju RZ-a na temelju anamneze, fizikalnog pregleda i slikovne obrade, pripremu za artroskopiju RZ-a, potrebnu opremu, poznavanje izvanzglobne anatomije, portale (ulazna mjesta), poznavanje unutarzglobne anatomije, preduvjete, tehniku artroskopije RZ-a, prednosti i nedostatke ove operativne metode, komplikacije i zaključak.Wrist arthroscopy is minimally invasive endoscopic procedure which enables the diagnosis and treatment of certain diseases and injuries of the wrist joint (WJ), midcarpal joints (MCJs) and distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ). This minimally invasive surgical procedure was first described by Yung-Cheng Chen in 1979. However, its widespread application in clinical practice began after 1986, when Terry Lane Whipple recommended wrist distraction and precise localization of portals to do proper and complete evaluation of the wrist when performing arthroscopy. Although initially wrist arthroscopy was only a diagnostic tool, during time due to the continuous advancement of technology and the introduction of innovations in instrumentation and surgical technique, wrist arthroscopy became a therapeutic method. The aim of this professional paper is to present the basics of wrist arthroscopy, which include: historical development, indications and contraindications, evaluation and selection of patients for wrist arthroscopy on the basis of history, physical examination and diagnostic imaging procedures, wrist arthroscopy setup, the necessary equipment, superficial anatomy, portals, intraarticular anatomy, preconditions, technique of wrist arthroscopy, the advantages and disadvantages of this surgical procedure, complications, and conclusion

    A method for SLAM algorithms comparison

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    A method for SLAM algorithms comparison

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    A method for SLAM algorithms comparison

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    Structural Investigation of Zno:Fe Doped System

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    Nanosized powder of ZnO doped with 5 at% of Fe was prepared and characterized by X ray diffractometry, while local atomic arrangements around different absorbing atoms was characterized by EXAFS measurements. Also, existence of significant magnetic moments of absorbant atoms was investigated using XMCD technique, while overall magnetic properties were sampled by magnetometric measurements. To get better insight in mechanisms behind such a subtle effect, ab initio calculations of electronic structure of dopped system has also been performed. Although, calculations predict small magnetic moments on Fe and to small extent on neighbouring atoms, XMCD and magnetic measurements reveal no sign of magnetic ordering in this compound, proving once more the decisive role of preparation technique in obtaining the desired effect.Radiation Interaction wtih Material and Its Use in Technologies, 4th International Conference on Radiation Interaction with Material and Its Use in Technologies, May 14-17, 2012, Kaunas, Lithuani

    Changes of hydrogen storage properties of MgH2 induced by boron ion irradiation

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    MgH2 powder samples have been irradiated with 45 key B3+ ions with different ion fluencies ranging from 10(12) to 10(16) ions/cm(2). Irradiation effects have been estimated by SRIM calculations. To characterize induced modifications and its influence on the hydrogen desorption behavior of MgH2, X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis, particle size analysis and temperature programmed desorption (TPD) have been used. Changes of TPD spectra with irradiation conditions suggest that there are several mechanisms involved in desorption process which depend on defect concentration and their interaction and ordering. It has been demonstrated that the changes in near-surface area play the crucial role in hydrogen desorption kinetics. The results also confirm that there is possibility to control the thermodynamic parameters by controlling vacancies concentration in the systems. (C) 2010 Professor T. Nejat Veziroglu. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

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