85 research outputs found

    Imágenes sobre dinosaurios en libros de texto de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria

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    El concepto “dinosaurio” no forma parte explícita del saber a enseñar en los curriculaoficiales de ESO dentro del periodo LOGSE-LOE español (1990-2010). A pesar de ello,algunos autores y editoriales decidieron incluirlo como objeto de enseñanza en los libros detexto. El análisis de estos libros revela una abundante presencia de información gráfica, conun predominio de imágenes desprovistas de rasgos que identifiquen los elementos representadosasí como la presencia ocasional de modelos alternativos y un déficit en la concurrenciaentre textos e imágenes que reduce su potencial didáctico.The “dinosaur” concept is not an explicit part of the knowledge to be taught in theofficial curriculum of Secondary Education within the Spanish LOGSE-LOE (1990-2010).However, some authors and publishers decided to include it as an object of teaching in thetextbooks. The analysis reveals an abundance of graphic information, with a predominanceof images devoid of features that identify the elements represented, the occasional presenceof alternative models and a deficit in the competition between texts and images that reducestheir educational potential

    Imágenes sobre dinosaurios en libros de texto de Enseñanza Secundaria Obligatoria

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    El concepto “dinosaurio” no forma parte explícita del saber a enseñar en los curricula oficiales de ESO dentro del periodo LOGSE-LOE español (1990-2010). A pesar de ello, algunos autores y editoriales decidieron incluirlo como objeto de enseñanza en los libros de texto. El análisis de estos libros revela una abundante presencia de información gráfica, con un predominio de imágenes desprovistas de rasgos que identifiquen los elementos representados así como la presencia ocasional de modelos alternativos y un déficit en la concurrencia entre textos e imágenes que reduce su potencial didáctico. The “dinosaur” concept is not an explicit part of the knowledge to be taught in the official curriculum of Secondary Education within the Spanish LOGSE-LOE (1990-2010). However, some authors and publishers decided to include it as an object of teaching in the textbooks. The analysis reveals an abundance of graphic information, with a predominance of images devoid of features that identify the elements represented, the occasional presence of alternative models and a deficit in the competition between texts and images that reduces their educational potential

    Dinosaur footprints of the San Cristóbal 3 tracksite from Camarillas Formation in Galve (Teruel, Spain)

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    El yacimiento de icnitas de dinosaurio San Cristóbal 3 estaba localizado en la Formación Camarillas (Barremiense inferior), en Galve (Teruel). Debido a su próxima desaparición por una actividad minera, se realizó una actuación paleontológica por parte de la Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis, promovida por SIBELCO Hispania y bajo la supervisión de la Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural -Gobierno de Aragón- para salvaguardar la información científica y las icnitas más representativas. Para ello, además de la extracción, se ha llevado a cabo una réplica y un escaneado en 3 dimensiones. Durante la investigación se amplió el yacimiento, llegando a documentar 43 icnitas de contorno circular. En algunas de ellas se observan tres dedos y un talón redondeado que permiten reinterpretar a los productores, considerados saurópodos en un trabajo anterior, como posibles dinosaurios ornitópodosSan Cristóbal 3 tracksite was located in the Camarillas Formation (early Barremian) in Galve (Teruel). As a result of being endangered by mining, a palaeontological action was carried out by Fundación Conjunto Paleontológico de Teruel-Dinópolis. It was promoted by SIBELCO Hispania and supervised by the Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural - Aragón Government - to safeguard the scientific information and the most representative footprints. To fulfill that aim, in addition to the recovery of tracks, a detailed cast and a 3D scanning have been made. For research purposes, the tracksite was excavated again with the result that 43 rounded tracks have been documented until present. Nevertheless, some of them show imprints with three digits and a rounded heel. These new data lead us to reinterpret the trackmakers, which could not be sauropod as previously published, but probably ornithopod dinosaur

    Siguiendo las huellas… en el campo : una propuesta didáctica

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    Los puzles de pisadas han constituido un recurso muy utilizado en la enseñanza de las ciencias en las últimas décadas. La propuesta presentada en este trabajo pretende acercar al alumnado a un contexto más realista que obliga a poner en juego no solo destrezas científicas generales sino contenidos específicos de geología, en general, y paleontología, en particular. Al igual que en la investigación científica, pueden existir varias interpretaciones alternativas, pero todas deberán estar contextualizadas dentro de un marco de referencia que incluye aspectos temporales, geográficos, geológicos, evolutivos, etc. Las experiencias llevadas a cabo en el ámbito de la educación no formal ponen de manifiesto el potencial de esta propuesta, que obliga a los participantes a conectar en todo momento los aspectos metodológicos con el marco disciplinar de referencia

    The effects of the Nordic hamstring exercise on sprint performance and eccentric knee flexor strength: A systematic review and meta-analysis of intervention studies among team sport players

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    The primary aim of this study was to investigate the effects of the Nordic hamstring exercise (NH E ) on sprint performance (i.e., 5, 10 and 20 m) and explore associations between study characteristics and sprint outcomes in team sport players. Secondary aims were to (1) investigate the effects of the NH E on eccentric strength of the knee flexors (ES KF ) with categorical subgroup analysis to determine differences between recreationally, well-trained individuals and young athletes, (2) determine the relation between ES KF and sprint performance in team sport players, and (3) explore the effect of study characteristics (i.e., weekly volume, time duration and body mass) on ES KF .Medicin

    Effects of ankle position during the Nordic Hamstring exercise on range of motion, heel contact force and hamstring muscle activation

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    One of the main benefits of the Nordic Hamstring Exercise (NHE) is that it can be performed without the need of any extra material. However, numerous technical execution variables such as the ankle and pelvis position can influence the performance. The primary aims of this study were to investigate the effects of ankle position (i.e., plantar or dorsal flexion) on Nordic Hamstring Break Point (NHBP), repetition time and heel contact force. A secondary aim was to investigate differences in biceps femoris long head and semitendinosus muscle activation. Male professional field hockey players (n = 12) volunteered for the study. Paired t-tests were used to analyse the effect of ankle position on muscle NHBP, eccentric peak torque and repetition time. Ankle dorsal flexion resulted in a higher NHBP (p = 0.002, effect size [ES] = 1.48 [0.57 to 2.38]), repetition time (p = 0.004, ES = 0.98 [0.24 to 1.72]) and both absolute and relative heel contact force (p = 0.028, ES = 0.67 [0.01 to 1.34], p = 0.017, ES = 0.76 [0.07 to 1.44], respectively) compared to plantar flexion. Muscle activation was not significant different. This study showed a higher NHBP, absolute and relative heel contact force and repetition time with a dorsal flexed ankle vs. a plantar flexed ankle in the NHE, without changes in hamstrings muscle activation.Medicin

    Relación entre la potencia y velocidad en press de banca y la velocidad de lanzamiento de balón en jugadores profesionales de balonmano = Relationship between barbell power and velocity in bench press exercise and ball throwing velocity in professional handball players

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    p. 53-59Los objetivos de este estudio fueron (a) analizar la relación existente entre la una repetición máxima (1-RM) en press de banca y la velocidad de lanzamiento en jugadores de balonmano U18 de nivel internacional y, (b) analizar qué variables del ejercicio del press de banca son más relevantes en el rendimiento específico (velocidad de lanzamiento del balón) durante el test de velocidad de lanzamiento (T3-Step). Dieciséis jugadores de la Selección Española de Balonmano Juvenil participaron en la presente investigación. Todos los sujetos realizaron un protocolo incremental en el ejercicio del press de banca, además delT3-Step de velocidad de lanzamiento del balón. Por un lado, se analizó la relación existente entre la velocidad media (Velmedia), velocidad media de la fase propulsiva (VelMFP), velocidad pico (Velpico), potencia media (Potmedia), potencia media de la fase propulsiva (PotMFP), y potencia pico (Potpico)en todo el espectro de cargas en relación con la velocidad de lanzamiento. También se realizaron los mismos análisis con la carga en donde se obtuvo la máxima potencia media (CargaMP). Los resultados mostraron, por un lado que el rango de correlación de la CargaMP, PotmediaMP, PotMFPMP y PotpicoMP y la velocidad de lanzamiento fueron de .61 (p= .012), .702 (p< .01), .734 (p< .01) y .63 (p< .01), respectivamente. El coeficiente de correlación de Pearson entre la 1-RMy la velocidad de lanzamiento fue de r = .61 (p < .01). En conclusión, las variables relevantes a nivel de rendimiento específico con la velocidad de lanzamiento fueron la 1RM, la CargaMP, la PotMFPMP y la VelMFPMP. Todas estas analizadas en función del 60% de la 1-RM.S

    Impact of Pain Neuroscience Education Program in Community Physiotherapy Context on Pain Perception and Psychosocial Variables Associated with It in Elderly Persons: A Ranzomized Controlled Trial

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    This study investigated the long-term effect (six-months) of a Pain Neuroscience Education (PNE) program on pain perception, quality of life, kinesiophobia and catastrophism in older adults with multimorbidity and chronic pain. Fifty participants (n = 50) were randomly assigned to the pain education therapy group (PET; n = 24) and control group (CG; n = 26). The PET group received six sessions (i.e., once a week, 50 min) about neurophysiology of pain while the CG carried on with their usual life. Perception of pain through the visual analogue scale (VAS), quality of life (EQ-5D questionnaire), kinesiophobia (TSK-11) and catastrophism (PCS) were assessed after six months since the last PNE session. Statistically significant differences on VAS (t(48) = 44, p = 0.01, ES = 0.42 [0.13, 0.65]) was found in favor to PET group. No other statistically significant differences were found. This study found that the application of a PNE intervention in an isolated form was able to significantly reduce pain perception with low effect size in the long-term (six months after intervention) in elderly people with chronic pain.Medicin

    Hip adduction and abduction strength profiles in elite and sub-elite female soccer players according to players level and leg limb-dominance

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    Background: Understanding the hip adduction and abduction strength in female soccer players is crucial for performance enhancement and injury prevention. This study compares the strength profiles in these muscle groups between elite and sub-elite female soccer players and assesses the impact of leg limb-dominance. Methods: A descriptive-comparative study was employed. Eighty-two female soccer players were evaluated. Isometric hip-adduction and abduction strength were measured using a handheld dynamometer. Results: Female elite and sub-elite soccer players displayed a mean and standard deviation (SD) on isometric hip-adductor strength for dominant (3.19 Nm/kg ± 0.69 vs. 2.40 Nm/kg ± 0.67) and non-dominant leg (3.32 Nm/kg ± 0.76 versus 2.42 Nm/kg ± 0.70), respectively. For isometric hip-abductor strength in elite and sub-elite players, a mean and SD of dominant (2.86 Nm/kg ± 0.56 vs. 2.07 Nm/kg ± 0.50) and non-dominant (2.80 Nm/kg ± 0.59 vs. 2.04 Nm/kg ± 0.43). In essence, elite players were stronger than sub-elite players on isometric hip-adduction (mean difference [MD] = 0.82 Nm/kg, CI95% = 0.42–1.12) and abduction (MD = 0.83 Nm/kg, CI95% = 0.54- 1.12) both in dominant and non-dominant, leg, whereas no differences existed for hip adduction:abduction ratios between groups and legs. Conclusions: Elite female athletes exhibited greater strength than sub-elite female players in both hip adduction and abduction, whereas adduction:abduction ratio values did not differ between the two groups or between different legs