73 research outputs found

    Pollination efficiency of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on Solanum nigrum (Solanaceae) at Meskine (Maroua, Cameroon)

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    Most plant species require pollen transfer to produce fruits and set seeds. Although some insects visit flowers for nectar or pollen, not all flowering insects bring about pollination. To evaluate the impact of Apis mellifera Linnaeus on fruit and seed yields of Solanum nigrum Linnaeus, foraging and pollinating activities of worker bees were studied at Meskine in January 2019 and February 2020. The experiments were carried out on 540 flowers divided in four treatments: two treatments differentiated according to the presence or absence of protection of flowers regarding A. mellifera and other insect visits; the third with flowers protected and uncovered when they were opened, to allow A. mellifera visits and the fourth with flowers protected then uncorvered and reprotected without the visit of insects or any other organism. The foraging behaviour of A. mellifera on flowers, its efficiency pollination, the fruiting rate, the number of seeds per fruit and the percentage of normal seeds were evaluated. Results indicate that among 27 insect species recorded on flowers, A. mellifera ranked first accounting for for 34.16% of 2652 visits. This worker bee intensely harvested nectar and pollen. The mean foraging speed was 10.39 flowers / min. The mean abundance per 1000 flowers was 519.46. For the two years, throughout its pollination efficiency, A. mellifera increased the fruiting rate by 16.29%, as well as the percentage of normal seeds by 15.57%. Hence, the installation of honeybee colonies close to S. nigrum fields is recommended to improve fruit yields, seed quality, pollen as a hive product and honey production

    Etude de l’évolution des Ă©lĂ©ments prĂ©curseurs d’eutrophisation des eaux du Barrage n°3 de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

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    Dans le cadre du suivi de la qualitĂ© des eaux de surface destinĂ©es Ă  la potabilisation, l’évolution des élĂ©ments prĂ©curseurs d’eutrophisation (matiĂšres azotĂ©es et phosphorĂ©es) du barrage n°3 de Ouagadougou a Ă©té investiguĂ©e durant la pĂ©riode de septembre 2012 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2012. Les paramĂštres chimiques ont Ă©té dĂ©terminĂ©s par spectrophotomĂ©trie d’absorption molĂ©culaire et les paramĂštres physiques par la mĂ©thode électrochimique. Les analyses physicochimiques ont mis en Ă©vidence des corrĂ©lations entre la teneur en nitrates et la chlorophylle A (r = 0,715) et entre la tempĂ©rature et la chlorophylle A (r = 0,838). La teneur en orthophosphte est faiblement corrĂ©lĂ©e avec la teneur en chlorophylle A du barrage (r = 0,171). Il n’a Ă©té observĂ© aucune diffĂ©rence significative entre les concentrations en orthophosphates des quatre mois de la pĂ©riode d’étude (p<0,05). La plus forte valeur (1,3 mg/l) a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e au cours du mois de septembre et la plus faible valeur (0,14 mg/l) au cours du mois de novembre. Cependant, les teneurs en nitrates, tempĂ©rature et chlorophylle A des eaux Ă©taient plus fortes au cours du mois d’octobre (respectivement, 6,6 mg/l; 29,14 °C ; 0,04 ÎŒg/l) et plus faibles en dĂ©cembre (respectivement, 3 mg/l ; 23,25 °C ; 0,02 ÎŒg/l). Ces rĂ©sultats indiquent que les mois d’octobre et novembre sont des pĂ©riodes Ă  risque d’eutrophisation du barrage n°3 de Ouagadougou. Il ressort des rĂ©sultats que l’eau du barrage est de bonne qualitĂ© au plan physico-chimique et revĂȘt un Ă©tat trophique oligo-mĂ©sotrophe.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clĂ©s: Eutrophisation, chlorophylle A, Ă©tat trophique, nitrates, tempĂ©rature, barrage n°3 de OuagadougouEnglish Title: Study of eutrophication’s precursors items of Ouagadougou’s 3rd dam’s waters, Burkina FasoEnglish AbstractIn a framework of monitoring the quality of surface water intended for drinking, the evolution of eutrophication’s precursors (nitrogenous substances and phosphorus) of Ouagadougou’s third (rd) dam has been done in the standard base period from September 2012 to December 2012. The chemical measures have been determined by molecular absorption spectrophotometry method and the physical parameters by electrochemical method. The physicochemical tests underlined interrelated the relationship between nitrate content and the chlorophyll A (=0.715) and between the temperature and chlorophyll A (r=0.838).The content of orthophosphates is feebly correlative with the chlorophyll A content of dam (r=0.171). Any significant distinction hasn’t been observed between the orthophosphates’ mergers of four months’ studying (p=0.05).The strongest value ( 1.3 mg /l) has been checked in the course of the month of September and the weakest value (0.14 mg/l) during the month of November. Meanwhile, the nitrate’s content, temperature and chlorophyll A of waters were strongest in the course of October (respectively, 6.6 mg /l ; 29.14 °C ; 0.4 ug /l) and lowest in December ( respectively, 3 mg/l ; 23.25 °C ; 0.02 ug/l).These results showed that October’s and December’s months are periods that cover the eutrophication’s risk of Ouagadougou’s third dam. It comes out from the results that, water from the dam of good quality from the physicochemical stand point and covers with the statement of trophical mesotrophy’s traces.© 2016 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Eutrophication, chlorophyll A, trophical statement, nitrate, temperature, Ouagadougou’s 3rd da

    Retention of nutrients, suspended particulate matter and phytoplankton in a pondage associated with a run-of-the-river type hydroelectric power plant

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    Reservoirs associated with run-of-the-river type hydroelectrical power plants (i.e. pondages) have short water residence times. For this reason, pondages are thought to have a limited impact on the fluxes of particles and solutes transported by rivers. The Malause reservoir (South West France) is such a pondage. Fed by both the Garonne and Tarn rivers, it has a water residence time of only a few days. Incoming and outgoing fluxes of nutrients, suspended particulate matter (SPM) and phytoplankton were measured weekly over the course of 1 year. Mass balance calculations showed that Malause pondage retained 24% of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) supplied by both rivers on an annual basis. SRP retention occurred mostly in spring–summer,pointing to biological uptake. In addition, the pondage was a sink for SPM and phytoplankton, retaining 39% of SPM and 14% of chlorophyll a supplied by both rivers on an annual basis. The retention efficiency appeared to be constrained by water temperature and residence time. The pondage was a source of phytoplankton during summer, when temperature and water residence time was high. The pondage was a sink for SPM when water residence time was low (<1 day). Our observations highlight the need to reconsider the impact of minor hydrological discontinuities on the functioning of the river continuum. The shallow depth of the pondage and the presence of dense stands of submerged macrophytes have probably favoured the retention of nutrients and the sedimentation of particles within the pondage

    Clinical case: giant solitary neurofibroma of the thigh

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    The solitary neurofibroma, a benign ectodermal tumor reaching the nerve sheaths, is very rare both in its frequency and its location. Its diagnosis is histo-immunological and its treatment, surgical, consists of a complete resection of the mass due to a degenerative risk tumor. The authors report the case of a 36-year-old patient, admitted for a large tumor of the anterior aspect of the right thigh. Ultrasound and CT revealed the presence of a soft tissue tumor measuring 28 x 15 cm. The resection was performed without damage to the adjacent noble elements. The tumor weighed 7 kg. The histology found a neurofibroma. Benign tumors of the nerve sheath are rare. The neurofibroma is a benign tumor, which can occur in two forms: solitary in young adults or multiple in the context of a Recklinghausen disease. The majority of cases of giant neurofibromatous tumors reported, were almost always isolated localization. TDM or echo-guided biopsy is the only way to confirm preoperative histological diagnosis. The treatment is surgical. However, the tumor infiltrates the fasciculi of the nerve along its course, which could make its resection difficult and dangerous. Thigh localization of the neurofibroma is rare. Complete excision with negative margins is the treatment of choice. In the case reported, one year after surgery, the patient was in good general condition with normal locomotor function

    Antiretroviral-induced adverse drug reactions in HIV-infected patients in Mali: a resource-limited setting experience

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    Background: There are few reports in the literature from sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) regarding antiretroviral-induced adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is now widely available in SSA, and ADRs during HIV infection are also frequent. In this study, we reported the frequency and risk factors of ART-induced ADRs in a Malian population.Methods: This prospective cohort study was performed in the HIV Care and Counseling Centre (CESAC) of Mali from 2011 to 2012. Adult patients infected with HIV and who had recently started ART were included and followed-up clinically Were included in this study, adult patients living with HIV and had recently started ART who were followed up for at least 6 months to determine the incidence of ADRs using Naranjo’s classification scale.Results: During this study, 357 (42.3%) patients presented ADRs (40.1% of our patients (n=338) experienced at least one ADR, and 2.2% (n=19) experienced at least two ADRs). The prevalence of ADRs by organ system was: 45.9% neurological (n=164); 29.4% metabolic (blood chemistry) (n=105); 15.4% hematological (n=55). High probable rate of ADR was observed as indicated by the Naranjo score in 83.7% of the cases. Zidovudine (AZT) and stavudine (d4T) use was identified as a risk factor for either anaemia or peripheral neuropathy whereas nevirapine (NVP) and female gender were risk factors for skin reactions. Patients with advance disease had the highest rate of ADRs compared to the others.Conclusions: Based on the Naranjo probability scale, our data show that ADRs such as peripheral neuropathy and anemia are very frequent. These ADR was linked to AZT and D4T. Our findings highlight the need for active monitoring, continuous pharmacovigilance of ART and change of some ART drug in this population

    Caractérisation de Trypanosoma sp chez les animaux domestiques dans quatre foyers de la partie Ouest de la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)

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    En vue d’identifier les trypanosomes circulants chez les animaux domestiques de Kinshasa, Mbanza-Ngungu, Masi-Manimba et Mushie et d’en dĂ©terminer les prĂ©valences par PCR, une Ă©tude longitudinale a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e. 1653 Ă©chantillons sanguins ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©levĂ©s chez les animaux domestiques dans les foyers de Kinshasa, Mbanza-Ngungu, Masi-Manimba et Mushie, dont 22 cas ont Ă©tĂ© positif au Trypanosoma congolense Forest, correspondant Ă  une prĂ©valence brute de 1,3%. Pour ce qui est des foyers, Kinshasa a eu une prĂ©valence de 2,5%, Mbanza-Ngungu une prĂ©valence de 2,4%, Masi-Manimba sans aucune prĂ©valence et Mushie une prĂ©valence de 1,3%. En rapport avec les saisons, la saison de pluie a eu une prĂ©valence de 1,4%, alors que la saison sĂšche en a eu 1,3%. Concernant les espĂšces, les bovins ont eu une prĂ©valence de 0,9%, les porcins une prĂ©valence de 3,7%, les ovins une prĂ©valence de 1,4% et les caprins une prĂ©valence de 0,7%. Quant au sexe, les mĂąles ont eu une prĂ©valence de 0,9%, alors que les femelles en ont eu 1,5%. Cette Ă©tude a montrĂ© que la Trypanosomiase Animale Africaine (TAA) serait en recul chez les animaux de ces quatre foyers. Ainsi, les cliniciens sur terrain devraient rĂ©orienter leur stratĂ©gie thĂ©rapeutique, en intĂ©grant cette nouvelle donne. Mots clĂ©s: Trypanosoma sp, Animaux domestiques, Ouest RDCIn order to identify circulating trypanosomes in Kinshasa, Mbanza Ngungu, Masi Manimba and Mushie domestic animals and to determine their prevalence by PCR, a longitudinal study was conducted. 1653 blood samples were collected from domestic animals in the Kinshasa, Mbanza Ngungu, Masi Manimba and Mushie households, of which 22 were positive for Trypanosoma congolense Forest, corresponding to a gross prevalence of 1.3%. As for households, Kinshasa had a prevalence of 2.5%, Mbanza Ngungu a prevalence of 2.4%, Masi Manimba without any prevalence and Mushie a prevalence of 1.3%. In relation to the seasons, the rainy season had a prevalence of 1.4% while the dry season had a prevalence of 1.3%. Regarding species, cattle had a prevalence of 0.9%, pigs a prevalence of 3.7%, sheep a prevalence of 1.4% and goats a prevalence of 0.7%. As for sex, males had a prevalence of 0.9% while females had a prevalence of 1.5%. This study showed that African Animal Trypanosomiasis (AAT) is declining among animals in these four locations Thus, clinicians in the field should take into account this new situation in their therapeutic strategy. Keywords: Trypanosoma sp, Domestic animals, West DR


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    L’étude des mécanismes de gouvernance d’entreprise assigne au Conseil d’administration (CA) une place centrale. Chargé de représenter les intérêts des actionnaires, il apparait comme l’organe privilégié de contrôle des dirigeants. L’efficacité du conseil d’administration dans le processus stratégique des entreprises est un sujet qui a entrainé un grand nombre de travaux de recherche. Or, malgré cet intérêt, il semble qu’on comprenne encore mal les déterminants de cette efficacité. L’efficacité de ce CA peut être influencée par le droit de propriété que détiennent ces actionnaires. Il est question dans cette recherche de ressortir au travers d’une démarche hypothético-déductive, l’influence de la dilution de la propriété sur l’efficacité de la ratification des décisions du CA dans les firmes au Cameroun. Ainsi, une enquête a été réalisée par administration des questionnaires par convenance auprès de 61 entreprises des villes de Douala, Yaoundé et Maroua. Les résultats des analyses obtenus de la recherche ont permis de confirmer le fait que la dilution de la propriété a une influence significative sur l’efficacité de la ratification des décisions par le CA

    Public Health Impact After the Introduction of PsA-TT: The First 4 Years.

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    BACKGROUND: During the first introduction of a group A meningococcal vaccine (PsA-TT) in 2010-2011 and its rollout from 2011 to 2013, >150 million eligible people, representing 12 hyperendemic meningitis countries, have been vaccinated. METHODS: The new vaccine effectiveness evaluation framework was established by the World Health Organization and partners. Meningitis case-based surveillance was strengthened in PsA-TT first-introducer countries, and several evaluation studies were conducted to estimate the vaccination coverage and to measure the impact of vaccine introduction on meningococcal carriage and disease incidence. RESULTS: PsA-TT implementation achieved high vaccination coverage, and results from studies conducted showed significant decrease of disease incidence as well as significant reduction of oropharyngeal carriage of group A meningococci in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, demonstrating the vaccine's ability to generate herd protection and prevent group A epidemics. CONCLUSIONS: Lessons learned from this experience provide useful insights in how to guide and better prepare for future new vaccine introductions in resource-limited settings

    Strengthening and utilizing response groups for emergencies flagship: a narrative review of the roll out process and lessons from the first year of implementation

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    The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa (WHO/AFRO) faces members who encounter annual disease epidemics and natural disasters that necessitate immediate deployment and a trained health workforce to respond. The gaps in this regard, further exposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, led to conceptualizing the Strengthening and Utilizing Response Group for Emergencies (SURGE) flagship in 2021. This study aimed to present the experience of the WHO/AFRO in the stepwise roll-out process and the outcome, as well as to elucidate the lessons learned across the pilot countries throughout the first year of implementation. The details of the roll-out process and outcome were obtained through information and data extraction from planning and operational documents, while further anonymized feedback on various thematic areas was received from stakeholders through key informant interviews with 60 core actors using open-ended questionnaires. In total, 15 out of the 47 countries in WHO/AFRO are currently implementing the initiative, with a total of 1,278 trained and validated African Volunteers Health Corps-Strengthening and Utilizing Response Groups for Emergencies (AVoHC-SURGE) members in the first year. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the highest number (214) of trained AVoHC-SURGE members. The high level of advocacy, the multi-sectoral-disciplinary approach in the selection process, the adoption of the one-health approach, and the uniqueness of the training methodology are among the best practices applauded by the respondents. At the same time, financial constraints were the most reported challenge, with ongoing strategies to resolve them as required. Six countries, namely Botswana, Mauritania, Niger, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Togo, have started benefiting from their trained AVoHC-SURGE members locally, while responders from Botswana and Rwanda were deployed internationally to curtail the recent outbreaks of cholera in Malawi and Kenya

    Origins and Outcomes of Electoral Institutions in African Hybrid Regimes: A Comparative Perspective

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    In the early 1990s most African countries carried out extensive reforms of their electoral regimes. Adopting a historical institutionalist approach, this paper critically examines the role of institutional path dependence in accounting for the setup of six African electoral regimes. For this purpose, we distinguish between different types of path dependence. The paper further analyzes the extent to which the development of electoral institutions contributed to the regime-type outcome (democratic/hybrid/autocratic). The main emphasis herein is on so-called hybrid regimes; in other words, regimes existing in the grey zone between democracy and autocracy. The paper finds that, while institutional path dependence has a limited but important impact on the setup of the electoral regimes, it is ultimately the process of decision-making during critical junctures that accounts for the regime type outcome. Hybrid regimes lack long-term institutional ownership
