6 research outputs found


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    Firstly it has been experimentally revealed that during fluid motion in the micro-cracked channel and in the equivalent porous medium an unknown additional resistance arises in the scientific technical literature that is the “microcrack-fluid” effect. It has been demonstrated that the determined “microcrack-fluid” effect is the cause of linear Darcy’s law violation in the micro-cracked channels. It has been revealed in the work that during fluids moving in the microcracked channel there is a critical size of crack for the homogeneous fluid (water, viscous and anomalous fluids) and a hydrodynamic effect as so-called “microcrack-fluid” is manifested. So for the first time we determined the critical value of opening − hcr on the basis of experimental investigations in cracks. It was found that at h<hcr the anomalous properties are manifested for viscous fluids and rheological parameters are increased for anomalous fluids, and at h≥hcr these effects disappear. It has been established that the reason of the anomalous behavior of fluids in the microcrack with h<hcr opening is the effect occurred in the “microcrack-fluid” system. It is shown that microcrack with certain opening can be considered as a model but the ultra-low permeable porous medium is nature. It has been determined that the critical value of the Reynolds number calculated for viscous and abnormal fluids in the microcracked channel and in the equivalent porous medium in the microcrack is Re<1. The new fact about Darcy’s law violation during fluids flow in microcrack with h<hcr opening has been experimentally revealed i.e. micro-cracked effect of “microcrack-fluid” system is a cause of Darcy’s law violation. It is recommended to taking into consideration the microcracked effect in the “fluid-medium” system for regulation and creation of the new technical and technological processes in the different branches of industr


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    Authors of this report describe peculiarities of fish farming in the water basin of Azerbaijan and the State of California (USA). Authors of the report also offer the description of the natural conditions of lakes and river basins, as well as coastal zones where fish farming is developed in the selected country

    Дослідження гідродинамічних особливостей руху рідин у мікротрещинних каналах

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    The object of the work is an experimental study of the features of the movement of viscous and anomalous fluids in plane-parallel and plane-radial microcracks. In the work, the unexplored problem of hydrodynamic features of fluid motion in the considered objects – channels is solved. It was experimentally revealed that various fluids, when moving in microcracked channels with micron-sized openings, acquire new mechanical properties, which differ from their properties in the usual condition. The effect in the “microcrack-fluid” system is the reason for changes in the mechanical properties of fluids in microcracks and equivalent ultra-low-permeable porous media. It was revealed that when a one-parameter viscous fluid moves in a crack with an opening h<hcr, it becomes two-parameter, i.e. behaves like an anomalous fluid, and when moving with an opening h≥hcr, it restores one-parameter properties, and the anomalous fluid behaves like an anomalous fluid but increases the rheological constants of the model. The results of the research require taking into consideration the crack effect in estimating the parameters of the technological processes system and technical devices “microcrack-fluid”. Machines and mechanisms must additionally have nodes that would prevent this effect. This is of scientific and practical importance for various fields of the industry, machine manufacturing, instrument manufacturing, chemical technology and medicine.Об'єктом роботи є експериментальне дослідження особливостей руху в'язких та аномальних рідин у плоскопаралельних і плоскорадіальних мікротріщинах. У роботі вирішується задача вивчення гідродинамічних особливостей руху рідини в розглянутих об'єктах – каналах. Експериментально встановлено, що різні рідини під час руху в мікротріщинних каналах з розкритістю мікронного розміру набувають нових механічних властивостей, що відрізняються від їхніх властивостей у звичайному стані. Причиною зміни механічних властивостей рідин в мікротріщинах та еквівалентних наднизькопроникних пористих середовищах є ефект системи "мікротріщина-рідина". Виявлено, що під час руху в'язкої однопараметричної рідини в тріщині з розкритістю h<hcr вона стає двопараметричною, тобто поводиться як аномальна, а під час руху з розкритістю h≥hcr відновлює однопараметричні властивості, для аномальних рідин реологічні параметри посилюються. Результати дослідження вимагають врахування тріщинного ефекту при оцінці параметрів системи технологічних процесів і технічних пристроїв "мікротріщина-рідина". Машини та механізми повинні додатково мати вузли, що запобігають даному ефекту, що має науково-практичне значення для різних галузей промисловості, машинобудування, приладобудування, хімічної технології та медицини

    Effects of mobile app-based mindfulness practice on healthcare workers:a randomized active controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers (HCWs) may be at greater risk of suffering from psychological distress compared to the general population. This study aimed to investigate the effects of mindfulness practice as delivered using Headspace on psychological and cognitive outcomes among HCWs in Singapore. METHODS: A total of 80 HCWs were recruited and randomly assigned to engage in either 3 weeks (10 min/day) of mindfulness practice using Headspace or an active control condition (Lumosity; involving playing cognitive games). Participants were administered several self-report measures and two working memory (digit span) tasks at pre- and post-intervention, and one-month follow-up. RESULTS: There were no significant between-condition changes on any outcome variables from pre- to post-intervention. From pre-intervention to 1-month follow-up, there were significantly greater improvements among Headspace participants on fear of COVID-19 (p = .005), compassion satisfaction (p = .007), trait mindfulness (p = .002), self-compassion (p = .005), sleep quality (p = .002), and the forward digit span task (p < .001). Several outcomes were mediated by increases in trait mindfulness or self-compassion. CONCLUSIONS: Use of Headspace may lead to downstream benefits in reducing distress and improving psychological health outcomes among HCWs. The findings have implications for improving psychological support resources for HCWs amidst a pandemic. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov (Identifier: NCT04936893)

    Empowering Health Care Education Through Learning Analytics: In-depth Scoping Review

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    BackgroundDigital education has expanded since the COVID-19 pandemic began. A substantial amount of recent data on how students learn has become available for learning analytics (LA). LA denotes the “measurement, collection, analysis, and reporting of data about learners and their contexts, for purposes of understanding and optimizing learning and the environments in which it occurs.” ObjectiveThis scoping review aimed to examine the use of LA in health care professions education and propose a framework for the LA life cycle. MethodsWe performed a comprehensive literature search of 10 databases: MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, ERIC, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, CINAHL, ICTP, Scopus, and IEEE Explore. In total, 6 reviewers worked in pairs and performed title, abstract, and full-text screening. We resolved disagreements on study selection by consensus and discussion with other reviewers. We included papers if they met the following criteria: papers on health care professions education, papers on digital education, and papers that collected LA data from any type of digital education platform. ResultsWe retrieved 1238 papers, of which 65 met the inclusion criteria. From those papers, we extracted some typical characteristics of the LA process and proposed a framework for the LA life cycle, including digital education content creation, data collection, data analytics, and the purposes of LA. Assignment materials were the most popular type of digital education content (47/65, 72%), whereas the most commonly collected data types were the number of connections to the learning materials (53/65, 82%). Descriptive statistics was mostly used in data analytics in 89% (58/65) of studies. Finally, among the purposes for LA, understanding learners’ interactions with the digital education platform was cited most often in 86% (56/65) of papers and understanding the relationship between interactions and student performance was cited in 63% (41/65) of papers. Far less common were the purposes of optimizing learning: the provision of at-risk intervention, feedback, and adaptive learning was found in 11, 5, and 3 papers, respectively. ConclusionsWe identified gaps for each of the 4 components of the LA life cycle, with the lack of an iterative approach while designing courses for health care professions being the most prevalent. We identified only 1 instance in which the authors used knowledge from a previous course to improve the next course. Only 2 studies reported that LA was used to detect at-risk students during the course’s run, compared with the overwhelming majority of other studies in which data analysis was performed only after the course was completed

    Patients, carers and healthcare providers’ perspectives on a patient-owned surveillance system for diabetic foot ulcer care: A qualitative study

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    Objective Digital health has recently gained a foothold in monitoring and improving diabetes care. We aim to explore the views of patients, carers and healthcare providers (HCPs) regarding the use of a novel patient-owned wound surveillance application as part of outpatient management of patients with diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs). Methods Semi-structured online interviews were conducted with patients, carers and HCPs in wound care for DFUs. The participants were recruited from a primary care polyclinic network and two tertiary hospitals in Singapore, within the same healthcare cluster. Purposive maximum variation sampling was used to select participants with differing attributes to ensure heterogeneity. Common themes relating to the wound imaging app were captured. Results A total of 20 patients, 5 carers and 20 HCPs participated in the qualitative study. None of the participants have used a wound imaging app before. Regarding a patient-owned wound surveillance app, all were open and receptive to the system and workflow for use in DFU care. Four major themes emerged from patients and carers: (1) technology, (2) application features and usability, (3) feasibility of using the wound imaging application and (4) logistics of care. Four major themes were identified from HCPs: (1) attitudes towards wound imaging app, (2) preferences regarding functionality, (3) perceived challenges for patients/carers and (4) perceived barriers for HCPs. Conclusion Our study highlighted several barriers and facilitators from patients, carers and HCPs regarding the use of a patient-owned wound surveillance app. These findings demonstrate the potential of digital health and areas to improve and tailor a DFU wound app suitable for implementation in the local population