536 research outputs found

    Mengefektifkan Peran Keluarga dalam Mendldlk Anak

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    Perkembangan dan Perubahan sosio kul tural secaratidak langsung mempengaruhi perkembangan dan pendidikananak. Di satu sisi anak dituntut untuk rnenyesuaikan dengankemajuan Hmu pengetahuan dan teknologi serta padasisi lainanak harus berbenturan dengan aneka ragam nilai budayayang satu sarna lain berbeda. Kondisi ini secara bersamamenghantam anak yang pada hakikatnya mereka sedang mencari!igur yang akan dijadikan sebagai falsafah hidup mereka.SehinggaJ tak ayal lagi semua itu mernbawa dampak negatifterhadap pembentukan diri anak dan mempersulit keluargadalarn menjalankan kewajibannya mendidik anak.Namun dernikian, menyalahkan keluarga atas keterbelakangan,kenakalan dan kesesatan anak bukanlah merupakanpenyelesaian. Sikap yang lebih positif adalah menyiapkan kemampuankeluarga agar dapat mendidik secara efektif.Sebagai lembaga informal keluarga perlu dibina agar dapatmenciptakan keharmonisanJ memahami kependidikan, mampuberkomunikasi, menyampaikan p~san dengan b1aik dan marnpumengatasi konflik orang tua-anak

    Aksijalni faktor oblika nukleona iz tvorbe elektron-pion za male q2

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    Results of the measurement of the transverse and longitudinal cross-section for coincident electro-production of positively charged pions on protons measured in parallel kinematics at the invariant mass of W = 1125 MeV and at three fourmomentum transfers q 2 = −0.117, −0.195 and −0.273 GeV2 are presented. An axial-mass parameter of high accuracy was extracted from a preliminary analysis of the transverse cross-section within the Mainz effective Lagrangian model of the nucleon. The value supports the prediction of the chiral perturbation theory that pion-loop corrections effectively increase the value of the axial mass extracted from pion electro-production data relative to that from neutrino scattering.Opisuju se ishodi mjerenja poprečnog i uzdužnog udarnog presjeka za višestruku elektrotvorbu pozitivnih piona u paralelnoj kinematici

    Aksijalni faktor oblika nukleona iz tvorbe elektron-pion za male q2

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    Results of the measurement of the transverse and longitudinal cross-section for coincident electro-production of positively charged pions on protons measured in parallel kinematics at the invariant mass of W = 1125 MeV and at three fourmomentum transfers q 2 = −0.117, −0.195 and −0.273 GeV2 are presented. An axial-mass parameter of high accuracy was extracted from a preliminary analysis of the transverse cross-section within the Mainz effective Lagrangian model of the nucleon. The value supports the prediction of the chiral perturbation theory that pion-loop corrections effectively increase the value of the axial mass extracted from pion electro-production data relative to that from neutrino scattering.Opisuju se ishodi mjerenja poprečnog i uzdužnog udarnog presjeka za višestruku elektrotvorbu pozitivnih piona u paralelnoj kinematici

    Rumusan Karakter Kerja Keras Dan Mandiri (Analisis Isi Video Kick Andy Episode Anak-Anak Pejuang Untuk Mendapatkan Pendidikan Yang Layak Guna Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila Dan Kewarganegaraan)

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    This research is to describe the formula of hard work and independent character on the analysis of Kick Andy video, episode of anak-anakpejuang to acquire a better education for civic education learning. Data collection technique used in this research is documentation method and library study. This research is using content analysis method to understand the formula of hard work and independent character on the analysis of Kick Andy video. This is based on the content analysis data by drawing conclusion of a sign that describes message of hard work and independent character for civic education learning. This research can be concluded that in the Kick Andy video shows the struggle of children of the nation to acquire better education. Formula of hard work and independent character is narrated on the story of Papua, East Nusa Tenggara, and a girl who have to work hard so that she was able to continue her study into college. They struggle to achieve their dreams to meet success. In Kick Andy video it is expected that students will be motivated with the struggle of children of the nation for better education. Kick Andy video is not only can be used as civic education learning but also can be used as teachers’ reference as hard work and independent formula on this content analysis in Kick Andy video episode of anak-anakpejuang to achieve a better education for civic education learning. Keywords: hard work character, independent character, analysis of Kick Andy video

    Non-ergodic transitions in many-body Langevin systems: a method of dynamical system reduction

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    We study a non-ergodic transition in a many-body Langevin system. We first derive an equation for the two-point time correlation function of density fluctuations, ignoring the contributions of the third- and fourth-order cumulants. For this equation, with the average density fixed, we find that there is a critical temperature at which the qualitative nature of the trajectories around the trivial solution changes. Using a method of dynamical system reduction around the critical temperature, we simplify the equation for the time correlation function into a two-dimensional ordinary differential equation. Analyzing this differential equation, we demonstrate that a non-ergodic transition occurs at some temperature slightly higher than the critical temperature.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure; ver.3: Calculation errors have been fixe

    Applying Bootstrap Robust Regression Method on Data with Outliers

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    Identification and assessment of outliers have a key role in Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis. This paper presents a robust two-stage procedure to identify outlying observations in regression analysis. The exploratory stage identifies leverage points and vertical outliers through a robust distance estimator based on Minimum Covariance Determinant (MCD). After deletion of these points, the confirmatory stage carries out an OLS analysis on the remaining subset of data and investigates the effect of adding back in the previously deleted observations. Cut-off points pertinent to different diagnostics are generated by bootstrapping and the cases are definitely labeled as good-leverage, bad leverage, vertical outliers and typical cases. This procedure is applied to four examples taken from the literature and it is effective in rightly pinpointing outlying observations, even in the presence of substantial masking. This procedure is able to identify and correctly classify vertical outliers, good and bad leverage points, through the use of jackknife-after-bootstrap robust cut-off points. Moreover its two stage structure makes it interactive and this enables the user to reach a deeper understanding of the dataset main features than resorting to an automatic procedure

    A study of the stellar photosphere-hydrogen ionization front interaction in δ\delta Scuti stars

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    Pulsating variable δ\delta Scuti stars are intermediate-mass stars with masses in the range of 131-3 MM_{\odot} and spectral types between A2A2 and F2F2. They can be found at the intersection of the Cepheid instability strip with the main sequence. They can be used as astrophysical laboratories to test theories of stellar evolution and pulsation. In this contribution, we investigate the observed period-colour and amplitude-colour (PCAC) relations at maximum/mean/minimum light of Galactic bulge and Large Magellanic Cloud δ\delta Scuti stars for the first time and test the hydrogen ionization front (HIF)-photosphere interaction theory using the MESA- RSP code. The PCAC relations, as a function of pulsation phase, are crucial probes of the structure of the outer stellar envelope and provide insight into the physics of stellar pulsation and evolution. The observed behaviour of the δ\delta Scuti PCAC relations is consistent with the theory of the interaction between the HIF and the stellar photosphere.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, Proceedings for IAUS376 'At the cross-roads of astrophysics and cosmology: Period-luminosity relations in the 2020s', Budapest, April 202

    Theoretical analysis for critical fluctuations of relaxation trajectory near a saddle-node bifurcation

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    A Langevin equation whose deterministic part undergoes a saddle-node bifurcation is investigated theoretically. It is found that statistical properties of relaxation trajectories in this system exhibit divergent behaviors near a saddle-node bifurcation point in the weak-noise limit, while the final value of the deterministic solution changes discontinuously at the point. A systematic formulation for analyzing a path probability measure is constructed on the basis of a singular perturbation method. In this formulation, the critical nature turns out to originate from the neutrality of exiting time from a saddle-point. The theoretical calculation explains results of numerical simulations.Comment: 18pages, 17figures.The version 2, in which minor errors have been fixed, will be published in Phys. Rev.