142 research outputs found

    New modification of the hestenes-stiefel with strong wolfe line search

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    . The method of the nonlinear conjugate gradient is widely used in solving large-scale unconstrained optimization since been proven in solving optimization problems without using large memory storage. In this paper, we proposed a new modification of the Hestenes-Stiefel conjugate gradient parameter that fulfils the condition of sufficient descent using a strong Wolfe-Powell line search. Besides, the conjugate gradient method with the proposed conjugate gradient also guarantees low computation of iteration and CPU time by comparing with other classical conjugate gradient parameters. Numerical results have shown that the conjugate gradient method with the proposed conjugate gradient parameter performed better than the conjugate gradient method with other classical conjugate gradient parameters

    A method of estimating aborted transaction in the database concurrency control system

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    Transactions may be aborted when they are unable to obtain a lock on a required data item. Estimating the proportion of transaction that aborts is one of the key issues in modelling a system which affect the performance measures of interest such as average response time and the throughput capacity of the system. This paper shows a method of estimating aborted transaction and performs a comparative study with other method given by Mitrani et al

    An effect of simplifying magic rules for answering recursive queries in deductive databases

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    The basic magic sets transformation algorithm for rewriting logical rules in deductive databases is very clear and straightforward. However, rules generated by the algorithm for answering queries are too many compared to the original rules. Therefore, it is useful to simplify the generated rules before they are evaluated. This paper reports the study on the effect of simplifying such rules from the aspect of computing time. It is concluded that the improvement as a result of simplification is quite significant


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    Usaha pada sektor pertanian seperti padi, jagung, bawang merah, tembakau, kakao dan lain-lain memiliki risiko kerugian berupa penurunan hasil produksi yang berakibat pada penurunan pendapatan petani. Risiko kerugian tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor di antaranya curah hujan, suhu, kecepatan angin dan kelembaban udara yang semuanya merupakan unsur-unsur pembentuk iklim/cuaca. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyajikan alur riset pemodelan asuransi usaha tani khususnya bawang merah terkait dengan kondisi ekstrim basah dan kering akibat anomali cuaca. Penelitian yang dilakukan berkutat pada studi pustaka terkait dengan kondisi ekstrim basah dan kering tersebut. Sebagai kesimpulan, berdasarkan riset pustaka yang dilakukan, tanaman bawang merah tetap dapat tumbuh baik pada curah hujan normal, dan pada saat curah hujan tidak normal (kondisi kering atau basah), maka menanam bawang merah mempunyai peluang untuk gagal. Hal ini memberikan kesempatan pada perusahaan asuransi untuk mengembangkan Asuransi Usaha Tani Bawang Merah (AUTBM) pada kedua kondisi tersebut


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    In the Javanese calendar (Anno Javanica) there are two types of day names, namely saptawara and pancawara. Pancawara is a five-day cycle (Legi, Paing, Pon, Wage and Kliwon). Saptawara is a seven day cycle, like the weekly cycle on the Gregorian Calendar (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday). The Gregorian calendar does not recognize the pancawara cycle. However, the use of the Gregorian Calendar in Indonesia combines a seven-day cycle with a five-day cycle so that there are names for Monday-Legi, Tuesday-Paing and so on. The result is a 35-day combination called selapanan. With the literature review method, a mathematical model will be built to determine the names of saptawara, pancawara and selapanan days for certain dates on the Gregorian calendar. Furthermore, these mathematical models will be called the saptawara model (four models), the pancawara and the selapanan model (two models respectively)


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    Conjugate Gradient (CG) method is a technique used in solving nonlinear unconstrained optimization problems. In this paper, we analysed the performance of two modifications and compared the results with the classical conjugate gradient methods of. These proposed methods possesse global convergence properties for general functions using exact line search. Numerical experiments show that the two modifications are more efficient for the test problems compared to classical CG coefficients


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    Makalah ini menyajikan sebuah sistem 3-D autonomous baru dengan istilah empat kuadrat. Sistem dengan lima titik ekuilibrium memiliki perilaku dinamika chaos kompleks. Hal ini dapat menghasilkan banyak attractor chaos tunggal yang berbeda dan attractor chaos ganda dengan mengubah parameter kontrol pembangkit sinyal chaos. Perilaku dinamis yang kompleks dari sistem yang diteliti lebih lanjut dengan cara menganalsis diagram fase, spektrum Lyapunov eksponen, sistem dissipative, diagram bifurkasi dan peta Poincaré. Rangkaian fisik hasil pendekatan eksperimen menggunakan MultiSIM 10.0 dari attractor chaos menunjukkan hasil yang sama dengan simulasi numerik menggunakan MATLAB 2010. Yang lebih penting orbit chaos yang padat dihasilkan oleh sirkuit ini akan memberikan sebuah fitur lintasan robot patroli yang tidak terduga, yang dimanfaatkan dalam pengontrolan fasilitas militer. Hal ini mendorong bagi kami untuk mengembangkan sistem robot cerdas. Pada sistem mobile robot patrol ini, sinyal chaos digunakan untuk mengontrol pergerakan arah robot dan diaplikasikan untuk robot patroli dalam bidang militer. Kelebihan robot bernavigasi chaos ini adalah karena robot ini merupakan robot autonomous digital, sehingga sistem program yang dibuat menggunakan mikrokontroler sebagai kendali geraknya. Selain itu, kami telah mengembangkam model matematika dari kinematika robot dan pendekatan validasi menggunakan MATLAB 2010

    An Improvement of Numerical Result of Crashing CPM/PERT Network

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    The research introduces and develops a mathematical modeling technique with linearized Taylor’s first order expansion and solve by using the simplex method. The main objective is to minimize the pessimistic time of the activity which is lie on the critical path by investing additional amounts of money to the project. 7 different amounts of money which is 5000,5000, 10000, 15000,15000, 20000, 25000,25000, 30000 and $35000 will be invest to the project, to show the increase amount of money invest in the project will tend to minimize the pessimistic time to decrease the expected time and project duration. Then at the same time, it is also reduces its variance and standard deviation. As the result of the research, it will bring to the increase of the probability or percentage of completing the project on or before the completion time. The PERT and normal distribution will display the differences between of the amounts of money that will invest to the project

    The Zero Sign on Inscriptions and Manuscript Based on the Historical Supply Chain Management: A Case Study of Indonesia Archipelago before Majapahit Era

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    The widespread recognition of the term “supply chain†has come primarily as a result of the globalization of manufacturing since the mid 1990s, particularly the growth of manufacturing in China. U.S. imports from China grow. Indonesian people have been acquainted with the place value and a base of 10 and have used them since the early 5th century. The place value is related to the number of positions on units, tens, hundreds and so on. A base of ten number is similar to the digits of the numbers 0, 1, 2,…, 9 that should be inserted into each of the place value. This paper observes the existence of 0 digits that is used in Nusantara, in specific, by gaining some sources in the inscriptions, temples, gravestones, and coins shapes. This article is written as the result of an observation by using literary observation method; in the inscription shape whose aim research to give the evidence that the number 0 has been used in Nusantara. As a result, the 0 digits have been first discovered in Sumatera; it was on Kedukan Bukit inscription numbered 604 Saka (682 C.E.) The existence of the zero number has also been discovered in the original Nusantara numbers

    The sufficient descent condition of nonlinear conjugate gradient method

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    Non-linear conjugate gradient methods has been widely used instrumental in solving large scale optimization. These methods has been proved that only required very low memory other than its numerical efficiency. Thus, many studies have been conducted to improve these methods to find the most efficient method. In this paper, we proposed a new non-linear conjugate gradient coefficient that guarantees sufficient descent condition. Numerical tests indicate that the proposed coefficient is better than the three classical conjugate gradient coefficients