39 research outputs found
The Impact of Industry Concentration on Stability: The Case of Indonesian Islamic-Commercial Banks
This study aims at investigating the impact of the banking industry’s concentration on the stability of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia. This study used a single country setting of 14 Islamic-commercial banks in Indonesia from 2011 to 2020. The data utilized in this study comprised all Islamic-commercial banks' assets in Indonesia, excluding commercial banks with Islamic business units. The influence of concentration level on the stability of Islamic-commercial banks was investigated using a panel data model. According to Hausman's test, the fixed-effect model is more suitable than the random-effect model. The findings indicate that the “concentration-stability” hypothesis was supported-robust using two concentration level measurements: CR4 and HHI. It is implied that banks tended to be more stable at the higher competition level. From the bank’s specific characteristics, only the cost-to-income ratio significantly influenced the bank's stability, as expected. Other bank-specific characteristics, such as bank size, credit risk, and income diversity, had no substantial influence on observed bank stability. A robustness check was performed by estimating new models that included multiple control variables that did not change the effect of concentration level on the bank’s stability. This study adds to the literature by demonstrating the “concentration-stability” hypothesis in the Indonesian Islamic-commercial banking industry. Moreover, this study’s results confirm the previous study’s findings using different methods and measures of industry concentration. In addition, this study is relevant in the context of the merger action of three large Islamic commercial banks
Market share and efficiency: Causality test in Indonesian general insurance industry
This study aims to analyze the relationship between market share and technical efficiency in the Indonesian general insurance industry. The data for the period 2010-2020 is used, which was obtained from the Indonesian Financial Services Authority (OJK). The results show that efficient companies emerged from the category of industry possessing comparatively higher and lower market shares. Furthermore, the panel Granger-causality test indicates a one-way direction of causality, where only the market share has an impact on the technical efficiency score. The panel regression using the Feasible Generalized Least Square (FGLS) model shows that market share has a negative impact on technical efficiency scores. Other variables, such as the age of the industry, merger, and acquisition are listed in the stock exchange and do not have a significant effect on the efficiency score. Based on the aforementioned findings, it can be inferred that the quiet-life hypothesis is applicable within the Indonesian general insurance sector. Consequently, the government must foster competition among the businesses operating within the industry
Determination of Optimal Portfolio by Calculating Transaction Costs using Genetic Algorithms on the Jakarta Islamic Index
The optimal portfolio is a portfolio that can provide maximum returns at the same level of risk. In investing, the term "high return, high risk" is known, meaning that the higher the return, the higher the risk. Therefore, investors need to develop an optimal portfolio to obtain the maximum return on investment at the same level of risk. This study aims to determine the optimal formation of a stock portfolio by calculating transaction costs using the genetic algorithm method on stocks that are members of the Jakarta Islamic Index. This research uses data of daily return on stocks included in Jakarta Islamic Index from 1 August 2020-1 August 2022. The dataset consists of two variables: the date of observation and daily stock returns. The method used in this study is the minimum variance method and the genetic algorithm. Data analysis was divided into two stages: model formulation and model testing through case studies. The analysis of optimal portfolio formation using genetic algorithms shows that in terms of performance, the minimum variance portfolio is superior to the genetic algorithm portfolio, as indicated by the Sharpe ratio value. Meanwhile, the genetic algorithm portfolio is superior to the minimum variance portfolio regarding transaction costs. The genetic algorithm portfolio can provide a fairly high total return, small transaction costs, and good performance compared to the minimum portfolio. Hence, the genetic algorithm portfolio is worthy of recommendation to investors
Urgensi Pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan terhadap Kepuasan dan Kinerja
Employee performance is always a problem for every organization. Private and government organizations are trying to improve the performance of their human resources. This study aims to analyze the urgency of providing additional income to satisfaction and performance. The research method is used quantitatively by collecting data through a questionnaire distributed to 354 ASNs in the Banjar city government. It was further analyzed using SEM PLS. The results of the study found that providing additional income for ASNs can improve satisfaction and performance. ASN becomes satisfied with the receipt of additional income so that it can improve its performance.Kinerja pegawai selalu menjadi permasalahan bagi setiap organisasi. Organisasi baik swasta maupun pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan kinerja sumber daya manusianya. Tujuan penelitian ini unuk menganalisis urgensi pemberian tambahan penghasilan terhadap kepuasan dan kinerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan secara kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 354 ASN di pemerintah kota Banjar. Selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan SEM PLS. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pemberian tambahan penghasilan bagi ASN dapat meningkatkan kepuasan dan kinerja. ASN menjadi puas dengan diterimanya tambahan penghasilan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerjany
Urgensi Pemberian Tambahan Penghasilan terhadap Kepuasan dan Kinerja
Employee performance is always a problem for every organization. Private and government organizations are trying to improve the performance of their human resources. This study aims to analyze the urgency of providing additional income to satisfaction and performance. The research method is used quantitatively by collecting data through a questionnaire distributed to 354 ASNs in the Banjar city government. It was further analyzed using SEM PLS. The results of the study found that providing additional income for ASNs can improve satisfaction and performance. ASN becomes satisfied with the receipt of additional income so that it can improve its performance.Kinerja pegawai selalu menjadi permasalahan bagi setiap organisasi. Organisasi baik swasta maupun pemerintah berupaya meningkatkan kinerja sumber daya manusianya. Tujuan penelitian ini unuk menganalisis urgensi pemberian tambahan penghasilan terhadap kepuasan dan kinerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan secara kuantitatif dengan pengumpulan data melalui kuesioner yang dibagikan kepada 354 ASN di pemerintah kota Banjar. Selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan SEM PLS. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa pemberian tambahan penghasilan bagi ASN dapat meningkatkan kepuasan dan kinerja. ASN menjadi puas dengan diterimanya tambahan penghasilan sehingga dapat meningkatkan kinerjany
The Impact of Shipmaster Leadership Style and Ship Logistics Management on Ship Crews Performance: Implications For Tanker Ship Operational Performance
The research aims to identify the influence of the shipmaster leadership style and logistics management on the operational performance of tanker ships, which is mediated by the performance of the Ship's Crew. The research used a sample of 30 tanker and ship crew members at the Indonesian national shipping company PT. Waruna Nusa Sentana. The data analysis method applies a path analysis model to test direct and indirect effects. The research results show that leadership style, logistics management, and crew performance partially influence Ship operational performance. Leadership style and logistics management are also proven to influence crew performance directly. The captain's leadership style and logistics management indirectly affect the Ship's operational performance through the performance of the Ship's Crew. Overall, the operating performance of tankers at the shipping company PT. Waruna Nusa Sentana is influenced by the captain's leadership style, ship logistics management, and crew performance, both directly and indirectly.
Keywords: shipmaster leadership style, ship logistics management, ship crews performance, tanker ship operational performanc
ANALISIS KETIDAKPASTIAN PENGUKURAN KEKUATAN TARIK DAN ELONGASI SPESIMEN SS304 BERBENTUK RING. Ketidakpastian adalah tolok ukur dari kehandalan suatu pengukuran. Salah satu pendekatan analisa ketidakpastian yang banyak digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM). Langkah-langkah untuk menganalisa ketidakpastian dari suatu pengukuran telah dijelaskan secara rinci oleh pendekatan GUM. Analisa ketidakpastian dilakukan pada pengujian tarik untuk mengetahui ketertelusuran data yang diperoleh. Pengujian tarik menghasilkan data berupa kekuatan tarik dan elongasi dari material uji. Kekuatan tarik adalah besaran yang melibatkan besaran gaya dan panjang. Elongasi adalah penambahan panjang saat dilakukan penarikan. Kekuatan tarik pada sampel berbentuk ring akan dipengaruhi oleh luas penampang pada kedua belah sisi ring ketika diberikan tegangan tarik. Sehingga untuk menentukan ketidakpastian pengujian tarik akan memerlukan analisa terhadap penyumbang ketidakpastian. Makalah ini memberikan penjelasan bagaimana cara untuk menganalisa ketidakpastian pengukuran kekuatan tarik dan elongasi pada sampel berbentuk ring. Selain itu juga akan diperoleh nilai ketidakpastian pengukuran kekuatan tarik dan elongasi SS304 berbentuk ring. Dari pengujian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa kekuatan tarik ring SS304 rata-rata adalah 631,070 ± 26,976 Nmm-2 dengan ketidakpastian diperluas sebesar 50,451 Nmm-2 pada tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Selain itu pada tingkat kepercayaan yang sama diperoleh hasil elongasi ring SS304 rata-rata 18,681% ± 2,425% dengan ketidakpastian diperluas sebesar 2,867%. Keberulangan data atau repeatability menjadi penyumbang terbesar terhadap ketidakpastian pengukuran kekuatan tarik dan elongasi ring SS304.Kata kunci: Ketidakpastian, GUM, kekuatan tarik, elongasi, ring SS304
The conversion of land functions not only reduces the area of agricultural land, but reduces the number of smallholders significantly. The research objective is to strengthen the implementation of stakeholder policies on land conversion so that it can support food security programs through sustainable food land protection. This research was designed quantitatively by using a survey method with the technique of collecting information through interviews, field observations and documentation. Data obtained from informants who can present who can find out about the land conversion that occurred in the City of Tasikmalaya. The results showed 1) Stakeholders' perceptions state the importance of maintaining food agriculture in Tasikmalaya City, meaning that an urban area does not depend entirely on food imports, because it is able to meet food needs independently. 2) The perception of stakeholders that the conversion of paddy fields in Tasikmalaya City is happening is very high, the conversion of agricultural land to land use depends on the reference of development actors in urban areas
Modul pelatihan penguatan pendidikan karakter bagi pengawas
Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter bukanlah suatu kebijakan baru
sama sekali karena sejak tahun 2010 pendidikan karakter di sekolah sudah menjadi Gerakan Nasional. Satuan pendidikan menjadi sarana strategis bagi pembentukan karakter bangsa karena memiliki sistem, infrastruktur, dan dukungan ekosistem pendidikan yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, mulai dari perkotaan sampai pedesaan. buku Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) yang terdiri dari Konsep dan Pedoman PPK, Panduan Penilaian PPK, Modul Pelatihan PPK bagi Guru, Kepala Sekolah, Pengawas dan Komite Sekolah, serta Pedoman Pelaksanaan Pelatihan Calon Pelatih PPK. Buku-buku ini akan menjadi rujukan bagi sekolah dan seluruh pemangku kepentingan dalam mengimplementasikan penguatan pendidikan karakter di sekolah