349 research outputs found

    Performa Bakteripadatanah Tercemar Pestisida [Bacterial Perform in Soil Contaminated with Pesticide]

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    Preliminary study on bacterial survive in soil containing pesticide has been carried out. Soil samples collected from Lembang and Dieng. The soil deprive from agriculture area that intensively using pesticide, and compared to other samples gathered from forest soil. All samples examined for total bacteria, denitrification bacteria, phosphate solubilizing bacteria, soil induce respiration, urease and phosphatase activities. Pattern of whole parameters in each soil sample configured similarly, but the value performed differently in the same parameters. Total bacterial population in soil samples also inspected after the samples amended with some certain pesticides. Survival bacteria subjected to media amended with insecticide (Propoxur, Diazinon, and Chlorpyrifos), and herbicides (Bromacil and 2,4-D), and correlation of bacterial growth between sample location were varied. Bacterial degrading pesticide particularly isolated from the soil samples containing 1000 ppm Curzate (fungiside) and 500 ppm 2,4-D.The isolates then cultured in the medium containing insecticide and herbicide, and the response on growth observed in 7 days incubation. Bacterial perform were meaningful to reference of soil degrading pesticide residue in agriculture soil; and it would make representative reference in an effort to use bacteria throughout biofertilizer improvement

    Pengaruh Residu Pestisida Terhadap Pola Populasi Bakteri Dan Fungi Tanah Di Rumahkaca

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    Pesticide Residue was Affect Bacterial and Fungal Population in the Greenhouse Soil Condition. Bacterial and fungal inhabitants were examined through agriculture soil samples. Survival of microorganism in soil was important to evaluate the mineralize process. In the greenhouse experiment, bacterial and fungal population noticed as essential assessment in soil healing with long lasting pesticide (A-soil) after the soil treated with powdered rice straw as organic matter amendment, toxic degrading bacterial as inoculants, and the both of those mixed treatments. That residue implication also assessed to B-soil (as free pesticide soil) then revised with pesticides, and also treated as followed for A-soil. Potential degradation of indigenous microorganism examined all through as setting of control (B-soil) to recognize of its original population.Those of treatments evaluated through microbial survival along 12 weeks incubation in green house environment. Bacterial and fungal populations was affect to become fluctuated along with incubation period as due to the treatments. Bacterial inhabitant was considerably higher compared to fungal population. Correlations were significantly difference with bacterial (p = 0.6654) as well as fungal (p = 0.9029) population in A-soil evaluated to B-soil habitats since the mixed treatments present to both of the soil (p0.005 = 0.6310). Organic matter alteration and certain microbe input was needed in soil contain pesticide, because at the same time the survival of microbes possibly mineralized organic matter, as well as the pesticide residue

    Contractualisation agricole comme modalites d’acces aux facteurs de commercialisation du riz autour des amenagements hydro agricoles dans la Vallee du Niger au Benin

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    L’émergence de la contractualisation agricole autour des amĂ©nagements hydro agricoles de la VallĂ©e du Niger au BĂ©nin devient de plus en plus une Ă©vidence. Pour mieux apprĂ©hender cette rĂ©alitĂ© sociale, la prĂ©sente recherche s’est donnĂ©e comme objectif de comprendre les motivations rĂ©elles des riziculteurs Ă  s’orienter progressivement vers l’agriculture contractuelle. Quatre-vingt (80) informateurs clĂ©s obtenus par boule de neige et par saturation dont 26 % de femmes de l’échantillon ont Ă©tĂ© impliquĂ©s dans l’étude. Les entretiens non structurĂ©s et individuels ont Ă©tĂ© privilĂ©giĂ©s pour comprendre leurs motivations Ă  s’orienter vers la contractualisation. Il est demandĂ© aux riziculteurs de relater les stratĂ©gies qu’ils dĂ©veloppent pour la commercialisation de leurs produits d’une part et d’expliquer les raisons qui motivent les stratĂ©gies Ă©numĂ©rĂ©es d’autre part. Les entretiens sont enregistrĂ©s avec l’accord des interviewĂ©s. L’analyse des donnĂ©es a consistĂ© Ă  traduire et Ă  transcrire les enregistrements Ă  l’aide du logiciel Atlas.ti version 7 ; Ă  mettre en Ă©vidence les verbatims et les motivations liĂ©s Ă  la contractualisation agricole. L’étude a permis d’examiner la nature des facteurs de commercialisation qui sont garantis par des accords non formels et ceux qui sont assurĂ©s par les contrats formels. Il ressort que le besoin de garantir l’accĂšs aux facteurs de production est la principale motivation Ă  l’adoption de la contractualisation agricole comme alternative. La prĂ©sente recherche a mis en Ă©vidence la fonction stratĂ©gique de l’agriculture contractuelle dans un contexte de difficile accĂšs aux facteurs de production par les petits producteurs. English title: agricultural contracting as a strategy for accessing rice marketing factors around hydroagricultural systems in the Niger Valley in Benin The emergence of contract farming around hydro-agricultural developments in the Niger Valley in Benin is becoming increasingly evident. In order to better understand this social reality, the research aims to understand the real motivations of rice farmers to progressively move into contract farming. Eighty (80) informants obtained by saturation, including twenty-six women representing 26% of the purposive sample, were involved in the study. Unstructured and mostly individual interviews were favored to understand their motivations for moving into contract farming. Farmers were asked to describe the strategies they were developing for marketing their products, and to explain the motivations behind the strategies listed. The interviews were recorded with the permission of the interviewees. The data analysis consisted of the translation and transcription of the recordings using Atlas.ti version 7 software; the highlighting of the characteristics and motivations of the agricultural contractualization in marketing. The study examined the types of marketing factors that are guaranteed by non-formal agreements and those that are guaranteed by formal contracts. It also revealed the explanatory factors that motivate rice farmers in agricultural contracting around hydro-agricultural schemes in Benin. Keywords: marketing factors, agricultural contracting, hydro-agricultural schemes, Niger Valley, Benin

    Karya Patung Ikan Hiu dengan Media Limbah Anorganik (Limbah Anorganik Besi sebagai Sumber Media Berkarya Patung)

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    Karya Patung Ikan Hiu dengan Media Limbah Anorganik ini dilatar belakangi oleh ketertarikan penulis terhadap ikan hiu, dan pemanfaatan limbah anorganik besi yang penulis wujudkan dalam karya seni patung. Ikan hiu adalah ikan yang bersifat agresif dalam bertahan hidup. Penulis menganalogikan sikap tersebut pada kehidupan manusia dalam mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya. Limbah anorganik besi adalah limbah yang bersifat solid sehingga sulit diurai. Selain itu juga, limbah tersebut mempunyai bentuk yang menarik sehingga penulis tertarik untuk mengolahnya. Pembuatan kerangka ikan hiu dengan menggunakan besi beton ukuran lima milimeter adalah proses awal. Setelah pembuatan kerangka, penulis memilih beberapa macam limbah anorganik besi seperti limbah mesin mobil (matahari, kopling, laher, bel klakson dan lain sebagainya), mesin motor (kanvas rem, gear, cakram, rantai, shock braiker, dan lain sebagainya), sepeda kayuh (gear, sadel, pengayuh dan lain sebagainya) untuk dirangkai dengan teknik konstruksi las listrik pada kerangka menjadi patung ikan hiu. Dalam proses penempelan limbah besi pada kerangka, ada limbah yang bentuknya dipotong (tidak utuh) dan ada pula yang tidak mengalami pemotongan (utuh). Penulis menampilkan tiga karya ikan hiu yang bersifat saling berkesinambungan satu dengan lainnya. Yakni patung gesture mengintai mangsa, patung gesture siap-siap menerkam mangsa dan patung gesture setelah menerkam mangsa


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    Kerajinan Payung Geulis sebagai Kearifan Lokal Tasikmalaya

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    Penelitian berjudul “Kerajinan Payung Geulissebagai Kearifan Lokal Tasikmalaya”ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh data dan informasi tentang kearifan lokal Payung Geulis sebagai budaya leluhur Tasikmalaya.Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif-analitik, yaitu metode yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan fenomena-fenomena yang ada, yang berlangsung saat ini atau saat yang lampau.Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah wawancara, pengamatan secara langsung, dan pengambilan sumber-sumber tertulis dari masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat. Masalah yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana nilai historis, ekonomis, dan estetis yang ada pada kerajinan Payung Geulis Tasikmalaya; dan bagimana regenerasi kerajinan Payung Geulis itu dari generasi tua kepada generasi muda. Hasil yang dicapai dari penelitian ini adalah kerajinan Payung GeulisTasikmalaya merupakan kearifan lokal yang menjadi ciri dari masyarakat Tasikmalaya; kerajinan Payung Geulismemiliki nilai kultural, ekonomis, dan estetis yang cukup tinggi; eksistensi dan keberadaan Payung Geulis dewasa ini sudah semakin sulit ditemukan

    Evaluation De La Prise En Charge De La Malnutrition AigĂŒe SĂ©vĂšre Dans Le Service De CRENI Du Centre Hospitalier RĂ©gional (CHR) De Niamey

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    Introduction L’objectif de notre Ă©tude est d’évaluer la prise en charge de la malnutrition aigĂŒe sĂ©vĂšre dans le centre de rĂ©cupĂ©ration nutritionnelle intensive du centre hospitalier rĂ©gional de Niamey. MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes : nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude prospective de soins courants rĂ©alisĂ©e entre le 1er janvier 2016 et le 31 dĂ©cembre 2016 en incluant les enfants de 0 Ă  59 mois qui prĂ©sentaient un rapport poids/taille ≀ - 3 Z score et ou des ƓdĂšmes de dĂ©nutrition chez lesquels une malformation cardiaque ou nĂ©oplasies ou autres maladies chroniques Ă©taient Ă©liminĂ©es. Le protocole national de la rĂ©cupĂ©ration nutritionnelle est divisĂ© en phase 1 pendant laquelle les patients sont mis sous le lait F-75 (130ml/kg/j), en phase de transition avec la mise sous le F-100 (130ml/kg/j) et en phase 2 pendant laquelle les patients sont mis sous l’alimentation thĂ©rapeutique prĂšs Ă  l’emploi et ou le F-100. Le passage d’une phase Ă  une autre est bien codifiĂ© par le protocole. RĂ©sultats : Durant la pĂ©riode de l’étude, 5773 patients ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s, parmi lesquels 814 Ă©taient atteints de MAS soit une frĂ©qureprĂ©sentaient 75%. Le marasme reprĂ©sentait 86,30% des cas de malnutrition, le kwashiorkor 5,03% et la forme mixte 8,70%. La grande majoritĂ© des malades (91,52%) avait un Z score ≀ - 3. L’ECBU Ă©tait positive chez 85 patients. L’E Coli reprĂ©sentait 87% des germes rencontrĂ©s. Les facteurs de comorbiditĂ© Ă©taient le paludisme (88,8%) ; les pneumopathies (5,28%) et le VIH (1,4%). Les principales complications rencontrĂ©es au cours de l’hospitalisation Ă©taient la dĂ©shydratation (26,5%), la dĂ©tresse respiratoire (6,14%) et l’hypothermie (3,2%). La durĂ©e moyenne de sĂ©jour hospitalier Ă©tait de 15,7±5,2 jours et 12% des patients avaient un sĂ©jour de plus de 20 jours. Le gain pondĂ©ral moyen journalier Ă©tait de 12,5±3,9g/kg/jour. Nous avions enregistrĂ© 66 cas de dĂ©cĂšs (8,1%). Conclusion: L’étude montre une prĂ©valence trĂšs Ă©levĂ©e du marasme, une prĂ©dominance des enfants de moins de 24 mois et une mortalitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e chez les nourrissons. Promouvoir une bonne diversification alimentaire chez le nourrisson permettrait d’amĂ©liorer la situation. ence de 14,1% de toutes les pathologies rencontrĂ©es dans notre service. Le sexe masculin Ă©tait prĂ©dominant (52,5%) avec l’ñge moyen des patients Ă  14,4±9,14 mois. Les patients issus de familles Ă  niveau de vie faible  reprĂ©sentaient 75%. Le marasme reprĂ©sentait 86,30% des cas de malnutrition, le kwashiorkor 5,03% et la forme mixte 8,70%. La grande majoritĂ© des malades (91,52%) avait un Z score ≀ - 3. L’ECBU Ă©tait positive chez 85 patients. L’E Coli reprĂ©sentait 87% des germes rencontrĂ©s. Les facteurs de comorbiditĂ© Ă©taient le paludisme (88,8%) ; les pneumopathies (5,28%) et le VIH (1,4%). Les principales complications rencontrĂ©es au cours de l’hospitalisation Ă©taient la dĂ©shydratation (26,5%), la dĂ©tresse respiratoire (6,14%) et l’hypothermie (3,2%). La durĂ©e moyenne de sĂ©jour hospitalier Ă©tait de 15,7±5,2 jours et 12% des patients avaient un sĂ©jour de plus de 20 jours. Le gain pondĂ©ral moyen journalier Ă©tait de 12,5±3,9g/kg/jour. Nous avions enregistrĂ© 66 cas de dĂ©cĂšs (8,1%). Conclusion: L’étude montre une prĂ©valence trĂšs Ă©levĂ©e du marasme, une prĂ©dominance des enfants de moins de 24 mois et une mortalitĂ© Ă©levĂ©e chez les nourrissons. Promouvoir une bonne diversification alimentaire chez le nourrisson permettrait d’amĂ©liorer la situation.   Background: The objective of our study is to evaluate the management of severe acute malnutrition in the intensive nutrition recovery center of the Regional Hospital Center of Niamey.Methods: we carried out a prospective study of routine care performed between January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2016 including children from 0 to 59 months who presented a weight / height ratio ≀ - 3 Z score and or edema of undernutrition in which a heart malformation or neoplasms or other chronic diseases were eliminated. The national protocol for nutritional recovery is divided into phase 1 during which patients are put on F-75 milk (130ml / kg / d), in the transition phase with putting on F-100 (130ml / kg / d ) and in phase 2 during which the patients are put on therapeutic food ready for use and / or F-100. The transition from one phase to another is well codified by the protocol. Results: During the study period, 5,773 patients were identified, among which 814 had SAM, ie a frequency of 14.1% of all pathologies encountered in our department. Male sex was predominant (52.5%) with the mean age of patients at 14.4 ± 9.14 months. Patients from families with a low standard of living accounted for 75%. Marasmus accounted for 86.30% of malnutrition cases, kwashiorkor 5.03% and mixed form 8.70%. The vast majority of patients (91.52%) had a Z score ≀ - 3. The urine culture was positive in 85 patients. E Coli accounted for 87% of the germs encountered. The comorbid factors were malaria (88.8%); pneumonia (5.28%) and HIV (1.4%). The main complications encountered during hospitalization were dehydration (26.5%), respiratory distress (6.14%) and hypothermia (3.2%). The mean length of hospital stay was 15.7 ± 5.2 days and 12% of patients had a stay of more than 20 days. The mean daily weight gain was 12.5 ± 3.9g / kg / day. We had recorded 66 cases of death (8.1%)

    The pervasive triad of food security, gender inequity and women\u27s health: Exploratory research from sub-Saharan Africa

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    Objectives: This study was designed to explore the interactions between food securing activities, health and gender equity from the perspective of rural east African women. The specific objectives were to document the critical interaction among these three issues - food security, gender inequity, women\u27s health within the context of sub-Saharan Africa; to describe the nature of this triad from the perspective of women farmers in Africa; and to propose a framework for linking available interventions to the vicious nature of this triad. Setting: In-depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with rural women farmers in Kwale District, Kenya and Bagamoyo District, Tanzania. Methods: A total of 12 in-depth interviews and 4 focus group discussions have been included in this analysis. Transcribed text from interviews and focus group discussions were coded and thematic conceptual matrices were developed to compare dimensions of common themes across interviews and settings. A thematic analysis was then performed and a framework developed to understand the nature of the triad and explore the potential for interventions within the interactions. Findings: The vicious cycle of increasing work, lack of time, and lack of independent decision making for women who are responsible for food production and health of their families, has health and social consequences. Food securing activities have negative health consequences for women, which are further augmented by issues of gender inequity. Conclusion: The African development community must respond by thinking of creative solutions and appropriate interventions for the empowerment of women farmers in the region to ensure their health

    High Performance Parallel Analysis of Coupled Problems for Aircraft Propulsion

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    In order to predict the dynamic response of a flexible structure in a fluid flow, the equations of motion of the structure and the fluid must be solved simultaneously. In this paper, we present several partitioned procedures for time-integrating this focus coupled problem and discuss their merits in terms of accuracy, stability, heterogeneous computing, I/O transfers, subcycling, and parallel processing. All theoretical results are derived for a one-dimensional piston model problem with a compressible flow, because the complete three-dimensional aeroelastic problem is difficult to analyze mathematically. However, the insight gained from the analysis of the coupled piston problem and the conclusions drawn from its numerical investigation are confirmed with the numerical simulation of the two-dimensional transient aeroelastic response of a flexible panel in a transonic nonlinear Euler flow regime
