607 research outputs found

    Between coldness, calculation and "crazy life": violence and suffering in an adolescent's trajectory while complying with a social-educational measure

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    O conceito de sofrimento social caracteriza-se pela compreensão das situações de aflição e dor como experiências sociais e não como problemas individuais. Este trabalho analisa a natureza social e política do sofrimento de um adolescente em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa. Inspirado na abordagem de Veena Das, o artigo se apóia em "carne" e discurso para problematizar a relação entre cidadania e segmentos juvenis discriminados, que se manifesta nas ambiguidades das práticas institucionais presentes no fluxo de execução de medidas socioeducativas. O artigo analisa as contradições entre o objetivo institucional de evitar a reincidência de atos infracionais, auxiliando o adolescente a tornar-se um cidadão autônomo, e as narrativas e expressões corporais dos adolescentes durante o cumprimento das medidas. A trajetória aqui descrita leva ao reconhecimento de que o trânsito da medida de internação para as medidas em meio aberto se dá sob a tensão entre o discurso institucional de reorganizar a vida escolar, familiar e comunitária e a experiência cotidiana dos adolescentes, que segue marcada pela constante ameaça policial e pela privação de acessos a bens públicos. O cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas acaba por reforçar entre os adolescentes a aflição de serem socialmente tidos como suspeitos e fugitivos e, consequentemente, a incorporação de um lugar social particular, o de membro do "mundo do crime". O desempenho na vida cotidiana de um "estilo bandido" revela formas de resposta ao discurso dominante no sistema socioeducativo, contexto que indica o paradoxo do Estado brasileiro, que garante uma democracia formal enquanto viola direitos civis.The concept of social suffering is marked by the understanding of affliction and pain situations as social experiences, rather than psychological or medical individual problems. This paper analyses the social and political nature of an adolescent's suffering while he is complying with a social-educational measure. Based on Veena Das' approach, the paper relies on "body" and speech in order to raise the issue of the relation between citizenship and discriminated youth segments that is manifested in the ambiguities of the institutional practices that are present in the execution flow of social-educational measures. The article analyses the contradictions between the institutional aim of avoiding the recidivism of infraction acts, helping the adolescent become an autonomous citizen, and the adolescents' narratives and body expressions while complying with the measure. The ethnographical experience described here leads to the examination of ambiguities present in the transit from freedom privation to open environment measures. This transit occurs under tensions between the institutional discourse of re-organizing the community, family and school life and the adolescents' daily experience, which continues to be marked by constant police threat and privation of access to public property. Complying with social-educational measures seems to reinforce among adolescents the affliction of being socially seen as suspects and runaways, as well as the incorporation of a particular social place: member of "the world of crime". The performance in daily life of a "criminal lifestyle" reveals ways of answering to the dominant discourse in the socio-educational system; a context that indicates the paradox of the Brazilian State, which guarantees a formal democracy while violates civil rights

    Analiza czynników klinicznych, biologicznych i położniczych wpływających na decyzję o usunięciu mięśniaka macicy w trakcie cięcia cesarskiego

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    Objectives: Myomas in pregnancy are associated with a significantly higher risk for cesarean section (CS). Cesarean myomectomy (CM), i.e. myomectomy during cesarean section, has been the source of much debate and was considered relatively contraindicated for many years. However, some authors advise to perform routine myomectomy during CS. The aim of our study was to determine factors influencing the intraoperative decision to perform CM. Material and methods: A total of 185 patients with uterine myomas, who delivered by caesarean section during a 5-year period, were included in the study - 102 patients underwent CM (study group) and 83 women underwent CS without myomectomy (control group). Clinical and obstetric data were recorded and processed for analysis. Using non-parametric correlation methods, we investigated the influence of different variables on the decision to perform CM. Results: No differences were recorded between the two groups in terms of parity, fetal presentation, gestational age, number of previous laparotomies, and previous myomectomy, presence of diabetes and hypertension, indications and type of CS. Significant differences were detected in type and location of the myomas, contrary to their number and size, where no significant differences were registered. Conclusions: The most significant predictors of CM included age, surgical experience and type of myomas. CM is generally performed by experienced surgeons and in younger women. Also, it is more often performed in patients affected by pedunculated and subserosal myomas, and less frequent in case of intramural and multiple myomas.Cel pracy: Mięśniaki macicy w ciąży są związane z istotnie wyższym ryzykiem cięcia cesarskiego (CS). Miomektomia podczas cięcia cesarskiego (CM) jest źródłem wielu debat a przez wiele lat była uznana za przeciwwskazaną. Aczkolwiek niektórzy autorzy zalecają rutynową miomektomię podczas cięcia cesarskiego. Celem naszego badania jest określenie czynników wpływających na decyzję o miomektomii podczas cięcia cesarskiego. Materiał i metoda: Do badania włączono 185 pacjentek z mięśniakami macicy, które miały wykonane cięcie cesarskie w czasie 5 letniej obserwacji – 102 pacjentki przeszły miomektomię podczas cięcia cesarskiego (grupa badana) a 83 miały wykonane cięcie cesarskie bez miomektomii (grupa kontrolna). Analizie poddano dane kliniczne i położnicze. Przy pomocy testów nieparametrycznych zbadano wpływ różnych zmiennych na decyzję o cięciu cesarskim. Wyniki: Nie znaleziono różnic pomiędzy dwiema grupami pod względem rodności, położenia płodu, wieku ciążowego, liczby uprzednio wykonanych laparotomii oraz miomektomii, obecności cukrzycy lub nadciśnienia, wskazań do cięcia cesarskiego oraz rodzaju wykonanego cięcia cesarskiego. Istotne różnice dotyczyły typu i lokalizacji mięśniaków, w przeciwieństwie do liczby i rozmiaru, które nie miały znaczenia. Wnioski: Na wykonanie miomektomii podczas cięcia cesarskiego największy wpływ miały wiek, doświadczenie operatora i rodzaj mięśniaka. CM jest wykonywana przez doświadczonych chirurgów i u młodszych kobiet. Również miomektomia podczas cięcia cesarskiego częściej jest przeprowadzana na uszypułowanych i podsurowicówkowych mięśniakach a rzadziej w przypadku śródściennych i mnogich mięśniaków

    The Projection of Gamification and Serious Games in the Learning of Mathematics Multi-Case Study of Secondary Schools in Italy

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    Our research was born with the objective of evaluating the level of gamification of high schools in Italy, specifically for mathematics, and the use of the serious game of chess as a resource for learning this discipline. The methodology is a mixed design, based on the combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques. Regarding the quantitative design, the instrument used was a questionnaire filled out by 4845 adolescents living in Italy. The qualitative methodology has focused on the analysis of the discourse of 12 in-depth interviews with mathematics teachers from high schools. Among the main results, we found that teachers, although unconsciously, apply gamification in classrooms (without having had any training about it) and, despite recognizing the mathematical benefits of chess, they do not use this game as a serious game. Our study confirms that gamification deserves more because of the benefits it brings, especially for a subject that scares students and demands greater motivatio

    Effectiveness of diagnosis and early treatment of ocular motility alterations in premature infants

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    Objective: Prematurity often results in important developmental sequelae of brain structures, particularly those involved in processing visual information, such as the optic nerve, primary visual cortex and visuomotor integration areas. The aim of this study is to analyse the functionality of the sensory and motor pathways of the visual system by means of an orthoptic-ophthalmological assessment. Materials and methods: In this retrospective study, 151 records were examined, covering a period from 2000 to 2020, of preterm patients with gestational age < 32 weeks and birth weight ≤ 1,500 g up to an average age of about 8 years, referred to the Centre for Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabology of the Ophthalmology Clinic of the Policlinico Umberto I, La Sapienza University of Rome, who underwent a complete ophthalmological and orthoptic assessment including the following tests measurement of ocular deviations according to the Hirschberg method, Lang I-II test, Titmus Stereotest, objective convergence assessment and ocular motility examination. Results: From the charts reviewed, 24.5% (37/151) of patients had Retinopathy of the Premature (ROP); while 38% of the whole sample (57/151) had strabismic amblyopia, of the latter only 31.5% (18/57) had ROP. In 8% of patients (12/151) the stereoscopic sense was absent, in 45% (8/151) stereopsis was gross (> 60 seconds of arc). In addition, 20.52 % (31/151) had a manifest eye deviation. 7.28% (11/151) had hypermetropia in the right eye (RE); 7.95% (12/151) hypermetropia in the left eye (OS); 3.31% of the patients (5/151) had myopia in the RE; 2% (3/151), myopia in the left eye (LE). In addition, the study of ocular motility revealed varying degrees of alteration poorly correlated with prematurity status. Conclusion: It was found that amblyopia, stereopsis and objective convergence are more affected by ROP than strabismus, refractive defects and ocular motility, indicating that premature children are particularly susceptible to ophthalmological and orthoptical alterations

    Sviluppo di un simulatore di guida di autoveicolo per studi di sicurezza preventiva

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    Questo lavoro di tesi presenta il progetto e la realizzazione di un simulatore di guida di autoveicolo. Questo simulatore è stato sviluppato presso il Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica, Nucleare e della Produzione dell’Università di Pisa per condurre studi di sicurezza preventiva ed in particolare per il monitoraggio dello stato psico-fisico di un conducente durante la guida. Questa macchina, che è nella fase finale del suo assemblaggio, durante i test dovrà essere in grado di registrare i segnali relativi alle condizioni di moto del veicolo, le azioni del guidatore e i suoi parametri neurofisiologici. In particolare, in seguito ad uno studio dello stato dell’arte è emerso che il monitoraggio del sistema di sterzo risulta la soluzione più promettente per sviluppare un dispositivo commerciale in grado di rilevare il livello di vigilanza del conducente. Il simulatore è basato su quattro PC, due dedicati alla gestione dello scenario audio-visivo e due destinati all’acquisizione dei segnali di input, all’esecuzione del modello di dinamica del veicolo e alla gestione della simulazione in tempo reale. Il modello di dinamica del veicolo, che rappresenta il ‘cuore’ del simulatore, è stato sviluppato in ambiente Matlab/Simulink®. Esso ha 14 gradi di libertà ed include tutti i principali sottosistemi di un veicolo, ad esempio il motore o il sistema frenante. Per calcolare le equazioni di moto rendendo esplicite le derivate di ordine massimo delle variabili lagrangiane è stata sviluppata una specifica procedura tramite Math Symbloic Toolbox®. Una formulazione non standard per i pneumatici è stata implementata per le simulazioni alle basse velocità di marcia. Il modello è stato validato confrontando i risultati ottenuti da alcune manovre standard con quelli di un software commerciale (Carsim®) e di un modello a 8 gdl appositamente sviluppato. Il modello è stato interfacciato con un sistema di sterzo TRW e pedali sensorizzati. Questi dispositivi sono stati integrati in un telaio di supporto realizzando una postazione di guida ergonomica. Per il progetto di tale struttura è stato impiegato ProEngineering® mentre con Ansys® è stata condotta un’analisi FEM per verificarne la resistenza meccanica. Un sistema di retroazione passiva è stato implementato per consentire il corretto funzionamento dell’EPS. Analogamente, è stato realizzato un sistema con due molle funzionanti in parallelo per ottenere una forza resistente bilineare al pedale del freno. Per il progetto e la validazione di questo sistema è stato effettuato un confronto tra i risultati ottenuti mediante un modello ADAMS® e delle prove sperimentali. Per l’acquisizione dei dati di angolo e coppia dal sistema di sterzo è stata allestita una rete CAN a tre nodi, mentre i segnali dalla pedaliera sono acquisiti utilizzando una scheda di acquisizione National Instrument®. La comunicazione con il software audio e grafico avviene invece tramite rete LAN utilizzando un protocollo di comunicazione UDP. Il modello è gestito in tempo reale utilizzando xPC Target® e Real-Time Workshop®. La posizione spaziale del veicolo, calcolata mediante il modello di dinamica del veicolo, è utilizzata dal software per la riproduzione dello scenario audio-visivo. Sono stati inoltre presentati i risultati di alcune prove preliminari effettuate sia per validare l’intero sistema che per valutarne le prestazioni

    Monza, una città per la fruizione agevole del turista

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    Monza is becoming a smarter and smarter town for tourists, who may find information everywhere and in real time. In effect, it’s endowed with innovative and plentiful digital tools, aiding those who want to visit the town. Aside the traditional Tourist office, a foremost, capillary net of virtual Infopoints has been created: 6 digital totems, 160 intelligent poles, 9 smart totems, 6 smart plants for advertisement, laying along the main touristic ways, to support visitors in their discovery of Monza. Besides that, a free and multi-lingual App, Monza emozione vera (M., a real emotion) is available. In it, signs of increaesd reality have been added, to fulfil an involving and interactive visit. However, to enforce my work with experience, I’ll avail myself of St.John’s feast, (which along the whole month of June celebrates the town’s patron saint by various events) to compile and distribute a questionnaire to tourists coming from everywhere. It will try to verify the effective use of smart devices by visitors, and the perception of their efficacy to find the way through the touristic sightseeing in town. My work will be completed by maps on this theme, and by a link referring to those devices, more eloquent than a thousand words

    Suspeito empreendedor de si: trajeto e sofrimento de um adolescente durante intervenção socioeducativa

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    Este trabalho analisa a natureza social e política do sofrimento de um jovem em cumprimento de medida socioeducativa. Partindo de uma perspectiva foucaultiana do poder, o artigo considera a experiência subjetiva do jovem em sua interação com o sistema socioeducativo; observa as manifestações do poder na ação de uns sobre os outros, no agir reiterado em torno de saberes e poderes que delineiam os modos de ação sobre o campo de ação do jovem. A análise da experiência subjetiva de um adolescente durante o cumprimento de medida socioeducativa revela o modo pelo qual a intervenção pode situá-lo no limite das possibilidades de integração, intensificando as aflições de uma vida sob constante suspeição. A abordagem adotada permite observar de que modo o jovem elabora significados sobre o sistema socioeducativo e como expressa por meio de palavras, gestos e movimentos as contradições desta política pública. A posição do jovem como alguém que deve explorar individualmente os riscos, as perdas e as benesses das suas escolhas constitui uma zona de confluência entre o discurso socioeducativo e o do crime. Simultaneamente, um aparato governamental difuso e um modelo de gestão do comércio de drogas acompanham o jovem no trajeto de cumprimento de medida socioeducativa, cada qual dos sistemas com suas próprias estratégias e esquemas de gestão da sua vida.This study examines the social and political nature of the suffering of a young person subjected to “socio-educational measure”. From a Foucaultian perspective of power, the article considers the subjective experience of the young individual in his interaction with the socio-educational system, and observes how power is manifested in the acts of some over others, in the reiterated deeds revolving around knowledge and authority that delineate the ways of action of the youngster within his own field of action. The analysis of the subjective experience of the teenager subjected to a socio-educational measure shows how that intervention can place him at the limits of the possibility for integration, intensifying the sufferings of a life under constant suspicion. The adopted approach allows us to observe how this young person produces meanings about the socio-educational system and how he expresses through words, gestures and movements the contradictions of the public policy. The position of the teenager as someone who should individually explore the risks, the losses and the gains of his own choices defines an area of ​​confluence between the socio-educational speech and that of crime. Simultaneously, a diffuse government apparatus and a management model of the drugs trade compete in the path of the youngster subjected to socio-educational measure, each of the systems having its own strategies and management schemes for his life

    Postpartum Hemorrage: Are There Physiological Mechanisms of Prevention?

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    The postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) it is one of the worst complications of the pregnant woman and the leading cause of maternal mortality in the world, as it produces potentially catastrophic effects on patients, with high morbidity and morbidity. Likewise, the reduction in maternal mortality, which is particularly high in low income countries, but rising even in developed countries (as in USA), is one of the eight primary global health current goals of the WHO. In the complex pathophysiological phenomenon of PPH, the uterine contractility and connective tissue arrangement are poorly investigated. Both topics are scantly little understood and investigated, in terms of pelvic functional anatomy and pathophysiology. The anti-version uterine posture is essential for the optimal and necessary muscle contraction in the immediate postpartum stage, to avoid PPH onset. In this review, authors analyzed the physiology of uterine contraction related to the childbirth and the PPH, identifying an anatomical system involved in the physiological post-partum uterine contraction. This biological system is the integrated pelvic myofascial system and it has a prime importance in the physiological reduction of the PPH risk and to maintain uterine contractility during and after childbirth


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    An infusion pressure control system for ophthalmic surgery includes: - intraocular pressure detection means; - arterial pressure detection means; and a control unit operatively connected to said intraocular pressure detection means and said arterial pressure detection means and configured for calculating the mean ocular perfusion pressure value based on the intraocular pressure and arterial pressure values provided by said intraocular pressure detection means and by said arterial pressure detection means, and for comparing said calculated mean ocular perfusion pressure value and at least one predetermined threshold value