68 research outputs found

    Охраняемые и редкие виды в урбанофлоре Геническа

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    Статья посвящена изучению охраняемых и редких видов растений, произрастающих в условиях городской среды Геническа. Приводится перечень видов, их короткая характеристика и созологическая ценность. Всего описано 11 видов сосудистых растений. В статье рассматриваются лимитирующие факторы их исчезновения в антропогенно трансформированной среде. В результате проведенных исследований найдены новые местообитания 7 видов, занесенных в Красную книгу Украины (2009)

    The use of modern ICT as tools for development of learning communication in the contemporary university

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    The article presents a problem-projective study, which is aimed at pedagogical modeling of the introduction modern ICT in the university educational process. The authors explore the idea that the use of modern ICT at the university should ensure the development of a variety of learning communications. This type of complex communications are a cumulative set of methods, channels, techniques, modes and formats for transportation of knowledge that form the information environment of students trainin

    Investigation of chemical constituents of Eranthis longistipitata (Ranunculaceae): coumarins and furochromones

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    Aqueous‐ethanol extracts (70%) from the leaves of Eranthis longistipitata Regel. (Ranunculaceae Juss.)—collected from natural populations of Kyrgyzstan—were studied by liquid chromatography with high‐resolution mass spectrometry (LC‐HRMS). There was no variation of the metabolic profiles among plants that were collected from different populations. More than 160 compounds were found in the leaves, of which 72 were identified to the class level and 58 to the individual‐ compound level. The class of flavonoids proved to be the most widely represented (19 compounds), including six aglycones [quercetin, kaempferol, aromadendrin, 6‐methoxytaxifolin, phloretin, and (+)‐catechin] and mono‐ and diglycosides (the other 13 compounds). In the analyzed samples of E. longistipitata, 14 fatty acid–related compounds were identified, but coumarins and furochromones that were found in E. longistipitata were the most interesting result; furochromones khelloside, khellin, visnagin, and cimifugin were found in E. longistipitata for the first time. Coumarins 5,7‐dihydroxy‐4‐methylcoumarin, scoparone, fraxetin, and luvangetin and furochromones methoxsalen, 5‐O‐methylvisammioside, and visamminol‐3′‐O‐glucoside were detected for the first time in the genus Eranthis Salisb. For all the above compounds, the structural formulas are given. Furthermore, detailed information (with structural formulas) is provided on the diversity of chromones and furochromones in other representatives of Eranthis. The presence of chromones in plants of the genus Eranthis confirms its closeness to the genus Actaea L. because chromones are synthesized by normal physiological processes only in these members of the Ranunculaceae family

    The analysis of technological approaches to wood thermal modification process in Russia, issues of TMW quality increase and confirmation

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    Повышение качества термомодифицированой древесины, как любого нового продукта, является задачей, решаемой на трех взаимосвязанных уровнях: научно-исследовательский, технико-технологический и в области стандартизации. В работе представлен краткий анализ состояния производства и потребления ТМД в России, вопросы обеспечения качества и удовлетворения потребительских свойств изделий из термодревесины.Improving the quality of thermally modified wood, as any modern product is the task solved at three interrelated levels: research, technical and technological, and standardization field. The article presents a TMW production and consumption state brief analysis in Russia, issues of thermowood products quality assurance and consumer properties satisfaction

    Diagnosis and Treatment of Temporomandibular Arthrosis: a Clinical Case

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    Background. Complexity of anatomical structure, diversity of clinical pattern, lack of a unified theory of etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of this pathology, individual aspects of the course of the disease complicate the diagnosis and choice of relevant treatment for patients with various nosological forms of the temporomandibular joint diseases.Clinical case description. Patient P., 32 years-old, went to the clinic of orthopaedic dentistry with complaints of noise phenomena in the temporomandibular joint (clicks in the joint area have been registered for five years, the noise increased six months ago), dental crowding, absence of tooth 3.5. The patient underwent clinical examination with creating diagnostic models, electromyography of the masticatory muscles, axiography, computed tomography and MRI of the temporomandibular joint. Through computed magnetic resonance imaging of the temporomandibular joint, electromyography and axiography the patient was accurately diagnosed with deforming arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint complicated by dislocation of the intra-articular disc. A therapeutic-diagnostic plastic milled splint on the mandible was implemented. Dynamic observation during treatment was carried out. The effect of the treatment was observed after three months. The control cone-beam computed tomography of the temporomandibular joint showed positive dynamics in the form of an even expansion of all regions of the joint cavity on both sides, centered position of the heads of mandible in the mandibular fossa, but the cortical bone destruction of the upper contour of the mandibular head on the left was still present. After six months of treatment, electromyograms showed a decrease in bioelectrical activity at rest and an increase in bioelectrical activity during chewing on all the masticatory muscles within normal limits. The re-examination after six months revealed smoother vertical movements of the lower jaw, an increase in the amplitude of laterotrusion and protrusion, their symmetry, no “blockage” of lower jaw movements.Conclusion. An integrated application of radiologic imaging, electromyography and axiography in the diagnosis of temporomandibular joint diseases is crucial for objective analysis of the results, assessment of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the masticatory muscles and lower jaw movements, which ultimately determines the optimal patient surveillance and controlled treatment outcomes


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    Electronic absorption spectra of Pr(III) ions were recorded in fused alkali chlorides. To assess the effect of temperature and solvent melt cations on the spectra the measurements were performed between 350 and 850 oC in the melts based on individual alkali metal chlorides (LiCl, NaCl, KCl and CsCl) and several mixtures (LiCl–KCl, NaCl–CsCl and LiCl–KCl–CsCl eutectics and NaCl–KCl equimolar mixture)


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    Electronic absorption spectra of Er(III) ions were recorded in the melts based on individual alkali chlorides and their mixtures: LiCl, NaCl, KCl, CsCl, binary LiCl–KCl and NaCl–CsCl eutectics, ternary LiCl–KCl–CsCl eutectic and NaCl–KCl equimolar mixture. The spectra were measured between 350 and 850 oC. The effect of temperature and alkali cations forming the second coordination sphere on the spectra and erbium speciation is discussed


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    Electronic absorption spectra of Nd(III) ions were recorded in fused alkali chlorides. The melts were based on individual chlorides (LiCl, NaCl, KCl and CsCl), NaCl–CsCl and LiCl–KCl–CsCl eutectics and NaCl–KCl equimolar mixture, and the measurements were performed between 350 and 850 oC. The effect of temperature and cations of the second coordination sphere on the spectra and neodymium speciation is discussed

    Исследование по возделыванию трититригии в полузасушливой зоне

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    Over the course of several years of meticulous selection, The Tsitsin Main Moscow Botanical Garden of Academy of Sciences, successfully cultivated a novel trititrigia crop, characterized as a hybrid between wheat and couch grass. The intrinsic potential of this crop, as highlighted by the authors, instigated a keen interest in its investigation. (Research purpose) To conduct research on the cultivation of trititrigia Pamyati Lyubimovoy (In Memory of Lyubimova) in the semi-arid southern zone of the Rostov region. (Materials and methods) Trititrigia was cultivated on typical chernozem soil with carbonate content, characterized by heavy loamy texture, in conditions of insufficient and unstable moisture, following the zonal technology for cultivating winter wheat. The main pre-sowing tillage was performed using a shallow method by a combined KUM-4 unit. For seed sowing, the «Demetra» selective seeder was used. Throughout the trials from October 2020 to August 2022, meteorological conditions were taken into account, including precipitation levels and air temperature. Using two crops as examples, the biometric data of trititrigia plants, yield structure elements, combine yield and drought resistance were studied. (Results and discussion) It is determined that trititrigia Pamyati Lyubimovoy (In Memory of Lyubimova) aligns with the declared parameters in terms of plant height, ear length, and duration of the vegetative period. The plant development type of trititrigia is identical to winter wheat. (Conclusions) It is established that trititrigia Pamyati Lyubimovoy (In Memory of Lyubimobva) shows low resistance to drought within a semi-arid climate. Additionally, the straw yield surpasses the grain yield by a factor of four, while the weight of 1000 grains is low at 23.58 grams. Moreover, the combine yield (3.80 tons per hectares) falls short compared to the winter wheat variety Stanichnaya (5.09 tons per hectares). Further investigations into trititrigia within a semi-arid climate are considered necessary to determine its cultivation feasibility.В Главном ботаническом саду им. Н.В. Цицина Российской академии наук путем многолетней селекции была выведена новая культура трититригия, представляющая собой пшенично-пырейный гибрид. Анонсированный авторами потенциал данной культуры послужил мотивацией к ее изучению. (Цель исследования) Провести исследования по возделыванию трититригии сорта Памяти Любимовой в полузасушливой южной зоне Ростовской области. (Материалы и методы) Трититригию выращивали на черноземе обыкновенном карбонатном тяжелосуглинистом в условиях недостаточного и неустойчивого увлажнения в соответствии с зональной технологией возделывания озимой пшеницы. Основную обработку почвы до предпосевного состояния проводили мелким способом с применением комбинированного агрегата КУМ-4. Для посева семян использовали селекционную сеялку «Деметра». В ходе испытаний с октября 2020 по август 2022 года учитывали метеорологические условия: количество осадков и температуру воздуха. На примере двух посевов изучали биометрические данные растений трититригии, элементы структуры урожая, комбайновую урожайность и засухоустойчивость. (Результаты и обсуждение) Определили, что трититригия Памяти Любимовой по высоте растения, длине колоса, продолжительности вегетационного периода соответствует заявленным оригинаторами сорта параметрам. Тип развития растений трититригии идентичен озимой пшенице. (Выводы) Определили, что культура трититригии Памяти Любимовой проявляет низкую устойчивость к засухе в полузасушливым климате, урожай соломы превышает урожай зерна в 4 раза, масса 1000 зерен низкая – 23,58 грамма комбайновая урожайность (3,80 тонны на гектар) ниже чем озимой пшеницы сорта Станичная (5,09 тонны на гектар). Отметили необходимость дальнейших исследований трититригии в полузасушливом климате для выявления целесообразности ее возделывания

    Measurement of the branching fraction of J/ψρπJ/\psi\rightarrow\rho\pi at KEDR

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    We present the study of the decay J/ψρπJ/\psi \rightarrow \rho \pi. The results are based on of 5.2 million J/ψJ/\psi events collected by the KEDR detector at VEPP-4M collider. The branching fraction is measured to be B(J/ψρπ)=(2.072±0.017±0.056)102\mathcal{B}(J/\psi\rightarrow\rho\pi) = \big(2.072\pm 0.017 \pm 0.056 \big)\cdot 10^{-2} where the first uncertainty is statistical, the second one is systematic. This is the most precise single measurement of this quantity at the moment