80 research outputs found

    Migrations et territoires

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    Le pavage territorial est la forme primordiale d’organisation de l’espace terrestre. Chaque territoire est le produit de l’histoire d’un État dont l’essence rĂ©side corrĂ©lativement dans la maĂźtrise de son territoire. Or la mobilitĂ© des populations en gĂ©nĂ©ral et les migrations en particulier sont potentiellement pour les États une limite Ă  leur souverainetĂ©. De ce fait ils s’efforcent de les contrĂŽler en les instrumentalisant. Mais de leur cĂŽtĂ© les migrations tendent Ă  Ă©chapper Ă  leur contrĂŽle et mĂȘme, en prenant un caractĂšre de plus en plus souvent diasporique, Ă  devenir des acteurs Ă  part entiĂšre de la gĂ©ographie du monde actuel. D’oĂč des relations dialectiques, variables dans le temps et dans l’espace, entre migrations et territoires, entre pavage et rĂ©seau. Ces deux formes d’organisation de l’espace sont Ă  la fois complĂ©mentaires et antagoniques du point de vue des États qui doivent impĂ©rativement en rester maĂźtres. D’oĂč l’acuitĂ© et la complexitĂ© du problĂšme dans le monde actuel.Migrations and territories. Territorial paving is the primordial form of organization of space on earth. Each territory is the product of the history of a state the essence of which resides reciprocally on the mastery over its territory. In fact the mobility of populations in general and migrations in particular are for the states potential limits to their sovereignty. Consequently they do their best to maintain control over them and try to use them to their own profit. But as far as migrations are concerned, they tend to escape from their control and, assuming most of the time a more and more dispersive capacity, they also tend to become real actors in the geography of the present world. Hence dialectic relations, variable in time and space, between migrations and territories, paving and network. Both these forms of organization of space are at the same time complementary and antagonistic from the point of view of the states that have to maintain their control over them. Hence that acute and complex issue in our contemporary world

    Phantom Validation of Tc-99m Absolute Quantification in a SPECT/CT Commercial Device.

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    Aim. Similar to PET, absolute quantitative imaging is becoming available in commercial SPECT/CT devices. This study's goal was to assess quantitative accuracy of activity recovery as a function of image reconstruction parameters and count statistics in a variety of phantoms. Materials and Methods. We performed quantitative (99m)Tc-SPECT/CT acquisitions (Siemens Symbia Intevo, Erlangen, Germany) of a uniform cylindrical, NEMA/IEC, and an anthropomorphic abdominal phantom. Background activity concentrations tested ranged: 2-80 kBq/mL. SPECT acquisitions used 120 projections (20 s/projection). Reconstructions were performed with the proprietary iterative conjugate gradient algorithm. NEMA phantom reconstructions were obtained as a function of the iteration number (range: 4-48). Recovery coefficients, hot contrast, relative lung error (NEMA phantom), and image noise were assessed. Results. In all cases, absolute activity and activity concentration were measured within 10% of the expected value. Recovery coefficients and hot contrast in hot inserts did not vary appreciably with count statistics. RC converged at 16 iterations for insert size > 22 mm. Relative lung errors were comparable to PET levels indicating the efficient integration of attenuation and scatter corrections with adequate detector modeling. Conclusions. The tested device provided accurate activity recovery within 10% of correct values; these performances are comparable to current generation PET/CT systems

    Ce-L3-XAS study of the temperature dependence of the 4f occupancy in the Kondo system Ce2Rh3Al9

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    We have used temperature dependent x-ray absorption at the Ce-L3 edge to investigate the recently discovered Kondo compound Ce2Rh3Al9. The systematic changes of the spectral lineshape with decreasing temperature are analyzed and found to be related to a change in the 4f4f occupation number, n_f, as the system undergoes a transition into a Kondo state. The temperature dependence of nfn_f indicates a characteristic temperature of 150K, which is clearly related with the high temperature anomaly observed in the magnetic susceptibility of the same system. The further anomaly observed in the resistivity of this system at low temperature (ca. 20K) has no effect on n_f and is thus not of Kondo origin.Comment: 7 pages, three figures, submitted to PR

    Low-temperature coherence in the periodic Anderson model: Predictions for photoemission of heavy Fermions

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    We present numerically exact predictions of the periodic and single-impurity Anderson models to address photoemission experiments on heavy Fermion systems. Unlike the single impurity model the lattice model is able to account for the enhanced intensity, dispersion, and apparent weak temperature dependence of the Kondo resonant peak seen in recent controversial photoemission experiments. We present a consistent interpretation of these results as a crossover from the impurity regime to an effective Hubbard model regime described by Nozieres.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Anomalous spectral weight in photoemission spectra of the hole doped Haldane chain Y2-xSrxBaNiO5

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    In this paper, we present photoemission experiments on the hole doped Haldane chain compound Y2−xSrxBaNiO5Y_{2-x}Sr_xBaNiO_5. By using the photon energy dependence of the photoemission cross section, we identified the symmetry of the first ionisation states (d type). Hole doping in this system leads to a significant increase in the spectral weight at the top of the valence band without any change in the vicinity of the Fermi energy. This behavior, not observed in other charge transfer oxides at low doping level, could result from the inhomogeneous character of the doped system and from a Ni 3d-O 2p hybridization enhancement due to the shortening of the relevant Ni-O distance in the localized hole-doped regions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Ultrafast Atomic Diffusion Inducing a Reversible (2√3×2√3)R30°↔(√3×√3)R30° Transition on Sn/Si(111)∶B

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    Dynamical phase transitions are a challenge to identify experimentally and describe theoretically. Here, we study a new reconstruction of Sn on silicon and observe a reversible transition where the surface unit cell divides its area by a factor of 4 at 250 °C. This phase transition is explained by the 24-fold degeneracy of the ground state and a novel diffusive mechanism, where four Sn atoms arranged in a snakelike cluster wiggle at the surface exploring collectively the different quantum mechanical ground states.This work was supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under Contract SurMott, No. NT-09-618999, and by Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Project No. MAT2014-59966-R

    High-resolution Ce 3d-edge resonant photoemission study of CeNi_2

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    Resonant photoemission (RPES) at the Ce 3d -> 4f threshold has been performed for alpha-like compound CeNi_2 with extremely high energy resolution (full width at half maximum < 0.2 eV) to obtain bulk-sensitive 4f spectral weight. The on-resonance spectrum shows a sharp resolution-limited peak near the Fermi energy which can be assigned to the tail of the Kondo resonance. However, the spin-orbit side band around 0.3 eV binding energy corresponding to the f_{7/2} peak is washed out, in contrast to the RPES spectrum at the Ce 3d -> 4f RPES threshold. This is interpreted as due to the different surface sensitivity, and the bulk-sensitive Ce 3d -> 4f RPES spectra are found to be consistent with other electron spectroscopy and low energy properties for alpha-like Ce-transition metal compounds, thus resolves controversy on the interpretation of Ce compound photoemission. The 4f spectral weight over the whole valence band can also be fitted fairly well with the Gunnarsson-Schoenhammer calculation of the single impurity Anderson model, although the detailed features show some dependence on the hybridization band shape and (possibly) Ce 5d emissions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figur

    Electronic structure investigation of CeB6 by means of soft X-ray scattering

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    The electronic structure of the heavy fermion compound CeB6 is probed by resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering using photon energies across the Ce 3d and 4d absorption edges. The hybridization between the localized 4f orbitals and the delocalized valence-band states is studied by identifying the different spectral contributions from inelastic Raman scattering and normal fluorescence. Pronounced energy-loss structures are observed below the elastic peak at both the 3d and 4d thresholds. The origin and character of the inelastic scattering structures are discussed in terms of charge-transfer excitations in connection to the dipole allowed transitions with 4f character. Calculations within the single impurity Anderson model with full multiplet effects are found to yield consistent spectral functions to the experimental data.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.63.07510

    The Kondo Resonance in Electron Spectroscopy

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    The Kondo resonance is the spectral manifestation of the Kondo properties of the impurity Anderson model, and also plays a central role in the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) for correlated electron lattice systems. This article presents an overview of electron spectroscopy studies of the resonance for the 4f electrons of cerium compounds, and for the 3d electrons of V_2O_3, including beginning efforts at using angle resolved photoemission to determine the k-dependence of the resonance. The overview includes the comparison and analysis of spectroscopy data with theoretical spectra as calculated for the impurity model and as obtained by DMFT, and the Kondo volume collapse calculation of the cerium alpha-gamma phase transition boundary, with its spectroscopic underpinnings.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, 151 references; paper for special issue of J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. on "Kondo Effect--40 Years after the Discovery

    Band Calculations for Ce Compounds with AuCu3_{3}-type Crystal Structure on the basis of Dynamical Mean Field Theory I. CePd3_{3} and CeRh3_{3}

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    Band calculations for Ce compounds with the AuCu3_{3}-type crystal structure were carried out on the basis of dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The auxiliary impurity problem was solved by a method named NCAf2f^{2}vc (noncrossing approximation including the f2f^{2} state as a vertex correction). The calculations take into account the crystal-field splitting, the spin-orbit interaction, and the correct exchange process of the f1→f0,f2f^{1} \rightarrow f^{0},f^{2} virtual excitation. These are necessary features in the quantitative band theory for Ce compounds and in the calculation of their excitation spectra. The results of applying the calculation to CePd3_{3} and CeRh3_{3} are presented as the first in a series of papers. The experimental results of the photoemission spectrum (PES), the inverse PES, the angle-resolved PES, and the magnetic excitation spectra were reasonably reproduced by the first-principles DMFT band calculation. At low temperatures, the Fermi surface (FS) structure of CePd3_{3} is similar to that of the band obtained by the local density approximation. It gradually changes into a form that is similar to the FS of LaPd3_{3} as the temperature increases, since the 4f4f band shifts to the high-energy side and the lifetime broadening becomes large.}Comment: 12 pasges, 13 figure
