28 research outputs found

    Let us run towards an integrated and healthy city : a case study about jogging as a tool for integration

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    Det finns mĂ„nga aspekter för stadsplanerare att tĂ€nka in i utformningen av staden - aspekter som en god och jĂ€mlik hĂ€lsa, ökad fysisk aktivitet och integration. En i synnerhet aktuell utmaning som stĂ€der idag stĂ€lls inför Ă€r den senaste tidens ensamkommande sĂ„vĂ€l som tillsammanskommande flyktingar frĂ„n konflikt och krigshĂ€rjade omrĂ„den. MĂ„nga stĂ€der efterstrĂ€var en integrerad och socialt hĂ„llbar stadsutveckling dĂ€r det gĂ„r att erbjuda alla invĂ„nare en god och hĂ€lsosam levnadsmiljö. Den övergripande frĂ„gestĂ€llningen som studien kommer att behandla Ă€r om, och i sĂ„ fall hur fysisk aktivitet och motionslöpning kan fungera som ett integrationsverktyg mellan etablerade svenskar och gruppen asylsökande och nyanlĂ€nda. Studiens metod Ă€r uppdelad i tvĂ„ moment: det första momentet bestĂ„r av en litteraturstudie. Studiens andra del bestĂ„r av ett praktiskt moment i form av en fallstudie av Inlöparna Östersund och skildrar ett konkret projekt som sĂ€tter fysisk aktivitet i centrum som ett redskap för innanförskap och integration av flyktingar i Sverige. Slutsatserna som dras Ă€r att mĂ„nga av flyktingarna som deltar aldrig har Ă€gnat sig Ă„t löpning som motionsform tidigare. Löpning upplevs av en del som trist och anstrĂ€ngande, medan andra tycker att det Ă€r utmanande och underhĂ„llande. Vidare Ă€r det inte motionslöpning i sig som skapar integration – det uppstĂ„r genom de möten och nĂ€tverk som skapas kring aktiviteten. En aspekt som i synnerhet lyfts fram Ă€r gemenskapen som uppstĂ„r mellan deltagarna. Det Ă€r frĂ€mst asylsökande mĂ€n som deltar, medan i princip ingen bland de asylsökande kvinnorna Ă€r med. I Östersunds finns idag ingen riktad strategi till att uppmuntra och inkludera gruppen nyanlĂ€nda och asylsökande kvinnor till fysisk aktivitet i det offentliga rummet. Inlöparna Ă€r ett integrationskoncept som fungerar vĂ€l för stora delar bland gruppen nyanlĂ€nda och asylsökande. Det man behöver utveckla Ă€r att fĂ„ med nyanlĂ€nda och asylsökande flickor och kvinnor att delta i löpning som motionsform.There are many aspects for city planners to consider in the design of the city - aspects such as equal and good health, increased physical activity, and integration. A particularly urgent challenge that cities are facing today is the recent unaccompanied, as well as accompanied refugees from conflict and war-torn areas. Most cities strive for an integrated and socially sustainable urban development in order to offer all residents a good and healthy living environment. The overarching question that the study will address is if, and if so, how physical activity and jogging can serve as an instrument for integration between established Swedish people and groups of asylum seekers and newly arrived refugees. The method is divided into two parts: the first part consists of a literature review. The second part consists of a case study of Inlöparna Östersund, describing a concrete project that puts physical activity in the center as a tool for inclusion and integration of refugees in Sweden. The conclusions are as follows: many of the refugees who participate have never engaged in jogging as a form of exercise before. Jogging is perceived by some as boring and tiring, while others consider it challenging and entertaining. Furthermore, it is not the jogging itself that makes integration - it occurs through the encounters between the participants and networks created around the activity. One aspect that is particularly highlighted is the jovial community that is created between the participants. It is mainly male asylum seekers who partake, while almost no asylum seeking women participate. There is currently no strategically targeted strategy to encourage and include the group of refugee women to physical activity in public spaces in Östersund. Inlöparna is an inclusive integration concept that works well for a large group of asylum seekers and newly arrived. What needs to be developed, however, is to include refugee girls and women to participate in jogging as a form of exercise

    Årstidsbaserad planering - Planering av offentliga utemiljöer utifrĂ„n vĂ€xlande Ă„rstider

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    Sveriges meteorologiska förhållanden genererar kalla och mörka perioder under stora delar av året. Utifrån dessa naturliga årstidsväxlingar finns ett behov för svenska städer att i större utsträckning än vad som görs i dagsläget anpassa stadsplaneringen efter samtliga väderförutsättningar som råder. Detta för att skapa aktiva utemiljöer och en levande stad för invånarna att använda och åtnjuta året om. Studien syftar till att ge läsaren en övergripande bild över hur vistelse i offentliga utemiljöer kan bidra till att främja Malmö som en aktiv och attraktiv stad året om och oberoende av säsong eller väderförhållanden. Ett tydligt resultat från studien visar att det finns både intresse och en önskan hos Malmös stadsplanerare att öka aktiviteten och attraktiviteten i staden året om också under mindre tilltalande väderförhållanden. Den bakomliggande idén som uttryckts är att medborgarna ska kunna ta tillvara på stadens fulla potential oavsett årstid och genom detta bidra till en socialt hållbar stadsutveckling. Två huvudsakliga uppfattningar om åtgärder kan identifieras hos Malmös stadsplanerare och forskare i stadsplanering för att få till ett ökat folkliv i staden året om. Det första är en uppfattning som handlar om fysiska förändringar av utemiljön så som evenemang, arrangemang, aktiviteter, installationer samt sammanlänkande stråk. Den andra uppfattningen handlar om att ändra invånarnas beteende och attityd kopplat till utomhusvistelse. Som en följd av det intresse och behov som har identifierats hos studiens informanter vad gäller att öka kunskapen om stadsplanering och ökad utomhusvistelse året om, har studien resulterat i en konkret företagsidé, Smart Seasonal Solutions. Smart Seasonal Solutions syftar till att bidra med kunskap till framtida stadsplanering för att främja och öka utomhusvistelse och ett aktivt stadsliv året runt.Swedish meteorological conditions generate a changing climate throughout the year, including rather long, cold and dark periods. There is a great potential for Swedish cities to adapt this aspect in urban planning to a wider extent than what is currently being done. By doing so, the cities will become more attractive to their citizens in terms of being able to enjoy active outdoor spaces all year around. This report aims to give the reader an overall view and understanding of how public outdoor spaces better can be used throughout the year in Malmö to foster and encourage outdoor activity in the city regardless of weather or seasonal conditions. This is to allow citizens to take advantage from the city's full potential and to contribute to a socially sustainable urban development. A clear scope of the study is that there is both a will and an interest by city planners in Malmö to increase the activity and attractiveness of the city all year around. Conclusions to be drawn are that two main approaches can be identified by Malmö's city planners to increase a richer city life all year round. The first approach constitutes by physical and concrete elements, such as events, activities, installations and interconnecting pathways. The second approach is more about changes in attitude and behavior linked to outdoor stay. The interest and need to fill the knowledge gap that the research report is aiming to do, this theoretical study has resulted in a concrete business proposal, Smart Seasonal Solutions. Smart Seasonal Solutions aims to contribute with knowledge for future urban planning to increase outdoor activity and city life all year around

    Chemical changes in cell envelope and poly-ÎČ-hydroxybutyrate during short term starvation of a marine bacterial isolate

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    Qualitative and quantitative changes were observed in lipids, poly-ÎČ-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), and a cell wall peptidoglycan consitutent in a marine bacterial isolate during starvation for 24 h in an energy and nutrient-free medium. While the amount and composition of the membrane fatty acids fluctuated within the first hours of starvation, the total amount of fatty acids decreased during the starvation period. Furthermore, the ratio of monounsaturated to saturated fatty acids decreased and the proportion of short chain fatty acids increased. In the very early phase of starvation the bacteria contained PHB, which had been accumulated during the growth phase, but after 3 h no PHB was detected. Cells starved for phosphorus showed a different pattern as PHB was initially accumulated and did not decrease until 5 h of starvation. Synthesis of the cell wall amino acid d-alanine was initiated during the first phase of starvation. The effects of these changes on membrane fluidity and uptake of substrates as well as the use of fatty acids and PHB as energy resources during starvation are discussed

    Physiological and morphological changes during short term starvation of marine bacterial islates

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    Three marine bacteria were examined for physiological and morphological changes in the initial phase of starvation. It was found that the starvation process was induced in a similar way irrespective of whether the cells were suspended in nutrient and energy free artificial seawater (NSS) or NSS supplemented with nitrogen and phosphorus. An initial phase of increased activity was consistent with a decreased response to added nutrients. Recovery from starvation exhibited the same response in both these starvation regimes, measured throughout the starvation period. Cells in nitrogen or phosphorus deprived starvation regimes, showed a high and rapid increased activity, followed by a delayed and more pronounced decline in respiratory activity. The initial phase of starvation also included a loss of poly-ÎČ-hydroybutyrate as observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Two bacterial strains showed formation of small vesicles on the outer cell layer when examined by TEM. This formation and release of vesicles was related to the continuous size reduction during starvation survival. The results are discussed in terms of defining the mechanisms of initial cellular responses to nutrient deprivation