1,738 research outputs found

    Two-speed deflection system for electron micropattern generator

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    Development of dual speed deflection system for electron beam micropattern generator system is discussed. Factors affecting application of electron beam lithography are analyzed. Procedure for using two speed deflection system is described

    Dual field alignment display and control for electron micropattern generator

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    Application of electron beam lithography to replace photolithography process in fabrication of integrated circuits is discussed. Procedure for using electron beam lithography equipment is described. Diagram of electron micropattern generator is provided

    Spirometrian suorittaminen ja tulkinta : uudet suomalaiset ja monikansalliset viitearvot käyttöön - Suomen Kliinisen Fysiologian yhdistyksen ja Suomen Keuhkolääkäriyhdistyksen suositus 2015

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    •Hil­jattain on jul­kaistu uu­det suoma­laiset ai­kuisten spi­ro­metrian vii­tearvot, joi­den mit­taukset kat­tavat myös vanhus­väestön 84 vuo­den ikään as­ti. •Uu­sien ar­vojen tulkin­nassa otetaan käyt­töön mi­tatun ar­von poik­keaman mää­rä viitear­vo­po­pu­laation ­kes­kiar­vosta z-yksik­köinä (sama kuin SD). Muu­toksen vaikeu­saste ar­vioidaan z-ar­von mu­kaan. •Nor­maalin va­riaation ala­raja on klii­ni­sissä tutki­muk­sissa kai­kille spi­ro­met­ria­muut­tu­jille sa­ma (z-ar­vona –1,65). Ter­veistä 95 % asettuu tä­män ra­jan ylä­puo­lelle. •Syn­ty­pe­rältään ulko­maa­laisten las­ten ja ai­kuisten tutki­muk­sissa suosi­tellaan käytet­tä­väksi uu­sia kansain­vä­lisiä GLI2012-vii­tear­voja. •Suo­ma­laisten las­ten tutki­muk­sissa suosi­tellaan käytet­tä­väksi edelleen van­hoja suoma­laisia viitear­voja, mut­ta nii­den klii­ni­sessä sovel­ta­mi­sessa suosi­tellaan nyt z-ar­vojen käyt­töä. •Ai­kuisten van­hat suoma­laiset vii­tearvot ei­vät ole perus­tuneet todel­lisiin mittaus­tu­loksiin yli 64-vuo­tiailla. Van­hojen ar­vojen käyt­tö on aiheut­tanut toden­nä­köi­sesti hengi­tys­tieobst­ruktion yli­diag­nos­tiikkaa vanhem­missa ikä­ryh­missä.Peer reviewe

    Is our Sun a Singleton?

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    Most stars are formed in a cluster or association, where the number density of stars can be high. This means that a large fraction of initially-single stars will undergo close encounters with other stars and/or exchange into binaries. We describe how such close encounters and exchange encounters can affect the properties of a planetary system around a single star. We define a singleton as a single star which has never suffered close encounters with other stars or spent time within a binary system. It may be that planetary systems similar to our own solar system can only survive around singletons. Close encounters or the presence of a stellar companion will perturb the planetary system, often leaving planets on tighter and more eccentric orbits. Thus planetary systems which initially resembled our own solar system may later more closely resemble some of the observed exoplanet systems.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To be published in the proceedings of IAUS246 "Dynamical Evolution of Dense Stellar Systems". Editors: E. Vesperini (Chief Editor), M. Giersz, A. Sill

    Recent upper layer cooling and freshening in the Norwegian Sea

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    Several time series of temperature and salinity in the Norwegian Sea indicate a general upper layer decrease in both variables. The observations indicate that this change began in about the middle of the 1960s. Time series at Ocean Weather Station "M" (OWS"M"), from Russian surveys in the southem Norwegian Sea as well as Scottish and Faroese observations in the Faroe-Shetland Channel and around the Faroes, all have similar trends and show that this is a phenomenon which affects wide areas in the Norwegian Sea. The reason for this trend is an increased supply of freshwater in the East Icelandic Current. As a result, both temperature and salinity is now at a lower level than during the "Great Salinity Anomaly'' ("GSA") in the 1970s both at 400 m depth at OWS "M" and in the 200- 500 m layer in the southem Norwegian Sea as observed in the Russian time series. The forcing may be increased production of Arctic surface water in the Greenland Sea when the deep convection is reduced, or more probably, increased export of freshwater from the Arctic Ocean. There is fairly good correlation between the wind stress curl over the Greenland Sea and the Russian time series of temperature and salinity, averaged between 200 and 500 m depth and between O and 3.5°E along 63°N in the Norwegian Sea. Considerably increased supply of Arctic Water from the East Icelandic Current during a period around 1978, clearly reinforced the "GSA" in the Nordic Seas. This also explains the coinciding variation in Atlantic and Arctic waters in the Faroe-Shetland Channel during the "GSA"

    A Method to Polarize Stored Antiprotons to a High Degree

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    Polarized antiprotons can be produced in a storage ring by spin--dependent interaction in a purely electron--polarized hydrogen gas target. The polarizing process is based on spin transfer from the polarized electrons of the target atoms to the orbiting antiprotons. After spin filtering for about two beam lifetimes at energies T40170T\approx 40-170 MeV using a dedicated large acceptance ring, the antiproton beam polarization would reach P=0.20.4P=0.2-0.4. Polarized antiprotons would open new and unique research opportunities for spin--physics experiments in pˉp\bar{p}p interactions

    EMon : embodied monitorization

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    Serie : Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5859The amount of seniors in need of constant care is rapidly rising: an evident consequence of population ageing. There are already some monitorization environments which aim to monitor these persons while they remain at home. This, however, although better than delocalizing the elder to some kind of institution, may not still be the ideal solution, as it forces them to stay inside the home more than they wished, as going out means lack of accompaniment and a consequent sensation of fear. In this paper we propose EMon: a monitorization device small enough to be worn by its users, although powerful enough to provide the higher level monitorization systems with vital information about the user and the environment around him. We hope to allow the representation of an intelligent environment to move with its users, instead of being static, mandatorily associated to a single physical location. The first prototype of EMon, as presented in this paper, provides environmental data as well as GPS coordinates and pictures that are useful to describe the context of its user

    Measurement of bronchial hyperreactivity : comparison of three Nordic dosimetric methods

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    Clinical testing of bronchial hyperreactivity (BHR) provides valuable information in asthma diagnostics. Nevertheless, the test results depend to a great extent on the testing procedure: test substance, apparatus and protocol. In Nordic countries, three protocols predominate in the testing field: Per Malmberg, Nieminen and Sovijarvi methods. However, knowledge of their equivalence is limited. We aimed to find equivalent provocative doses (PD) to obtain similar bronchoconstrictive responses for the three protocols. We recruited 31 patients with suspected asthma and health care workers and performed BHR testing with methacholine according to Malmberg and Nieminen methods, and with histamine according to Sovijarvi. We obtained the individual response-dose slopes for each method and predicted equivalent PD values. Applying a mixed-model, we found significant differences in the mean (standard error of mean) response-dose (forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1)%/mg): Sovijarvi 7.2 (1.5), Nieminen 13.8 (4.2) and Malmberg 26 (7.3). We found that the earlier reported cut-point values for moderate BHR and marked BHR between the Sovijarvi (PD15) and Nieminen (PD20) methods were similar, but with the Malmberg method a significant bronchoconstrictive reaction was measured with lower PD20 values. We obtained a relationship between slope values and PD (mg) between different methods, useful in epidemiological research and clinical practice.Peer reviewe