898 research outputs found

    Humidification Factors from Laboratory Studies of Fresh Smoke from Biomass Fuels

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    Measurements of smoke aerosol humidification factors were performed in a laboratory for different biomass fuel types and burn conditions. Two nephelometers simultaneously measured dry and humidified light scattering coefficients (bsp(dry) and bsp(RH), respectively), providing the first observations of the temporal evolution of the humidification factor (f(RH) = bsp(RH)/bsp(dry)) for fresh (minutes-old) smoke. Hygroscopic characteristics of the smoke aerosols varied with fuel type and fire conditions, with the mean f(RH) ranging from 1.01 to 1.95 for fresh minutes-old smoke for the relative humidity (RH) range of 70-94%. These f(RH) values exhibited temporal variability, with some fuels alternating from hygroscopic to nonhygroscopic within minutes. Humidograms were also obtained, demonstrating that smoke from different fuels begins to take up water at different RH values. Humidification factors for hour-old smoke ranged from 1.10 to 1.51 for RH \u3e 90%. Finally, light-absorbing carbon mass measured with a multiwavelength aethalometer demonstrated different spectral responses as a function of fuel type. These laboratory experiments demonstrate the complexity of smoke hygroscopicity from young fires and are essential for understanding the radiative effects of biomass burning in the ambient atmosphere

    Chandra X-ray Observations of the Quadruply Lensed Quasar RX J0911.4+0551

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    We present results from X-ray observations of the quadruply lensed quasar RX J0911.4+0551 using data obtained with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) on board the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The 29 ks observation detects a total of ~404 X-ray photons (0.3 to 7.0 keV) from the four images of the lensed quasar. Deconvolution of the aspect corrected data resolves all four lensed images, with relative positions in good agreement with optical measurements. When compared to contemporaneous optical data, one of the lensed images (component A3) is dimmer by a factor of ~6 in X-rays with respect to the 2 brighter images (components A1 and A2). Spectral fitting for the combined images shows significant intrinsic absorption in the soft (0.2 to 2.4 keV) energy band, consistent with the mini-BAL nature of this quasar, while a comparison with ROSAT PSPC observations from 1990 shows a drop of ~6.5 in the total soft bandpass flux. The observations also detect ~157 X-ray photons arising from extended emission of the nearby cluster (peaked ~42" SW of RXJ0911.4+0551) responsible for the large external shear present in the system. The Chandra observation reveals the cluster emission to be complex and non-spherical, and yields a cluster temperature of kT = 2.3^{+1.8}_{-0.8} keV and a 2.0 to 10 keV cluster luminosity within a 1 Mpc radius of L_X = 7.6_{-0.2}^{+0.6} x 10^{43} ergs/s (error bars denote 90% confidence limits). Our mass estimate of the cluster within its virial radius is 2.3^{+1.8}_{-0.7} x 10^{14} solar, and is a factor of 2 smaller than, although consistent with, previous mass estimates based on the observed cluster velocity dispersion.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures (figure 1 is color ps). Accepted by Ap

    Measured and modeled humidification factors of fresh smoke particles from biomass burning: role of inorganic constituents

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    During the 2006 FLAME study (<b>F</b>ire <b>L</b>aboratory <b>a</b>t <b>M</b>issoula <b>E</b>xperiment), laboratory burns of biomass fuels were performed to investigate the physico-chemical, optical, and hygroscopic properties of fresh biomass smoke. As part of the experiment, two nephelometers simultaneously measured dry and humidified light scattering coefficients (<i>b</i><sub>sp(dry) </sub> and <i>b</i><sub>sp(RH)</sub>, respectively) in order to explore the role of relative humidity (RH) on the optical properties of biomass smoke aerosols. Results from burns of several biomass fuels from the west and southeast United States showed large variability in the humidification factor (<i>f</i>(RH)=<i>b</i><sub>sp(RH)</sub>/<i>b</i><sub>sp(dry)</sub>). Values of <i>f</i>(RH) at RH=80–85% ranged from 0.99 to 1.81 depending on fuel type. We incorporated measured chemical composition and size distribution data to model the smoke hygroscopic growth to investigate the role of inorganic compounds on water uptake for these aerosols. By assuming only inorganic constituents were hygroscopic, we were able to model the water uptake within experimental uncertainty, suggesting that inorganic species were responsible for most of the hygroscopic growth. In addition, humidification factors at 80–85% RH increased for smoke with increasing inorganic salt to carbon ratios. Particle morphology as observed from scanning electron microscopy revealed that samples of hygroscopic particles contained soot chains either internally or externally mixed with inorganic potassium salts, while samples of weak to non-hygroscopic particles were dominated by soot and organic constituents. This study provides further understanding of the compounds responsible for water uptake by young biomass smoke, and is important for accurately assessing the role of smoke in climate change studies and visibility regulatory efforts

    Western European Populations of the Ichneumonid Wasp Hyposoter didymator Belong to a Single Taxon

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    Hyposoter didymator (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) is a generalist solitary endoparasitoid of noctuid larvae. In the present work, we tested whether populations of H. didymator were divided in several genetically distinct taxa as described for many other generalist parasitoid species, and whether differences in H. didymator parasitism rates were explained by the insect host species and/or by the plant on which these hosts were feeding on. The genetic analysis of natural populations collected in different regions in France and Spain on seven different insect hosts and seven different host plants (775 individuals) showed that H. didymator populations belong to a unique single taxon. However, H. didymator seems to be somewhat specialized. Indeed, in the fields it more often parasitized Helicoverpa armigera compared to the other host species collected in the present work. Also, H. didymator parasitism rates in field conditions and semi-field experimental studies were dependent on the host plants on which H. armigera larvae are feeding. Still, H. didymator can occur occasionally on non-preferred noctuid species. One hypothesis explaining the ability of H. didymator to switch hosts in natura could be related to fluctuating densities of the preferred host over the year; this strategy would allow the parasitoid to avoid seasonal population collapses

    Provenance in Open Data Entity-Centric Aggregation

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    An increasing number of web services these days require combining data from several data providers into an aggregated database. Usually this aggregation is based on the linked data approach. On the other hand, the entity-centric model is a promising data model that outperforms the linked data approach because it solves the lack of explicit semantics and the semantic heterogeneity problems. However, current open data which is available on the web as raw datasets can not be used in the entity-centric model before processing them with an import process to extract the data elements and insert them correctly in the aggregated entity-centric database. It is essential to certify the quality of these imported data elements, especially the background knowledge part which acts as input to semantic computations, because the quality of this part affects directly the quality of the web services which are built on top of it. Furthermore, the aggregation of entities and their attribute values from different sources raises three problems: the need to trace the source of each element, the need to trace the links between entities which can be considered equivalent and the need to handle possible conflicts between different values when they are imported from various data sources. In this thesis, we introduce a new model to certify the quality of a back ground knowledge base which separates linguistic and language independent elements. We also present a pipeline to import entities from open data repositories to add the missing implicit semantics and to eliminate the semantic heterogeneity. Finally, we show how to trace the source of attribute values coming from different data providers; how to choose a strategy for handling possible conflicts between these values; and how to keep the links between identical entities which represent the same real world entity

    Response of the bacterial communities associated with maize rhizosphere to poultry litter as an organomineral fertilizer.

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    Maize is an important food source worldwide and is of considerable industrial importance. Low maize yields are mostly due to low soil fertility, so expensive mineral fertilizers are often used to offset the lack of nutrients. Poultry litter (PL) is one of the most valuable and phosphorous-rich animal wastes. However, PL usually contains veterinary antibiotic residues, particularly fluoroquinolones (FQs), which may alter soil microorganism diversity and resistance patterns. In this study, we aimed to understand the impact of applying mineral (triple superphosphate?STP) or organomineral (STP with PL and reactive Bayovar phosphate with PL) fertilizers (130 or 260 kg/ha of total P2O5) on the structure and composition of the soil bacteriome and on phosphate-mineralizing bacteria associated with the maize rhizosphere. Maize plants were sampled at 60 and 90 days after sowing and a clear rhizosphere effect was observed in all samples. No specific groups of bacterial genera predominated (>3% relative abundance) according to the different fertilizer treatments and most of the genera were shared among samples. Multivariate analyses of 16S rRNA sequences revealed clear clustering based on sampling time and distinct separation from bulk soil samples. Abundances of phosphate-mineralizing bacteria varied depending on the sampling time.We observed a positive effect on phytase activity under the 260 kg STP with PL treatment. Although the FQ enrofloxacin and its main metabolite ciprofloxacin were detected in PL, their concentrations in fertilized soils were below quantification thresholds. Quinolone resistance genes were not detected in the maize rhizosphere or bulk soil. Together, these results suggest that the rhizosphere effect, plant age and applied amounts of fertilizer are more influential on bacterial communities than the type of fertilizer used. Thus, application of PL as an organomineral fertilizer does not appear to have extensive impacts on the bacterial diversity of maize rhizosphere, so it could be an excellent option for enhancing maize production

    Livestock grazing impacts components of the breeding productivity of a common upland insectivorous passerine:Results from a long-term experiment

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    The intensity of pastoral management in areas of High Nature Value farming is declining in some regions of Europe but increasing in others. This affects open habitats of conservation concern, such as the British uplands, where bird species that benefit from low-intensity grazing may be most sensitive to such polarization. While experimental manipulations of livestock grazing intensities have improved our understanding of upland breeding bird responses in the short term, none have examined the long-term impacts of altered management on reproductive success. Using a replicated landscape-scale experiment that started in 2003, we investigated the effects of four grazing treatments (intensive sheep; low-intensity sheep; low-intensity mixed sheep and cattle; and no grazing) on the breeding productivity of meadow pipits Anthus pratensis, the most common upland passerine. Surveys were carried out systematically during early (2003 and 2004) and late (2015 and 2016) sampling periods of the experiment to compare the short- and long-term effects of grazing treatments on breeding density and productivity of pipits specifically, but also on the overall bird community. Pipit breeding density was lowest under low-intensity sheep grazing while the highest egg-stage nest survival was observed in the same treatment, although no significant treatment effects were detected on overall nest survival or fledgling output. There were no significant differences in treatment effects between the sampling periods on any breeding variable, but overall nest survival was lower in the later sampling period across all treatments. Breeding bird species richness differed between treatments in the later sampling period, with highest species richness in the ungrazed treatment. Synthesis and applications. Livestock grazing management can have different outcomes for different upland birds. Our results showed that, with time, meadow pipit breeding productivity tended to be higher when sheep grazing intensity was reduced and/or mixed with cattle, and lower when livestock were removed, but not significantly so. Removal of grazing, however, can significantly increase bird species richness. The long-term experiment showed an overall decline in fledglings regardless of grazing treatments, potentially a result of increased predator numbers harboured by nearby developing woodland, highlighting the importance of considering wider landscape processes in grazing management decisions.</p