213 research outputs found

    P. Coslin. Les conduites à risque à l’adolescence

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    Les conduites Ă  risque sont frĂ©quemment Ă©voquĂ©es lorsqu’il est question de l’adolescence : toxicomanie, sexualitĂ© ou alimentation imprudentes, accidents de la circulation ou liĂ©s Ă  la pratique d’un sport, fugue, dĂ©linquance, comportement suicidaire... Dans Les conduites Ă  risque Ă  l’adolescence, Pierre Coslin prĂ©sente une vaste recension de ces conduites, prĂ©cĂ©dĂ©e dans le premier chapitre par une analyse anthropologique de leur signification, d’une maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale et plus spĂ©cialement Ă  cett..

    L’idĂ©ation suicidaire Ă  l’adolescence : quelles relations avec la perception du milieu familial et les modes de faire face ?

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    On a analysĂ© les relations entre l’idĂ©ation suicidaire des grands adolescents et, d’une part la perception qu’ils ont de leur milieu familial, d’autre part les stratĂ©gies qu’ils dĂ©clarent mettre en Ɠuvre face Ă  d’éventuelles idĂ©es de suicide. Les rĂ©ponses donnĂ©es par 302 élĂšves de lycĂ©e Ă  des questionnaires d’auto-Ă©valuation vont dans le sens d’une conception de l’idĂ©ation suicidaire comme conduite unidimensionnelle mais complexe, intĂ©grant d’autres processus spontanĂ©s que l’idĂ©e mĂȘme de se donner la mort. L’idĂ©ation suicidaire est d’autant plus forte que l’élĂšve fait Ă©tat d’une faible relation de confiance avec ses parents. Quelle que soit la confiance perçue dans la relation avec les parents, le niveau d’idĂ©ation suicidaire est Ă©galement liĂ© aux modes de faire face mis en Ɠuvre par l’adolescent pour contrer un Ă©ventuel envahissement par l’idĂ©e de se suicider. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent que les actions de prĂ©vention contre le suicide des adolescents et le malaise psychologique dont l’idĂ©ation suicidaire est un indice ne devraient pas seulement chercher Ă  restaurer des relations de confiance entre l’adolescent et ses parents. Elles gagneraient Ă  faciliter l’acquisition par les adolescents de modes de rĂ©ponse efficaces aux idĂ©es de suicide, modes de rĂ©ponse spĂ©cifiques qui ne dĂ©pendent que trĂšs modĂ©rĂ©ment de leur perception actuelle du milieu familial.This study aimed to analyze relationships between suicidal ideation and: (a) the adolescents’ perception of their family setting and (b) the coping strategies used when faced with hypothetical pervasive suicidal ideas. The responses given by 302 high-school students to a self-report questionnaire support the view of suicidal ideation as a one-dimension but complex conduct that includes additional components other than the idea to kill oneself. Suicidal ideation was more pronounced when the adolescents perceived their parent attachment relationship as insecure. The coping strategies used by adolescents when faced with hypothetical pervasive suicidal ideas accounted for their individual suicidal ideations level regardless of their family perception. The results suggest that the programs used to prevent suicide and the psychological problems of which suicidal ideation is an indicator should not focus solely on attempting to rebuild secure relationships between adolescents and their parents. They should also try to focus on developing sufficient skills to cope with suicidal ideas, given that these specific coping skills are mostly independent from the adolescent’s perception of his/her family

    Que peut apporter la thĂ©orie de l’attachement aux psychologues du conseil ?

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    Cet article examine l’intĂ©rĂȘt que la thĂ©orie de l’attachement (T.A.) pourrait prĂ©senter pour la psychologie du conseil. Dans une premiĂšre partie, on rappelle comment la T.A. a Ă©tĂ© inspirĂ©e par trois sources : psychologie clinique et pathologique, Ă©thologie, et cybernĂ©tique. L’évolution des recherches sur la T.A. est exposĂ©e, en particulier son intĂ©rĂȘt croissant pour les diffĂ©rences interindividuelles de dĂ©veloppement socio-Ă©motionnel au-delĂ  de la prime enfance. Dans une deuxiĂšme partie, on commence par envisager les effets favorables que pourraient avoir des attachements confiants aux parents sur la dĂ©couverte des formations scolaires et professionnelles par les adolescents, et sur leur engagement dans celles-ci. On rapporte ensuite les recommandations que des psychologues du conseil ont tirĂ©es de la T.A. pour la conduite de l’entretien, en explicitant certaines des mĂ©taphores qui lui sont empruntĂ©es en cette occasion. On termine en soulignant combien la prise en compte des aspects socio-Ă©motionnels dans la conduite de l’entretien et dans l’examen de la situation du consultant accroĂźt la possibilitĂ© de mobiliser chez lui les stratĂ©gies de formation les plus pertinentes.In this article, we examine the relevance of attachment theory (A.T.) for counseling psychology. First, we present the three sources of AT.: (a) clinical psychology and psychopathology, (b) ethology, and (c) cybernetics. We overview the development of research on A.T., with a special focus on interindividual differences regarding the socio-emotional development beyond infancy. In the second part, we analyse the extent to which secure attachments to parents could support adolescents’ exploration and commitment regarding career development. We report the recommendations formulated by counselors who rely on A.T., regarding the management of clinical interviews, and we specify the content of the metaphors related to this framework. Finaly, we underscore that the attention devoted by the counselor to the socio-emotional factors when examining an individual case increases the likelihood of elicitating the most relevant career development strategies

    Compilation of a Specialized Functional Language for Massively Parallel Computers

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    We propose a parallel specialized language that ensures portable and cost-predictable implementations on parallel computers. The language is basically a first-order, recursion-less, strict functional language equipped with a collection of higher-order functions or skeletons. These skeletons apply on (nested) vectors and can be grouped in four classes: computation, reorganization, communication, and mask skeletons. The compilation process is described as a series of transformations and analyses leading to SPMD-like functional programs which can be directly translated into real parallel code. The language restrictions enforce a programming discipline whose benefit is to allow a static, symbolic, and accurate cost analysis. The parallel cost takes into account both load balancing and communications, and can be statically evaluated even when the actual size of vectors or the number of processors are unknown. It is used to automatically select the best data distribution among a set of standard distributions. Interestingl- y, this work can be seen as a cross fertilization between techniques developed within the FORTRAN parallelization, skeleton, and functional programming communities

    Persistent control of a superconducting qubit by stroboscopic measurement feedback

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    Making a system state follow a prescribed trajectory despite fluctuations and errors commonly consists in monitoring an observable (temperature, blood-glucose level...) and reacting on its controllers (heater power, insulin amount ...). In the quantum domain, there is a change of paradigm in feedback since measurements modify the state of the system, most dramatically when the trajectory goes through superpositions of measurement eigenstates. Here, we demonstrate the stabilization of an arbitrary trajectory of a superconducting qubit by measurement based feedback. The protocol benefits from the long coherence time (T2>10ÎŒT_2>10 \mus) of the 3D transmon qubit, the high efficiency (82%) of the phase preserving Josephson amplifier, and fast electronics ensuring less than 500 ns delay. At discrete time intervals, the state of the qubit is measured and corrected in case an error is detected. For Rabi oscillations, where the discrete measurements occur when the qubit is supposed to be in the measurement pointer states, we demonstrate an average fidelity of 85% to the targeted trajectory. For Ramsey oscillations, which does not go through pointer states, the average fidelity reaches 75%. Incidentally, we demonstrate a fast reset protocol allowing to cool a 3D transmon qubit down to 0.6% in the excited state.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures and 1 table. Supplementary information available as an ancilla fil

    Émotions et transitions : problĂ©matiques et contributions empiriques internationales

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    Toute vie est jalonnĂ©e de transitions scolaires et professionnelles. Elles rĂ©organisent durablement les conduites de l’individu et les rapports qu’il entretient avec lui-mĂȘme, avec autrui et plus gĂ©nĂ©ralement avec son milieu de vie – tout au moins scolaire ou professionnel. Ces ruptures entre deux pĂ©riodes relativement stables peuvent varier selon les Ă©poques et ne sont pas les mĂȘmes pour tous les individus. Certes, la presque totalitĂ© des enfants quitte un jour l’école maternelle pour l’écol..

    Bacterivory by benthic organisms in sediment: quantification using 15N enriched bacteria

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    International audienceThe fate of benthic bacterial biomass in benthic food webs is a topic of major importance but poorly described. This paper describes an alternative method for evaluation of bacterial grazing rate by meiofauna and macrofauna using bacteria pre-enriched with stable isotopes. Natural bacteria from the sediment of an intertidal mudflat were cultured in a liquid medium enriched with 15NH4Cl. Cultured bacteria contained 2.9 % of 15N and were enriched sufficiently to be used as tracers during grazing experiments. Cultured-bacteria presented a biovolume (0.21 ”m3) and a percentage of actively respiring bacteria (10 %) similar to those found in natural communities. The number of Operational Taxon Units found in cultures fluctuated between 56 and 75 % of that found in natural sediment. Despite this change in community composition, the bacterial consortium used for grazing experiments exhibited characteristics of size, activity and diversity more representative of the natural community than usually noticed in many other grazing studies. The bacterial ingestion rates of three different grazers were in the range of literature values resulting from other methods: 1149 ngC ind-1 h-1 for the mud snail Hydrobia ulvae, 0.027 ngC ind-1 h-1 for the nematode community, and 0.067 ngC ind-1 h-1 for the foraminifera Ammonia tepida. The alternative method described in this paper overcomes some past limitations and it presents interesting advantages such as short time incubation and in situ potential utilisation

    La prise de risque dans l'espace routier chez le préadolescent (implication de l'identité sexuée, la recherche de sensations, l'estime de soi, l'attachement aux parents et la supervision parentale)

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    La prĂ©sente Ă©tude s interroge sur les rapports entre la prise de risque et diffĂ©rentes variables individuelles et sociales l identitĂ© sexuĂ©e, la recherche de sensations, l estime de soi, l attachement aux parents et la supervision parentale chez jeunes adolescents piĂ©tons ĂągĂ©s de 9 Ă  14 ans. Afin d obtenir les donnĂ©es, 948 participants scolarisĂ©s de la classe de CM1 Ă  celle 3Ăšme ont rĂ©pondu Ă  un questionnaire. Les rĂ©sultats nous ont permis de confirmer que d une part les garçons prennent plus de risques que les filles et d autre part, que plus l enfant est ĂągĂ© plus il prend des risques dans l espace routier. Les rĂ©sultats confirment Ă©galement l existence de liens entre l identitĂ© sexuĂ©e, la recherche de sensations, l attachement aux parents, la supervision parentale et la prise de risque piĂ©ton. Par contre, l estime de soi n est pas corrĂ©lĂ©e Ă  la prise de risque piĂ©ton. Des analyses de rĂ©gression linĂ©aires nous ont permis de montrer que la recherche de sensations s explique par non seulement un besoin biologique ou physiologique de sensations mais aussi par un besoin de correspondre Ă  des rĂŽles sociaux, Ă  la norme. La recherche de sensations c est en grande partie quelque chose qui vise Ă  satisfaire un besoin identitaire, rĂŽles de sociaux auxquels on est tenu d adhĂ©rer. Le modĂšle de Baron et Kenny (1986) nous a permis de vĂ©rifier que la supervision parentale agit bien comme variable mĂ©diatrice entre l attachement des parents et la prise de risque piĂ©ton. Ainsi nous proposons un modĂšle plus complexe du MIO (modĂšle interne opĂ©rant) de Greenberg (1987). En effet, la supervision fait partie de l attachement ; c'est-Ă -dire qu en plus des dimensions communication/confiance et aliĂ©nation, on ajoute la dimension de supervision. Le sentiment d ĂȘtre bien supervisĂ© par les parents explique la mise en danger de soi en plus de l attachement confiant.In the present study, we investigate the relationships between risk-taking and different individual and social variables gender-role identity, sensations-seeking, self-esteem partial-attachment and parental-supervision in young adolescent pedestrians (9 to 14 years old). In order to obtain valuable data, 948 pupils from CM1 to 3rd had to answer a set of questions. The results have confirmed that, on the one hand, boys take more risks than girls, and on the other hand, the more the child is old, the more he takes risks in the road-space. The results confirm, also, the association of the variables gender-role identity, sensations-seeking, parental attachment and parental supervision with the pedestrian risk-taking. On the other hand, there is no relationship between self-esteem and pedestrian risk-taking. A series of multiple regression analyses have shown that sensations-seeking cannot be explained only by biological or physiological need of sensations, but also by the need to correspond with the social roles. The Baron and Kenny (1986) model allows to verify that the parental-supervision does act as a mediating variable between parental-attachment and pedestrian risk-taking. So, we propose a more complex model of the MIO (construct of working models ) of Greenberg (1987). Supervision is one of the dimensions of the attachment that is to say that, in addition to the communication/confidence and alienation dimensions, there is the supervision dimension. The feeling of being well-supervised by the parents, explains the self-endangering in addition to the confident-attachment.NANTERRE-PARIS10-Bib. Ă©lec. (920509901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Prevalence of inherited ichthyosis in France: a study using capture-recapture method

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    International audienceBACKGROUND:Inherited ichthyoses represent a group of rare skin disorders characterized by scaling, hyperkeratosis and inconstant erythema, involving most of the tegument. Epidemiology remains poorly described. This study aims to evaluate the prevalence of inherited ichthyosis (excluding very mild forms) and its different clinical forms in France.METHODS:Capture - recapture method was used for this study. According to statistical requirements, 3 different lists (reference/competence centres, French association of patients with ichthyosis and internet network) were used to record such patients. The study was conducted in 5 areas during a closed period.RESULTS:The prevalence was estimated at 13.3 per million people (/M) (CI95%, [10.9 - 17.6]). With regard to autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis, the prevalence was estimated at 7/M (CI 95% [5.7 - 9.2]), with a prevalence of lamellar ichthyosis and congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma of 4.5/M (CI 95% [3.7 - 5.9]) and 1.9/M (CI 95% [1.6 - 2.6]), respectively. Prevalence of keratinopathic forms was estimated at 1.1/M (CI 95% [0.9 - 1.5]). Prevalence of syndromic forms (all clinical forms together) was estimated at 1.9/M (CI 95% [1.6 - 2.6]).CONCLUSIONS:Our results constitute a crucial basis to properly size the necessary health measures that are required to improve patient care and design further clinical studies
