72 research outputs found

    Comparison of crowd simulation for building evacuation and an alternative approach

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    This paper presents an overview of crowd simulation models, their limitations, and an alternative agent-based approch. First we introduce several methods and then we focus on two widely used and validated simulation tools that use grid-based models. We discus the artifacts that these models introduce regarding the way they treat the space and the implication that this has in the movement of the agents during the simulation. We also describe the limitations that current commercial software tools have in terms of simulating human psychology and physiology. The paper discusses an agent-based alternative approach developed to overcome these limitations. The model allows for the simulation of human movement that can provide results more closely describing behavior of real people during an emergency situation. Flow rates, densities and speeds emerge in our model from the physical interactions between people instead of being predefined.Postprint (published version


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    This paper investigates the sociolinguistic politeness of greeting followed by Jordanian people in day-to-day social interactions. Politeness is one of the most important aspects of human communication in which human beings have to observe the basic conventions of politeness if they want to exist in peace together. Jordanians genuinely tend to oil the wheels of social interaction by adhering to a set of long-standing conventions. They do this not merely to make life easy for themselves, but out of respect, consideration and affection for their fellows. This study examines the different types of Arabic greeting sequences and the sociolinguistic factors that account for their structuring. Jordanians adhere to strict conventions of polite behavior which are derived from the Islamic teachings and Arabic traditions to keep channels open and keep peaceful relations with others. Greetings in Arabic are very essential for the establishment of interpersonal relationships and for the introduction of a business or a social topic. The study suggests that deference to age, sex, context of situation and time are important factors in the structuring of greetings in Jordanian Arabic. There are some socio-cultural and socio-religious rules of initiating greetings in general. The most common and most polite greeting term is "assalaamu 9alaykum" (Peace be upon you) due to its socio-religious significance. The Apostle of Allah ordered Muslims to spread this greeting among themselves. The Prophetic Traditions also explain that this greeting was the greeting of Adam and of his offspring. Therefore, this term is considered the most polite greeting. There are other time-specific greetings and context or situation-specific terms which denote the social competency of their users

    Transformations of Text and Meaning in the Arab Critical Thought: A Study in the Term of Generating and Reproduction

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    This research aims to study the term generating and reproduction of texts, and its presence in literary and critical texts, and to track the stages of its development and identify its origins and transformations among ancient critics in particular, to identify multiple images of the term and its concepts, and work on reading it in Arab critical theory theoretically And in practice. The research goes ahead with the historical reading of the term to reflect its manifestations and transformations in recent critical studies that intersect with it in theoretical presentation and procedural application. This makes it possible to see how heritage can solve existing approaches and modern critical theories. For example, when we link the two terms: reproduction and intertextuality, which represents a contemporary systematic vision of creating and reproducing texts. Reading the term reproduction and investigating where it appears in the heritage texts, tracking its evolution, and its relationships with old and modern critical issues such as the new generation poets and the non-Arab poets, thefts, intertextuality and other types that gives us a clear picture of a heritage term that can be read according to recent insights in the process of mutual enrichment between heritage and contemporar

    Journal of legal, ethical and regulatory issues: an archive of 23 years in legal, ethical and regulatory issues research

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    The Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues (JLERI) is an open access academic and professional journal affiliated to the Allied Business Academies

    Optimization of Window Positions for Wind-Driven Natural Ventilation Performance

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    This paper optimizes opening positions on building facades to maximize the natural ventilation’s potential for ventilation and cooling purposes. The paper demonstrates how to apply computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation results to architectural design processes, and how the CFD-driven decisions impact ventilation and cooling: (1) background: A CFD helps predict the natural ventilation’s potential, the integration of CFD results into design decision-making has not been actively practiced; (2) methods: Pressure data on building facades were obtained from CFD simulations and mapped into the 3D modeling environment, which were then used to identify optimal positions of two openings of a zone. The effect of the selected opening positions was validated with building energy simulations; (3) results: The cross-comparison study of different window positions based on different geographical locations quantified the impact on natural ventilation effectiveness; and (4) conclusions: The optimized window position was shown to be effective, and some optimal solutions contradicted the typical cross-ventilation strategy
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