260 research outputs found

    Kulturowa geneza postawy wobec własnego wyglądu w świadomości kobiet i mężczyzn w różnym wieku

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    W książce ukazano wpływ czynników kulturowych na postawy ludzi wobec własnego zdrowia i wyglądu. Koncepcja hierarchicznego uporządkowania relacji między płcią kulturową a kulturowo definiowanym wiekiem oraz ich oddziaływania na siebie pozwoliła na wprowadzenie i zastosowanie w badaniach nowej kategorii socjologicznej, tj. upłciowionego wieku (gendered age). Dało to możliwość pogłębionej analizy przekonań, ocen i zachowań kobiet oraz mężczyzn w różnym wieku w odniesieniu do własnego wyglądu i zdrowia. W części empirycznej zaprezentowano definicje kobiecości i męskości funkcjonujące u ludzi będących w różnych fazach życia. Scharakteryzowano także stan świadomości badanych na temat wpływu kulturowych koncepcji płci, wieku i upłciowionego wieku na ich postrzeganie swego wyglądu i zdrowia. Wykorzystano ponadto koncepcję zakładającą definiowanie wyglądu i zdrowia jako indywidualnych zasobów kapitału ludzkiego zyskujących współcześnie na znaczeniu. Publikacja poszerza ogólną wiedzę o genderowych uwarunkowaniach zjawisk społecznych. Mieści się w obszarze takich dziedzin, jak gender studies, socjologia płci, socjologia ciała i zdrowia. Jest adresowana nie tylko do naukowców – socjologów, antropologów, kulturoznawców, psychologów czy lekarzy, lecz także do osób zainteresowanych podjętą problematyką.Publikacja powstała w wyniku realizacji projektu badawczego o numerze 2012/05/B/HS6/03793 finansowanego ze środków Narodowego Centrum Nauki


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    In this paper I take the meaning of genre as a model of a specified type of text. Therefore, I consider genre as a pattern of the text, which consists of all its planes (formal, cognitive, pragmatic, axiological, stylistic). I am especially interested in the stylistic plane of a concrete communicative event, which is the current text of the fundamental law, i.e. of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland (1997). The constitution in the stylistic dimension is multi-colour. A normative dry imperious style is dominant, with a high frequency of orders, duties and rights, but contrary to the other genres of official and legal spheres, there are also strongly present elements of high, elaborative rhetoric style exe-cuted not only in the preamble, but also in the solemn acts of president’s and MPs’ oaths. These particular texts in the text underline the significance of the constitution as the most important legal act for the state community. The ideo-logical convictions of the legislative body have also an influence on the genre style of the constitution.W opracowaniu przyjmuję rozumienie gatunku jako modelu określonego typu tekstu. Rozpatruję więc gatunek jako wzorzec tekstu, na który składają się wszystkie jego płaszczyzny (formalna, poznawcza, pragmatyczna, aksjologiczna, stylistyczna). Interesuje mnie przede wszystkim płaszczyzna stylistyczna konkretnego zdarzenia komunikacyjnego, jakim jest tekst obowiązującej dziś ustawy zasadniczej, tj. Konstytucji RP (1997 r.).Konstytucja w wymiarze stylistycznym jest wielobarwna. Dominuje władczy suchy styl normatywny z wysoką frekwencją nakazów, obowiązków i uprawnień, ale, w przeciwieństwie do innych gatunków sfery urzędowo-prawnej, silnie obecne są też elementy wysokiego, kunsztownego stylu retorycznego realizowanego nie tylko w preambule, ale także w uroczystych aktach ślubowań prezydenta i posłów. Te swoiste teksty w tekście podkreślają doniosłość konstytucji jako najważniejszego dla wspólnoty państwowej aktu prawnego. Na styl gatunkowy konstytucji mają również wpływ przekonania ideologiczne podmiotu prawodawczego

    Using the Concept of the Weighted Ishikawa Diagram for Defining the Impact of Catering Enterprises on the Environment

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    Every organization uses various resources to achieve its aim. Some of resources come from the environment, for example, energy carriers, or water. As a result of an organization’s activity, some pollution is emitted to the water and atmosphere. Presently in Poland there can be observed a high growth rate of services in the field of institutional food service. It is a legal obligation in Poland to implement and maintain a institutional food safety system, as the HACCAP (HACCP – Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The organizations that have implemented HACCP into their operations cause environmental loads that have negative impact on the environment. Taking into account the above-mentioned issue, the article attempts to answer the question: which environmental aspect, closely connected with the maintenance of the HACCP system in an institutional food service unit, have the largest impact on the pollution of the environment? The weighted Cause and Effect Ishikawa Diagram is used as a research tool to achieve this target. Its modification that is presented in scientific literature enables us to display both qualitative and quantitative information. In accordance with this method, ‘critical paths’ are indicated for the most important causes that create the given effect. What is defined in this article as the effect is generating of environmental loads on the environment by an institutional food service unit. While the causes are defined as environmental aspects, they characterize this organizational part of the unit that is covered by the institutional food safety system. They include water consumption, municipal wastes generation, and consumption of energy carriers: natural gas and electric energy, inorganic waste generation, cleaning supply measures consumption, the consumption of the office materials and exploitation materials to office equipment. The analysis of the quantity of particular factors that create environmental aspects show which environmental aspects have the largest impact on the environment and cause its pollution. These are as follows: water consumption, cleaning supply measures consumption and electric energy consumption

    Delta-Nabla Optimal Control Problems

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    We present a unified treatment to control problems on an arbitrary time scale by introducing the study of forward-backward optimal control problems. Necessary optimality conditions for delta-nabla isoperimetric problems are proved, and previous results in the literature obtained as particular cases. As an application of the results of the paper we give necessary and sufficient Pareto optimality conditions for delta-nabla bi-objective optimal control problems.Comment: Preprint version of an article submitted 28-Nov-2009; revised 02-Jul-2010; accepted 20-Jul-2010; for publication in Journal of Vibration and Contro

    A unified approach to the calculus of variations on time scales

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    In this work we propose a new and more general approach to the calculus of variations on time scales that allows to obtain, as particular cases, both delta and nabla results. More precisely, we pose the problem of minimizing or maximizing the composition of delta and nabla integrals with Lagrangians that involve directional derivatives. Unified Euler-Lagrange necessary optimality conditions, as well as sufficient conditions under appropriate convexity assumptions, are proved. We illustrate presented results with simple examples.Comment: 7 pages, presented at the 2010 Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Xuzhou, China, May 26-28, 201

    The contingent epiderivative and the calculus of variations on time scales

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    The calculus of variations on time scales is considered. We propose a new approach to the subject that consists in applying a differentiation tool called the contingent epiderivative. It is shown that the contingent epiderivative applied to the calculus of variations on time scales is very useful: it allows to unify the delta and nabla approaches previously considered in the literature. Generalized versions of the Euler-Lagrange necessary optimality conditions are obtained, both for the basic problem of the calculus of variations and isoperimetric problems. As particular cases one gets the recent delta and nabla results.Comment: Submitted 06/March/2010; revised 12/May/2010; accepted 03/July/2010; for publication in "Optimization---A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research

    Improving company’s environmental performance through Green Lean approach

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    Motivation: Green Lean (Lean and Green) approach is based on the lean method. As the literature and case studies show the Japanese quality improvement tools can be used in environmental management as well as in quality management. Companies that focus on sustainability may use those tools and methods to improve its processes and eliminate green waste at the same time. The research concentrates on the examples of the companies that started to implement the Green Lean (Lean and Green). The study shows interesting ways of minimalizing company’s negative impact on the environment by using Green Lean approach.Aim: The purpose of the article is to present how the application of Green Lean (Lean and Green) approach improves the environmental performance of the company and what are the benefits.Results: By identifying and eliminating the green waste i.e. in energy, materials, garbage, water, emissions, biodiversity, transportation researched companies are minimizing its negative impact on environment. As the research shows the employees should be motivated and involved in the process so does the management to make it work. Green Lean (Lean and Green) approach enables the companies to perform in profitable and sustainable way at the same time

    Aksjologiczny wymiar Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej

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    This paper is an attempt to show the axiological dimension of the currently binding basic law, i.e. the Constitution of the Republic of Poland of 1997. The text of the constitution is a carrier of the values important to Poles, and it is predisposed to this by its specific content, a superior position in the hierarchy of normative acts and a high social authority. The information about the most important values is already provided by the constitutional introduction (preamble) – it includes the most important values of the entire community of the state expressis verbis. In terms of values, the author tries to read and interpret the general principles of the constitution (the constitutional principles of law) and the chapter on the freedoms and rights of persons and citizens. The basic principles of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland are: the principle of a democratic state ruled by law and the tripartite separation of powers, and the priority value is man, his freedom and dignity, as well as the common good of all citizens. These values result from the adopted concept of a democratic state of law