28 research outputs found

    Automatic Stress Detection Using Non-Eeg Biological Signal

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    This work deals with the issue of stress detection using non-EEG biosignals. The main goal of this work is to create a functional program in MATLAB programming language that would allow detection and classification of stress, from easily readable data acquired on commercially available devices. So that esults obtained by this algorithm can be used for predicting and preventing stress during daily routine activities

    A Simple and Scalable Method for the Preparation of Magnetite/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites under Mild Conditions

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    Nanostructured composite dispersions containing magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) and graphene oxide (GO) lamellae have been prepared by a simple and easily scalable room temperature procedure. We show that, owing to the enormous surface area and negative surface charge developed in aqueous GO suspensions, large amounts of positively charged MNPs can be electrostatically attached to the layered host. This procedure is superior to many previous synthesis pathways because it exploits the charge-regulated adhesion of naked MNPs to GO resulting in the formation of stable and uniform nanocomposite materials in a wide composition range without any preliminary functionalization steps or harsh conditions that may lead to chemical degradation of the graphene-based nanosheets

    Silica-supported Fe/Fe–O nanoparticles for the catalytic hydrogenation of nitriles to amines in the presence of aluminium additives

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    The hydrogenation of nitriles to amines represents an important and frequently used industrial process due to the broad applicability of the resulting products in chemistry and life sciences. Despite the existing portfolio of catalysts reported for the hydrogenation of nitriles, the development of iron-based heterogeneous catalysts for this process is still a challenge. Here, we show that the impregnation and pyrolysis of iron(II) acetate on commercial silica produces a reusable Fe/Fe-O@SiO2 catalyst with a well-defined structure comprising the fayalite phase at the Si-Fe interface and alpha-Fe nanoparticles, covered by an ultrathin amorphous iron(III) oxide layer, growing from the silica matrix. These Fe/Fe-O core-shell nanoparticles, in the presence of catalytic amounts of aluminium additives, promote the hydrogenation of all kinds of nitriles, including structurally challenging and functionally diverse aromatic, heterocyclic, aliphatic and fatty nitriles, to produce primary amines under scalable and industrially viable conditions.Web of Science51292

    Hematene: A sustainable 2D conductive platform for visible-light-driven photocatalytic ammonia decomposition

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    The emerging class of 2D non-van der Waals (n-vdW) materials, including 2D iron oxides, possesses unique properties and high applicability, making them attractive for various technological applications. However, the synthesis of these materials through a scalable and eco-friendly method remains a challenge, as most known chemical exfoliation processes require toxic organic solvents. In this study, we report a green synthesis of 2D hematene (α-Fe2O3) using an ultrasound-supported exfoliation method of earth-abundant iron oxide ore in a pure aqueous solution. The resulting hematene sheets, only a few nanometers thick, exhibit superior electrochemical performance in terms of charge transfer processes, making them ideal for photocatalytic applications. By doping a conductive hematene substrate with ruthenium, we demonstrate a synergistic effect for generating electrons and holes under visible light irradiation. Using this approach, we successfully decomposed ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen, highlighting the potential of this novel class of environmentally-friendly photocatalysts for clean energy production. Overall, our water-assisted scalable synthesis of hematene offers a promising strategy for producing efficient and sustainable photocatalysts.Web of Science34art. no. 10188

    Analysis and modelling of single domain core-shell (αFeNi/chromite) nanoparticles emitted during selective laser melting, and their magnetic remanence

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    Despite recent intense implementation of increasingly eco-friendly additive manufacturing, the properties of nanoparticulate pollutants emitted during Laser Powder Bed Fusion are still not fully understood, and have generally been overlooked. This study aims to fill this gap in current research by providing new insights into distinct metal/oxide core-shell nanoparticles (3–36 nm) that are produced during 3D printing using stainless steel. It also suggests possible ways for the removal of these potentially harmful by-products. Further, this research also provides a newly developed kinetic model that predicts a metal core growth time of below 200 μs and confirms the predicted theory for the formation of these by-products. In the current study it was found that the cores produced during this process are purely metallic and consist of meteoroid phase kamacite (αFeNi). Within this study there was found to be a complete dominance of single-domain cores of kamacite with prevailing particles below the superparamagnetic threshold showing strong magnetic response and remanence. This new knowledge can be used to minimize potential health risks and reduce contamination of raw materials by this nanoparticulate pollutant, which can adversely affect the quality of printed metal parts, the environment, and the health of the operator. These findings also provide a new possibility of targeted efficient production of superparamagnetic core-shell nanoparticles with a metallic kamacite core during laser powder bed fusion of austenitic steel 316L powder, which can be used in the production of sensors.Web of Science400art. no. 13668

    Czech Society and AIDS – June 2016

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    In June 2016, the Public Opinion Research Centre (CVVM) asked three question related to the disease AIDS. CVVM probed not only the general opinion about the disease as such but also opinion about activities of institutions in regard to the disease and subjective feeling of being threatened by the disease. The results of the inquiry suggest that the Czech society feels less endangered by AIDS than in previous years

    Automatic stress detection using non-EEG biological signals

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    This work deals with the problem of stress detection using non-EEG biosignals. The first part deals with the definition of stress and related concepts. Describes possible views of the phenomenon of stress, mentions possible causes of stress, as well as physiological and psychological manifestations of short and long-term effects of stress. In addition, this work deals with several different methods used to detect stress with non-EEG signals. For this purpose, a short search of articles dealing with this topic is available in this paper. The last chapter of this work describes the algorithm design using the c-mean fuzzy method for detecting stress values in data obtained form five different non-EEG signals

    A Comicbook

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    Cílem práce bylo vytvořit pulp fiction komiks s prvky sci-fi a horroru. Tvůrčím záměrem bylo představit příběh, jenž se odehrává v alternativním univerzu s tajemným ropuším kultem Bufo v pozadí. Délkou odpovídající přibližně dvěma komiksovým sešitům je Bufo koncipován zčásti jako tzv. origin, z něhož by bylo možné dále vycházet nebo na něj případně navázat v pokračovaní. Komiks postupně nastíní původ ropušího kultu Bufo a představí hlavní postavy příběhu, středoškolské studenty chemie Nikolu a Petra a výzkumníka Richarda. Příběh se dále točí kolem zmizení mladých narkomanů a patrání po nich a v závěru se vrací zpět k Bufo kultu. Seriózní téma jsem chtěl zbavit intelektuálního moralizování, k tomu jsem zvolil i odpovídající kresbu s nadsázkou. Stěžejní pro mě byla v procesu tvorby práce s linkou a plochou a důraz na zobrazení pohybu postav v prostoru komiksové stránky.ObhájenoTarget of the thesis was to present a pulp fiction comics incorporating elements of sci-fi and horror genre. The aim was to create an alternative universe story with an ancient mysterious Bufo cult operating in the background. The story is told within a space of two comic book issues and is meant to be partly as an origin story which can be later extended or followed up with a sequel. The comics outlines the origin of the Bufo cult and presents the main characters as follows: chemistry high school students Nikol and Petr and a batrachologist Richard. The story revolves around investigation of mysterious vanishings of young drug users and in the finale returns to the Bufo cult. In order to lighten the story with a serious background I tried to refrain from intellectual moralising and a more cartoon style was chosen. During the process the linework and use of black flat spaces as well as controlling the movement on the page was crucial to me

    Attitudes towards political parties in Czech society – September 2016

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    In September, the Public Opinion Research Centre asked a set of questions related to attitudes of the Czech citizens towards Czech political parties. The results suggest that majority of population adopts mainly negative attitudes towards them. Besides other things, people are convinced that political parties are interested in them only before elections; they do not feel an opportunity to change something by entering to a political party and suspect political parties from corruption. Since last year, the negative attitudes towards political parties strengthened

    Thermal insulation of the house in terms of 3E

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    Předkládaná diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku nízkoenergetických domů. Práce je rozdělena na sedm kapitol, ve kterých čtenáři přibližuje teoretické i praktické poznatky problematiky nízkoenergetické výstavby. V první a druhé části je práce zaměřena na obecné poznatky sdílení tepla a zásady nízkoenergetických staveb. Třetí část čtenáři přibližuje problematiku energetického hodnocení budov podle legislativy ČR. V další části se práce věnuje praktickému výpočtu energetické náročnosti konkrétního objektu. Následující kapitola se věnuje měření ztrát prostupem tepla pomocí termokamery. V předposlední části je práce zaměřena na ekonomické a energetické hodnocení různých řešení zateplení, na které navazují doporučení a závěry technické praxi.Katedra elektroenergetiky a ekologieObhájenoThis thesis is focused on problems of low-energy houses. This thesis is divided into seven chapters in which approaches theoretic and practice knowledge about low-energy construction. In the first and second part there is the thesis focused on general knowledge of heat and principles of low-energy construction. The third part of thesis approaches to reader problems about energy rating according to Czech legislation. The next part deals with the practical calculation of the energy performance of a specific object. Next chapter is focused on the measurement of transmission of heat loses with the thermal imager. In the penultimate part there is thesis focused on economic and energy rating of different kind of solutions of thermal insulation which is followed with recommendations and conclusions for technical praxis