819 research outputs found

    Coating Technology of Nuclear Fuel Kernels: A Multiscale View

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    Nova metoda mjerenja ekonomske konvergencije i njena primjena na centralne kineske provincije

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    In order to solve the shortcomings of classical convergence analysis and spatial econometric analysis, this paper proposes a delta statistics method to assess economic growth convergence of central China cities. The result shows to be more close to the reality by analyzing the drawbacks of the classical relative beta convergence, combining the advantages of gams convergence, reference panel data, co-integration theory with the time factor into model. Then, Monte Carlo simulation method is used to analyze its distribution, which shows that it obeys to the normal distribution assumption in large samples. At last, our method is applied to the analysis of economic convergence of central China.Kako bi se otklonili nedostaci klasične analize konvergencije i prostorne ekonometrijske analize, ovaj rad predlaže delta statističku metodu za potrebe procjene konvergencije ekonomskog rasta u gradovima centralne Kine. Rezultati pokazuju da se dolazi bliže stvarnosti analizirajući loše strane klasične relativne beta konvergencije kombinirajući prednosti gama konvergencije, referentnih panelnih podataka, kointegracijske teorije s vremenskim faktorom u modelu. Zatim, Monte Carlo model simulacije se koristi za analizu distribucije što pokazuje da odgovara pretpostavci normalne distribucije u velikim uzorcima. Naposljetku, naša se metoda primjenjuje na analizu ekonomske konvergencije u centralnoj Kini

    Sensing abilities of embedded vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests in structural composites: From nanoscale properties to mesoscale functionalities

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    In this paper, Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube (VACNT) forests are embedded into two different glass fibre/epoxy composite systems to study their sensing abilities to strain and temperature. Through a bottom-up approach, performing studies of the VACNT forest and its individual carbon nanotubes on the nano-, micro-, and mesoscale, the observed thermoresistive effect is determined to be due to fluctuation-assisted tunnelling, and the linear piezoresistive effect due to the intrinsic piezoresistivity of individual carbon nanotubes. The VACNT forests offer great freedom of placement into the structure and reproducibility of sensing sensitivity in both composite systems, independent of conductivity and volume fraction, producing a robust sensor to strain and temperature

    Coupling of light from microdisk lasers into plasmonic nano-antennas

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    An optical dipole nano-antenna can be constructed by placing a sub-wavelength dielectric (e.g., air) gap between two metallic regions. For typical applications using light in the infrared region, the gap width is generally in the range between 50 and 100 nm. Owing to the close proximity of the electrodes, these antennas can generate very intense electric fields that can be used to excite nonlinear effects. For example, it is possible to trigger surface Raman scattering on molecules placed in the vicinity of the nano-antenna, allowing the fabrication of biological sensors and imaging systems in the nanometric scale. However, since nano-antennas are passive devices, they need to receive light from external sources that are generally much larger than the antennas. In this article, we numerically study the coupling of light from microdisk lasers into plasmonic nanoantennas. We show that, by using micro-cavities, we can further enhance the electric fields inside the nano-antennas

    County-level CO2 emissions and sequestration in China during 1997–2017

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    With the implementation of China’s top-down CO2 emissions reduction strategy, the regional differences should be considered. As the most basic governmental unit in China, counties could better capture the regional heterogeneity than provinces and prefecture-level city, and county-level CO2 emissions could be used for the development of strategic policies tailored to local conditions. However, most of the previous accounts of CO2 emissions in China have only focused on the national, provincial, or city levels, owing to limited methods and smaller-scale data. In this study, a particle swarm optimization-back propagation (PSO-BP) algorithm was employed to unify the scale of DMSP/OLS and NPP/VIIRS satellite imagery and estimate the CO2 emissions in 2,735 Chinese counties during 1997–2017. Moreover, as vegetation has a significant ability to sequester and reduce CO2 emissions, we calculated the county-level carbon sequestration value of terrestrial vegetation. The results presented here can contribute to existing data gaps and enable the development of strategies to reduce CO2 emissions in China

    Characterization and Genome Sequence of Marine Alteromonas gracilis Phage PB15 Isolated from the Yellow Sea, China

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    A novel marine Alteromonas gracilis siphovirus, phage PB15, was isolated from the surface water of the Yellow Sea in August 2015. It has a head diameter of 58 ± 5 nm head and a contractile tail approximately 105 ± 10 nm in length, and overall the morphology suggests that PB15 belongs to the family Siphoviridae. PB15 phage is stable at over the temperature range 0-60oC. The best MOI of these phage was 0.1 and infectivity decreased above 60oC. The results suggest that phage is stable at pH value ranging between 3.0 and 11.0. Chloroform test shows that PB15 is not a lipid-containing phage. A one-step growth curve with a strain of A. gracilis gave a latent period of 16 minutes and rise period of 24 minutes and burst size of 60 PFU/cell. Genomic analysis of PB15 reveals a genome size of 37,333bp with 45.52% G+C content, and 61 ORFs. ORF sequences accounted for 30.36% of the genome sequence. There is no obvious similarity between PB15 and other known phages by genomic comparison using the BLASTN tool in the NCBI database

    On the origin of X-shaped radio galaxies

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    After a brief, critical review of the leading explanations proposed for the small but important subset of radio galaxies showing an X-shaped morphology (XRGs) we propose a generalized model, based on the jet-shell interaction and spin-flip hypotheses. The most popular scenarios for this intriguing phenomenon invoke either hydrodynamical backflows and over-pressured cocoons or rapid jet reorientations, presumably from the spin-flips of central engines following the mergers of pairs of galaxies, each of which contains a supermassive black hole (SMBH). We confront these models with a number of key observations and thus argue that none of the models is capable of explaining the entire range of salient observational properties of XRGs, although some of the arguments raised in the literature against the spin-flip scenario are probably not tenable. We then propose here a new scenario which also involves galactic mergers but would allow the spin of the central engine to maintain its direction. Motivated by the detailed multi-band observations of the nearest radio galaxy, Centaurus A, this new model emphasizes the role of interactions between the jets and the shells of stars and gas that form and rotate around the merged galaxy and can cause temporary deflections of the jets, occasionally giving rise to an X-shaped radio structure. Although each of the models is likely to be relevant to a subset of XRGs, the bulk of the evidence indicates that most of them are best explained by the jet-shell interaction or spin-flip hypotheses.Comment: 19 pages, major revision including two Appendices and a Table, accepted in Research in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Cost-Effectiveness of Primary versus Secondary Prophylaxis with Pegfilgrastim in Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer Receiving Chemotherapy

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    AbstractObjectiveProphylaxis with granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) reduces the risk of febrile neutropenia (FN) in patients receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy. We estimated the incremental cost-effectiveness of G-CSF pegfilgrastim primary (starting in cycle 1 and continuing in subsequent cycles of chemotherapy) versus secondary (only after an FN event) prophylaxis in women with early-stage breast cancer receiving myelosuppressive chemotherapy with a ≥20% FN risk.MethodsA decision-analytic model was constructed from a health insurer's perspective with a lifetime study horizon. The model considers direct medical costs and outcomes related to reduced FN and potential survival benefits because of reduced FN-related mortality. Inputs for the model were obtained from the medical literature. Sensitivity analyses were conducted across plausible ranges in parameter values.ResultsThe incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) of pegfilgrastim as primary versus secondary prophylaxis was 48,000/FNepisodeavoided.AddingsurvivalbenefitfromavoidingFNmortalityyieldedanICERof48,000/FN episode avoided. Adding survival benefit from avoiding FN mortality yielded an ICER of 110,000/life-year gained (LYG) or $116,000/quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained. The most influential factors included FN case-fatality, FN relative risk reduction from primary prophylaxis, and age at diagnosis.ConclusionsCompared with secondary prophylaxis, the cost-effectiveness of pegfilgrastim as primary prophylaxis may be equivalent or superior to other commonly used supportive care interventions for women with breast cancer. Further assessment of the direct impact of G-CSF on short- and long-term survival is needed to substantiate these findings