225 research outputs found

    In-store behaviour of healthy consumers- A study of behavioural differences between consumers who choose healthy products and consumers who choose regular products

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    This study examines if there are any behavioural differences in-store between consumers who choose a healthy product and consumers who choose a regular product. 540 observations were conducted were different variables were studied. Tthe results indicate that there are some variables that show a significant difference in behaviour at the point of choice between consumer who choose healthy products and those who choose regular products

    Effects of Horse Housing System on Energy Balance during Post-Exercise Recovery

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    Simple Summary: Horse management aims to keep horses healthy and ensure good performance and animal welfare. Many horses are currently kept in individual box stalls indoors, a housing system that limits free movement, exploration, and social interaction, and may also subject horses to lower air quality. The alternative is a free-range housing system where horses are kept in groups outdoors. Anecdotal information indicates concerns among sports horse trainers that lack of rest in such systems delays recovery and impairs performance. This study examined whether recovery after competition-like exercise in Standardbred trotters was affected by housing system. The results showed that a free-range housing system did not delay recovery in Standardbred trotters, and in fact had positive effects on appetite and recovery of energy balance.Abstract: This study examined the effects of two housing systems (free-range and box stalls) on recovery of energy balance after competition-like exercise in Standardbred horses. Eight adult geldings (mean age 11 years) were used. The study had a change-over design, with the box stall (BOX) and free-range group housing (FreeR) treatments each run for 21 days. The horses were fed forage ad libitum and performed two similar race-like exercise tests (ET), on day 7 and day 14 in each treatment. Forage intake was recorded during the last 6-7 days in each period. Blood samples were collected before, during, and until 44 h after ET. Voluntary forage intake (measured in groups with four horses in each group) was higher in FreeR horses than BOX horses (FreeR: 48, BOX: 39, standard error of the mean (SEM) 1.7 kg (p = 0.003)). Plasma non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) was lower at 20-44 h of recovery than before in FreeR horses (p = 0.022), but not in BOX horses. Housing did not affect exercise heart rate, plasma lactate, plasma urea, or total plasma protein concentration. Thus the free-range housing system hastened recovery in Standardbred trotters, contradicting anecdotal claims that it delays recovery. The free-range housing also had positive effects on appetite and recovery of energy balance

    The landscape architects rhetorical approach to competition visualizations

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    I deltagandet av arkitekttÀvlingar Àr visualiseringen det frÀmsta verktyget för kommunikation. Hur vi vÀljer att ge form Ät dessa pÄverkar chansen till vinst. För att ta reda pÄ hur visualiseringar kan stÀrka tÀvlingsförslaget har jag utgÄtt frÄn konsten att övertyga. Det hÀr arbetet syftar till att undersöka hur visuell retorik kan tillÀmpas genom visualiseringar för att förstÀrka kommunikationen av landskapsarkitektens tÀvlingsförslag. Det liknas vid ett experiment dÄ skilda teorier sammanförs likt variabler till en slutprodukt som för arbetet bestÄr av ett ramverk för tillÀmpning. För att förstÄ resonemangen krÀvs en övergripande förkunskap vilket ges i den inledande litteraturstudien. Du som lÀsare kommer dÀrefter att bekantas med ett urval av bildteorier samt erfarenheter frÄn personer som arbetar med tÀvlingsvisualisering. Det materialet stÄr för att sammanfatta visuell retorik i en praktisk mening. Ramverket Àr resultatet av detta arbete och mitt försök att bidra med relevant kunskap för dig som arbetar eller ser dig sjÀlv arbeta med visualisering. Kommunikation med syfte att föra betraktaren i en önskad riktning kommer med sina utmaningar. Visualiseringen möter i modern tid, kritik och vi behöver utvÀrdera sÀttet vi visualiserar pÄ. En teoretisk grund för visuell retorik behöver utvecklas i syfte att skapa gynnsammare förutsÀttningar för landskapsarkitekten.This work aims to investigate how visual rhetoric can be applied through visualizations to enhance the communication of the landscape architect's competition proposals. It is similar to an experiment where different theories are combined like variables into an end product which for the work consists of a framework for practical purposes. To understand the reasoning, an overall knowledge is pre-required, and thus given in the initial literature study. The reader will then be acquainted with a selection of image theories as well as experiences from people who work with competition visualization. That material stands for summarizing visual rhetoric in a practical sense. The framework is the result of this work and my attempt to contribute with relevant knowledge for those who work or might be working with visualization. Communication with the aim of stirring the viewer in a desired direction comes with its challenges. In modern times, visualization encounters criticism and we need toevaluate the way we visualize. A theoretical basis for visual rhetoric needs to be developed in order to create more favorable conditions for the landscape architect

    Landskapsarkitektens arbete med vÀxtlighet som ett förÀnderligt material

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    Landskapsarkitekter i modern tid planerar ofta med vegetation som ett statiskt inslag i gestaltningen. Men till skillnad frÄn andra material kommer vÀxter att förÀndras i över tid. Denna litteraturstudie undersöker hur landskapsarkitekter kan arbeta med vÀxtlighet som ett förÀnderligt material, med naturens processer som förebild i gestaltandet av vÄra urbana och gröna miljöer. Arbetet för landskapsarkitekten ligger i att vid ritbordet ta med de ekologiska sÄvÀl som tidsaspekterna av vÀxtmaterialet och skapa förutsÀttningar för att forma en plats vars gestaltning tillÄts förÀndras över tid. IstÀllet för att presentera en slutlig vision, sker detta bÀst genom att visualisera en rad olika visioner som avlöser varandra. Men arbetet tar inte slut vid ritbordet och landskapsarkitekten har mycket att vinna pÄ att engagera sig i skötselplan och kreativ skötsel som förutsÀttningar för en lyckad utveckling av en gestaltad miljö över tid.Landscape architects in modern times often plan with vegetation as a static feature of the design. But unlike other materials, plants will change over time. This literature study examines how landscape architects can work with vegetation as a changing material, with the processes of nature as a role model in shaping our urban and green environments. The work of the landscape architect is to include the ecological aspects as well as the aspect of time when designing with vegetation. Creating a place whose design is allowed to change over time starts at the drawing table by including these aspects. Instead of presenting a final vision, this is best accomplished by visualizing a variety of visions that replace each other. But the work does not end at the drawing table and the landscape architect has much to gain from engaging in a management plan and creative management as a prerequisite for the successful development of a designed environment over time

    Animal welfare in relation to socioeconomics in developing countries

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    Lantbruksdjurens vĂ€lfĂ€rd pĂ„verkas i stor utstrĂ€ckning av mĂ€nniskors sociala och ekonomiska förutsĂ€ttningar. Brister i djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd skiljer sig sĂ„ledes Ă„t i olika lĂ€nder beroende pĂ„ bland annat djurhĂ„llningssystem, klimatförhĂ„llanden och utfodringsmöjligheter. Denna variation mellan lĂ€nder medför behov av skiftande anpassningar och insatser för ökad djurvĂ€lfĂ€rd beroende pĂ„ samhĂ€llets grundförutsĂ€ttningar. Det finns tendenser till att industrilĂ€nder försöker applicera sina forskningsresultat och kunskaper direkt pĂ„ andra lĂ€nder nĂ€r de skall genomföra ett bistĂ„ndsprojekt, nĂ„got som sĂ€llan ger framgĂ„ngsrika resultat om viktiga faktorer som kultur, tradition, miljö och religion ej tas med i beaktandet. I utvecklingslĂ€nder, dĂ€r mĂ€nniskor plĂ„gas av svĂ€lt, fattigdom och arbetslöshet finns det ytterst begrĂ€nsade ekonomiska tillgĂ„ngar att investera djurvĂ€lfĂ€rdsfrĂ„gor. Detta ökar behovet av ett ”mĂ€nniskofokuserat” djurvĂ€lfĂ€rdsarbete, dĂ€r insatser för djurens vĂ€lfĂ€rd samtidigt bidrar till ett ökat vĂ€lbefinnande hos mĂ€nniskor, antingen ekonomiskt eller hĂ€lsomĂ€ssigt. Studier har visat att smĂ„ vĂ€lfĂ€rdsökningar för djur med lĂ„ga produktionsnivĂ„er sĂ€llan Ă€r kostsamma utan tvĂ€rtom kan öka produktionen och dĂ€rmed lönsamheten för lantbrukaren i takt med ökat vĂ€lmĂ„ende hos djuren. Detta kan vara ett viktigt incitament för djurvĂ€lfĂ€rdsarbete i just utvecklingslĂ€nder dĂ€r mĂ„nga av djuren Ă€r lĂ„gproducerande. Forskning kring utvecklingsmetodik (d.v.s. olika sĂ€tt att bedriva utvecklings- och förĂ€ndringsarbete) Ă€r oerhört viktig för att förstĂ„ vilka parametrar som Ă€r avgörande för att uppnĂ„ önskvĂ€rda resultat av en insats. Genom att se till det individuella samhĂ€llets grundförutsĂ€ttningar och anpassa sina insatser ökar förutsĂ€ttningarna för samhĂ€llsinvĂ„narnas deltagande och dĂ€rmed lĂ„ngsiktigheten i arbetet. Detta Ă€r en litteraturstudie i syfte att samla befintlig kunskap kring djurvĂ€lfĂ€rdsarbete i utvecklingslĂ€nder, vilka faktorer som pĂ„verkar utfallet och vilka möjligheter det finns till förĂ€ndring trots begrĂ€nsade resurser att tillgĂ„.Farm animal welfare is greatly influenced by social and economic conditions. Deficiencies in animal welfare are therefore unique in different countries depending on the particular farming systems, climate conditions and feeding management. This variation between the countries imposes the need for diverse adaptations and interventions to improve animal welfare, depending on society's fundamentals. There are tendencies that developed countries seek to apply their research and knowledge directly to other countries, in order to "help." This is rarely successful when important key factors such as culture, tradition, environment and religion is not taken into consideration. In developing countries, where people are plagued by hunger, poverty and unemployment are there extremely limited financial resources to invest in animal welfare issues. This fact increases the need for a "people-focused" animal welfare work, where achievements for animal welfare at the same time contributes to increased well-being of humans, either financially or health-wise. Studies have shown that small increases in welfare for animals with low levels of production rarely are costly. On the contrary this increases production and hence profitability for the farmer as well as welfare of the animals. This can be an important incentive for animal welfare work, particular in developing countries where many of the animals produce less than elsewhere. Research in the development methodology (i.e. different ways to conduct development and change management) is extremely important to understand which parameters are crucial to achieve desirable outcomes of an intervention. Looking at the individual societyÂŽs fundamentals and adapt the action, increases the likelihood of local residents’ participation and thus sustainability of the work. This is a literature study to gather existing knowledge on animal welfare work in developing countries, which factors affect outcome and possibilities for a change despite the limited resources available

    An initial exploration of semi-automated tutoring: How AI could be used as support for online human tutors

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    In this paper, we begin our process of incorporating an AI bot in an online chat tutoring setting as a support for the tutor. We explore how an AI bot could give suggestions for tutor messages, although the human tutor will control how to communicate with the student. Tutoring, an important dimension of networked learning, has long been seen as a beneficial approach to students’ learning. An AI bot has the potential to aid tutors in the tutoring process and contribute to the scalability. The present pilot study was conducted in the tutoring setting of the Math Coach program. In the program, teacher students aid students from upper primary school to upper secondary school in mathematics through an online text-based chat system. Llama2 was used as a large language model (LLM), fine-tuned for Swedish comprehension utilizing the Math Coach system's chat logs. Four coaches, teacher students at a technical Swedish university and active in the Math Coach program, were invited to interact with the AI bot and participate in a group discussion. The coaches interacted individually with the AI bot while the chat conversation was displayed on a monitor so all participants could discuss the interaction while it took place. A semi-structured interview approach was taken and the participants were also encouraged to 'think aloud' about their experience. In the discussions, the coaches expressed surprise by the AI's social aspect. They perceived the AI bot as friendly with a positive attitude and were especially surprised by its ability to correctly place appropriate emojis. The coaches agreed that the AI was able to ask both appropriate and helpful questions and share some good guidance for how to proceed in the problem-solving process. However, they felt that the AI bot was not able to offer sufficient mathematical guidance, oftentimes the AI bot was confidently wrong. It also wrote too long messages, which humans would typically separate into several chat messages, and did not wait for a response but instead moved too quickly towards the solution. Moving forward we plan to address the effects of improved prompts on the AI bot and continue finetuning the LLM. We will continue to conduct pilot studies and eventually conduct more large-scale empirical studies

    Effects of horse housing on musculoskeletal system post-exercise recovery

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    This study examined the effects of two housing systems (control housing and loose housing) on musculoskeletal condition during recovery from race-like exercise in Standardbred horses. The hypothesis was that a loose housing system provides better conditions for musculoskeletal recovery than the control housing. Eight adult geldings (mean age 11 years) were used in a study with a cross-over design, with the control housing (CH) and loose housing (LH) treatments each run for 21 days. The horses had ad libitum access to forage and performed two similar race-like exercise tests (ET), on day 7 and day 14 in each treatment. Blood samples were collected before ET, at finish line, and at 7, 22, and 44 h of recovery and analysed for the muscle enzyme activities of creatine kinase and amino transferase. Before and three days after ET, hind leg fetlock joint region circumference and diameter, joint range of motion in right hock and carpus, mechanical nociceptive threshold in back muscle, and movement asymmetry were recorded. Overall circumference and overall diameter of hind fetlock joint region were lower in LH horses than CH horses (P=0.045 and P=0.017, respectively), but no other differences were observed. In conclusion, a loose housing system did not alter the recovery of musculoskeletal condition other than preventing a post exercise enlargement of the circumference and diameter of the hind fetlock joint region

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI H5Nx, Clade in Poultry and Wild Birds in Sweden: Synopsis of the 2020-2021 Season

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    Simple Summary Highly pathogenic avian influenza is a virus-induced contagious disease that has killed a large number of poultry and wild birds in Europe in the recent decade and is an increasing problem worldwide. In the winter of 2020-2021, Sweden experienced its worst period to date when the disease was diagnosed on 15 commercial poultry farms and over 2.2 million birds died or were euthanised. The disease was also diagnosed in 130 wild birds and nine flocks of hobby, game or zoo birds between 1 October 2020 and 30 September 2021. The aim of this article was to describe the influenza situation in Sweden during this period and to add to the knowledge related to the alarming situation with highly pathogenic influenza in birds. The disease caused animal suffering and death in wild and domestic birds and incurred high costs due to losses and extensive measures to stop spread. The outbreak investigations, where contacts were traced and virus strains were compared, concluded that the virus was brought to poultry farms by wild birds in most cases. More research is needed to obtain knowledge on risk factors, biosecurity, and wild bird presence on poultry farms to prevent future disease outbreaks. Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI, Gs/Gd lineage) was introduced to Europe in 2005 and has since caused numerous outbreaks in birds. The 2020-2021 season was the hitherto most devastating when considering bird numbers and duration in Europe. Surveillance data, virologic results and epidemiologic investigations from the 2020-2021 outbreaks in Sweden were analysed. Subtypes H5N8 and H5N5 were detected on 24 farms with poultry or other captive birds. In wild birds, subtypes H5N8, H5N5, H5N1, H5N4, H5Nx were detected in 130 out of 811 sampled birds. There was a spatiotemporal association between cases in wild birds and poultry. Based on phylogeny and epidemiology, most of the introductions of HPAI to commercial poultry were likely a result of indirect contact with wild birds. A definite route of introduction to poultry could not be established although some biosecurity breaches were observed. No spread between farms was identified but airborne spread between flocks on the same farm was suspected. Our findings exemplify the challenges posed by the continuously changing influenza viruses that seem to adapt to a broader species spectrum. This points to the importance of wild bird surveillance, compliance to biosecurity, and identification of risk factors for introduction on poultry farms
