2,412 research outputs found

    Pendidikan IPS sebagai “Synthetic Discipline”: Kajian Epistemologis Atas Pemikiran Nu\u27man Somantri

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    Pemikiran seorang atau kelompok pakar merupakan bagian integral dalam dinamika sebuah disiplin ilmu, dan kajian terhadapnya telah menjadi concern dalam berbagai disiplin ilmu. Penelitian ini mengkaji secara epistemologis pemikiran Somantri tentang PIPS sebagai ‘synthetic discipline\u27. Penelitian bersifat kualitatif-interpretif dan menggunakan sumber data primer dan sekunder dengan teknik anotasi bibliografis dan reviu literatur serta dianalisis dengan teknik analisis konten kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara epistemologis, PIPS dalam pemikiran Somantri dikonseptualisasi sebagai sebuah disiplin ilmu (DPIPS) dan program pendidikan disiplin ilmu (PDIPS) terintegrasi, hasil rekayasa sinergistis dari dua atau lebih disiplin ilmu yang setara untuk tujuan PIPS. PIPS sebagai disiplin ilmu terintegrasi adalah identitas, jati-diri, ciri khas, dan faculty culture FPIPS dan pascasarjana PIPS. PIPS sebagai DPIPS memiliki status akademik sebagai advance knowledge, middle studies, dan primary structure. PIPS sebagai program PDIPS memiliki status akademik sebagai PDIPS untuk jenjang pendidikan tinggi, dan PDIPS untuk jenjang pendidikan sekolah


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    Hal yang paling penting dalam konsep pendidikan agama islam adalah adanya sebuah konsep fitrah manusia. Fitrah manusia tidak selalu identik dengan teori kertas kosong atau tabularasa, sebab kata tabulrasa seperti yang di praktekkan oleh john locke yang hanya melihat manusia itu seperti kertas putih, ibarat kertas yang belum di coret, sehingga pengaruh lingkungan itu sangat berdampak dan adanya pendidikan menjadi hal yang sangat penting. Di dalam fitrah manusia terdapat potensi bawaan yang dibawa oleh manusia yakni potensi daya atau kekuatan untuk bisa menerima sebuah tauhid atau agama islam maka dari itu dalam adanya lingkungan dan keluarga sangat mempengaruhi dan strategis dalam mengembangkan fitrah manusia itu sendri, dengan artian kalau anak di arahkan kepada hal yang positif dan baik maka akan terarah dan menjadikan dirinya sebegai penerus bangsa regenerasi bangsa yang cinta damai, tentram, inklusif, dan terus mengembangkan. Hal tersebut Menunjukkan bahwa Manusia dengan segala potensinya, sanggup merealesasikan apa yang sudah menjadi keinginannya, proses mengembangkan kemampuan yang dimiliki melalui pendidikan tidak menjadi jaminan dalam membentuk krakter dan bakat menuju insan yang baik dan menjadi kebanggaan dan disenangi oleh semuanya terlebih di cintai penciptanya, maka dari hal itu adanya sebuah pendidikan agama Islam selalu memberikan hal yang baru dan selalu mewarnai hidup kita sesuai dengan potensi yang dimiliki oleh manusia itu sendri

    Radiation induced tumor lysis syndrome in patients with leukemia

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    Tumour lysis syndrome is a catastrophic complica­lion of treatment of certain neoplasms. It is usually seen with the tumours that have high growth fractions, increased bulk and extreme sensitivity to cytotoxic therapy. Most commonly it occurs in association with hematologic malignancies such as lymphomas and leukaemias. Rarely it has been observed with solid tumours like small cell lung cancer, seminoma and carcinoma of the breast. The syndrome develops due to massive cell lysis occurring within a few hours to a few days of starting the cytotoxic therapy. It is characterized by hyperuricemia, hyperkalemia, hyperphosphatemia and hypocalcaemia. Acute renal failure, cardiac arrhyth­mias and sudden death may occur. Tumour lysis syndrome has hitherto not been reported as a complica­lion of radiotherapy only. We recently observed a patient with a diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukaemia who received splenic irradiation for massive splenomegaly and developed full-blown tumour lysis syndrome. Pathogenesis and clinical implications are discussed

    N-[4-(Phenyl­imino­meth­yl)phen­yl]acetamide 0.67-hydrate

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    The title compound, C15H14N2O·0.67H2O, was prepared by the reaction of 4-acetoamine­benzaldehyde and aniline. The asymmetric unit contains six organic mol­ecules and four water mol­ecules. The dihedral angles between the aromatic ring planes in each organic mol­ecule vary from 42.4 (2) to 53.8 (2)°. In the crystal, an extensive network of inter­molecular N—H⋯O, O—H⋯N and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules into [010] chains

    Simulating thick atmospheric turbulence in the lab with application to orbital angular momentum communication

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    We describe a procedure by which a long (1km\gtrsim 1\,\mathrm{km}) optical path through atmospheric turbulence can be experimentally simulated in a controlled fashion and scaled down to distances easily accessible in a laboratory setting. This procedure is then used to simulate a 1-km-long free-space communication link in which information is encoded in orbital angular momentum (OAM) spatial modes. We also demonstrate that standard adaptive optics methods can be used to mitigate many of the effects of thick atmospheric turbulence.Comment: Rewritten abstract and introductory section to emphasize the importance of the work and to make it accessible to a more general audience. Section 2 was expanded to include some background on the physics of turbulence to allow the paper to be self-contained and understood by nonspecialist

    Atypical Localizations of Hydatid Disease: Experience from a Single Institute

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    Introduction: The hydatid disease most often involves the liver and the lungs. The disease can involve any part of the body except the hair, teeth and nails. Primary extrahepaticopulmonary hydatid cysts are rare and only a few sporadic cases have been reported. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and forty-four patients with hydatid cysts managed surgically from January 2005 to December 2009 were evaluated retrospectively. Fourteen (5.7%) patients had isolated involvement of the atypical sites, while six (2.4%) also had a primary involvement of liver. Results: The cysts were present in gall bladder (0.4%), peritoneum (1.6%), spleen (1.6%), ovary (0.4%), subcutaneous (0.8%), seminal vesicle (0.4%), spinal (0.4%), pancreas (0.4%), kidney (0.4%), mediastinal (0.4%), muscle (0.4%), and brain (0.8%). Discussion and Conclusions: Involvement of sites other than liver and lungs by hydatid disease is rare. Symptoms are related to size, location or possible complication of the cyst. It should be strongly suspected in differential diagnosis of all abdominal cysts especially in an endemic area. Proper surgical and medical management to avoid any recurrences, and a regular follow-up, are of utmost importance to detect any late complications such as local recurrence of the disease and development of hydatidosis at the primary sites.Keywords: Atypical locations, hydatid, echinococcosisNigerian Journal of Surgery, Jan-Jun 2012 | Volume 18 | Issue

    An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change

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    This report is the outcome of a study titled 'An Action Plan for Adaptation in Bangladesh Agriculture under Climate Change', carried out with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). This report prepared by the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) delineates an action plan to prioritize adaptation options after considering the inputs by experts and scrutiny by stakeholders. It aims to promote precision agriculture and commercialization of crop agriculture with strong institutional and financial footing to tackle climate change

    Energy Commitment for a Power System Supplied by Multiple Energy Carriers System using Following Optimization Algorithm

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    In today’s world, the development and continuation of life require energy. Supplying this energy demand requires careful and scientific planning of the energy provided by a variety of products, such as oil, gas, coal, electricity, etc. A new study on the operation of energy carriers called Energy Commitment (EC) is proposed. The purpose of the EC is to set a pattern for the use of energy carriers to supply energy demand, considering technical and economic constraints. EC is a constrained optimization problem that can be solved by using optimization methods. This study suggests the Following Optimization Algorithm (FOA) to solve the EC problem to achieve technical and economic benefits. Minimizing energy supply costs for the total study period is considered as an objective function. The FOA simulates social relationships among the community members who try to improve their community by following each other. Simulation is carried out on a 10-unit energy system supplied by various types of energy carriers that includes transportation, agriculture, industrial, residential, commercial, and public sectors. The results show that the optimal energy supply for a grid with 0.15447 Millions of Barrels of Oil Equivalent (MBOE) of energy demand costs 9.0922 millions dollar for a 24-h study period. However, if the energy supply is not optimal, the costs of operating energy carriers will increase and move away from the optimal economic situation. The economic distribution of electrical demand between 10 power plants and the amount of production units per hour of the study period is determined. The EC outputs are presented, which include an appropriate pattern of energy carrier utilization, energy demand supply costs, appropriate combination of units, and power plant production. The behavior and process of achieving the answer in the convergence curve for the implementation of FOA on EC indicates the exploration and exploitation capacity of FOA. Based on the simulated results, EC provides more information than Unit Commitment (UC) and analyzes the network more efficiently and deeply.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The Edible Mushroom Pleurotus spp.: I. Biodiversity and Nutritional Values

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    Mushrooms are macrofungi with numerous varieties and widely known as food and medicine in many ancient cultures. They are considered as potential source of many essential nutrients as well as therapeutic bioactive compounds and thus became one of the main components in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and in Japanese herbal medicine since more than two thousand years. The genus Pleurotus (widely known as oyster mushroom) is fast growing fungus belongs to basidiomycota group and considered as one of the famous species with many health benefits. Nowadays, seventy species of this genus has been discovered, but solely a few of them such as P. florida, P. sajor-caju and P. ostreatus are available in the market. The rich nutrients such as proteins, fibers, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, and lipids present this mushroom as famous healthy food. Furthermore, Bioactive compounds such as polysaccharides, proteins and nucleic acid are extracted from various species of Pleurotus tends the researcher to investigate more on this beneficial genus. This work is focused on reviewing the recent work published in the biodiversity and nutritional content of Pleurotus spp