737 research outputs found

    Lucio Piccolo, Eugenio Montale e Maria Luisa Spaziani. Tre voci in ascolto e un luogo nel gesto della scrittura

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    The article focuses on three Italian Novecento poetical voices of Lucio Piccolo, Eugenio Montale and Maria Luisa Spaziani and presents their experience of writing which gesture originates from listening to each other’s voices and from the constant weave with life that nourishes each poetic inspiration and each possible story. Firstly, the authors consider the Sicilian voice of baron Piccolo from Calanovella who was completely excluded from the circle of Italian poets in the XX century, in spite of the promising debut that took place thanks to Eugenio Montale who was convinced of Piccolo’s originality and maturity. Secondly, the analysis of biographical events involving baron Piccolo and his cousin Tomasi di Lampedusa, the epistolary story of 9 lyrics written by the Sicilian aristocrat and his friendship with Maria Luisa Spaziani, should help unravel the mechanisms which generate, inspire and extinguish every act of writing. In its concluding part, the paper explores the conception of «resistance» and «act of creation», as interpreted by Giorgio Agamben.The article focuses on three Italian Novecento poetical voices of Lucio Piccolo, Eugenio Montale and Maria Luisa Spaziani and presents their experience of writing which gesture originates from listening to each other’s voices and from the constant weave with life that nourishes each poetic inspiration and each possible story. Firstly, the authors consider the Sicilian voice of baron Piccolo from Calanovella who was completely excluded from the circle of Italian poets in the XX century, in spite of the promising debut that took place thanks to Eugenio Montale who was convinced of Piccolo’s originality and maturity. Secondly, the analysis of biographical events involving baron Piccolo and his cousin Tomasi di Lampedusa, the epistolary story of 9 lyrics written by the Sicilian aristocrat and his friendship with Maria Luisa Spaziani, should help unravel the mechanisms which generate, inspire and extinguish every act of writing. In its concluding part, the paper explores the conception of «resistance» and «act of creation», as interpreted by Giorgio Agamben

    Kimian states : the case of stative passive participles corresponding to roz- object experiencer verbs in Polish

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    Tekst poświęcony jest analizie imiesłowów biernych z przedrostkiem roz-, utworzonych od czasowników stanu z nosicielem stanu w funkcji dopełnienia. Wyrażenia z imiesłowami biernymi badanych czasowników posiadają zarówno cechy stanów Davidsona (1967), jak i stanów Kima (1976). W poniższym artykule dajemy odpowiedź na pytanie o status tych struktur. Proponujemy także wyjaśnienie faktów, które stoją w sprzeczności z uznaniem polskich konstrukcji za stany Kima.In this text we consider properties of stative passive participles corresponding to roz- Object Experiencer verbs in Polish. They are viewed in the light of the distinction between Davidsonian states (Davidson 1967) and Kimian states (Kim 1976). Polish statives with rozpassive participles seem to show features of both Kimian and Davidsonian states. We will consider the results of various tests proposed in the literature to discover the properties of the relevant Polish structures and offer an explanation for the areas in which roz- structures diverge from the characteristics of Kimian states

    Old Church Slavonic roots of the present-day Polish anticausative system

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    W niniejszym artykule zostało zaproponowane wyjaśnienie istnienia różnic pomiędzy prefiksacją syntetycznych i analitycznych czasowników antykauzatywnych w języku polskim na podstawie historii ich rozwoju w językach słowiańskich, z uwzględnieniem staro-cerkiewno-słowiańskiego. Zaobserwowano, że syntetyczne czasowniki antykauzatywne przyjmują łatwo prefiksy zmieniające aspekt czasownika, ale nie jego znaczenie leksykalne, podczas gdy takie ograniczenie nie istnieje dla formacji analitycznych. Sytuacja ta wywodzi się z systemu, jaki istniał jeszcze w staro-cerkiewno-słowiańskim, w którym analityczne formacje były podstawą strony "zwrotnej", wchodzącej w skład systemu stron charakterystycznych dla odmiany w tym języku. Wskutek tego formacje analityczne otrzymywały te same elementy prefiksalne co czasowniki oparte na identycznych rdzeniach, ale realizujące stronę czynną, to jest te prefiksy, które również mogły istotnie modyfikować znaczenie czasowników. Inaczej działo się w przypadku syntetycznych antykauzatywów. Już w czasach wczesnosłowiańskich były one elementami leksykonu i nie miały innych skojarzonych z nimi form czasownikowych, lecz jedynie leksemy przymiotnikowe i rzeczownikowe (dla których to form system słowiański nie oferował licznych wzorców prefiksalnych). Wskutek tego czasowniki syntetyczne wzbogacały się o prefiksy realizujące tylko opozycje aspektowe, a nie funkcje słowotwórcze. W niniejszym tekście historia obu grup czasowników została prześledzona od czasów wczesnosłowiańskich poprzez fazy pośrednie do dziś.In this paper we will present a theory on the source of prefixation differences between Polish analytic and synthetic anticausatives. Analytic anticausatives are freely prefixed with superlexical, lexical and 'pure perfectivizer' prefixes, while synthetic anticausatives show propensity for 'pure perfectivizers', if indeed they are prefixed at all. We have looked for a source of this distinction in OCS anticausative morpho-syntax. We claim that OCS analytic anticausatives are formed within the limits of the voice system of OCS as middle voice word-forms. As such, they have the same rich prefix inventory as other verbal stems that have the same roots, with some of the prefixes introducing changes in verbal lexical meaning. On the other hand, synthetic anticausatives are already at this time members of the OCS lexicon, mostly without any related verbal forms, but sharing roots with nouns and adjectives (for which prefixation is not a frequent operation in Slavic languages). The prefixes appearing with synthetic anticausatives have the function of realizing the viewpoint aspect, rather than word-formational functions. We have traced the distinction between the two classes of anticausatives from the OCS times to Present-Day Polish, quoting also some intermediate stages in the history of these verbs

    In search of causative structures in the root-based morphology : the case of Polish roz-/roze- causatives

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest zagadnieniu kauzatywizacji w modelu morfosyntaksy generatywnej opartej na rdzeniu wyrazowym. Procesy kauzatywizacji analizowane są na podstawie czasowników z morfemem roz-. W analizie postulowane jest oderwanie funkcji kauzatywnej od mechanizmu dodawania argumentu sprawcy. Badania w tym kierunku oparte są na pracy Koontz-Garbodena (2009). Morfem roz- został uznany za człon główny wprowadzający poziom struktury odpowiadający za kategorię strony czynnej. Jest on przeciwstawiony formantowi nieciągłemu roz … się, który odpowiada za tworzenie pewnych czasowników antykauzatywnych w języku polskim. Przy użyciu typologii rdzeni Embicka (2009), zaproponowanej dla nieco innych struktur czasownikowych, udaje się stwierdzić, że rdzenie, które mogą wystąpić jako predykaty stanów, nie tworzą czasowników kauzatywnych interesującego typu, podczas gdy rdzenie, które mogą istnieć jako predykaty zdarzeń nadają się na bazy tej derywacji. Analiza polskich czasowników pokazuje jednocześnie, że hipotezy formułowane obecnie w badaniach struktur walencyjnych opartych na rdzeniu doskonale sprawdzają się w przypadku prezentowanego materiału polskiego, dodatkowo potwierdzając słuszność tego kierunku poszukiwań językoznawczych.The paper deals with a wider problem of the representation of causative structures in the root-based generative model of morphosyntax illustrated here with the Polish causativizing morpheme roz-. Following Koontz-Garboden's (2009) analysis of anticausative verbs, we propose that the phenomenon of causation should be separated from the introduction of the additional causer argument brought in by the voice projection. In our analysis roz- is seen as the head of the active voice projection, as opposed to roz- się, the non-active voice head. Such an analysis allows us to account for the distributional properties of roz- versus roz- się in Polish. In the analysis of the typology of roots which can serve as bases for the causative structures taking the roz- voice heads, the typology of roots developed by Embick (2009) to account for the properties of states and stative passives has been adopted, as it seems to work in the case of the roots deriving causatives. The roots appropriate for the predicates of states cannot derive the roz- causatives in Polish, while these appropriate for the predicates of events form such causatives. The analysis ties in with recent proposals in root-based research into verbal valency, and contributes to the overall model of valencyrelated derivations in root-based approaches

    Czasowniki nieakuzatywne w języku polskim

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    Jedną z najważniejszych operacji zmian walencyjnych jest tworzenie czasowników jedno-argumentowych od fonologicznie podobnych/identycznych czasowników dwu-argumentowych. Te zagadnienia były ostatnio przedmiotem rozważań Junghannsa, Fermann and Lenertovej (2011), w ramach ich badań nad czasownikami pochodzącymi od kauzatywnych w językach słowiańskich. Analizują owe czasowniki jako zwrotne z nieagentywnymi argumentami zewnętrznymi, w duchu Koontz-Garbodena (2009). Artykuł poświęcony jest takim formacjom w języku polskim, widzianym w szerszym morfologicznym kontekście językowym. W tym świetle nie dają one powodów do traktowania ich jako czasowników zwrotnych. W artykule wykazano, że dane, które mają popierać refleksywny status tych czasowników (Jabłońska 2007), a związane z występowaniem, bądź niewystępowaniem z nimi anafory 'sam/sama/samo (z siebie)', zostały nieprawidłowo przedstawione, co wykazuje zawartość Narodowego Korpusu Języka Polskiego. Także całościowo rozważany system morfologiczny języka polskiego przemawia przeciw traktowaniu czasowników dekauzatywnych jako zwrotnych, w oderwaniu od innych czasowników jednoargumentowych z argumentem wewnętrznym. Zamiast tego przedstawiamy te czasowniki jako rezultat pominięcia w strukturze wyjściowej VoiceP. Ta struktura zaczerpnięta została z Alexiadou (2010), chociaż oryginalnie posiada inną funkcję. Operacja tworzenia dekauzatywów widziana jest przez nas jako leksykalna operacja, która nie współgra z Monotonicity Hypothesis proponowaną przez Koontz-Garbodena.One of the key operations in valency rearrangement is the formation of mono-argumental predicates from phonologically corresponding/identical bi-argumental predicates. It has been most recently revisited by Junghanns, Fermann and Lenertová (2011), who analyze decausatives in Slavic languages as cases of reflexivization of verbs with non-agentive causers, in the spirit of Koontz-Garboden (2009).We review these formation in Polish and find out that an analysis which is set against a more extensive data gives no grounds for a reflexive analysis. We find the data in favor of decausatives showing the presence of the external argument through the appearance of the subject 'by itself ' anaphor misjudged as to their grammaticality. This claim is supported with examples from the National Corpus of the Polish Language contending against Jabłońska's (2007) analysis. The overall picture of the morphological system and language behavior speak against setting apart decausatives with reflexive marking from other unaccusatives in Polish. We disregard the reflexive analysis and adopt the anticausative solution, where the formation of decausatives is not seen as identification of arguments. We see it as a subtraction of VoiceP. This solution assumes one of the structures for decausatives from Alexiadou (2010). The operation is seen as lexical, not syntactic, and in defiance of Koontz-Garboden's Monotonicity Hypothesis

    Perceived consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and childbearing intentions in Poland

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    Objective: We aim to investigate how the perceived consequences of COVID-19 affect people's childbearing intentions in Poland. Background: With the pandemic having an impact on virtually all spheres of people's lives, some evidence already exists that it will lead to fertility postponement, as people are reluctant to make their reproductive choices in such uncertain times. Method: We analyse a nationally representative sample of 1000 respondents aged 18-49. In the sample, 234 respondents declared that they had intended to have a child before the outbreak of the pandemic and about 20% of them stated having postponed or foregone their intention because of COVID-19. We perform logistic regression analyses to verify which perceived consequences of the pandemic are most decisive for this choice. We supplement our analyses with insights from qualitative, open-ended question on the effects of the pandemic. Results: We find that people’s decision to postpone childbearing is related to respondents' perceived lower sense of financial security and worse mental well-being in the pandemic. In the model, where both factors are included, only mental well-being remains significant. Qualitative analyses point to several other factors important to fertility decisions in the pandemic, e.g., women's fear of lonely childbirth. Conclusion: People’s decision to postpone childbearing because of COVID-19 is mostly related to pandemic-induced financial insecurity and this effect seems to be mediated by the psychological reaction to the situation.Fragestellung: Diese Studie untersucht, wie die wahrgenommenen Konsequenzen von COVID-19 die Fortpflanzungsabsichten der Polen beeinflussen. Hintergrund: Die Pandemie betrifft praktisch alle Lebensbereiche der Menschen. Es gibt bereits einige Hinweise darauf, dass sie zu einer aufgeschobenen Fertilität führen wird, da die Menschen in solch unsicheren Zeiten zögern, reproduktive Entscheidungen zu treffen. Methode: Wir analysieren eine bundesweit repräsentative Stichprobe von 1000 Befragten im Alter von 18-49 Jahren. In der Stichprobe der Studie gaben 234 Befragte an, dass sie vor dem Ausbruch der Pandemie beabsichtigten, ein Kind zu bekommen, und etwa 20% gaben an, dass sie diese Absicht aufgrund von COVID-19 verschoben oder aufgegeben haben. Wir führen logistische Regressionsanalysen durch, um zu testen, welche wahrgenommenen Folgen der Pandemie für diese Wahl entscheidend sind. Wir ergänzen unsere Analysen mit Erkenntnissen aus qualitativen, offenen Fragen zu den Auswirkungen der Pandemie. Ergebnisse: Wir finden, dass die Entscheidung der Menschen, ihre Pläne für Kinder zu verschieben, mit dem wahrgenommenen geringeren Gefühl der finanziellen Sicherheit und dem schlechteren psychologischen Wohlbefinden der Befragten während einer Pandemie zusammenhängt. In einem Modell, in dem beide Faktoren enthalten sind, bleibt nur das psychische Wohlbefinden signifikant. Qualitative Analysen weisen auf mehrere andere Faktoren hin, die für Fertilitätsentscheidungen in der Pandemie relevant sind, z.B. die Angst der Frauen, allein zu gebären. Schlussfolgerung: Die Entscheidung, die Empfängnis aufgrund von COVID-19 zu verschieben, hängt hauptsächlich mit der pandemiebedingten finanziellen Unsicherheit zusammen und scheint durch die psychologische Reaktion auf die Situation vermittelt zu werden

    Gra z romantycznym afektem w Mariaszu Artura Daniela Liskowackiego

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    The aim of the article is to show the connection between affection theory and romantic concepts of emotions (mesmerism and melancholy) in Artur Daniel Liskowacki’s 2007 novel Mariasz. By way of introduction, the author presents in brief the most important research on affective turn conducted in Poland and around the world, and also shows the possibilities of affective reading. The next part of the article is an interpretation of Mariasz. What is more, affection theory, as it is used in the novel, helps us to describe the ambiguous network of relations between the characters more fully and clearly, who experience similar affections, despite the temporal distance between them (romanticism and modernity). By analyzing Liskowacki’s novel we can identify the current relevance of the Romantic tradition in Polish literature after 1989, which is far from its martyrological connotations. Romanticism becomes a reference point for contemporary times, and original dialogues from that epoch allow the emotional nature of humans immersed in contemporary times to be described in full.The aim of the article is to show the connection between affection theory and romantic concepts of emotions (mesmerism and melancholy) in Artur Daniel Liskowacki’s 2007 novel Mariasz. By way of introduction, the author presents in brief the most important research on affective turn conducted in Poland and around the world, and also shows the possibilities of affective reading. The next part of the article is an interpretation of Mariasz. What is more, affection theory, as it is used in the novel, helps us to describe the ambiguous network of relations between the characters more fully and clearly, who experience similar affections, despite the temporal distance between them (romanticism and modernity). By analyzing Liskowacki’s novel we can identify the current relevance of the Romantic tradition in Polish literature after 1989, which is far from its martyrological connotations. Romanticism becomes a reference point for contemporary times, and original dialogues from that epoch allow the emotional nature of humans immersed in contemporary times to be described in full

    Bioróżnorodność grzybów mikoryzy arbuskularnej i ich wpływ na wzrost roślin w środowisku zanieczyszczonym toksycznymi związkami organicznymi

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are the obligatory symbionts of most known plant species. In exchange for the photosynthetically assimilated carbon, they provide a host plant with mineral nutrients and stimulate its growth and viability, also under stress conditions. The positive influence of AMF on plants have gained much interest in the field of research on phytoremediation of soils contaminated with hydrocarbons, showing synergetic interactions between AMF, a plant host and hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria. The aims of this study were to: characterize the biodiversity and development of AMF in roots and soil associated with Ph. australis and P. trivialis growing in the environment contaminated with phenol and polynuclear hydrocarbons (PAHs) and in the uncontaminated environment evaluate the biomass of other groups of soil microorganisms, assess the potential of AMF species isolated from the contaminated site in enhancing the growth of Lolium perenne in the presence of phenol and PAHs. AMF development in the studied environments was evaluated on the basis of the mycorrhizal colonization of roots, the number of SSU rDNA gene copies in roots, the length of extramatrical mycelium, the number of AMF spores, the concentrations of glomalin-related soil proteins and marker neutral fatty acid 16:1ω5c in soil. Biomass of the main groups of soil microorganisms was evaluated by the analysis of the content of marker phospholipid fatty acids in soil. The biodiversity of AMF communities was analyzed based on the DGGE (denaturating gradient gel electrophoresis) profiles of SSU rDNA gene and the next generation sequencing of LSU rDNA metagenomic libraries. Isolation of AMF from environmental samples was performed using trap cultures. Isolated AMF strains were affiliated to species based on the sequence of SSU rDNA – ITS – LSU rDNA genes. AMF species isolated from the contaminated environment: Funneliformis caledonium, Claroideoglomus walkeri and Diversispora varaderana, were used as single-species and multi-species inocula in L. perenne cultures contaminated with the mixture of phenol and PAHs. Final concentrations of the contaminants in culture medium were : 0/0, 5/20, 15/60, 30/120 mg phenol/PAHs kg-1. Development of mycorrhiza in the cultures was evaluated by the assessment of mycorrhizal root colonization and the number of AMF spores. Isolated spores were used for the analysis of oxidative stress and the activity of antioxidative enzymes in AMF. The effect of AMF on plant growth was evaluated on the basis of shoot height, root and shoot biomass, the level of oxidative stress and the activity of antioxidative enzymes in plant tissues. Soil contamination with phenol and PAHs had a negative effect on mycorrhizal root colonization, AMF biomass in soil and the biodiversity of AMF communities, especially those associated with Ph. australis. There were no significant differences between the biodiversity and structure of AMF communities in roots and soil. Soil contamination was identified as the main factor affecting the species structure of AMF communities. Host plant species had a significant effect on the structure of AMF communities only in the uncontaminated site. In both studied environments, a strong domination of AMF assigned to the family Paraglomeraceae was revealed. Moreover, AMF communities in the contaminated site were dominated by genera Funneliformis, Rhizophagus and Claroideoglomus, described previously as ruderal and stress tolerant AMF. Beside the family Paraglomeraceae, other AMF which dominated in the communities associated with the uncontaminated site represented the genus Archaeosporaceae and rarely identified AMF from the family Glomeraceae, eg. Dominikia sp., found previously in the environments undominated by ruderal AMF. Soil contamination with phenol and PAHs had no significant influence on the total biomass of soil microorganisms. Biomass of the main groups of soil microorganisms depended on the interaction between the studied site and the host plant species. There were no significant differences, in the biomass of saprophytic fungi and the main groups of bacteria associated with P. trivialis between both studied sites. On the other hand, the contaminated soil associated with Ph. australis was characterized by a higher biomass of Gram-positive bacteria and actinobacteria, compared to the uncontaminated soil. Beside phenol and PAHs, actinobacteria might be another factor which supressed the development of AMF, because their biomass was negatively correlated with the biomass of AMF in soil. Excluding Dominikia sp., AMF isolated in trap cultures did not represent dominant species which defined the studied AMF communities. Spores in the laboratory conditions were produced by AMF species which relative abundance in the studied communities was marginal. Funneliformis caledonium, Diversispora varaderana and Claroideoglomus walkeri, isolated from the contaminated site, were used as inocula in the study on the effect of phenol and PAHs on the development of AMF and L. perenne. Plants inoculated with single AMF species reached higher growth and biomass, regardless of the concentration of contaminants, compared to plants inoculated with the mixture of AMF species, where a parasitic interaction between L. perenne and C. walkeri was observed. Although the mycorrhizal inoculation had a positive effect on plant growth, it did not contribute to a higher activity of antioxidative enzymes and a lower level of oxidative stress in plant tissues. AMF response to low and medium contamination with phenol and PAHs was the allocation of biomass to intraradical mycelium. High concentration of phenol and PAHs had a negative effect on mycorrhizal root colonization, production of spores and the level of oxidative stress in AMF spores. The presented results constitute a firm background for further application research on the potential of native AMF strains and microorganisms cooperating with them in the enhancement of phytoremediation of soils contaminated with toxic organic substances

    Rękopiśmienna spuścizna naukowa po Profesorze Stanisławie Pigoniu : archiwum żywe i otwarte

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