128 research outputs found

    Responsabilidade social na atividade bancária : contributo para a definição do papel da Fundação Crédito Agrícola do Noroeste

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Economia SocialO principal objetivo deste trabalho é expor um estudo realizado numa instituição bancária, o Crédito Agrícola do Noroeste. Esta instituição de cariz cooperativo está a iniciar os primeiros passos na adoção de medidas e de uma postura de responsabilidade social há muito exigida quer pelos valores cooperativos quer pelos valores sociais. Este trabalho de auscultação da instituição e dos clientes foi concretizado com a autorização do Conselho de Administração Executivo. A recolha de informação permitiu dar resposta a algumas interrogações que foram suscitando o interesse, tais como compreender que além da principal atividade do banco ser a comercialização de produtos e serviços financeiros, promovem a realização de ações de responsabilidade social. Perceber quais as atividades que fariam com que os clientes participassem em projetos sociais para melhorar a comunidade local no âmbito das atividades da Fundação Crédito Agrícola do Noroeste. Entender a disponibilidade / vontade dos clientes para apoiar projetos de responsabilidade social promovidos pela Fundação Crédito Agrícola do Noroeste. O conceito de responsabilidade social ainda está a ser consensualizado. Deste modo, o trabalho de pesquisa principalmente a nível internacional dificultou-se, dado que os termos utilizados diferem. Mesmo a nível interno, existe a pretensão em falar do cooperativismo, da ética e mesmo do voluntariado como a “nossa responsabilidade social”. Correto ou incorreto, certamente uma discussão ambivalente. O estudo realizado vai-nos mostrar que conhecedores ou não do conceito de responsabilidade social, todas as medidas propostas a serem implementadas são apoiadas pelos cidadãos. Percebem que este conceito os beneficia, mas quando é pedida a colaboração dos indivíduos para colocar em prática determinada tarefa tentam evitar o “transtorno” e passam a responsabilidade para a entidade promotora. A análise dos inquéritos vai mostrar-nos que os indivíduos com um rendimento mensal mais baixo conseguem disponibilizar uma maior quantidade de dinheiro para apoiar causas sociais e os indivíduos com um rendimento mensal mais elevado optam por disponibilizar tempo livre. A nossa visão está formatada de acordo com diferentes opiniões e transformá-la requer tempo e engenho. Não somos estáticos, paulatinamente a nossa postura na sociedade molda-se e o importante é começar. Cativar a atenção para que o “absurdo” se torne rotina. Com a leitura da dissertação apercebemo-nos que, desde muito cedo se falava da responsabilidade social, do mutualismo intrínseco nas instituições, da troca de produtos, da dádiva, da entreajuda. Parecem conceitos ancestrais mas estão bem presentes e atuais no nosso quotidiano, nos nossos estudos, nos nossos debates.The main objective of this work is to present a study carried out in a bank institution, the Crédito Agrícola do Noroeste. This institution of a cooperative nature is initiating the first steps into the adoption of measures and of a posture of social responsibility. This has long been demanded both by cooperative values and by social values. This work of study of the institution and of the clients was made possible by the authorization of the Executive Board of Administration. It allowed the gathering of information to give answer to some questions of interest, such as understanding how besides the principal activity of the bank (to the commercialization of financial products and services), it can promote actions of social responsibility. Another question concerned which activities would make clients participate in social projects to improve the local community in the context of the activities of the Foundation Crédito Agrícola do Noroeste. Finally, to understand the availability and willingness of the clients to support projects of social responsibility promoted by the Foundation Crédito Agrícola of the Noroeste. The concept of social responsibility is still not consensual because of this, this inquiry was made difficult mainly at international level, given that the used terms differ. Even internally, there is the claim in talking about cooperativism, about ethics and even volunteering as “our social responsibility”. Correctly or incorrectly, this is certainly an ambivalent discussion. This study is going to show us, regardless of whether the interviewees are knowledgeable of the concept of social responsibility, all the measures proposed are supported by the citizens. They realize that this concept benefits them, but when the collaboration of the individuals is asked to put in practice a certain task they try to avoid the "upset" and pass the responsibility to the promoting entity. Our vision is formatted in accordance with different opinions and to transform it requires time and ingenuity. We are not static, gradually our posture in the society is moulded and the important thing is to begin. To capture one’s attention so that the "absurd" becomes a routine. The analysis of the surveys will show us that individuals with a lower monthly income can provide a greater amount of money to support social causes and individuals with higher monthly earnings opt to provide some of their free time. Reading the dissertation we notice that, from early on, social responsibility was spoken off, about the intrinsic mutualism in the institutions, about the exchange of products, about the donation, about mutual help. They seem ancestral concepts but they are quite present and current in everyday, in our studies, in our discussions

    Epidemiology of HIV/HCV coinfection in patients cared for at the Tropical Medicine Foundation of Amazonas

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    The association of HIV infection and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection often occurs because both viruses share the same transmission routes, increasing the possibility of HIV/HCV coinfection. World prevalence greater than 30% of coinfected cases is estimated, and it can reach 90% depending on the transmission route. With the aim of determining the frequency and profile of HIV/HCV coinfected patients, a descriptive analysis was carried out with patients with HIV/AIDS whose serology was positive for hepatitis C virus (HCV), cared for at the Fundação de Medicina Tropical do Amazonas from 2000 to 2007. In the present study, of the 2,653 AIDS cases notified in SINAN, 1,582 patients underwent serology test for hepatitis C, and a frequency of 4.42% (n = 70) of HIV/HCV coinfected patients was identified in the period studied. The most frequent infection route was sexual transmission (84.3%), 68.6% among heterosexual individuals. Most patients were males (72.9%), aged between 25 and 40 years (60.1%), of low income (50% earning up to one minimum wage), and low educational level (80% had completed only middle school). A high percentage of deaths were observed during the study (34.3%). The results indicate a low seroprevalence of HIV/HCV coinfection in this population, in which sexual transmission, characterized by sexual promiscuity among heterosexual individuals, is the major transmission route of the virus rather than the use of injection drugs, as shown in world statistics

    Reed as a thermal insulation material: Experimental characterisation of the physical and thermal properties

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    The building sector plays a significant role in reducing global energy use and carbon emissions. In the European Union (EU), the building stock represents 40% of total energy use and in which cooling and heating systems represent over 50%. Portugal is one of the EU countries where the consequences of energy poverty are most evident due to the families' financial inability to adequately climate their homes. The reasons are several, but they are mainly linked to buildings' poor passive thermal performance, resulting from inadequate adaptation to the climatic context and reduced thermal insulation. Thus, it is necessary to develop solutions to increase buildings’ thermal performance and reduce their potential environmental impact, which arises mainly from the significant use of active systems. In this sense, natural building materials are a promising solution, reducing energy use and carbon emissions related to buildings. This research studies the potential use of reed found in Portugal (Arundo donax) as a thermal insulation material. Its physical characterisation and the influence of geometry configuration on its thermal performance are evaluated. Its durability was studied too. Reed stalks were used to carry out the physical and durability tests. A reed board (150 x 150 mm) was built, and its thermal performance was tested in a hotbox. According to the results, the characteristics of reeds found in Portugal make it suitable to be used as a building material. Furthermore, regardless of the configuration studied, the reeds have a satisfactory thermal performance to be used as thermal insulation, under the requirements defined by Portuguese thermal regulation, Re ≥ 0.30 (m2.oC)/W. There is a trend to the mould growth in the reed, but only under favourable conditions. Additionally, considering the abundance of reed throughout the Portuguese territory, this is an eco-friendly and low-cost option that gathers all requirements to be more used in the construction market

    The potential of the reed as a regenerative building material—characterisation of its durability, physical, and thermal performances

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    Knowing the properties of vernacular materials is crucial to heritage conservation and to develop innovative solutions. Reed, considered to be a carbon-neutral and a carbon dioxide sink material, has been used for centuries for diverse uses. Its high availability and properties made it a popular building material, including in Portuguese vernacular architecture. An experimental investigation was conducted to evaluate the physical performance, thermal performance, and durability of the reed found in Portugal since the characterisation of this material was not found in previous studies. The influence of geometric characteristics and the presence of nodes on these properties were also analysed, and the results showed that they are irrelevant. The studied reeds were found to have an adequate thermal performance to be used as thermal insulation. Their thermal resistance (1.8 m2·°C/W) and thermal conductivity (0.06 W/m·°C) are under the requirements defined by Portuguese regulations on thermal insulation materials. Overall, the physical characteristics (moisture content, density, and retraction) are compatible to its use in the construction. Concerning durability, there was only a trend for mould growth in particular environments. The results provide valuable data to be considered in the development of new construction products based on this natural and renewable material. Additionally, considering the studied samples, the reed found in Portugal has characteristics suitable for use as a building material, especially as a thermal insulation material.FEDER funds through the Competitively and Internationalization Operational Programme (POCI) and by national funds through FCT (the Foundation for Science and Technology) within the scope of the project with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-029328, reVer

    The Role of Inflammatory, Anti-Inflammatory, and Regulatory Cytokines in Patients Infected with Cutaneous Leishmaniasis in Amazonas State, Brazil

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    The authors discuss in this paper the role of inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and regulatory cytokines in patients infected with different species of Leishmania in Amazonas State, Brazil. A comparative analysis was made of serum concentrations of these cytokines in the peripheral blood of 33 patients infected with cutaneous leishmaniasis. The isolates were identified as Leishmania guyanensis, L. naiffi, and L. amazonensis. Most (64%) of the patients were male ranging in age from 18 to 58 years. Protein expression profiles of IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IFN-γ, TNF-α, and IL-17 cytokines were shown to vary significantly between infected and noninfected (control group) individuals and according to the Leishmania species. Infection caused by L. guyanensis accounted for 73% of the cases and patients with this parasite also showed higher concentrations of IL-2, IFN-γ, IL-4, and IL-17 when compared to infection by L. amazonensis. Patients with infection caused by L. naiffi showed higher concentration of the cytokines analyzed when compared to uninfected patients; however, there was no statistically significant difference with the other species analyzed

    Prevalence and Diagnosis of Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Young Children in the Absence of a Gold Standard

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    Introduction For adequate disease control the World Health Organization has proposed the diagnosis and treatment of latent tuberculous infection (LTBI) in groups of risk of developing the disease such as children. There is no gold standard (GS) test for the diagnosis of LTBI. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of LTBI in young children in contact with a household case of tuberculosis (TB-HCC) and determine the accuracy and precision of the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) and QuantiFERON-TB Gold in-tube (QFT) used in the absence of a GS. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study in children up to 6 years of age in Manaus/Brazil during the years 2009-2010. All the children had been vaccinated with the BCG and were classified into two groups according to the presence of a TB-HCC or no known contact with tuberculosis (TB). The variables studied were: the TST and QFT results and the intensity and length of exposure to the index tuberculosis case. We used the latent class model to determine the prevalence of LTBI and the accuracy of the tests. Results Fifty percent of the children with TB-HCC had LTBI, with the prevalence depending on the intensity and length of exposure to the index case. The sensitivity and specificity of TST were 73% [95% confidence interval (CI): 53-91] and 97% (95%CI: 89-100), respectively, versus 53% (95%CI: 41-66) and 81% (95%CI:71-90) for QFT. The positive predictive value of TST in children with TB-HCC was 91% (95%CI: 61-99), being 74% for QFT (95%CI: 47-95). Conclusions This is one of the first studies to estimate the prevalence of LTBI in children and the parameters of the main diagnostic tests using a latent class model. Our results suggest that children in contact with an index case have a high risk of infection. The accuracy and the predictive value of the two tests did not significantly differ. Combined use of the two tests showed scarce improvement in the diagnosis of LTBI