137 research outputs found
Hydrogeology of the Hillsboro landfill, Hillsboro, North Dakota
Landfills are the primary means for land disposal of solid wastes, and as such, they represent potential sources of groundwater contamination. This potential for contamination is exemplified by the Hillsboro landfill, which was emplaced above the Hillsboro aquifer, within permeable surface materials, and under shallow water-table conditions. Burial of refuse in trenches 15-feet (4.57 m) deep ensure that at least portions of the refuse are below the water table, which varied from 5.4 to 13.2 feet (1.7 to 4.0 m) below the surface. Concern over these factors led to the present study.
Subsurface conditions were investigated by electrical, earth-resistivity surveying. Very little contrast was evident in the observed field data and high resistivity values were rare. Quantification of resistivity results and subsequent delineation of a contaminant plume based upon those results proved difficult for these reasons.
Water samples, and consequentially chemical concentration levels, were obtained from piezometers screened in silt and sand at various intervals within the zone of saturation. Although contaminant levels appear to be low, degradation of groundwater beneath the landfill is evident. Most notably, the concentrations of the trace metals arsenic, cadmium, selenium, lead, copper, chromium, iron, and manganese ranged from 3.5 to 20 times more than back ground levels.
The configurations of contaminant plumes for most chemical parameters are similar and believed to be the result of longitudinal and transverse dispersion within the saturated zone. These plumes indicate that the buried refuse within landfill trenches is the source of contamination. However, the plume shapes for lead and arsenic probably reflect isolated disposal or surface spills outside of the covered landfill trenches.
X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that, of the clay minerals present, smectite is dominant. Distribution of smectite in the Hillsboro sediments may be effective in attenuating trace metals and may contribute to apparent low levels of released contaminants.
Low precipitation and high evapotranspiration associated with drought conditions experienced during the study period suggest that leachate production was minimal. Leachate generation from percolation probably occurs only during years of above normal precipitation and, even then, only during periods of intense rainfall.
Based upon calculated average linear velocity of groundwater beneath the landfill, groundwater travel time from the northern portion of the buried refuse to the southern limits of the landfill site is nearly 28 years. Given this travel time, the 12-year residence time of the refuse may be inadequate to establish the magnitude of leachate generation
Caracterização de dormitórios de aves aquáticas na margem do complexo lagunar-estuarino Tramandaí-Armazém
A agregação de indivíduos durante o período de descanso é conhecida como communal roosting. Essa estratégia é comumente observada em aves, podendo ser vantajosa para a otimização de recursos e sobrevivência através da termorregulação, diminuição do risco de predação e informação social. Aves aquáticas são ecologicamente dependentes de áreas úmidas e utilizam esses ambientes para alimentação e descanso. As aves são importantes vetores capazes de ingerir, acumular, transportar e depositar esses contaminantes no ambiente através de fezes, regurgitos, penas, carcaças e cascas de ovos, em áreas também utilizadas para reprodução. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo mapear e caracterizar o uso de áreas como dormitórios por aves aquáticas na margem do complexo lagunar-estuarino Tramandaí-Armazém, no litoral do Rio Grande do Sul. O fluxo de chegada e saída das aves foi registrado no mês de setembro de 2021 em três diferentes áreas: no município de Imbé, o Centro de Estudos Costeiros, Limnológicos e Marinhos (Ceclimar), órgão pertencente à Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, localizado às margens da Laguna de Tramandaí (referido como Ceclimar); no município de Tramandaí, um dormitório à beira de um banhado (referido como Tramandaí), e o outro localizado no bairro Recanto da Lagoa, às margens da Lagoa do Armazém (referido como Recanto). Para Ceclimar e Tramandaí foram registradas as direções de voo, as espécies ocorrentes, e a quantidade de indivíduos a cada 10 minutos, sendo 50 minutos antes do nascer e do pôr do sol, e 30 minutos após os dois horários. Para Recanto, apenas foram contabilizadas as aves que utilizam a área como dormitório. Ao total, foram realizadas oito visitas ao Ceclimar, dez visitas em Tramandaí e 2 visitas ao Recanto, nas quais foram registradas a presença de nove espécies, três famílias e duas Ordens de aves aquáticas. No Ceclimar, foi registrada uma média de 103±57 indivíduos, com número máximo de 214 indivíduos; em Tramandaí, média de 642±221 indivíduos, e número máximo de 1092; e no Recanto, média de 1351±467 e número máximo de 1681. Egretta thula, Ardea alba, Nannopterum brasilianum, Bubulcus ibis e Nycticorax nycticorax foram as espécies mais comuns. A direção de chegada e saída das aves dos dormitórios foi predominantemente o norte, região onde ocorre a presença de ambientes utilizados pelas aves para alimentação, como lagoas, campos úmidos, banhados, campos com pecuária extensiva, e lavouras de arroz. Esses ambientes vêm sendo impactados pela expansão urbana e pelos contaminantes utilizados em áreas de cultivos e pecuária. Embora com uma amostragem temporalmente pontual, este trabalho nos permitiu caracterizar a área de uso de aves aquáticas de forma acurada. A existência dessas áreas de agregações deve ser considerada nos planos diretores das cidades, a fim de subsidiar processos de licenciamento ambiental e auxiliando na tomada de decisões de empreendimentos que envolvem potencial impacto às aves aquáticas, bem como potencial atuação das aves como biovetores e dispersoras de contaminantes, patógenos e nutrientes.Aggregation of individuals during the resting period is known as communal roosting. This strategy is commonly observed in birds and may be advantageous for resource optimization and survival through thermoregulation, reduced risk of predation, and social information. Waterbirds are ecologically dependent on wetlands and use these environments for feeding and resting. Birds are important vectors able to ingest, accumulate, transport, and deposit these contaminants in the environment through feces, regurgitation, feathers, carcasses, and eggshells, in areas also used for breeding. In this context, the present work aimed to map and characterize the use of areas as roosts by waterbirds on the shore of the Tramandaí-Armazém lagoon estuarine complex, on the coast of Rio Grande do Sul State. The flow of arrival and departure of birds was recorded in September 2021 in three different areas: in the municipality of Imbé, the Centro de Estudos Costeiros, Limnológicos e Marinhos (Ceclimar), a body belonging to the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, located on the shores of the Laguna de Tramandaí (referred to as Ceclimar); in the municipality of Tramandaí, a dormouse on the edge of a swamp (referred to as Tramandaí), and the other located in the Recanto da Lagoa neighborhood, on the shores of the Lagoa do Armazém (referred to as Recanto). For Ceclimar and Tramandaí, flight directions, species, and a number of individuals were recorded every 10 minutes, 50 minutes before sunrise and sunset, and 30 minutes after both times. For Recanto, only the birds that use the area as a roost were counted. A total of eight visits were made to Ceclimar, ten visits to Tramandaí, and two visits to the Recanto, during which the presence of nine species, three families, and two Orders of waterbirds were recorded. In Ceclimar, an average of 103±57 individuals were recorded, with a maximum number of 214 individuals; in Tramandaí, an average of 642±221 individuals, and a maximum number of 1092; and in Recanto, an average of 1351±467 individuals and a maximum number of 1681. Egretta thula, Ardea alba, Nannopterum brasilianum, Bubulcus ibis, and Nycticorax nycticorax were the most common species. The direction of arrival and departure of birds from the roosts was predominantly north, a region where there is the presence of environments used by birds for feeding, such as ponds, wetlands, swamps, fields with extensive livestock, and rice fields. These environments have been impacted by urban expansion and by contaminants used in crop and livestock areas. Although with a temporally punctual sampling, this work allowed us to characterize the area of waterbirds use accurately. The existence of these areas of aggregations should be considered in the master plans of cities, to support environmental licensing processes and assist in the decision making of enterprises that involve potential impact on waterbirds, as well as the potential role of birds as bio vectors and dispersers of contaminants, pathogens, and nutrients
Análise de parâmetros biomecânicos extraídos da manometria anorretal de pacientes continentes e com incontinência fecal
OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the average resulting area from the Pressure x Time curves resulting from the manometric anorectal exam and compare it with the support capacity of voluntary squeeze. Materials and METHODS: the data set was represented by data from 11 exams from continent patients and eight exams from patients with grade III fecal incontinence. The manometric curves were delineated, and the areas and support capacity of voluntary squeeze calculated, by means of the R computer language and the algorithm developed. RESULTS: the resulting averages for support capacity of voluntary squeeze in continent patients and patients with grade III fecal incontinence were 33.07 seconds and 30.76 seconds (p>0.05) and the averages for area were 2362.04 mmHg x second and 947.92 mmHg x second (pOBJETIVO: evaluar el área media resultante proveniente de las curvas Presión versus Tiempo pertenecientes al examen manometría rectal y afrontarla con la capacidad de sustentación. Materiales y MÉTODOS: la casuística fue representada por datos de 11 exámenes de pacientes moderados y ocho exámenes de pacientes con incontinencia fecal grado III. Por medio del lenguaje computacional R y del algoritmo desarrollado fueron delineadas las curvas manométricas y calculadas las áreas y capacidades de sustentación. RESULTADOS: los medios resultantes de la capacidad de sustentación de pacientes moderados y con incontinencia fecal grado III fueron 33,07 segundos y 30,76 segundos (p>0,05) y las de la área, 2362,04 mmHg x según y 947,92 mmHg x según (pOBJETIVO: avaliar a área média resultante, proveniente das curvas pressão versus tempo, pertencentes ao exame manometria anorretal e confrontá-la com a capacidade de sustentação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: a casuística foi representada por dados de 11 exames de pacientes continentes e oito exames de pacientes com incontinência fecal grau III. Por meio da linguagem computacional R e do algoritmo desenvolvido foram delineadas as curvas manométricas e calculadas as áreas e capacidades de sustentação. RESULTADOS: as médias resultantes da capacidade de sustentação de pacientes continentes e com incontinência fecal grau III foram 33,07 segundos e 30,76 segundos (p>0,05) e as da área, 2362,04 mmHg x segundo e 947,92 mmHg x segundo (
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"The dearest of our possessions": applying Floridi's information privacy concept in models of information behavior and information literacy
This conceptual paper argues for the value of an approach to privacy in the digital information environment informed by Luciano Floridi's philosophy of information and information ethics. This approach involves achieving informational privacy, through the features of anonymity and obscurity, through an optimal balance of ontological frictions. This approach may be used to modify models for information behavior and for information literacy, giving them a fuller and more effective coverage of privacy issues in the infosphere. For information behavior, the Information Seeking and Communication Model, and the Information Grounds conception, are most appropriate for this purpose. For information literacy, the metaliteracy model, using a modification a privacy literacy framework, is most suitable
Análise de ferramentas e tecnologias de desenvolvimento de software para dispositivos móveis: estudo de caso aplicado à implementação de um sistema especialista na área de segurança do trabalho
Anais do V Encontro de Iniciação Científica e I Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2016 - 05 e 07 de outubro de 2016 – Sessão EngenhariasA geração atual de dispositivos móveis permite que os usuários realizem um conjunto
de tarefas, antes realizadas em computadores, estando conectados ou não à Internet. Podem-se
destacar como principais características da computação móvel a mobilidade e flexibilidade
que engloba também portabilidade, usabilidade e conectividade desses dispositivos.
Já um Sistema Especialista (SE) é uma ferramenta que representa uma forma
automática de auxílio à tomada de decisão, baseando-se no conhecimento existente naquele
assunto (REZENDE, 2001). Isto permite melhorar a eficiência e prevenir erros em análises
realizadas por especialistas em diversas áreas do conhecimento.
Considerando as vantagens da mobilidade de dispositivos móveis e o uso dos Sistemas
Especialistas, objetivo geral neste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de funcionalidades adicionais
para um sistema especialista móvel, denominado Sistema Especialista Em Segurança do
Trabalho (SEST). Este aplicativo realiza o diagnóstico de salubridade do ruído em um
ambiente de trabalho, conforme descrito em (NADAI, 2013) e pela Norma de Higiene
Ocupacional 01 – NHO-01 (FUNDACENTRO, 2001
Analysis Of Biomechanical Parameters Extracted From Anorectal Manometry Of Fecally-continent And Incontinent Patients.
to evaluate the average resulting area from the Pressure x Time curves resulting from the manometric anorectal exam and compare it with the support capacity of voluntary squeeze. the data set was represented by data from 11 exams from continent patients and eight exams from patients with grade III fecal incontinence. The manometric curves were delineated, and the areas and support capacity of voluntary squeeze calculated, by means of the R computer language and the algorithm developed. the resulting averages for support capacity of voluntary squeeze in continent patients and patients with grade III fecal incontinence were 33.07 seconds and 30.76 seconds (p>0.05) and the averages for area were 2362.04 mmHg x second and 947.92 mmHg x second (p<0.05), respectively. the average resulting area is able to differentiate continent patients from incontinent and is shown to be a possible parameter in the analysis of biomechanical behavior related to the mechanisms of anorectal continence.201117-2
Pathways towards coexistence with large carnivores in production systems
Coexistence between livestock grazing and carnivores in rangelands is a major challenge in terms of sustainable agriculture, animal welfare, species conservation and ecosystem function. Many effective non-lethal tools exist to protect livestock from predation, yet their adoption remains limited. Using a social-ecological transformations framework, we present two qualitative models that depict transformative change in rangelands grazing. Developed through participatory processes with stakeholders from South Africa and the United States of America, the models articulate drivers of change and the essential pathways to transition from routine lethal management of carnivores towards mutually beneficial coexistence. The pathways define broad actions that incorporate multiple values in grazing systems including changes to livestock management practices, financial support, industry capacity building, research, improved governance and marketing initiatives. A key fnding is the new concept of ‘Predator Smart Farming’, a holistic and conscientious approach to agriculture, which increases the resilience of landscapes, animals (domesticated and wild) and rural livelihoods. Implementation of these multiple pathways would lead to a future system that ensures thriving agricultural communities, secure livelihoods, reduced violence toward animals, and landscapes that are productive and support species conservation and coexistence
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