41 research outputs found

    Structural Analysis of dsRNA Binding to Anti-viral Pattern Recognition Receptors LGP2 and MDA5

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    International audienceRIG-I and MDA5 sense virus-derived short 5'ppp blunt-ended or long dsRNA, respectively, causing interferon production. Non-signaling LGP2 appears to positively and negatively regulate MDA5 and RIG-I signaling, respectively. Co-crystal structures of chicken (ch) LGP2 with dsRNA display a fully or semi-closed conformation depending on the presence or absence of nucleotide. LGP2 caps blunt, 3' or 5' overhang dsRNA ends with 1 bp longer overall footprint than RIG-I. Structures of 1:1 and 2:1 complexes of chMDA5 with short dsRNA reveal head-to-head packing rather than the polar head-to-tail orientation described for long filaments. chLGP2 and chMDA5 make filaments with a similar axial repeat, although less co-operatively for chLGP2. Overall, LGP2 resembles a chimera combining a MDA5-like helicase domain and RIG-I like CTD supporting both stem and end binding. Functionally, RNA binding is required for LGP2-mediated enhancement of MDA5 activation. We propose that LGP2 end-binding may promote nucleation of MDA5 oligomerization on dsRNA

    Etude structurale de protéines de virus à ARN positif impliquées dans la réplication virale et la réponse cellulaire à l'infection

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    Cette thèse consiste en l étude structurale de protéines de trois genres de virus à ARN positif simple brin : les Flavivirus, les Alphavirus et les Coronavirus. Afin de mieux appréhender les mécanismes de la réplication de l ARN viral chez les Flavivirus, nous avons étudié par cristallographie aux rayons X la protéine ARN polymérase dépendante de l ARN des virus dengue et West Nile. Un complexe avec un inhibiteur potentiel de l'activité polèmérase a été obtenu et constitue une perspective importante pour la recherche d'antiviraux. Une étude structurale d'un domaine protéique de fonction inconnue chez les virus, nommé domaine macro, a été effectué chez les Coronavirus et les Alphavirus. Nous avons mis en évidence la liaison des domaines macro de ces virus à l ADP-ribose, au poly-ADP-ribose et à l ARN. Bien que la fonction des domaines macro viraux reste mal connue, les résultats obtenus suggèrent d évaluer leur rôle au cours de la réponse cellulaire à l infectionAIX-MARSEILLE1-BU Sci.St Charles (130552104) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Mechanisms of RNA recruitment by the exosome

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    Exosome-like protein complexes are essential 3'-> 5' ribonucleases involved in processing and degradation of many RNAs. They are conserved in the three domains of life and share a common architecture comprised of a ring-like core structure organized around a central channel. RNA degradation by bacterial and archaeal exosome-like complexes requires threading through this single-stranded RNA specific channel to reach the phosphorolytic active sites buried deep within the barrel-shaped complex. In contrast most eukaryotic exosomes appear to have lost phosphorolytic activity and instead rely on hydrolytic RNases for catalytic activity raising the question of the degree of conservation of RNA recruitment mechanisms between prokaryotic and eukaryotic complexes. Recent single particle electron microscopy reconstructions of apo and RNA bound yeast exosomes provide the first direct structural evidence for a channeling mechanism by a eukaryotic exosome suggesting that this mechanism is conserved between all exosome-like complexes

    Mechanisms of RNA recruitment by the exosome

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    Structural Insights into Bunyavirus Replication and Its Regulation by the vRNA Promoter

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    International audienceSegmented negative-strand RNA virus (sNSV) polymerases transcribe and replicate the viral RNA (vRNA) within a ribonucleoprotein particle (RNP). We present cryo-EM and X-ray structures of, respectively, apo- and vRNA bound La Crosse orthobunyavirus (LACV) polymerase that give atomic-resolution insight into how such RNPs perform RNA synthesis. The complementary 3' and 5' vRNA extremities are sequence specifically bound in separate sites on the polymerase. The 5' end binds as a stem-loop, allosterically structuring functionally important polymerase active site loops. Identification of distinct template and product exit tunnels allows proposal of a detailed model for template-directed replication with minimal disruption to the circularised RNP. The similar overall architecture and vRNA binding of monomeric LACV to heterotrimeric influenza polymerase, despite high sequence divergence, suggests that all sNSV polymerases have a common evolutionary origin and mechanism of RNA synthesis. These results will aid development of replication inhibitors of diverse, serious human pathogenic viruses

    The mechanism of genome replication and transcription in bunyaviruses

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    Bunyaviruses are negative sense, single-strand RNA viruses that infect a wide range of vertebrate, invertebrate and plant hosts. WHO lists three bunyavirus diseases as priority diseases requiring urgent development of medical countermeasures highlighting their high epidemic potential. While the viral large (L) protein containing the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase is a key enzyme in the viral replication cycle and therefore a suitable drug target, our knowledge on the structure and activities of this multifunctional protein has, until recently, been very limited. However, in the last few years, facilitated by the technical advances in the field of cryogenic electron microscopy, many structures of bunyavirus L proteins have been solved. These structures significantly enhance our mechanistic understanding of bunyavirus genome replication and transcription processes and highlight differences and commonalities between the L proteins of different bunyavirus families. Here, we provide a review of our current understanding of genome replication and transcription in bunyaviruses with a focus on the viral L protein. Further, we compare within bunyaviruses and with the related influenza virus polymerase complex and highlight open questions

    Structural characterization of the oligomerization of full-length Hantaan virus polymerase into symmetric dimers and hexamers

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    Abstract Hantaan virus is a dangerous human pathogen whose segmented negative-stranded RNA genome is replicated and transcribed by a virally-encoded multi-functional polymerase. Here we describe the complete cryo-electron microscopy structure of Hantaan virus polymerase in several oligomeric forms. Apo polymerase protomers can adopt two drastically different conformations, which assemble into two distinct symmetric homodimers, that can themselves gather to form hexamers. Polymerase dimerization induces the stabilization of most polymerase domains, including the C-terminal domain that contributes the most to dimer’s interface, along with a lariat region that participates to the polymerase steadying. Binding to viral RNA induces significant conformational changes resulting in symmetric oligomer disruption and polymerase activation, suggesting the possible involvement of apo multimers as protecting systems that would stabilize the otherwise flexible C-terminal domains. Overall, these results provide insights into the multimerization capability of Hantavirus polymerase and may help to define antiviral compounds to counteract these life-threatening viruses

    Structures of active Hantaan virus polymerase uncover the mechanisms of Hantaviridae genome replication

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    International audienceHantaviruses are causing life-threatening zoonotic infections in humans. Their tripartite negative-stranded RNA genome is replicated by the multi-functional viral RNA-dependent RNA-polymerase. Here we describe the structure of the Hantaan virus polymerase core and establish conditions for in vitro replication activity. The apo structure adopts an inactive conformation that involves substantial folding rearrangement of polymerase motifs. Binding of the 5′ viral RNA promoter triggers Hantaan virus polymerase reorganization and activation. It induces the recruitment of the 3′ viral RNA towards the polymerase active site for prime-and-realign initiation. The elongation structure reveals the formation of a template/product duplex in the active site cavity concomitant with polymerase core widening and the opening of a 3′ viral RNA secondary binding site. Altogether, these elements reveal the molecular specificities of Hantaviridae polymerase structure and uncover the mechanisms underlying replication. They provide a solid framework for future development of antivirals against this group of emerging pathogens. 1234567890():,; 1234567890():,

    Pre-initiation and elongation structures of full-length La Crosse virus polymerase reveal functionally important conformational changes

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    International audienceBunyavirales is an order of segmented negative-strand RNA viruses comprising several life-threatening pathogens against which no effective treatment is currently available. Replication and transcription of the RNA genome constitute essential processes performed by the virally encoded multi-domain RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Here, we describe the complete high-resolution cryo-EM structure of La Crosse virus polymerase. It reveals the presence of key protruding C-terminal domains, notably the cap-binding domain, which undergoes large movements related to its role in transcription initiation, and a zinc-binding domain that displays a fold not previously observed. We capture the polymerase structure at pre-initiation and elongation states, uncovering the coordinated movement of the priming loop, mid-thumb ring linker and lid domain required for the establishment of a ten-base-pair template-product RNA duplex before strand separation into respective exit tunnels. These structural details and the observed dynamics of key functional elements will be instrumental for structure-based development of polymerase inhibitors

    The ability of aquatic macrophytes to increase root porosity and radial oxygen loss determines their resistance to sediment anoxia

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    International audienceRadial oxygen loss (ROL) has been suggested to be a major process to protect plants exposed to root anaerobic stress. In the present study, we aimed to test the importance of root porosity and radial oxygen loss on the aquatic macrophyte resistance to sediment anoxia. We expected that species living in eutrophic environments characterized by anaerobic conditions in sediments exhibited higher root porosity and radial oxygen loss than species restrained to oligotrophic environments. In this way, we compared the responses to sediment anoxia of two hydrophyte species growing under meso-eutrophic conditions in the field (Myriophyllum spicatum L. and Vallisneria spiralis L.) and three species growing under oligotrophic conditions (Potamogeton coloratus Horne, Elodea canadensis Michx and Sparganium emersum Michx.). Under laboratory conditions, ROL, root porosity, plant metabolism (aerobic respiration, photosynthesis, root fermentative activity) and plant growth were analysed after 3 months of acclimation in anaerobic sediments and compared with control values obtained from aerobic sediments. The results showed that two meso-eutrophic species (M. spicatum and V. spiralis) survived in anaerobic sediments and maintained similar photosynthesis rates than those measured under aerobic conditions. In contrast, the three oligotrophic species (P. coloratus, E. canadensis and S. emersum) suffered net biomass loss and depressed their photosynthesis rates under anaerobic conditions. All variables associated with plant tolerance to anaerobic conditions (maintenance of photosynthesis, aerobic respiration and growth rate, and limitation of root fermentative activity) were positively linked to root porosity and ROL. According to our hypothesis, species that could survive to anaerobic conditions were the species able to increase their root porosity and ROL under these conditions. Thus, in ecological studies, it would be useful to use the root porosity and ROL plasticity as biological traits in order to model the distribution of macrophytes in river floodplains