12 research outputs found

    Stavovi studentske populacije Sveučilišta u Splitu o azilantima kao simboličkoj i realnoj prijetnji u kontekstu društva rizika

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    The aim of this research was to analyze the attitudes of the student population at the University of Split towards asylum seekers as a multidimensional threat to the community in the context of risk society. We have approached the empirical data collection within a multidimensional theoretical framework. The first part of our subject interest is the theoretical direction of reflexive modernity and risk society proposed by Ulrich Beck, while the second part deals with the theoretical explanations regarding the perception of asylum seekers as a threat. In accordance with the research objective, a stratified sample of 286 Croatian students from the University of Split expressed their attitudes toward asylum seekers using a scale. Reliability of the used questionnaire was assessed by using test and retest method. Results indicate that students perceived asylum seekers as a statistically significantly more realistic than a symbolic threat. The respondents thus recognize one, equally important yet diffuse phenomenon showing interest among the respondents for the rational choice but also for respecting the individual’s subjectivity.Cilj ovog istraživanja bilo je analiziranje stavova studentske populacije Sveučilišta u Splitu prema tražiteljima azila kao višedimenzionalnoj prijetnji zajednici u kontekstu društva rizika. Pristupili smo empirijskom prikupljanju podataka unutar višedimenzionalnog teorijskog okvira. Prvi dio našeg interesa tema je teorijskog smjera refleksivne modernosti i društva rizika Ulricha Becka, dok se drugi bavi teorijskim objašnjenjima percepcije tražitelja azila kao prijetnje. U skladu s ciljem, na stratificiranom uzorku od 286 studenata Sveučilišta u Splitu, rezultati ukazuju na odgovarajuću pouzdanost opaženu putem korelacije ispitivanja i ponovnog testiranja (r = 0,87; p <0,001), kao i konstruktnu valjanost utvrđenu faktorskom analizom s varimax row rotacijom (Expl Var = 71 %). Nadalje, ANOVA je otkrila da su studenti azilante statistički značajno više shvaćali kao stvarnu nego simboličku prijetnju. Sudionici tako prepoznaju jedan, ne manje važan, ali difuzni fenomen koji među njima pokazuje interes za racionalan izbor, ali i za uvažavanje subjektivnosti subjekta o kojem se raspravlja i rješava svaki pokušaj migracijskih pojava i s tim povezanim problemima. Buduća istraživanja trebaju se usredotočiti na ovu promjenu pristupa prema azilantima, što će omogućiti da se problem istraži i iz pozicije tražitelja azila, što je potrebno želimo li o sebi i drugima donijeti stručne i valjane zaključke

    A Qualitative‑Narrative Study of Children’s Religiosity in the Context of Five Dimensions of Religiosity

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    Istraživanje duhovnosti i religioznosti kod djece je podzastupljeno u istraživanjima u kontekstu rasta i razvoja a posebno su rijetka, ili ih uopće nema, kvalitativna istraživanja. Cilj ovog istraživanja je poimanje religioznosti kod djece u okviru pet temeljnih dimenzija religioznosti i to ideološkoj, iskustvenoj, intelektualnoj, posljedičnoj i ritualističkoj. Pomoću višedimenzionalne konceptualizacije religioznosti provedeno je kvalitativno narativno istraživanje povezanosti svakodnevnice i religioznosti na dvanaest učenika u dobi od 13 do 14 godina. Izvještaji djece u intervjuima pokazujukako zamišljaju Boga kao osobu koja je iznad njihove razine postojanja, a istodobno sličan i jednak njima. Ne razlučuju nadnaravno i naravno već podrazumijevaju kao uobičajeno iskustvo što je u skladu s razinom kognitivnog razvoja. Savjest poistovjećuju s Božjim unutarnjim glasom dok neposredni mir i traganje u tišini povezuju sa spoznajom Boga. Te dvije dimenzije povezane su s odnosom i prihvaćanjem drugoga dok općenito religioznost poistovjećuju s psihološkom dimenzijom pripadanja. Buduća istraživanja trebaju se koristiti miješanom metodologijom, tj. upitnicima, dubinskim intervjuem i diskusijom grupe.Study of spirituality and religiosity among children is underrepresented in research in the context of growth and development, especially when it comes to qualitative studies. The aim of this study is the understanding of religiosity among children within the frame of five fundamental dimensions of religiosity – ideological, experiential, intellectual, consequential, and ritualistic. By using the multidimensional conceptualisation of religiosity, the authors carried out qualitative‑narrative study of the relation between everydayness and religiosity among twelve pupils of the age of 13 and 14. Reports of children in interviews show that they envision God as a person who is above their level of existence, but who is at the same time similar to or same as them. They do not differentiate between supernatural and natural, but instead presuppose as ordinary experience, which is in accordance with the level of cognitive development. They identify conscience with God’s inner voice and they relate peace and searching in silence with knowledge of God. These two dimensions are related to one’s attitude towards and acceptance of the other, while they generally identify religiosity with the psychological dimension of belonging. Future studies should utilise mixed methodology, i.e., questionnaires, deep interviews, and discussion groups

    Development and Perspectives of Civil Society: Case study of Oksid Association

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    Civilno društvo u suvremenoj društvenoj teoriji sve više dobiva na pažnji. S obzirom da je nužno i višestruko isprepleteno i preklopljeno s fenomenom i konceptom demokracije, u današnjici ga se često navodi kao „lijek“ za sve njene „poremećaje“ izazvane neoliberalnim kapitalističkim okolnostima. Sve manje mogućnosti ali i sposobnosti nacionalnih država i javnih institucija u kreiranju javnih politika i sustava, otvorile su golemi prostor za djelovanje civilnih organizacija i udruživanja građana oko zajedničkih „stvari“. Pritom je ključna perspektiva djelovanja u zajednici i za zajednicu. U ovom se radu navode i analiziraju dosezi, ostvarenja, potencijali, prepreke, slabosti i izazovi civilnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj s posebnim naglaskom na civilni sektor u kulturi Grada Šibenika koji tvori svojevrsni empirijski okvir istraživanja. „Krvna slika“ stanja u civilnom i kulturnom sektoru obogaćena je deskriptivnim, kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim istraživačkim materijalima nastalim kao rezultat anketnog istraživanja o stanju u kulturi Grada Šibenika te analize slučaja Udruge za promicanje kulture i umjetnosti Oksid iz istočnog šibenskog predgrađa, Ražina.Civil society in contemporary social theory is increasingly gaining attention. Given that it is necessarily intertwined and overlapped with the phenomenon and concept of democracy, it is nowadays often considered as a "cure" for all its "disorders" caused by neoliberal capitalist circumstances. Diminished capabilities of nation-states and public institutions in the creation of public policies and systems have opened up a vast space for civil organizations and citizens to work together on common "things". In that sense the perspective of community and community action is the crucial one. This paper outlines and analyzes the achievements, potentials, obstacles, weaknesses and challenges of the civil sector in the Republic of Croatia, with particular emphasis on the civil sector in the culture of the Šibenik, which forms a kind of empirical research framework. The "blood count" of the civil and cultural sector is enriched with descriptive, quantitative and qualitative research materials formed as a result of survey on the state of culture sector of the Šibenik and a case study of the Association for the promotion of culture and art Oksid, located at the eastern Šibenik suburb Ražine

    Religious Distance of the Students of the University of Split towards Islam/Muslims

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja bio je fenomen socijalne (religijske) distance prema islamu odnosno muslimanima. Kroz rad su prikazane osnovne značajke religije, religioznosti i socijalne distance. Također, prikazan je razvoj sociologije religije i pojedinih teorijskih pristupa unutar iste te je analiziran sociokulturni i politički kontekst istraživanja. Anketnim upitnikom ispitivane su tri skupine varijabli: (1) sociostrukturna obilježja ispitanika (sociodemografska i socioekonomska obilježja, konfesionalna i religijska identifikacija), (2) politička i vrijednosna orijentacija ispitanika i (3) socijalna distanca prema muslimanima i islamu. Cilj istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u religijsku distancu studenata Sveučilišta u Splitu prema muslimanima/islamu te, statistčkom obradom podataka i korištenjem testova (hi-kvadrat), ispitati utjecaj prve dvije skupine varijabli na treću.The subject of this study was the phenomenon of social (religious) distance towards Islam and Muslims. Through the work, I tried to present the basic features of religion, religiosity and social distance as well as superficial overview of the development of sociology of religion and certain theoretical approaches within the same. Likewise, work analyzes the socio-cultural and political context of research. The questionnaire examined three groups of variables: (1) socio-structural characteristics of the respondents (socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics, confessional and religious identification), (2) political and value orientation of respondents, and (3) social distance towards Muslims and Islam. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the religious distance of students at the University of Split against Muslims/Islam and to examine the impact of the first two groups of variables to third one

    Religious Distance of the Students of the University of Split towards Islam/Muslims

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja bio je fenomen socijalne (religijske) distance prema islamu odnosno muslimanima. Kroz rad su prikazane osnovne značajke religije, religioznosti i socijalne distance. Također, prikazan je razvoj sociologije religije i pojedinih teorijskih pristupa unutar iste te je analiziran sociokulturni i politički kontekst istraživanja. Anketnim upitnikom ispitivane su tri skupine varijabli: (1) sociostrukturna obilježja ispitanika (sociodemografska i socioekonomska obilježja, konfesionalna i religijska identifikacija), (2) politička i vrijednosna orijentacija ispitanika i (3) socijalna distanca prema muslimanima i islamu. Cilj istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u religijsku distancu studenata Sveučilišta u Splitu prema muslimanima/islamu te, statistčkom obradom podataka i korištenjem testova (hi-kvadrat), ispitati utjecaj prve dvije skupine varijabli na treću.The subject of this study was the phenomenon of social (religious) distance towards Islam and Muslims. Through the work, I tried to present the basic features of religion, religiosity and social distance as well as superficial overview of the development of sociology of religion and certain theoretical approaches within the same. Likewise, work analyzes the socio-cultural and political context of research. The questionnaire examined three groups of variables: (1) socio-structural characteristics of the respondents (socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics, confessional and religious identification), (2) political and value orientation of respondents, and (3) social distance towards Muslims and Islam. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the religious distance of students at the University of Split against Muslims/Islam and to examine the impact of the first two groups of variables to third one

    Development and Perspectives of Civil Society: Case study of Oksid Association

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    Civilno društvo u suvremenoj društvenoj teoriji sve više dobiva na pažnji. S obzirom da je nužno i višestruko isprepleteno i preklopljeno s fenomenom i konceptom demokracije, u današnjici ga se često navodi kao „lijek“ za sve njene „poremećaje“ izazvane neoliberalnim kapitalističkim okolnostima. Sve manje mogućnosti ali i sposobnosti nacionalnih država i javnih institucija u kreiranju javnih politika i sustava, otvorile su golemi prostor za djelovanje civilnih organizacija i udruživanja građana oko zajedničkih „stvari“. Pritom je ključna perspektiva djelovanja u zajednici i za zajednicu. U ovom se radu navode i analiziraju dosezi, ostvarenja, potencijali, prepreke, slabosti i izazovi civilnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj s posebnim naglaskom na civilni sektor u kulturi Grada Šibenika koji tvori svojevrsni empirijski okvir istraživanja. „Krvna slika“ stanja u civilnom i kulturnom sektoru obogaćena je deskriptivnim, kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim istraživačkim materijalima nastalim kao rezultat anketnog istraživanja o stanju u kulturi Grada Šibenika te analize slučaja Udruge za promicanje kulture i umjetnosti Oksid iz istočnog šibenskog predgrađa, Ražina.Civil society in contemporary social theory is increasingly gaining attention. Given that it is necessarily intertwined and overlapped with the phenomenon and concept of democracy, it is nowadays often considered as a "cure" for all its "disorders" caused by neoliberal capitalist circumstances. Diminished capabilities of nation-states and public institutions in the creation of public policies and systems have opened up a vast space for civil organizations and citizens to work together on common "things". In that sense the perspective of community and community action is the crucial one. This paper outlines and analyzes the achievements, potentials, obstacles, weaknesses and challenges of the civil sector in the Republic of Croatia, with particular emphasis on the civil sector in the culture of the Šibenik, which forms a kind of empirical research framework. The "blood count" of the civil and cultural sector is enriched with descriptive, quantitative and qualitative research materials formed as a result of survey on the state of culture sector of the Šibenik and a case study of the Association for the promotion of culture and art Oksid, located at the eastern Šibenik suburb Ražine

    Religious Distance of the Students of the University of Split towards Islam/Muslims

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    Predmet ovog istraživanja bio je fenomen socijalne (religijske) distance prema islamu odnosno muslimanima. Kroz rad su prikazane osnovne značajke religije, religioznosti i socijalne distance. Također, prikazan je razvoj sociologije religije i pojedinih teorijskih pristupa unutar iste te je analiziran sociokulturni i politički kontekst istraživanja. Anketnim upitnikom ispitivane su tri skupine varijabli: (1) sociostrukturna obilježja ispitanika (sociodemografska i socioekonomska obilježja, konfesionalna i religijska identifikacija), (2) politička i vrijednosna orijentacija ispitanika i (3) socijalna distanca prema muslimanima i islamu. Cilj istraživanja bio je dobiti uvid u religijsku distancu studenata Sveučilišta u Splitu prema muslimanima/islamu te, statistčkom obradom podataka i korištenjem testova (hi-kvadrat), ispitati utjecaj prve dvije skupine varijabli na treću.The subject of this study was the phenomenon of social (religious) distance towards Islam and Muslims. Through the work, I tried to present the basic features of religion, religiosity and social distance as well as superficial overview of the development of sociology of religion and certain theoretical approaches within the same. Likewise, work analyzes the socio-cultural and political context of research. The questionnaire examined three groups of variables: (1) socio-structural characteristics of the respondents (socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics, confessional and religious identification), (2) political and value orientation of respondents, and (3) social distance towards Muslims and Islam. The aim of this study was to gain insight into the religious distance of students at the University of Split against Muslims/Islam and to examine the impact of the first two groups of variables to third one

    Impact of Religious Self-Identification and Church Attendance on Social Distance toward Muslims

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    In the context of our work, we want to point out how religion has multiple social functions and as such, under certain circumstances, can serve as a fertile soil for distance and closeness. The aim of this study was to explore the impact of religious self-identification and church attendance on social distance toward Muslims. We applied a questionnaire to students of the University of Split, the city which is geographically in vicinity of the complex of ethnic and religious context of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The results showed that religious self-identification and church attendance significantly influence the level of social distance toward Muslims. Believers showed a significantly higher level of social distance, in comparison to respondents who belong but not believe, and others. Respondents who attend church daily or once a week have also a higher level of social distance in comparison to respondents who attend church monthly or rarely and those who never attend church. We have tried to explain the reasons for such research findings, relying on various national, cultural, religious and psychological factors that have been present in the last twenty years after the war in this region

    Development and Perspectives of Civil Society: Case study of Oksid Association

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    Civilno društvo u suvremenoj društvenoj teoriji sve više dobiva na pažnji. S obzirom da je nužno i višestruko isprepleteno i preklopljeno s fenomenom i konceptom demokracije, u današnjici ga se često navodi kao „lijek“ za sve njene „poremećaje“ izazvane neoliberalnim kapitalističkim okolnostima. Sve manje mogućnosti ali i sposobnosti nacionalnih država i javnih institucija u kreiranju javnih politika i sustava, otvorile su golemi prostor za djelovanje civilnih organizacija i udruživanja građana oko zajedničkih „stvari“. Pritom je ključna perspektiva djelovanja u zajednici i za zajednicu. U ovom se radu navode i analiziraju dosezi, ostvarenja, potencijali, prepreke, slabosti i izazovi civilnog sektora u Republici Hrvatskoj s posebnim naglaskom na civilni sektor u kulturi Grada Šibenika koji tvori svojevrsni empirijski okvir istraživanja. „Krvna slika“ stanja u civilnom i kulturnom sektoru obogaćena je deskriptivnim, kvantitativnim i kvalitativnim istraživačkim materijalima nastalim kao rezultat anketnog istraživanja o stanju u kulturi Grada Šibenika te analize slučaja Udruge za promicanje kulture i umjetnosti Oksid iz istočnog šibenskog predgrađa, Ražina.Civil society in contemporary social theory is increasingly gaining attention. Given that it is necessarily intertwined and overlapped with the phenomenon and concept of democracy, it is nowadays often considered as a "cure" for all its "disorders" caused by neoliberal capitalist circumstances. Diminished capabilities of nation-states and public institutions in the creation of public policies and systems have opened up a vast space for civil organizations and citizens to work together on common "things". In that sense the perspective of community and community action is the crucial one. This paper outlines and analyzes the achievements, potentials, obstacles, weaknesses and challenges of the civil sector in the Republic of Croatia, with particular emphasis on the civil sector in the culture of the Šibenik, which forms a kind of empirical research framework. The "blood count" of the civil and cultural sector is enriched with descriptive, quantitative and qualitative research materials formed as a result of survey on the state of culture sector of the Šibenik and a case study of the Association for the promotion of culture and art Oksid, located at the eastern Šibenik suburb Ražine

    System for detection and tracking of players in sports

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    U radu je opisana osnovna problematika u izradi sustava za praćenje sportaša u sportu. Opisano je nekoliko načina segmentacije slike koji se koriste u ovakvim sustavima kao što je oduzimanje pozadine, projekcija histograma, ekstrakcija pomoću vršne vrijednosti, stroj s potpornim vektorima, Cannyjev detektor ruba, Hughova linijska transformacija, a za praćenje igrača je opisan Kalmanov i čestični filtar. U radu je opisano nekoliko sličnih istraživanja, te je uz pomoć biblioteke OpenCV implementiran jednostavan sustav praćenja nogometaša na video snimci. Opisan je način korištenja i način rada programskog rješenja, te je provedeno mjerenje uspješnosti, a time i otkrivene slabosti sustava.This master thesis offers a description of basic problems regarding building systems for tracking sport players. Descriptions of image segmentation methods such as background subtraction, histogram backprojection, peak value extraction, Canny edge detector, Hugh line transformation and support vector machine are given. Popular methods for tracking players such as Kalman and particle filter are described in the thesis. A simple football players tracking system has been implemented by using OpenCV library. Implementation details are given as well as the instructions for using the system. The implementation has been tested on a video and results have been commented