181 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Performance between TFRC and UDP over a Mobile IP Network

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    In this project we will study three performance metrics (packet loss, packet delay and jitter) of two different transport layer protocols over a Mobile IP Network. The researcher will be implementing TFRC and UDP in the Mobile IP Network, to identify which protocols could support mobility. Network Simulation NS-2 was proposed for implementing previous items and to present and interpret the results

    Moderating effect of gender and age on the relationship between emotional intelligence with social and academic adjustment among first year university students

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    This study examined whether emotional intelligence is significantly correlated with social adjustment and academic adjustment. It also explored the moderating effects of gender and age factors and their linked between emotional intelligence and social adjustment as well as academic adjustment among first year university students. 289 first year university students (148 males and 141 females) at the Irbid Govern Orate, North of Jordan, participate in the study and were categorized based on two age groups, younger students between the age of 18 – 25 and older students between the range of 26 and above. Two valid and reliable instruments were used to assess student’s emotional intelligence, social adjustment and academic adjustment. Correlation and multi-group analysis using structural equation model were used to analyse these data. The result shows no significant relationship between emotional intelligence and of both social adjustment and academic adjustment. In addition, the moderating effect of gender was not found. However, the moderating effect of age on the relationship between emotional intelligence with social adjustment and academic adjustment were established

    Allelic frequency of PON1 Q192R, CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*17 among Jordanian patients taking clopidogrel

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    Purpose: To investigate the influence of allelic frequencies of PON1 Q192R, CYP2C19*2 and CYP2C19*17 genetic polymorphisms on the response to clopidogrel among Jordanian patients.Methods: Polymorphisms in CYP2C19 were assessed among 148 patients using PCR-RFLP assay.Results: The CYP2C19*2, CYP2C19*17, and PON1 Q192R allele frequencies were 9.8, 28.72 and 28.7 %, respectively. On the genotyping side, the frequencies of CYP2C19*1/1* and CYP2C19*1/2* were 80.4 and 19.6 %, respectively, but none of the patients had CYP2C19*2/2* genotype. The genotype frequencies CYP2C19*17 were 47.97, 46.62 and 5.41 % for wild-type C-C, heterozygote C-T, and the mutant T-T, respectively. PON1 genotype was 42.7 % for QQ, and 57.8 % for QR. None of the patients had RR genotype.Conclusion: Relative to other populations, the observed allelic frequencies are consistent with the values reported for Caucasian and Middle Eastern populations.Keywords: CYP2C9 polymorphisms, Clopidogrel, Genotype, Allele frequency, PON1 gene

    Ta'lîkâtu Ahmet Hilmi el-Koğî 'alâ Elfiyeti İbn Mâlik adlı eserin tahkîk ve tahlîli

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    Şüphesiz tarih boyunca birçok alim İslami ilimler alanında çalışmalar yapmıştır. Bu alanla ilgili yapılan çalışmaların bir sonucu olarak ortaya çok geniş bir külliyat ve literatür çıkmıştır. Yapılan bu çalışmaların hemen hemen tümünün Arapça olması bu dile ayrı bir önem verilmesini gerektirmiştir. Bu gelişmelerin neticesinde dil alanında da birçok çalışma yapılmış ve ortaya birçok eser çıkmıştır. Onlar yaptıkları çalışmalar ve ortaya koydukları eserlerle bu ilimde aşırı gidenlerin dini tahrifini, batıl ehlinin fitnelerini ve cahillerin yanlış yorumlarını engellemişlerdir. Dil alanında çalışmalar yapıp eser veren alimlerden biri de Molla Ahmet Hilmî Koği'dîr. O, İbn Mâlik'in Elfiyye adlı eserine bir ta'lîk yazmış, bu ta'lîkte açıklanması gerektiğini düşündüğü yerleri açıklamış ve bu açıklamalarına Kur'an ayetlerini ve dil bilimcilerin sözlerini delil olarak getirmiştir. Biz de bu çalışmamızda Molla Ahmet Hilmi Koğî'ye ait olan bu değerli el yazması eseri ele aldık. Bu eser sarf ve nahiv alanında yazılmış ancak basımı yapılmamıştır. Koği'nin bu çalışması İbn Mâlik'in Elfiyye adlı eseri için yapılmış en önemli çalışmalardan biri olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada giriş bölümünde İbn-i Mâlik ve eserleri ele alınmıştır. Daha sonra Ahmet Hilmi el-Koği'nin hayatı yazılmıştır. Son olarak ise bu ta'lîkte geçen bütün ayet, hadis, şiir ve meselelerin kaynaklarını belirttikten sonra tahkik ve tahlil yapılmıştır. Yine şerhte ismi geçen veya sözlerinden delil getirdiği kişilerin hayatları kısaca verilmiş ve ilgili kaynakları belirtilmiştir. Bununla birlikte bazı yerlerde Elfiyye üzerine yazılmış diğer şerhlerden de alıntılar yapılmıştır.Undoubtedly, many scholars have done researches in the field of Islamic sciences throughout history. As a result of the researches in thu field, a wide range of corpus and literature has emerged. The fact that almost all of these studres ara in Arabic reguired aspecial attention to this language. As a result of these developments many studies have been conducted in the field of language and many works have emerged. With their studies and works, they prevented the religious falsification of those who went too far in this science, the mischief of the superstitious and the wiong interpretation of the ignorant people. One of the scholars who studied and produced works in the tield of language is calligrapher Molla Ahmed Hilmi el-Koği. He wrote a commentary, on İbni Malik's Elfiye, explained the places that he thought should be explained in this commentary, and brought the Quranic verses and linguist's words as evidence to these explanations.In this study, we have discussed this valuable manuscript work of Molla Ahmed Hilmi el-Koği. This work was written in the field of sarf and Nahiv but not published and it has been regarded as one of the most important commentaries written forIbn Malik's work Elfiye. This work is also aValvable work and hasbeen accepted by thev scientific community. I discussed İbn Malik and his works in the İntroduction part of this work, Then I wrote the life of Ahmed Hilmi el-Koği.Finally, after pointing out the sources of all the verses, hadiths, poems and issues mentioned in this commentary I made examinations and analysis when necessary. I also briefly included the lives of the people whom he mentioned in the commentary and brought evidence from their words and Iexplained the relevant sources. However, in some places I also guoted other commentaries an Elfiye

    Design of heterogeneous bifunctional catalyst for upgrading bioethanol through the Guerbet reaction

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    Catalytic conversion of ethanol through the Guerbet reaction to higher carbon number molecules allows efficient transformation of biomass to liquid fuels and commodity chemicals. A selective and stable heterogeneous catalyst is required to render this conversion possible in an economic way. The reaction was found to proceed through two parallel mechanisms on basic magnesia where acetaldehyde, formed from ethanol dehydrogenation, can either couple with itself or with adsorbed ethoxide to form new carbon-carbon bonds and the ethanol to acetaldehyde pressure ratio was found to determine which of these two mechanisms predominates. Amphoteric titania, and acidic alumina were found to have very low ethanol dehydrogenation activity and can only catalyze the Guerbet reaction through the acetaldehyde self-coupling mechanism. Strong acidic sites were found to catalyze alcohol dehydration while strong basic sites were found to catalyze esterification and show poor stability under humid conditions. Mild acid-base sites on titania were found to selectively catalyze acetaldehyde aldol condensation and exhibit high stability under humid conditions. To overcome the low dehydrogenation activity of titania, addition of a metallic function was proposed. Among several metals tested, copper was found to be the most selective catalyst for dehydrogenation either as unsupported powder or supported nanoparticles. A synergetic effect was obtained from deposition of the copper nanoparticles on the titania surface since it was found to facilitate product desorption, a step that was found to be the rate limiting for acetaldehyde aldolization. Supported copper nanoparticles were found to catalyze the undesired alcohol esterification reaction. To suppress this side reaction, alloying copper with gold and promotion with chromium and potassium were found to be beneficial. A hybrid sequential-simultaneous reaction configuration was proposed to allow preliminary alcohol selective dehydrogenation on a monofunctional catalyst followed by simultaneous dehydrogenation, aldolization, and product hydrogenation on a bifunctional catalyst


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    Purpose of the study: The current study examines the level of self-perception (realism, idealism, and duty) among Yarmouk University students. It also identifies the level of their self-discrepancy and its relation to future anxiety and explores the differences regarding the level of these self-discrepancies and the future anxiety according to the variables of specialization, the level of the study, and GPA. The study argues that while there is a significant statistical negative relationship between the level of future anxiety and the actual self among university students there is no significant statistical correlation between the level of future anxiety and the ideal self and the ought self. Methodology: The study was conducted on a sample of (200) university students of the Faculty of Education at Yarmouk University. Higgins’ (1987) scale which consists of (30) paragraphs and the scale of future anxiety which consists of (27) paragraphs were applied to the study sample using the descriptive correlational approach. Main Findings: There were no significant statistical differences regarding the level of self-discrepancy (real/ideal) and (real/due) due to the variables of specialization, the level of study, and the GPA. Also, there were no significant differences regarding the level of future anxiety among Yarmouk University students according to the variables of specialization, the level of study, and the GPA. Yet, there was a statistically significant negative relationship between the level of future anxiety and the actual self. Applications of this study: Universities across the globe, such as Yarmouk University and the University of Jordan, may find it significant to know that university students have a moderate level of self-perception and do not have a correspondence between the characteristics of the self in its three dimensions. Thus, such universities may need to think of establishing certain training and counseling programs that aim at developing the students' perception of themselves and their understanding of the self. Novelty/Originality of this study: Considering that a few Arabic studies address future anxiety among university students who will graduate and impact their local communities, the paper points at the need for establishing certain counseling courses that help university students better understand themselves and decide their needs accordingly. &nbsp

    Anticancer activity and phytochemical composition of wild Gundelia tournefortii

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    Artichoke‑like wild thistles are often used in Palestinian cuisine. One of the most commercially recognized species of these wild edible thistles is Gundelia tournefortii, a common plant in the Mediterranean region. G. tournefortii, or ‘Akoob’ in Arabic, remains uncultivated, harvested wild by local populations and considered highly valuable due to its reputed health benefits. The present study aimed to investigate the anticancer effects of G. tournefortii on the human colon carcinoma HCT‑116 cell line. Methanol and hexane extracts were identified to exert considerable antitumor activity against the HCT‑116 cancer cell line, while the aqueous extract was inactive. The phytochemical profiles of the methanol and hexane extracts were investigated using gas chromatography‑mass spectrometry. A total of 6 of the 27 natural compounds identified, including sitosterol, stigmasterol, lupeol, gitoxigenin, α‑amyrin and artemisinin, have been previously validated as being active against cancerous cells. Therefore, the presence of these phytochemicals in G. tournefortii is of importance in its role in preventing and treating cancer. according to different localities. In Palestinian traditional medicine and ethno‑botany, this plant is believed to possess nutritive and curing benefits for diabetes, epilepsy, stomach and intestinal diseases (3,4). According to the literature, it has been validated to exert antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antibacterial effects (1,5). A previous study (2) conducted among Palestinians eating Akoob on a regular basis revealed a consensus belief of its capability to prevent and cure cancer. However, an intensive search of PubMed (using the terms gundelia tournefortii and cancer; on 12th September 2016) indicates that there is no single study on the effects of G. tournefortii extracts against cancer. The present study aimed to investigate the anticancer effects of G. tournefortii on the human colon cancer HCT‑116 cell line. Gas chromatography‑mass spectrometry (GC‑MS) was utilized to explore the potential phytochemicals responsible for the anticancer activity. A total of 27 constituents were identified in G. tournefortii, of which 6 phytochemicals, including sitosterol, stigmasterol, lupeol, gitoxigenin, α‑amyrin and artemisinin have been demonstrated to exhibit anticancer activities. To the best of our knowledge, the present study was the first to investigate the potential benefits of consuming wild edible G. tournefortii for cancer, and to analyze the phytochemical contents known for their anticancer effects.The present study was supported by unrestricted grants from Al‑Qasemi Research Foundation (Baqa‑El‑Gharbia, Israel; grant no. 898002) and Ministry of Science, Technology and Space, Israel

    The Moderating Role of Tolerance Ambiguity in the Stressors-Strain Relationship: An Empirical Study among University Lecturers in Saudi Arabia

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    Several studies reveal that the workplace is a critical source of stress. Researchers who analyze the relationship between stressors and strain in the context of the workplace have called for the need to examine moderator variables impact on the above relationship. The present study analyzed the relationship between role overload, role conflict, role ambiguity, and strain as well as to study the impact of tolerance ambiguity as a moderator in the relationship between job demands and strain. The structural equation modeling approach was adopted by the study. The sample study comprised of 217 lecturers from the University of Dammam, Saudi Arabia and the results show that the tolerance ambiguity significantly moderates the relationship between stress roles namely role conflict but not role overload and role ambiguity with strain. The results also confirmed the direct impact of role overload on strain but not that of role conflict and role ambiguity. The findings, with regards to theory, research and practice and their implications, were also discussed. Keywords: tolerance ambiguity, stress-strain, academics life, moderatin

    Stress Investigation of Aluminium Alloy and Composite Material for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Application via Simulation Analysis

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    Composite material offers excellent properties such as lightweight, high strength to weight ratios, and excellent corrosion resistance. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia successfully developed a Cargo Drone (C-Drone) using aluminium alloy as its structure. The future enhancement is looking at the potential of composite material for C-Drone application. Therefore, this research aims to study the stress properties of aluminium alloy and glass fibre composite for C-Drone application via simulation analysis. The scope of this study focuses on the landing gear part of the C-Drone. The drawing of C-Drone was analysed through SolidWorks software to obtain the result of the material reacting to stress, strain, and displacement. The result shows that glass fibre with brittle properties can withstand a high amount of stress, acceptable strain rate, acceptable deformation and reduced weight up to 10% compared to aluminium alloy. This research proves that composite material such as glass fibre reinforced plastic can become an alternative to the current aluminium alloy 6061-T6