32 research outputs found

    "Pengaruh Model Contextual Teaching and Learning ( CTL ) Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA di Kelas V Tema 8 di SD Negeri 37/II Pasar Lubuk Landai Kabupaten Bungo"

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    This research is motivated by the learning outcomes of students in science learning, there are still many who have not reached the KKM, this is because the users of the learning model applied by the teacher are still not optimal and the learning model used is not varied so that students feel bored and passive in class. This study aims to determine the effect of the Contectual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Model on Science Learning Outcomes in Class V at SD NEGERI 37/II Pasar Lubuk Landai, Bungo Regency. This type of research is Pre Experiment Design research. With a quantitative approach and the form of design using a Quasi-Experimental Non-Equivalent Group Pre-test Post-test Design method. The subjects of this study were fifth grade students of SD Negeri 37/II Pasar Lubuk Landai. The sampling of this research used the probanility Sampling technique, which consisted of 18 students. The data collection technique was done by using test and non-test techniques. The data collection tool is in the form of multiple choice questions, totaling 20 items for pre-test and post-test through validation test. And reability test. Data were analyzed using the Normality Test and Hypothesis Testing/t-test processed using SPSS 22. The results of the calculation of the hypothesis test si

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Model Sentra

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki perangkat pembelajaran yang ada di TK khsususnya TK Islam Terpadu Yadiaksa dengan model pembelajaran berbasis sentra.  Jenis penelitiannya adalah penelitian pengembangan yaitu menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D yang terdiri dari tahap pendefinisian, perancangan, pengembangan, dan penyebaran. Tahap pendefinisian meliputi analisis kurikulum, analisis karakteristik anak, dan analisis materi. Tahap perancangan dilakukan perancangan terhadap perangkat pembelajaran yaitu Program Semester, RPPM, RPPH, lembar kerja anak dan penilaian, dan tahap pengembangan dilakukan uji validitas, uji praktikalitas, dan uji efektivitas. Hasil penilaian validasi perangkat pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh tiga orang ahli mempunyai skor validasi isi, skor validasi bahasa, dan skor validasi konstruk. Hasil penilaian praktikalitas perangkat pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru kelas, Hasil efektifitas perangkat pembelajaran dilihat dari penilaian enam aspek perkembangan anak. Penelitian ini menghasilkan Perangkat Pembelajaran berbasis model sentra yang valid praktis dan evektif. Hasil penilaian praktikalitas perangkat pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh guru kelas mempunyai skor 91,25% dengan kategori sangat praktis. Dari data tersebut dapat diketahui anak yang berkembang adalah 21 orang yaitu 87,5% dari keseluruhan anak, hal ini menujukkan bahwa ketuntasan enam aspek perkembangan anak melebihi 75%  anak berada pada tahap berkembang sesuai harapan (BSH) dan berkembang sangat baik (BSB)

    Pengembangan Modul IPA Berbasis Model Research Based Learning Untuk Mengembangkan Keterampilan Four Cs Pada Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan Di Sekolah Dasar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangakan pengembangan ini menghasilkan produk dalam bidang pendidikan yaitu pengembangan Modul IPA Berbasis Model Research Based Learning Untuk Mengembangkan Ketermpilan Four Cs. Tema Indahnya Kebersamaan Di Sekolah Dasar di kelas IV. Meningkatkan semangat, fokus dan minat peserta didik dalam proses pembelajaran adalah bagian dari tujuan tersebut. Hasil penelitian menghasilkan bahan ajar modul IPA berbasis RBL untuk mengembangkan Four Cs. Jenis penelitian dan pengembangan ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Research and Deveploment (R&D) yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan suatu produk baru dari hasil pengembangan. Metode pengembangan ini menggunakan metode Penelitian model 4D( Four D) yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu tahap Pendefenisian (Difine), Perancangan (Design,) Pengembangan (Develop), dan Penyebaran (Disseminate). Berdasarkan hasil validasi oleh validator di peroleh persentase sebanyak 85,%, hasil praktikalitas oleh praktisi pendidik dan peserta didik diperoleh presentase sebanyak 96% dan hasil efektifitas diperoleh presentase sebanyak 91%. Modul IPA yang dikembangkan mengahasilkan kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif. Modul IPA layak untuk digunakan di dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa semangat, fokus, dan minat peserta didik dapat meningkat dan dapat mempengaruhi hasil belajar yang efektif. Pengembangan Modul IPA RB

    The Influence of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Perceptual Behavioral Control, Self-Efficacy and Outcomes Expectation on Intentions of Accounting Students to Take CPA Certification

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    This study aims to investigate why and how the attitude, subjective norms, perceptual behavior control, outcome expectations and also self-efficacy have an impact and affect the student's intention to take CPA certification. The population in this study were undergraduate students (S-1) at Andalas University for the 2019-2022 period. The sample in this study used stratified random sampling, with a total sample of 120 people. Collecting data in this study using the questionnaire method. The results of this study indicate that attitude and subjective norms have a positive and significant effect on intention, while the variables perceptual behavioral control, self-efficacy, and outcome expectation have a negative effect on intention. However, this research is strengthened by the next hypothesis which results that outcome expectation has a positive and significant effect on intention and self-efficacy has a positive effect on perceptual behavioral control

    Children's Language According to Phonological and Morphological Aspects in Vocal Learning at PAUD Al-Karimah

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    This research is important to determine children's language acquisition and development according to studies of phonology and morphology in Indonesian language learning. The method used in this research is qualitative method with a case study approach. Through this qualitative method, the phonetic system of Edwin Omar Malik Erdogan (2.6 years) and Edward Nazhan Naik Erdogan (4 years), who are students at PAUD Al-Karimah, will be described. These two subjects were used as research samples from ten students to make the findings more accurate regarding learning outcomes and descriptive evidence of early childhood language acquisition at PAUD Al-Karimah. The result of this study was the Acquisition of phonology in their daily lives. Edwin and Edward obtained five vowel sounds Indonesians produced. The vowel sound consists of [a], [i], [u], [e], [o]. So it can be concluded that Edwin and Edward have mastered all vowel sounds, and there are consonant sounds, as many as 19 consonants Indonesian produced by Edwin and Edward. The consonant sounds consist of [b], [c], [d], [g], [h], [j], [l], [m], [n], [p], [s], [t], [w], [y], [G], [S], [áą­], [?]. The consonant sounds that are not pronounced are [k], [f], [q], [r], [v], [x], [z]

    Persistence of Virus-Reactive Serum Immunoglobulin M Antibody in Confirmed West Nile Virus Encephalitis Cases

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    Twenty-nine laboratory-confirmed West Nile virus (WNV) encephalitis patients were bled serially so that WNV-reactive immunoglobulin (Ig) M activity could be determined. Of those patients bled, 7 (60%) of 12 had anti-WNV IgM at approximately 500 days after onset. Clinicians should be cautious when interpreting serologic results from early season WNV IgM-positive patients

    Tindak Pidana terhadap Hak Asasi Manusia

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    Tindak Pidana Terhadap Hak Asasi Manusi