324 research outputs found

    Investigations of the ecosystem energetics of an English woodland

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    The terrestrial record of interdecadal climate variability in western North America [abstract]

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    EXTRACT (SEE PDF FOR FULL ABSTRACT): Western North America is particularly rich in natural records of climate that have potential to reveal features of interdecadal climate variability

    In Memoriam: Keith R. Briffa, 1952-2017

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    This item is part of the Tree-Ring Research (formerly Tree-Ring Bulletin) archive. For more information about this peer-reviewed scholarly journal, please email the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at [email protected]

    Methodology for Development of a 600-Year Tree-Ring Multi-Element Record for Larch from the Taymir Peninsula, Russia

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    We developed a long (600-year) dataset for the concentrations of 26 elements in tree rings of larch from the Taymir Peninsula, the northernmost region in the world (ca. 72°N) where trees grow. Tree rings corresponding to the time period from 1300 to 1900 A.D. were studied. Eleven wood strips, each from a different larch tree, were cut into ca. 100 mg samples usually consisting of ten consecutive tree rings (but occasionally five). Between 19 and 40 consecutive samples resulted from each tree, yielding a total of 277 samples. The replication of each time interval ranged from three (for periods 1300-1400 A.D. and 1600-1700 A.D.) to six (for 1450-1600 A.D.). Wood samples were digested with concentrated HNO 3 for measurement of Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, Cl, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, I, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Pb, Bi, Th, and U using solution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS). Fourteen elements (V, Co, As, Y, Nb, Mo, Sb, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Th, and U) with extremely low concentrations were eliminated from consideration as unreliable. Here we report our sample preparation and measurement procedure, as well as the observed concentrations in tree rings, emphasizing considerations for developing representative and reliable denrodochemical datasets.Нами был получен длительный массив данных (600 лет) концентраций 26 элементов в годичных кольцах лиственницы с полуострова Таймыр, самого северного региона в мире (около 72° с.ш.), где возможен рост деревьев. Изучались годичные кольца, соответствующие промежутку времени с 1300 по 1900 год н.э. Одиннадцать древесных выпилов, по одному для каждой лиственницы, нарезались на образцы массой около 100 мг, которые, как правило, состояли из десяти годичных колец (но в некоторых случаях из пяти). Из каждого дерева было получено от 19 до 40 последовательных образцов, что дало в общей сложности 277 образцов. Повторность для каждого временного интервала варьировала от трех (для периодов 1300-1400 г.н.э. и 1600-1700 г.н.э.) до шести (для периода 1450-1600 г.н.э.). Древесные образцы растворяли в концентрированной HNO 3 для последующего измерения Li, B, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, Cl, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Mo, Ag, Cd, Sn, Sb, I, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Pb, Bi, Th и U при помощи масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно связанной плазмой (ICP-MS) для растворов. Четырнадцать элементов (V, Co, As, Y, Nb, Mo, Sb, La, Ce, Nd, W, Au, Th и U) с очень низкими концентрациями были исключены из рассмотрения как недостоверные. В данной статье, основной целью которой являлась отработка методики получения репрезентативных и достоверных дендрохимических данных, приводится использованная нами процедура пробоподготовки и измерений, а также полученные концентрации в годичных кольцах

    Translation of evidence-based Assistive Technologies into stroke rehabilitation: Users' perceptions of the barriers and opportunities

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    Background: Assistive Technologies (ATs), defined as "electrical or mechanical devices designed to help people recover movement", demonstrate clinical benefits in upper limb stroke rehabilitation; however translation into clinical practice is poor. Uptake is dependent on a complex relationship between all stakeholders. Our aim was to understand patients', carers' (P&Cs) and healthcare professionals' (HCPs) experience and views of upper limb rehabilitation and ATs, to identify barriers and opportunities critical to the effective translation of ATs into clinical practice. This work was conducted in the UK, which has a state funded healthcare system, but the findings have relevance to all healthcare systems. Methods. Two structurally comparable questionnaires, one for P&Cs and one for HCPs, were designed, piloted and completed anonymously. Wide distribution of the questionnaires provided data from HCPs with experience of stroke rehabilitation and P&Cs who had experience of stroke. Questionnaires were designed based on themes identified from four focus groups held with HCPs and P&Cs and piloted with a sample of HCPs (N = 24) and P&Cs (N = 8). Eight of whom (four HCPs and four P&Cs) had been involved in the development. Results: 292 HCPs and 123 P&Cs questionnaires were analysed. 120 (41%) of HCP and 79 (64%) of P&C respondents had never used ATs. Most views were common to both groups, citing lack of information and access to ATs as the main reasons for not using them. Both HCPs (N = 53 [34%]) and P&C (N = 21 [47%]) cited Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) as the most frequently used AT. Research evidence was rated by HCPs as the most important factor in the design of an ideal technology, yet ATs they used or prescribed were not supported by research evidence. P&Cs rated ease of set-up and comfort more highly. Conclusion: Key barriers to translation of ATs into clinical practice are lack of knowledge, education, awareness and access. Perceptions about arm rehabilitation post-stroke are similar between HCPs and P&Cs. Based on our findings, improvements in AT design, pragmatic clinical evaluation, better knowledge and awareness and improvement in provision of services will contribute to better and cost-effective upper limb stroke rehabilitation. © 2014 Hughes et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd