257 research outputs found

    The origin and early evolution of planktic foraminifera

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    The use of foraminifera in the characterisation of sequences (systems tracts, maximum flooding surfaces, etc.) has developed over the last decade. Much of this work has been based in the Cenozoic successions of the Gulf of Mexico, although there is a growing application of such data in the Middle East and the North Sea Basin. The easiest surface to characterise has been the maximum flooding surface with its high diversity and high(er) abundance faunas; the characterisation of individual systems tracts has been less successful. Using the well-known mid-Upper Jurassic successions of the Dorset coastal sections, we have investigated a number of high resolution (para)sequences for their foraminiferal content. Using data of foraminiferal diversity and standing crops from a range of modern substrates we have investigated the potential faunas available after deposition, taphonomy, compaction, groundwater dissolution and modern weathering. By understanding the processes involved we have identified the key foraminiferal features of typical mid-Upper Jurassic sequences and indicated how this work may help in the correlation of successions in North Dorset and Normandy

    Ichthyolith evidence for the age of reflector A u, Deep sea drilling project site 603

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    Reflector A u is extensively developed along the western margin of the North Atlantic Ocean. Evidence from ichthyoliths (fish skeletal debris) would suggest that the sediments immediately overlying the prominent hiatus are of early Miocene age

    Timing recovery after the cretaceous/paleogene boundary: evidence from Brazos River, Texas

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    As part of an on-going re-assessment of the Cretaceous/ Paleogene boundary in the Brazos River area, Falls County, Texas, a number of new exposures have been described. One of these, at River Bank South, provides a near continuous record of the lowermost Paleocene. It is from this succession that stable isotope analysis of bulk organic matter (δ13C and C/N) and mono-specific samples of the benthic foraminifera Lenticulina rotulata Lamarck (δ18O and δ13C) yields an orbitally-tuned stable isotope record, which allows the timing of events adjacent to the Cretaceous/Paleogene boundary to be determined. Using this cyclicity, it is suggested that the on-set of biotic recovery began ∼40,000 years after the impact (near the base of Zone Pα) and that more significant recovery of planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils began close to the base of Zone P1a, some 85,000–100,000 years post-impact. The data also appear to record the presence of the earliest Paleocene DAN-C2 and Lower C29n hyperthermal events and that these events appear to be an accentuated segment of this orbital cyclicity

    Late Pleistocene pteropods, heteropods and planktonic foraminifera from the Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean

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    Pteropods and heteropods (holoplanktonic gastropods) are an important component of the modern oceans; however, detailed information on their distribution in the fossil record is often based on poorly preserved specimens. This study presents the micropaleontological analysis of three exceptionally well-preserved Late Pleistocenemarine sediment cores from the eastern Caribbean Sea, westernMediterranean Sea and the Indian Ocean. This study presents the first stratigraphical record of heteropods in the Caribbean Sea and extends the known zonation of pteropods in the Mediterranean Sea. Distributions of pteropods, heteropods and planktonic foraminifera are presented with abundance and species richness data, as well as stratigraphical dates inferred from the oxygen isotope stratigraphy, argon-argon dating and biostratigraphy. The findings of this study greatly improve our understanding of holoplanktonic gastropod stratigraphy and ecology. Results reveal that the geographical range of heteropods, thought to be restricted to sub-tropical warm waters,may be much greater, including waters of sub-polar temperature. Heteropods were also found to be surprisingly abundant, potentially representing a more important part of the ocean food web than previously thought. Analysis revealed two species of holoplanktonic gastropod that are previously undescribed and indicate that the pteropod Heliconoides mermuysi (Cahuzac and Janssen 2010), known exclusively from the Moulin de Cabanes (Miocene),may have lived in theCaribbean Sea and Indian Ocean as recently as 4 kyr ago. These findings highlight the urgent need for increased research on holoplanktonic gastropods. The threat that current climate change and ocean acidification poses, particularly to the delicately shelled forms, means that some species may become extinct before they have even been fully ‘discovered’

    T:G mismatch-specific thymine-DNA glycosylase (TDG) as a coregulator of transcription interacts with SRC1 family members through a novel tyrosine repeat motif

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    Gene activation involves protein complexes with diverse enzymatic activities, some of which are involved in chromatin modification. We have shown previously that the base excision repair enzyme thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) acts as a potent coactivator for estrogen receptor-α. To further understand how TDG acts in this context, we studied its interaction with known coactivators of nuclear receptors. We find that TDG interacts in vitro and in vivo with the p160 coactivator SRC1, with the interaction being mediated by a previously undescribed motif encoding four equally spaced tyrosine residues in TDG, each tyrosine being separated by three amino acids. This is found to interact with two motifs in SRC1 also containing tyrosine residues separated by three amino acids. Site-directed mutagenesis shows that the tyrosines encoded in these motifs are critical for the interaction. The related p160 protein TIF2 does not interact with TDG and has the altered sequence, F-X-X-X-Y, at the equivalent positions relative to SRC1. Substitution of the phenylalanines to tyrosines is sufficient to bring about interaction of TIF2 with TDG. These findings highlight a new protein-protein interaction motif based on Y-X-X-X-Y and provide new insight into the interaction of diverse proteins in coactivator complexe