986 research outputs found

    Interações magnésio e zinco na repartição de nutrientes na soja.

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    O balanço da composição mineral é uma das condições básicas para o adequado crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. O presente estudo foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4x2x4, com três repetições. Foram avaliadas quatro cultivares de soja [IAC15-1 e DM Nobre (semi-tardia) e IAC 17 e FT Estrela (precoce)]. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por duas doses de Mg (0,1 e 1,0 mmol L-1) e quatro doses de Zn (0, 1, 2 e 5 mmol L-1). Os resultados indicaram que nas duas doses de Mg, a cultivar IAC 15-1 foi mais eficiente na absorção de Mg nas folhas, caules e pericarpos, enquanto a IAC 17 apresentou os maiores de Zn. Houve diminuição dos teores de Zn com aumento da concentração de Mg na solução nutritiva, porém, ficaram dentro ou acima da faixa de 21-50 mg kg-1, considerada como adequada para a cultura

    Influência genotípica nas interações magnésio e manganês na soja.

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    Plantas com características genotípicas distintas podem apresentar diferenças nos processos que atuam na absorção dos nutrientes. O presente estudo foi constituído de quatro cultivares de soja [IAC15-1 e DM Nobre (semi-tardia) e IAC 17 e FT Estrela (precoce)], sendo distribuídas em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4x2x4, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos por duas doses de Mg (0,1 e 1,0 mmol L-1) e quatro doses de Mn (0, 1, 2 e 5 mmol L-1). Os resultados indicaram que a cultivar IAC 17 foi mais eficiente na absorção de Mg em baixa concentração do mesmo nutriente, enquanto a DM Nobre apresentou os maiores de Mn, independentemente da dose de Mg na solução. Exceto a IAC 15, a exportação dos nutrientes está diretamente relacionada com a produção de grãos

    Ocular surface analysis in patients affected with rheumatic diseases

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    Objective. The international criteria for primary Sjogren's Syndrome (SS I) diagnosis (Vitali et al. 2002) include the Schirmer test I and vital dye staining as tests for ocular surface involvement, but diagnosis can be reached also when the item for ocular signs is not satisfied. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the ocular surface in patients with Sjogren's Syndrome, non- Sjogren's autoimmune diseases and Sicca Syndrome, to understand whether the SS I diagnosis can be targeted also on other tests related to the ocular surface status. Methods. Clinical and cytological data were collected from 122 patients: 40 patients had diagnosis of Primary Sjogren's Syndrome, 51 a non Sjogren's autoimmune disease and 31 had symptoms of dry eye. A validated questionnaire on symptoms was filled by each patient; clinical tests included: Schirmer test I, Jones test, Ferning test, Break Up Time, corneal aesthesiometry, tear clearance test, vital dye staining of the ocular surface, scraping and impression conjunctival cytology. Data were statistically evaluated by using SPSS software and Mann-Whitney analysis on unpaired data. Results. Data show that the subjective symptoms score, tear production, tear turnover, corneal sensitivity and ocular surface integrity are affected in SS I patients, with a statistically significant difference when matched to the other two groups. Conclusions. Our results suggest to enlarge the spectrum of ocular surface analysis, to support and orient a differential diagnosis among the autoimmune diseases

    Alopecia universalis after discontinuation of pegylated interferon and ribavirin combination therapy for hepatitis C: a case report

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    Abstract For the last decade, the combination therapy of pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN) plus ribavirin (RBV) has been considered as the standard of care treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. However, it has been associated with an increased incidence of many adverse cutaneous reactions and emergence of autoantibodies or even autoimmune diseases. We report a case of irreversible alopecia universalis (AU) with complete hair loss extended to the whole body, which started after discontinuation of Peg-IFN/RBV combination therapy for chronic HCV infection. In conclusion, this case represents an uncommon presentation of a common disease. Physicians must be aware of the potential adverse reactions of an antiviral therapy containing IFN, which might occur even after the discontinuation, and fully inform the patient at the beginning of his treatment course. We hope that interferon-free regimens will utterly supplant interferon-based therapy for most or all HCV patients avoiding the emergence of autoimmune manifestations

    Renal Stone Formation in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    Kidney stones are more common in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) than in the general population. The main lithogenetic risk factors were evaluated in patients affected by Crohn\u27s disease and ulcerative colitis. Our results show the presence of several factors, besides hyperoxaluria, in patients with IBD although their behaviour appears different in Crohn\u27s disease and ulcerative colitis at pre- and post-operative stages. Before surgery in patients with Crohn\u27s disease we found a decreased citrate (p \u3c 0.001) and magnesium (p \u3c 0.005) excretion together with a low urinary volume (p \u3c 0.001) and pH (p \u3c 0.005). After surgery patients with Crohn\u27s disease showed a further reduction of magnesium and citrate. Patients with ulcerative colitis before surgery showed a reduced citrate excretion (p \u3c 0.05) and a more acidic pH (p \u3c 0.05) than healthy subjects. Surgical treatment of proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis seems to increase the risk of stone formation; in fact, after surgery we observed a relevant decrease of urinary volume (p \u3c 0.001), pH (p \u3c 0.0001) and urinary excretion of citrate (p \u3c0.0001) as well as magnesium (p \u3c 0.005). Patients with IBD seem to be at greater risk of stone formation than patients with idiopathic calcium lithiasis; in fact, they show a lower excretion of citrate (p \u3c 0.001) and magnesium (p \u3c 0.001) together with a low urinary pH (p \u3c 0.001) and volume (p \u3c 0.001). Urinary volume reduction is probably one of the major risk factors together with the decrease of small molecular weight inhibitors that is a constant finding in all patients with IBD

    Translocação do P32 absorvido pelas raizes de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp) para a gema

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    Several experiments were carried out using germinating setts of sugar cane with different age and number of roots which were put in contact with a radiophosphorus solution. It was found that the radiophosphorus was taken up by root system being in part transported to the germinating bud. The amount of phosphorus translocated increased with the age of the roots (from 7 to 2/1 days).O presente trabalho foi realizado na Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", em 1981-82, para determinar se o P32 absorvido pelas raizes do tolete se transloca para a gema germinante. Foram utilizados toletes de uma gema + 10 -Kuijper, do cv. CB41-76.Os toletes foram postos a germinar em câmara úmida e dispostos em blocos casualizados com 4repartições, para raizes de 7, 14 e 21dias de idade, as quais absorveram NaH2P(32)04 a 10-4M, durante 24horas, após o que foram processados para as determinações das respectivas radioatividades, por meio de um contador Geiger-Muller. As contagens de radioatividade mostraram que o P32 translocou-se para a gema germinante e que a quantidade do P32 translocado aumentou com a idade das raizes

    Proposal of an adapted physical activity exercise protocol for women with osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures: A pilot study to evaluate feasibility, safety, and effectiveness

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    A quasi-experimental pilot study was performed to determine the feasibility and safety of an Adapted Physical Activity (APA) protocol and its effect on health-related quality of life (HRQOL), fear of falling, pain, and physical performance in women with osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures. Forty-four post-menopausal women (mean age: 67.6 \ub1 4.6) with osteoporotic vertebral fractures were assigned to an exercise group (APA group = 26) who attended a six-month exercise protocol that included postural and muscular reinforcement exercises, and a control group (CG = 18) who was asked to maintain their current lifestyle. At baseline and six months after baseline, HRQOL was measured as primary outcome by the Assessment of Health Related Quality of Life in Osteoporosis (ECOS-16) questionnaire. Secondary outcomes were fear of falling (Fall Efficacy Scale International, FES-I), lumbar back pain (Visual Analogue Scale-VAS), functional exercise capacity (Six Minutes Walking Test-6MWT, Borg scale), balance and gait (Tinetti Scale), and flexibility of the column (Chair Sit-and-Reach). The effects of the intervention were analyzed by comparison within groups and between groups. Effect sizes (ES) were calculated using Cohen\u2019s d. All the outcomes significantly improved in the APA group, while they remained unchanged in the CG. After adjustment for unbalanced variables, the comparison between groups showed significant effects of the intervention for ECOS-16-score, functional exercise capacity, balance, and gait. The exercise program had big effect sizes on HRQOL (ES = 1.204), fear of falling (ES = 1.007), balance (ES = 0.871), and functional exercise capacity (ES = 1.390). Good adherence (75.8%) and no injuries were observed. Due to its feasibility, safety, and effectiveness, the proposed exercise protocol can be adopted in APA programs addressed to patients with osteoporosis-related vertebral fractures

    Absorption and transport of radiophosphorus as a function of the number of adventitious roots of sugar cane setts

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    Sugar cane setts with a variable number of roots (1, 2, 4 and 8) were allowed to absorb radiophosphate. Afterwards the material was split into several parts and its radioactivity was counted. It was observed that both absorption and transport increased with the number of roots.Este trabalho visa a determinar a influência do número de raízes do tolete da cana-de-açúcar, na absorção e translocação do p32das raízes para a gema. A pesquisa foi realizada no Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura - CENA, em Piracicaba, SP, durante o período de 1981-82. O experimento foi montado em blocos casualizados, com tratamentos de: 1, 2, 4e 8raízes de 25 dias de idade, de toletes + 10-Kuijper, unigemares, com 4 repetições. As raízes absorveram NaH2P(32)04 a 10-4M, durante 24 horas. Após a absorção, os toletes foram divididos em suas partes - raízes, gema, nó, internódio superior e internódio inferior, e processados convencionalmente, para as determinações da radioatividade, por meio de um contador Geiger-Muller. As determinações da radioatividade mostraram que o P32 absorvido e translocado para a gema aumentou com o numero de raízes

    Investigating the Correlation between Performance Scores and Energy Consumption of Mobile Web Apps

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    Context. Developers have access to tools like Google Lighthouse to assess the performance of web apps and to guide the adoption of development best practices. However, when it comes to energy consumption of mobile web apps, these tools seem to be lacking. Goal. This study investigates on the correlation between the performance scores produced by Lighthouse and the energy consumption of mobile web apps. Method. We design and conduct an empirical experiment where 21 real mobile web apps are (i) analyzed via the Lighthouse performance analysis tool and (ii) measured on an Android device running a software-based energy profiler. Then, we statistically assess how energy consumption correlates with the obtained performance scores and carry out an effect size estimation. Results. We discover a statistically significant negative correlation between performance scores and the energy consumption of mobile web apps (with medium to large effect sizes), implying that an increase of the performance score tend to lead to a decrease of energy consumption. Conclusions. We recommend developers to strive to improve the performance level of their mobile web apps, as this can also have a positive impact on their energy consumption on Android devices

    A CHEOPS-enhanced view of the HD 3167 system

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    Much remains to be understood about the nature of exoplanets smaller than Neptune, most of which have been discovered in compact multi-planet systems. With its inner ultra-short period planet b aligned with the star and two larger outer planets d-c on polar orbits, the multi-planet system HD 3167 features a peculiar architecture and offers the possibility to investigate both dynamical and atmospheric evolution processes. To this purpose we combined multiple datasets of transit photometry and radial velocimetry (RV) to revise the properties of the system and inform models of its planets. This effort was spearheaded by CHEOPS observations of HD 3167b, which appear inconsistent with a purely rocky composition despite its extreme irradiation. Overall the precision on the planetary orbital periods are improved by an order of magnitude, and the uncertainties on the densities of the transiting planets b and c are decreased by a factor of 3. Internal structure and atmospheric simulations draw a contrasting picture between HD 3167d, likely a rocky super-Earth that lost its atmosphere through photo-evaporation, and HD 3167c, a mini-Neptune that kept a substantial primordial gaseous envelope. We detect a fourth, more massive planet on a larger orbit, likely coplanar with HD 3167d-c. Dynamical simulations indeed show that the outer planetary system d-c-e was tilted, as a whole, early in the system history, when HD 3167b was still dominated by the star influence and maintained its aligned orbit. RV data and direct imaging rule out that the companion that could be responsible for the present-day architecture is still bound to the HD 3167 system. Similar global studies of multi-planet systems will tell how many share the peculiar properties of the HD 3167 system, which remains a target of choice for follow-up observations and simulations