507 research outputs found

    From Betrayal to Power

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    Resistance is the secret of joy! --Alice Walker Possessing the Secret of Joy What does it mean to love a daughter in a culture that is hostile to her integrity? In a culture where power equals dominance and superiority, men\u27s control of public life--the world of political and economic power that shapes the desires of private life--places mothers in a double bind as their daughters approach womanhood. The common ways that mothers have of guiding daughters--what we call the paths of least resistance in chapter two 1 --ask girls to make deep psychological sacrifices to straddle the cultural division of work, in the male public world of politics and business, and love, in the female private world of home and family. As girls find that they cannot enter patriarchy fully and powerfully as themselves, they feel betrayed by their mothers. But mothers did not create the separate spheres of public and private life. It is this cultural betrayal of human integrity, which divides our wholeness into these separate spheres, that makes loving and raising a daughter political work. The romance-into-mothering myth created in the mid-1800s told women that their true nature is best expressed in the home, in private life. 2 When market-driven factory life in the Industrial Revolution consumed women\u27s traditional work of producing food, clothing, medicine, and crafts, women were suddenly stripped of their expertise and authority. Rather than adopting a rationalist solution of admitting women into modern society ..

    The association between cognitive reserve and time to conversion from normal cognition to mild cognitive impairment

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    Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a subclinical cognitive decline in the elderly that increases the risk of conversion to Dementia. Delaying the onset of conversion from normal cognition to MCI has public health relevance by potentially reducing the magnitude of cognitive dysfunction related disability. It has been suggested that cognitive reserve, comprised of IQ and behaviors associated with memory facilitation and problem solving, may delay onset of MCI. Time to onset of MCI may also be associated with the risk factor of the APOE-4 allele. MCI classification criteria is inconsistent across studies, suggesting additional public health need to standardize an accurate method of screening. This study examined the association between cognitive reserve, APOE-4, and time to onset of MCI. Data from the 8 year Gingko Evaluation of Memory Study (GEM) clinical trial were used to examine these aims in a sample of n=2,284 cognitively normal individuals. The GEM MCI classification algorithm was extended over 8 years to examine normal cognition survival. Indicators of cognitive reserve were IQ, average monthly frequency of cognitive reserve behaviors, and number of different cognitive reserve behaviors engaged in each month. APOE-4 presence was defined as having at least one copy of the APOE-4 allele. N=1,226 (53.68%) individuals remained cognitively normal over the eight year followup compared to n=1,058 (46.32%) who developed incident MCI over eight year followup. Incident MCI individuals had significantly higher age (p<0.0001) and education (p=0.0320) at entry and were more likely to be male (p=0.0497), Asian/Pacific Islander, Black, or “Other” identified race (p=0.0078). Incident MCI individuals had significantly lower frequency of reading newspapers (p=0.0228) and solving crosswords (p=0.0301), as well as IQ (p=0.0002). Neither the average monthly frequency of cognitive reserve behaviors (p=0.6662) nor the number of different cognitive reserve behaviors engaged in each month were significantly associated with MCI onset (p=0.7809). Age (p<0.0001), education (p<0.0001), IQ (p<0.0001), and APOE-4 presence (p<0.0001) were significantly associated with time to MCI onset in a Cox proportional hazard model adjusted for age, education, IQ, APOE-4 presence, cognitive reserve behavior frequency, and number of different cognitive reserve behaviors engaged in each month

    Prison Health Care after the Affordable Care Act: Envisioning an End to the Policy of Neglect

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    Inadequate prison health care has created a health crisis for reentering prisoners and their communities—a crisis that is exacerbated by barriers to employment and other collateral consequences of release. This Note will first examine how current Eighth Amendment doctrine has failed to sufficiently regulate prison health care so as to have any significant effect on the crisis. Next, it will argue that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) alters the Eighth Amendment analysis by triggering a change in the “evolving standards of decency” that guide the doctrine. Specifically, this Note will argue that, after the passage of the ACA, releasing sick, Medicaid-eligible prisoners without enrolling them in the federal benefits program violates the Eighth Amendment

    MicroRNAs in B cell development and malignancy

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    MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that regulate gene expression and play critical roles in B cell development and malignancy. miRNA expression is important globally, as B cell specific knockouts of Dicer show profound defects in B cell development; and is also critical at the level of specific miRNAs. In this review, we discuss miRNAs that are involved in normal B cell development in the bone marrow and during B cell activation and terminal differentiation in the periphery. Next, we turn to miRNAs that are dysregulated during diseases of B cells, including malignant diseases and autoimmunity. Further study of miRNAs and their targets will lead to a better understanding of B cell development, and should also lead to the development of novel therapeutic strategies against B cell diseases

    Family of origin influence on workplace dynamics: a qualitative study

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    This study delves into the intricate interplay between Family of Origin influences and the professional practice of Organizational Development (OD) practitioners. Rooted in the recognition that Family of Origin experiences significantly shape individual perspectives and behaviors, this research investigates how OD practitioners leverage this understanding to navigate complex workplace dynamics. Grounded in the Use of Self framework, which emphasizes intentional utilization of one\u27s complete being for enhanced effectiveness, this study explores the multifaceted connections between Family of Origin dynamics and common relational aspects such as leadership, influence, power, conflict, and belonging. Through qualitative analysis of OD practitioners\u27 perspectives, the study seeks to uncover the nuanced ways in which familial patterns impact their work and strategies for managing these influences. By achieving its objectives of comprehending the Family of Origin\u27s role, this research contributes to both scholarly discourse and practical applications in leadership development and organizational effectiveness

    Symbiotic Organisms Search Optimization to Predict Optimal Thread Count for Multi-threaded Applications

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    Multicore systems have emerged as a cost-effective option for the growing demands for high-performance, low-energy computing. Thread management has long been a source of concern for developers, as overheads associated with it reduce the overall throughput of the multicore processor systems. One of the most complex problems with multicore processors is determining the optimal number of threads for the execution of multithreaded programs. To address this issue, this paper proposes a novel solution based on a modified symbiotic organism search (MSOS) algorithm which is a bio-inspired algorithm used for optimization in various engineering domains. This technique uses mutualism, commensalism and parasitism behaviours seen in organisms for searching the optimal solutions in the available search space. The algorithm is simulated on the NVIDIA DGX Intel-Xeon E5-2698-v4 server with PARSEC 3.0 benchmark suit.&nbsp; The results show that keeping the thread count equal to the number of processors available in the system is not necessarily the best strategy to get maximum speedup when running multithreaded programs. It was also observed that when programs are run with the optimal thread count, the execution time is substantially decreased, resulting in energy savings due to the use of fewer processors than are available in the system

    New Pension and Retirement Models

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    Las Plazas Mayores Hispanoamericanas: análisis sistemático, tipológico y morfológico

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Arquitectura e Urbanismo. 5003V01Resumen] Las Plazas Mayores Hispanoamericanas constituyeron, en general, los núcleos iniciales de crecimiento de las villas y ciudades hispanocoloniales en América, tanto en los asentamientos de nueva fundación como en los asentamientos sobre preexistencias indígenas (puesto que en el caso de los segundos, la ocupación española implicó la reestructuración social y física del asentamiento). Estos núcleos, que articularon y determinaron la morfogénesis y morfología de los asentamientos, presentaron, y presentan, una gran variedad en su estructura física, especialmente cuando se analizan más allá de su contorno (de los edificios que rodean la plaza). Esta tesis analiza y describe las características morfológicas de las Plazas Mayores Hispanoamericanas, enfocándose principalmente en la fisionomía de la plaza, las características de la trama urbana en las que están insertas, las características urbanoterritoriales, y la influencia urbana de la plaza. Para ello se analiza un conjunto compuesto por 286 casos, pertenecientes a 19 países, a partir de una serie de variables y su sistematización. Los resultados de dicho análisis ofrecen una revisión homologada, sinóptica, y panóptica del objeto de estudio, y permiten corroborar una importante diversidad morfológica en las Plazas Mayores Hispanoamericanas y sus asentamientos, a un nivel nunca antes constatado.[Abstract] The Hispanic-American Main Squares were generally the initial growth centers of the Hispanic-American cities of colonial origin, both the newly founded ones and the settlements over pre-existing indigenous settlements (since in the case of the seconds, the Spanish occupation implied the social and physical restructuring of the settlement). These squares, which articulated and determined the morphogenesis and morphology of the settlements, presented, and still present, a great variety in their physical structure, especially when they are analyzed beyond their contour (the perimeter formed by the buildings that surround the square). This thesis analyzes and describes the morphological characteristics of the Hispanic- American Main Squares, focusing mainly on the physiognomy of the square, the characteristics of the urban fabric which they are inserted, the urban-territorial characteristics, and the urban influence of the square. For that, a group composed of 286 cases belonging to 19 countries is analyzed, based on a series of variables and their systematization. The results of the analysis offer a homologated, synoptic, and panoptic review of the study object, and allow us to corroborate an important morphological diversity in the Hispanic-American Main Squares and their settlements, at a level never before verified.[Resumo] As Prazas Maiores Hispanoamericanas constituíron, en xeral, os núcleos iniciais de crecemento das vilas e cidades hispano-coloniais en América, tanto nos asentamentos de nova fundación como nos asentamentos sobre preexistencias indíxenas (debido a que no caso dos segundos, a ocupación española implicou a reestruturación social e física do asentamento). Estes núcleos, que articularon e determinaron a morfoxénesis e morfoloxía dos asentamentos, presentaron, e presentan, unha gran variedade na súa estrutura física, especialmente cando se analizan máis aló do seu contorno (dos edificios que rodean a praza). Esta tese analiza e describe as características morfolóxicas das Prazas Maiores Hispanoamericanas, enfocándose principalmente na fisionomía da praza, as características da trama urbana nas que están inseres, as características urbanoterritoriais, e a influencia urbana da praza. Para iso analízase un conxunto composto por 286 casos, pertencentes a 19 países, a partir dunha serie de variables e a súa sistematización. Os resultados do análise ofrecen unha revisión homologada, sinóptica, e panóptica do obxecto de estudo, e permiten corroborar unha importante diversidade morfolóxica nas Prazas Maiores Hispanoamericanas e os seus asentamentos, a un nivel nunca antes constatado

    Activation of the Sonic Hedgehog Effector Smoothened Counteracts L-Dopa Induced Dyskinesia by Restoring Cholinergic Interneuron Function

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    Many types of neurons act as multimodal signaling centers. Yet, we have only limited insight into the regulation and functional consequences of neuronal co-transmission. For example, dopamine (DA) neurons, whose degeneration causes motor deficits characteristic of Parkinson’s Diseases (PD), communicate with all their targets by DA but only a selective subset of their targets using GABA, Glutamate, and the secreted cell signaling protein Sonic Hedgehog (Shh). It is unknown whether Levo-dopamine (L-Dopa) induced dyskinesia (LIDs), a severely debilitating side effect of DA supplementation in PD, might appear because DA neuron targets are exposed to high DA- but low Shh- signaling in medicated patients. Here I show that restoring the balance of DA and Shh signaling attenuates LID formation and acute expression in mouse and macaque models of PD. Cholinergic neurons are responsive to Shh signaling via stimulation of the Shh effector GPCR smoothened. Using conditional KO mice of pre or postsynaptic Shh we show that reduced signaling in cholinergic neurons is sufficient and necessary for LID formation. Conversely, selective expression of a constitutive active form of Smo (SmoM2) in cholinergic neurons is sufficient to render the sensitized aphakia model resistant to LID. The relative degree of imbalance of DA and Shh signaling rather than their absolute strength determines the severity of LID and highlights the bidirectional effect both factors have on LIDs. Activation of Smo reduces MAP-kinase pathway signaling, a physiological marker of LID, selectively in CINs of the dorsolateral but not dorsomedial striatum and enhances the neuronal activity marker p-rpS6240/244 through activation of Smo on CINs. Additionally, semi-chronic, pulsatile optogenetic stimulation of DA neurons results in LID-like behaviors that can be attenuated by Smo activation. Together, my data reveal that balanced Shh and DA signaling is a critical modulator of cholinergic physiology and provide an unexpected link between LID and DA neuron degeneration. Furthermore, since pulsatile L-Dopa dosing might induce a perversion in the DA neuron provided teaching signal resulting in acquisition and selection of un-purposeful, abnormal motor programs seen in LIDs, then the novel animal models described here could be a starting point for in vivo analysis to assess the function and importance of neuronal co-transmission of Shh signaling