158 research outputs found

    Communication Strategy for Malaria Control Interventions\ud 2008 - 2013

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    Malaria status in Tanzania Mainland: an Overview

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    Malaria indicator survey 2006-07

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    20071. Introduction -- 2. Household population and background characteristics of respondents -- 3. Fertility and reproductive health -- 4. Malaria -- Appendix A. Sample design and implementation -- Appendix .B. Estimates of sampling errors -- Appendix C. Data quality tables -- Appendix D. Persons involved in the 2006-07 Angola Malaria Indicator Survey -- Appendix E. QuestionnairesMinistry of Health, Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA), ORC Macro."November 2007.""The 2006-07 Angola Malaria Indicator Survey (AMIS 2006-07) was implemented by Consultoria de Servic\ucc\u153os e Pesquisas--COSEP, Consultoria, Lda. and Consultoria de Gesta\ucc\u192o e Administrac\ucc\u153a\ucc\u192o em Sau\ucc?de--Consau\ucc?de, Lda. from November 2006 to April 2007. All activities were coordinated closely with the Angola Ministry of Health and the National Malaria Control Program. Funding for the AMIS 2006-07 was provided by USAID/Angola, the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the UNDP-managed Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM). Macro International Inc. provided technical assistance through the MEASURE DHS project of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). MEASURE DHS provides support for the implementation of population and health surveys in countries worldwide." - t.p. verso"The 2006-07 Angola Malaria Indicator Survey (AMIS) was conducted under the auspices of the National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) within the Ministry of Health (MOH). It was implemented by two private organizations, the Consultoria de Servic\ucc\u153os e Pesquisas-COSEP, Consultoria, Lda. and the Consultoria de Gesta\ucc\u192o e Administrac\ucc\u153a\ucc\u192o em Sau\ucc?de-Consau\ucc?de, Lda. This is the first survey of its kind in Angola, and the realization of a standardized household survey constitutes an important landmark in the reinclusion of the country into the international community. COSEP, Lda. and Consau\ucc?de, Lda. would like to acknowledge the organizations and individuals who contributed greatly to the successful completion of the 2006-07 AMIS. First of all, our thanks go to the Government of Angola for its commitment to mounting the country's first malaria survey; to the Angola Instituto Nacional de Estadi\ucc?stica, for its support of the survey even though it was embarked on important national surveys at the time; to the MOH and NMCP for their contributions towards highlighting survey needs and also for graciously donating Coartem\uc2\uae medicine to treat affected individuals; and to the National Laboratory, for its involvement in the training and microscopic analysis of blood samples. The agencies are particularly grateful to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) for financial and technical support for the survey, to the Malaria Branch of the Centers for Disease Prevention and Control (CDC) for inputs to the survey design, and to Macro International for substantial technical assistance offered throughout the survey. Thanks also are due to the United Nations Development Programme and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) for supplementary funding and support at critical times." - p. viiPublished also in Portuguese as: Inque\ucc?rito de indicadores dea ma\ucc?laria : Angola 2006-07.Also available via the World Wide Web.Funding: "This publication was made possible through support provided by USAID under the terms of Contract No.; contract number: GPO-C-00-03-00002-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID."--t.p. verso.;Includes bibliographical references (p. 39).Consultoria de Servic\ucc\u153os e Pesquisas--COSEP Lda., Consultoria de Gesta\ucc\u192o e Administrac\ucc\u153a\ucc\u192o em Sau\ucc?de--Consau\ucc?de Lda. [Angola], and Macro International Inc. 2007. Angola Malaria Indicator Survey 2006-07. Calverton, Maryland: COSEP Lda., Consau\ucc?de Lda., and Macro International Inc."This publication was made possible through support provided by USAID under the terms of Contract No. GPO-C-00-03-00002-00. The opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID."--t.p. verso

    A steep decline of malaria morbidity and mortality trends in Eritrea between 2000 and 2004: the effect of combination of control methods

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria is a huge public health problem in Africa that is responsible for more than one million deaths annually. In line with the Roll Back Malaria initiative and the Abuja Declaration, Eritrea and other African countries have intensified their fight against malaria. This study examines the impact of Eritrea's Roll Back Malaria Programme: 2000–2004 and the effects and possible interactions between the public health interventions in use. METHODS: This study employed cross-sectional survey to collect data from households, community and health facilities on coverage and usage of Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITNs), Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS), larvicidal activities and malaria case management. Comparative data was obtained from a similar survey carried out in 2001. Data from the Health Management Information System (HMIS) and reports of the annual assessments by the National Malaria Control Programme was used to assess impact. Time series model (ARIMA) was used to assess association. RESULTS: In the period 2000–2004, approximately 874,000 ITNs were distributed and 13,109 health workers and community health agents were trained on malaria case management. In 2004, approximately 81% households owned at least one net, of which 73% were ITNs and 58.6% of children 0–5 years slept under a net. The proportion of malaria cases managed by community health agents rose from 50% in 1999 to 78% in 2004. IRS coverage increased with the combined amount of DDT and Malathion used rising from 6,444 kg, in 2000 to 43,491 kg, in 2004, increasing the population protected from 117,017 to 259,420. Drug resistance necessitated regimen change to chloroquine plus sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. During the period, there was a steep decline in malaria morbidity and case fatality by 84% and 40% respectively. Malaria morbidity was strongly correlated to the numbers of ITNs distributed (β = -0.125, p < 0.005) and the amount (kg) of DDT and Malathion used for IRS (β = -2.352, p < 0.05). The correlation between malaria case fatality and ITNs, IRS, population protected and annual rainfall was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: Eritrea has within 5 years attained key Roll Back Malaria targets. ITNs and IRS contributed most to reducing malaria morbidity

    Febrile Illness Management in Children under Five Years of Age: A Qualitative Pilot Study on Primary Health Care Workers' Practices in Zanzibar.

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    In Zanzibar, malaria prevalence dropped substantially in the last decade and presently most febrile patients seen in primary health care facilities (PHCF) test negative for malaria. The availability of rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) allows rural health workers to reliably rule out malaria in fever patients. However, additional diagnostic tools to identify alternative fever causes are scarce, often leaving RDT-negative patients without a clear diagnosis and management plan. This pilot study aimed to explore health workers' practices with febrile children and identify factors influencing their diagnostic and management decisions in non-malarial fever patients. Semi-structured key informant interviews were conducted with 12 health workers in six PHCFs in North A district, Zanzibar, April to June 2011. Interviews were coded using Atlas.ti to identify emerging themes that play a role in the diagnosis and management of febrile children. The following themes were identified: 1) health workers use caregivers' history of illness and RDT results for initial diagnostic and management decisions, but suggest caregivers need more education to prevent late presentation and poor health outcomes; 2) there is uncertainty regarding viral versus bacterial illness and health workers feel additional point-of-care diagnostic tests would help with differential diagnoses; 3) stock-outs of medications and limited caregivers' resources are barriers to delivering good care; 4) training, short courses and participation in research as well as; 5) weather also influences diagnostic decision-making. This pilot study found that health workers in Zanzibar use caregiver history of fever and results of malaria RDTs to guide management of febrile children. However, since most febrile children test negative for malaria, health workers believe additional training and point-of-care tests would improve their ability to diagnose and manage non-malarial fevers. Educating caregivers on signs and symptoms of febrile illness, as well as the introduction of additional tests to differentiate between viral and bacterial illness, would be important steps to get children to PHCFs earlier and decrease unnecessary antibiotic prescribing without compromising patient safety. More research is needed to expand an understanding of what would improve fever management in other resource-limited settings with decreasing malaria

    Design, implementation and evaluation of a national campaign to distribute nine million free LLINs to children under five years of age in Tanzania.

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    BACKGROUND\ud \ud After a national voucher scheme in 2004 provided pregnant women and infants with highly subsidized insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), use among children under five years (U5s) in mainland Tanzania increased from 16% in 2004 to 26.2% in 2007. In 2008, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare planned a catch-up campaign to rapidly and equitably deliver a free long-lasting insecticidal net (LLIN) to every child under five years in Tanzania.\ud \ud METHODS\ud \ud The ITN Cell, a unit within the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP), coordinated the campaign on behalf of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Government contractors trained and facilitated local government officials to supervise village-level volunteers on a registration of all U5s and the distribution and issuing of LLINs. The registration results formed the basis for the LLIN order and delivery to village level. Caregivers brought their registration coupons to village issuing posts during a three-day period where they received LLINs for their U5s. Household surveys in five districts assessed ITN ownership and use immediately after the campaign.\ud \ud RESULTS\ud \ud Nine donors contributed to the national campaign that purchased and distributed 9.0 million LLINs at an average cost of $7.07 per LLIN, including all campaign-associated activities. The campaign covered all eight zones of mainland Tanzania, the first region being covered separately during an integrated measles immunization/malaria LLIN distribution in August 2008, and was implemented one zone at a time from March 2009 until May 2010. ITN ownership at household level increased from Tanzania's 2008 national average of 45.7% to 63.4%, with significant regional variations. ITN use among U5s increased from 28.8% to 64.1%, a 2.2-fold increase, with increases ranging from 22.1-38.3% percentage points in different regions.\ud \ud CONCLUSION\ud \ud A national-level LLIN distribution strategy that fully engaged local government authorities helped avoid additional burden on the healthcare system. Distribution costs per net were comparable to other public health interventions. Particularly among rural residents, ITN ownership and use increased significantly for the intended beneficiaries. The upcoming universal LLIN distribution and further behaviour change communication will further improve ITN ownership and use in 2010-2011

    Expanding the Vector Control Toolbox for Malaria Elimination: A Systematic Review of the Evidence.

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    Additional vector control tools (VCTs) are needed to supplement insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) to achieve malaria elimination in many settings. To identify options for expanding the malaria vector control toolbox, we conducted a systematic review of the availability and quality of the evidence for 21 malaria VCTs, excluding ITNs and IRS. Six electronic databases and grey literature sources were searched from January 1, 1980 to September 28, 2015 to identify systematic reviews, Phase I-IV studies, and observational studies that measured the effect of malaria VCTs on epidemiological or entomological outcomes across any age groups in all malaria-endemic settings. Eligible studies were summarized qualitatively, with quality and risk of bias assessments undertaken where possible. Of 17,912 studies screened, 155 were eligible for inclusion and were included in a qualitative synthesis. Across the 21 VCTs, we found considerable heterogeneity in the volume and quality of evidence, with 7 VCTs currently supported by at least one Phase III community-level evaluation measuring parasitologically confirmed malaria incidence or infection prevalence (insecticide-treated clothing and blankets, insecticide-treated hammocks, insecticide-treated livestock, larval source management (LSM), mosquito-proofed housing, spatial repellents, and topical repellents). The remaining VCTs were supported by one or more Phase II (n=13) or Phase I evaluation (n=1). Overall the quality of the evidence base remains greatest for LSM and topical repellents, relative to the other VCTs evaluated, although existing evidence indicates that topical repellents are unlikely to provide effective population-level protection against malaria. Despite substantial gaps in the supporting evidence, several VCTs may be promising supplements to ITNs and IRS in appropriate settings. Strengthening operational capacity and research to implement underutilized VCTs, such as LSM and mosquito-proofed housing, using an adaptive, learning-by-doing approach, while expanding the evidence base for promising supplementary VCTs that are locally tailored, should be considered central to global malaria elimination efforts

    Early results of integrated malaria control and implications for the management of fever in under-five children at a peripheral health facility: a case study of Chongwe rural health centre in Zambia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Zambia has taken lead in implementing integrated malaria control so as to attain the National Health Strategic Plan goal of "reducing malaria incidence by 75% and under-five mortality due to malaria by 20% by the year 2010". The strategic interventions include the use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets and indoor residual spraying, the use of artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACT) for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria, improving diagnostic capacity (both microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests), use of intermittent presumptive treatment for pregnant women, research, monitoring and evaluation, and behaviour change communication. Financial barriers to access have been removed by providing free malaria prevention and treatment services.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data involving all under-five children reporting at the health facility in the first quarter of 2008 was evaluated prospectively. Malaria morbidity, causes of non-malaria fever, prescription patterns treatment patterns and referral cases were evaluated</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Malaria infection was found only in 0.7% (10/1378), 1.8% (251378) received anti-malarial treatment, no severe malaria cases and deaths occurred among the under-five children with fever during the three months of the study in the high malaria transmission season. 42.5% (586/1378) of the cases were acute respiratory infections (non-pneumonia), while 5.7% (79/1378) were pneumonia. Amoxicillin was the most prescribed antibiotic followed by septrin.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Malaria related OPD visits have reduced at Chongwe rural health facility. The reduction in health facility malaria cases has led to an increase in diagnoses of respiratory infections. These findings have implications for the management of non-malaria fevers in children under the age of five years.</p

    Quality of malaria case management at outpatient health facilities in Angola

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Angola's malaria case-management policy recommends treatment with artemether-lumefantrine (AL). In 2006, AL implementation began in Huambo Province, which involved training health workers (HWs), supervision, delivering AL to health facilities, and improving malaria testing with microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). Implementation was complicated by a policy that was sometimes ambiguous.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Fourteen months after implementation began, a cross-sectional survey was conducted in 33 outpatient facilities in Huambo Province to assess their readiness to manage malaria and the quality of malaria case-management for patients of all ages. Consultations were observed, patients were interviewed and re-examined, and HWs were interviewed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ninety-three HWs and 177 consultations were evaluated, although many sampled consultations were missed. All facilities had AL in-stock and at least one HW trained to use AL and RDTs. However, anti-malarial stock-outs in the previous three months were common, clinical supervision was infrequent, and HWs had important knowledge gaps. Except for fever history, clinical assessments were often incomplete. Although testing was recommended for all patients with suspected malaria, only 30.7% of such patients were tested. Correct testing was significantly associated with caseloads < 25 patients/day (odds ratio: 18.4; p < 0.0001) and elevated patient temperature (odds ratio: 2.5 per 1°C increase; p = 0.007). Testing was more common among AL-trained HWs, but the association was borderline significant (p = 0.072). When the malaria test was negative, HWs often diagnosed patients with malaria (57.8%) and prescribed anti-malarials (60.0%). Sixty-six percent of malaria-related diagnoses were correct, 20.1% were minor errors, and 13.9% were major (potentially life-threatening) errors. Only 49.0% of malaria treatments were correct, 5.4% were minor errors, and 45.6% were major errors. HWs almost always dosed AL correctly and gave accurate dosing instructions to patients; however, other aspects of counseling needed improvement.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By late-2007, substantial progress had been made to implement the malaria case-management policy in a setting with weak infrastructure. However, policy ambiguities, under-use of malaria testing, and distrust of negative test results led to many incorrect malaria diagnoses and treatments. In 2009, Angola published a policy that clarified many issues. As problems identified in this survey are not unique to Angola, better strategies for improving HW performance are urgently needed.</p
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