205 research outputs found

    HVDC corona induced fire under DC power lines.

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    Master Science in Electrical Engineering. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College 2015.Abstract available in PDF file

    MaiMwana women’s groups: a community mobilisation intervention to improve mother and child health and reduce mortality in rural Malawi

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    This article presents a detailed description of a community mobilization intervention involving women’s groups in Mchinji District, Malawi. The intervention was implemented between 2005 and 2010.The intervention aims to build the capacities of communities to take control of the mother and child health issues that affect them. To achieve this it comprises trained local female facilitators establishing groups and using a manual, participatory rural appraisal tools and picture cards to guide them through a community action cycle to identify and implement solutions to mother and child health problems. Significant resource inputs include salaries for facilitators and supervisors, and training, equipment and materials to support their work with groups.It is hypothesized that the groups will catalyse community collective action to address mother and child health issues and improve the health and reduce the mortality of mothers and children. Their impact, implementation and cost-effectiveness have been rigorously evaluated through a randomizedcontrolled trial design. The results of these evaluations will be reported in 2011

    Estimates of the impact of HIV infection on fertility in a rural Ugandan population cohort

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    Fertility rates in a population-based cohort of over 3500 women aged 15-49 years living in rural southwest Uganda are described and examined in relation to infection with HIV. Over a six-year follow-up period (1989/90 to 1995/6) the average general fertility rate was estimated as 199 births per thousand woman-years of observation (95 % confidence interval 191 to 207) with a total fertility rate of 6.2 births per woman. The overall prevalence of infection with HIV was 12 per cent and remained relatively stable during follow-up. With the exception of women aged 15-19 years, women who were not infected with HIV had higher fertility than HIV-infected women. The overall age-adjusted fertility rate in HIV-infected women was 0.74 of that of uninfected women (95% confidence interval 0.63 to 0.87, P<0.001) and this result was unaffected by additional adjustment for marital status. When combined with an overall HIV prevalence rate of 12 per cent, this corresponds to a three per cent reduction in fertility rates in the whole population. The lower fertility in HIV-positive women is unlikely to be explained by increased use of contraception, as use of modern contraceptive methods in rural Uganda is low and fewer than ten per cent of women are aware of their HIV-serostatus. More likely explanations are reduced sexual activity due to clinical symptoms associated with HIV infection or lower fertility associated with coexisting infections with other sexually transmitted diseases, such as syphilis. A reduction in fertility caused by HIV infection itself cannot be excluded. The implications of these findings for the use of antenatal clinic data to provide population estimates of HIV prevalence are discussed


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    La producción de proteínas de origen animal para satisfacer la demanda de la población mundial es una meta a alcanzar para muchos países de la zona tropical. La cunicultura es una actividad que puede contribuir a la producción de alimentos de una forma económica y sin la utilización de productos u otros alimentos que compitan con la alimentación de los humanos, además ella se caracteriza por la cría y experiencias culturales sobre la explotación del conejo. En tal sentido el objetivo del presente trabajo fue brindar una revisión sobre consideraciones relacionadas con los sistemas de explotación de conejos, aspectos fisiológicos y alternativas para la alimentación en el trópico. Los sistemas de explotación para la cría de conejos pueden adaptarse a las condiciones monetarias de los productores, ya que existen los extensivos o cría de traspatio, la cría semi intensiva con mayor nivel de recursos y la cría especializada o intensiva con mayor número de animales y recursos utilizados. Las características fisiológicas digestivas de los conejos permiten facilitar su alimentación a partir de la inclusión en la dieta de alimentos con alto contenido de fibra y de bajo valor nutritivo. Existe una amplia fuente de alimentos fibrosos alternativos que pueden ser utilizados para su alimentación por sus características de presentar mayor nivel de proteína donde se destacan los forrajes de leguminosas y otras plantas proteicas, que permiten obtener producciones de carne sostenibles cuando son incorporadas en la dieta de los conejos para la ceba o la reproducción

    Biomass fuel use and indoor air pollution in homes in Malawi

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    Background: Air pollution from biomass fuels in Africa is a significant cause of mortality and morbidity both in adults and children. The work describes the nature and quantity of smoke exposure from biomass fuel in Malawian homes. Methods: Markers of indoor air quality were measured in 62 homes (31 rural and 31 urban) over a typical 24 h period. Four different devices were used (one gravimetric device, two photometric devices and a carbon monoxide (HOBO) monitor. Gravimetric samples were analysed for transition metal content. Data on cooking and lighting fuel type together with information on indicators of socioeconomic status were collected by questionnaire. Results: Respirable dust levels in both the urban and rural environment were high with the mean (SD) 24 h average levels being 226 μg/m3 (206 μg/m3). Data from real-time instruments indicated respirable dust concentrations were >250 μg/m3 for >1 h per day in 52% of rural homes and 17% of urban homes. Average carbon monoxide levels were significantly higher in urban compared with rural homes (6.14 ppm vs 1.87 ppm; p<0.001). The transition metal content of the smoke was low, with no significant difference found between urban and rural homes. Conclusions: Indoor air pollution levels in Malawian homes are high. Further investigation is justified because the levels that we have demonstrated are hazardous and are likely to be damaging to health. Interventions should be sought to reduce exposure to concentrations less harmful to health

    B cell, CD8 + T cell and gamma delta T cell infiltration alters alveolar immune cell homeostasis in HIV-infected Malawian adults

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    HIV infection is associated with increased risk to lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI). However, the impact of HIV infection on immune cell populations in the lung is not well defined. We sought to comprehensively characterise the impact of HIV infection on immune cell populations in the lung. : Twenty HIV-uninfected controls and 17 HIV-1 infected ART-naïve adults were recruited from Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Malawi. Immunophenotyping of lymphocyte and myeloid cell populations was done on bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and peripheral blood cells. : We found that the numbers of CD8 T cells, B cells and gamma delta T cells were higher in BAL fluid of HIV-infected adults compared to HIV-uninfected controls (all p<0.05). In contrast, there was no difference in the numbers of alveolar CD4 T cells in HIV-infected adults compared to HIV-uninfected controls (p=0.7065). Intermediate monocytes were the predominant monocyte subset in BAL fluid (HIV-, 63%; HIV+ 81%), while the numbers of classical monocytes was lower in HIV-infected individuals compared to HIV-uninfected adults (p=0.0006). The proportions of alveolar macrophages and myeloid dendritic cells was lower in HIV-infected adults compared to HIV-uninfected controls (all p<0.05). : Chronic HIV infection is associated with broad alteration of immune cell populations in the lung, but does not lead to massive depletion of alveolar CD4 T cells. Disruption of alveolar immune cell homeostasis likely explains in part the susceptibility for LRTIs in HIV-infected adults

    Alveolar T-helper 17 responses to streptococcus pneumoniae are preserved in ART-untreated and treated HIV-infected Malawian adults

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    Objective: We explored if HIV infection is associated with impaired T-Helper 17 responses against Streptococcus pneumoniae in the lung. Methods: We recruited 30 HIV-uninfected healthy controls, 23 asymptomatic HIV-infected adults not on ART, and 40 asymptomatic HIV-infected adults on ART (Median time 3.5yrs), in whom we collected bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. We measured alveolar CD4+ T cell immune responses following stimulation with pneumococcal cell culture supernatant using flow cytometry-based intracellular cytokine staining. Results: We found that the proportion of alveolar CD4+ T cells producing IL-17A following stimulation with pneumococcal cell culture supernatant (CCS) was similar between HIV-uninfected controls and ART-naïve HIV-infected adults (0.10% vs. 0.14%; p = 0.9273). In contrast, the proportion and relative absolute counts of CD4+ T cells producing IL-17A in response to pneumococcal CCS were higher in ART-treated HIV-infected adults compared HIV-uninfected controls (0.22% vs. 0.10%, p = 0.0166; 5420 vs. 1902 cells/100 ml BAL fluid; p = 0.0519). The increase in relative absolute numbers of IL-17A-producing alveolar CD4+ T cells in ART-treated individuals was not correlated with the peripheral blood CD4+ T cell count (r=–0.1876, p = 0.1785). Conclusion: Alveolar Th17 responses against S. pneumoniae are preserved in HIV-infected adults. This suggests that there are other alternative mechanisms that are altered in HIV-infected individuals that render them more susceptible to pneumococcal pneumonia

    Diagnóstico del bienestar animal de ovinos en la práctica laboral investigativa en la carrera Agronomía/Animal wellfare diagnosis of ovine in the research practicum of the Agronomy Major

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    El objetivo es fundamentar una guía para el diagnóstico de bienestar animal a través de la práctica laboral investigativa de los estudiantes de la carrera de Agronomía. Con los métodos teóricos analítico-sintético e inductivo-deductivo, se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en torno a la teoría sobre la formación profesional, la práctica laboral investigativa y el bienestar animal; posteriormente se diseñó la guía para la práctica laboral investigativa de las asignaturas Zootecnia General de tercer año y Producción Ovina y Sistema de Producción Animal de quinto año. Se ofrecen recomendaciones para el seguimiento por los estudiantes de las cinco libertades del bienestar animal durante la práctica laboral investigativa

    HIV genotypic resistance among pregnant women initiating ART in Uganda: a baseline evaluation of participants in the Option B+ clinical trial

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    Background: Pre-treatment HIV drug resistance is a threat to elimination of mother to child HIV transmission and could lead to virological failure among HIV-positive pregnant women. We analysed genotypic HIV drug resistance (HIVDR) of baseline samples of participants enrolled in the Option B+ clinical trial in Uganda.Methods: HIV-infected pregnant women attending antenatal care were enrolled from Uganda’s National Referral Hospital (Mulago) and Mityana District general hospital and surrounding health centers (HCs). Genotypic HIV testing was performed on blood samples from the first 135 enrolled women out of a subset of 136 participants (25%) who had a baseline VL&gt;1000 copies/mL as one sample failed to amplify.Results: 159/540 (29.4%) had a VL &lt; 1000 copies/ml and 381/540 (70.6%) had a VL &gt;1,000 copies/ml. Of the women with VL&gt;1000 copies/ml, 32 (23.7%) had resistance mutations including 29/135 (21.5%) NNRTI mutations, 6/135 (4.4%) NRTI mutations and 3/135 (2.2%) had both NNRTI and NRTI mutations. The most common NNRTI resistance mutations were: K103KN (5), K103N (5), V179T (4) and E138A (4).Conclusions: One quarter of the HIV-infected pregnant women in this trial at baseline had NNRTI genotypic resistance mutations. Our findings support new WHO guidelines for first-line ART that were changed to dolutegravir-based regimens

    Intracellular survival of Streptococcus pneumoniae in human alveolar macrophages is augmented with HIV infection

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    People Living with HIV (PLHIV) are at an increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia than HIV-uninfected adults, but the reasons for this are still not well understood. We investigated whether alveolar macrophages (AM) mediated control of pneumococcal infection is impaired in PLHIV compared to HIV-uninfected adults. We assessed anti-bactericidal activity against Streptococcus pneumoniae of primary human AM obtained from PLHIV and HIV-uninfected adults. We found that pneumococcus survived intracellularly in AMs at least 24 hours post ex vivo infection, and this was more frequent in PLHIV than HIV-uninfected adults. Corroborating these findings, in vivo evidence showed that PLHIV had a higher propensity for harboring S. pneumoniae within their AMs than HIV-uninfected adults. Moreover, bacterial intracellular survival in AMs was associated with extracellular propagation of pneumococcal infection. Our data suggest that failure of AMs to eliminate S. pneumoniae intracellularly could contribute to the increased risk of pneumococcal pneumonia in PLHIV