448 research outputs found


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    Most data frameworks and business applications assembled these days have a web frontend and they should be generally accessible to customers, representatives and accomplices around the globe, as the computerized economy is turning out to be increasingly pervasive in the worldwide economy. Strategy and a model instrument to assess web application security components. In this paper, we along these lines propose to make trusted equipment a top notch national in the safe information administration field. Additionally, we trust that cost-driven bits of knowledge and compositional standards will generally change the way frameworks and calculations are planned. We present an outsourced database model that permits customers to execute SQL questions with security and under administrative consistence imperatives by utilizing server-facilitated, sealed trusted equipment in basic inquiry preparing stages, along these lines expelling any confinements on the kind of bolstered inquiries

    Методичні підходи до аналізу й оцінки маркетингових конкурентних переваг аптечних мереж

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    To determine the right strategic course is the most responsible thing for any company. Therefore, it is extremely important for management to carefully approach to development and implementation of the strategy considering many internal and external factors and focusing on a number of factors.Aim. To develop methodological approaches in order to identify strengths and weaknesses, assessment of their importance, as well as to determine the marketing competitive advantages of pharmacy networks.Materials and Methods. To solve this task a survey of 402 employees of 30 pharmacy networks was carried out. The following methods were used in the study: Friedman two-way analysis of variance of dependent samples; Wilcoxon’s criterion of related samples with Benjamini-Hochberg correction for multiplicity; Kendall’s coefficient of concordance; verbal numeric rating scale of Harrington and Margolin; cluster analysis; analysis using Pearson criterion c2 and maximum likelihood criterion c2; Kruskal–Wallis test.Results. The analysis of the priority of competing pharmacies strengths was conducted: in the first cluster (small pharmacy networks) the greatest importance is given to such competitive factors as convenience of location of the pharmacy, affordability of goods and services, as well as the width of the range of drugs and parapharmaceutical products; in the second cluster (medium pharmacy networks) the highest scores are given to availability of additional services and convenient work schedule; the rate and quality of service, affordability of goods and services, availability of professional development programs for the staff, the width of the range of drugs and parapharmaceutical products are the priorities in the third cluster (large and mega pharmacy networks).Conclusions. The results of the studies conducted should be considered when forming competitive strategies of pharmacy networks taking into account their type.Определение правильного стратегического курса является наиболее ответственным делом для предприятия. Поэтому менеджменту крайне важно подойти взвешенно к процессу разработки и реализации стратегии, учитывая много внутренних и внешних факторов и акцентировав внимание на ряде факторов.Цель: разработка методических подходов к определению сильных и слабых сторон, оценки их значимости, определение маркетинговых конкурентных преимуществ аптечных сетей.Материалы и методы. Для решения поставленной цели нами было проведено анкетирование 402 сотрудников 30 аптечных сетей. В процессе исследования были использованы следующие методы: двухфакторный анализ Фридмена зависимых выборок; критерий Уилкоксона взаимосвязанных выборок с поправкой Бенджамина-Хохберга на множественность; коэффициент конкордации Кендалла; вербально-числовые шкалы Гаррингтона и Марголина; кластерный анализ; анализ с использованием критериев c2 Пирсона и c2 максимального правдоподобия; критерий Краскала-Уоллиса.Результаты. Проведен анализ приоритетности сильных сторон конкурирующих аптечных предприятий: в первом кластере (мелких аптечных сетей) наибольшая важность придается таким факторам конкурентоспособности, как удобство местоположения аптеки, доступность цен на товары и услуги, а также широта ассортимента лекарственных средств и парафармацевтических товаров; во втором кластере (средние аптечные сети) высоко оценивают наличие дополнительных услуг, удобный график работы; в третьем кластере (большие и мегааптечные сети) – скорости и качеству обслуживания, доступности цен на товары и услуги, наличию программ повышения квалификации персонала, широте ассортимента лекарственных средств и парафармацевтических товаров.Выводы. Результаты проведенных исследований необходимо учитывать при формировании конкурентных стратегий аптечных сетей с учетом их типа.Визначення правильного стратегічного курсу є найбільш відповідальною справою для підприємства. Тому менеджменту вкрай важливо підійти зважено до процесу розробки та реалізації стратегії, врахувавши багато внутрішніх і зовнішніх чинників та акцентувавши увагу на низці факторів.Мета: розробка методичних підходів до визначення сильних і слабких сторін, оцінки їх вагомості, визначення маркетингових конкурентних переваг аптечних мереж.Матеріали та методи. Для вирішення поставленої мети нами було проведено анкетування 402 співробітників 30 аптечних мереж. У процесі дослідження були використані такі методи: двофакторний аналіз Фрідмена залежних вибірок; критерій Уїлкоксона взаємопов’язаних вибірок з поправкою Бенджаміна-Хохберга на множинність; коефіцієнт конкордації Кендалла; вербально-числові шкали Гаррінгтона і Марголіна; кластерний аналіз; аналіз із використанням критеріїв c2 Пірсона і c2 максимальної правдоподібності; критерій Краскала-Уолліса.Результати. Проведено аналіз пріоритетності сильних сторін конкуруючих аптечних підприємств: у першому кластері (дрібних аптечних мереж) найбільша важливість надається таким факторам конкурентоспроможності, як зручність місця розташування аптеки, доступність цін на товари та послуги, а також широта асортименту лікарських засобів і парафармацевтичних товарів; у другому кластері (середні аптечні мережі) найвище оцінюють наявність додаткових послуг і зручний графік роботи; у третьому кластері (великі і мегааптечні мережі) – швидкості та якості обслуговування, доступності цін на товари та послуги, наявності програм підвищення кваліфікації персоналу, широті асортименту лікарських засобів і парафармацевтичних товарів.Висновки. Результати проведених досліджень необхідно враховувати при формуванні конкурентних стратегій аптечних мереж з урахуванням їх типу

    A Macroscopic Two-Phase Blood Flow through a Bell Shaped Stenosis in an Artery with Permeable Wall

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    The present work concerns the effects of the hematocrit and the permeability of the wall on blood flow characteristics due to the presence of a bell shaped stenosis in an artery. In this analysis, the flowing blood is represented by a macroscopic two-phase model, as a suspension of erythrocytes in plasma. The analytical expressions for the flow characteristics, namely, the flow resistance (impedance), the wall shear stress distribution in the stenotic region and the shearing stress at the stenosis throat have been derived. Results for the effects of permeability as well as of hematocrit on these flow characteristics are shown graphically and discussed briefly


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    Objective: The aim of our study was to validate the accuracy of computational tools in drug discovery and molecular interaction studies by studying the inhibitory activity of various commercial drugs on DPP-4.Methods: In order to validate the accuracy of computational tools, 50 commercially available drugs were docked with DPP-4, a major target for type 2 diabetes treatment. Studies were performed using Discovery studio 3.5.Results: The analysis showed that out of the fifty selected drugs, 33 drugs passed the Lipinski's rule and commercially prescribed drugs namely Sulfonylurea, Pregabalin and Metaformin were found to have maximum interaction with the target.Conclusion: These major drugs which yielded the best results were found to be used in the treatment of diabetes which reconfirms the efficacy of these drugs, druggability of the target as well as the accuracy of the tool used

    Phytochemical Investigation and Evaluation of Antiatherogenic & Antioxidant Activities of Cordia Obliqua in Wistar Rat Fed with High Fat Diet

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    The present study was clearly indicated ethanolic extract of Cordia obliqua showed strong antioxidant activity when compared with pet. ether and ethyl acetate extracts. Therefore, further investigations need to be carried out to isolate and identify the antioxidant compounds present in the ethanolic plant extract

    Emulated reactance and resistance by a SSSC incorporating energy storage device

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    Static Synchronous series compensator without energy storage device can exchange only reactive power with the network and can operate in limited operating range in two quadrants only. When energy storage device is connected at the DC bus of SSSC (SSSC – ES), it can also exchange real power with the network. Operating range of SSSC will be much broader and it covers all the four quadrants. However, emulated reactance and resistance by SSSC – ES is likely to affect the performance of a distance protection system. This paper presents a detailed model of an SMIB system with SSSC – ES. Injected voltage by SSSC – ES in all the four quadrants of operation is presented. Impact of operation of SSSC _ ES in different quadrants and various control strategies for SSSC – ES on impedance emulated by SSSC – ES during steady state condition and transient system disturbance is discussed.

    Design of e-shoe for Visually Impaired by Using RFID Technology

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    It is a known fact that blind people find it extremely difficult to detect their way through obstacles and stairs. Using a white stick to detect the obstacles had been an age old method, which cannot provide complete solution. In order to overcome this problem, an obstacle detecting shoe is developed. It senses the obstacle through ultrasonic sensors and alerts the user through the message. The ultrasonic waves transmitted are reflected by the obstacles and echo is received by the ultrasonic receiver, where the distance is calculated by using a microprocessor. The RFID system is used to assist the blind people. When the reader located on the shoe moves on to a specific tag, unique tag ID is sent to the reader. While in the case of walking in traffic, RF Link Transmitter/receiver is used for traffic signal detection and for passing instructions to the user through voice messages. A timer is used to detect the wet areas and helps the blind to avoid slippery.       

    An observational study of adverse drug reactions reported in a rural tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are noxious and unintended effects of a drug that occurs at doses normally used in humans. ADRs may also result in diminished quality of life, increased physician visits, hospitalizations, and even death. The objectives of this study are to analyze and assess the causality and severity of reported ADRs.Methods: A cross sectional study of ADRs reported to Pharmacovigilance cell of MNR Medical College and Hospital Sangareddy in a year. The details of the various ADRs were statistically analyzed to find out pattern of ADRs. The WHO-UMC causality category and Hartwig-Seigel Scale were used to assess causality and severity of ADRs respectively.Results: The study shows, out of 60 suspected ADRs, the majority of ADRs were adults (68.3%) and out of whom 56% were females. According to the WHO-UMC Causality categories, 43.3% of the ADRs were categorized under Probable/likely, followed by possible (35%). The Hartwig-Siegel severity assessment scale shows that the majority (90%) of suspected ADRs were of mild category.Conclusions: The pattern of ADRs reported in our study is comparable to other studies. The commonest organ system affected was gastrointestinal tract, nervous and cutaneous system. Antimicrobial agents were causing maximum ADRs and medicine and allied departments have more number of ADRs. This study provides a valuable database for ADRs due to all commonly used drugs at hospitals and also helps in creating awareness regarding safe & judicious use of drugs to prevent ADRs

    Physicochemical properties of various alginate-based raft-forming antacid products: a comparative study

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    Background: Alginate-based, raft-forming antacid products with reflux suppressant activity are complex formulations expected to achieve effective raft formation and cause elimination or displacement of the acid pocket, which is typically manifested in gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Methods: In the present study, six alginate-based raft-forming products commercially available in the Indian market were compared in terms of their acid neutralization properties, strength, resilience and structural and thermal properties of their rafts. Percent alginate content was also determined.Results: Rafts of products containing calcium-based antacids formed voluminous, porous and floating rafts within seconds of addition to the simulated gastric fluid (SGF) compared with the products that contained aluminium and magnesium-based antacids. Marked differences were not evident in the ANC (acid neutralization capacity) values of the various products. No correlation was observed between ANC and raft-forming capacity or duration of neutralization. Raft structures affected their neutralization profiles. Rafts of porous and absorbent nature could retain their ANC probably due to release of trapped antacids. Further, raft strengths of only two products were above the British Pharmacopoeia specification of not less than 7.5 g. Sodium alginate content was within specifications (85-115%) for three of the six products.Conclusions: Raft-forming formulations with higher alginate content and calcium-based antacids have better physicochemical properties such as ANC, neutralization profiles, raft strength and raft resilience than those with lower alginate content or those containing aluminium or magnesium-based antacids